Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Evaluate Factors Limiting Columbia River Chum Salmon
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Lower Columbia Columbia Lower 100.00%
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Project Title:  Evaluate Factors Limiting Columbia River Gorge Chum Salmon Populations
BPA Project Number:  2000-012-00
BPA Project Title:  Evaluate factors limiting Columbia River gorge chum salmon populations
Contract Number:  19727
Contract Title:  Evaluate factors limiting Columbia River gorge chum salmon populations

Contract Background Section:

Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were thought to historically spawn in areas of the Columbia River basin, from tributaries in the lower basin upstream to the Walla Walla River.  However, spawning is presently limited to areas downstream of Bonneville Dam, located 232 km upstream from the confluence.  Although relatively low numbers of chum salmon spawn in several areas of the lower basin, substantial numbers of chum salmon spawn in the Grays River basin in the lowermost portion of the basin and in three areas directly downstream of Bonneville Dam, Hardy Creek, Hamilton Springs, and the Columbia River channel at Ives Island.  

The National Marine Fisheries Service listed chum salmon in the Columbia River basin as threatened in 1999.  One of the primary factors contributing to the decline of chum salmon in the basin is degradation of freshwater habitats, which chum salmon use for spawning and early rearing.  Thus, efforts to conserve chum salmon have focused on investigating manage activities that provide quality spawning habitat conducive to successful reproduction.

The Columbia River Fisheries Program Office (CRFPO) has been involved in such investigations.  The CRFPO began estimating adult and juvenile chum salmon abundance in Hardy Creek in 1997.  The Bonneville Power Administration has provided funding for the CRFPO to continue work investigating chum salmon in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs since 1999.  This statement of work describes proposed activities.

The overall goal of our investigations is to evaluate factors limiting Columbia River gorge chum salmon populations.  This is to provide an understanding of factors affecting chum salmon spawning primarily in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs, which is intended to assist in developing habitat and water management activities that improve conservation of the species.  Addressing this goal entails accomplishing three broad categories of actions.  The first category is to monitor status of chum salmon through time.  Status can be inferred from estimates of adult and juvenile abundance in conjunction with various attributes of population health, such as population age structure, sex ratio, and various indices of recruitment and survival (e.g., egg-to-emergence survival, spawner-to-smolt production).  A second category of action is the identification of appropriate population units for conservation.  It is uncertain whether chum salmon using the three spawning areas exhibit spawning site fidelity and function independently as reproductive units, or actually consists of a single interdependent unit.  The third category of action is analysis of habitat features influencing chum salmon, that is, identification of how specific habitat features affect chum salmon status and indices of population health.  We propose six objectives to address these actions.

Objective 1:
Calculate estimates of abundance for adult chum salmon spawning in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs with appropriate measures of confidence, and describe behavioral and biological characteristics of adult chum salmon.

Objective 2:
Examine habitat features associated with redds in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs, estimate egg-to-emergence survival of juveniles in individual redds, and investigate relations among juvenile survival, emergence time, and habitat features.

Objective 3:
Produce estimates of abundance for chum salmon smolts emigrating from Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs with appropriate measures of confidence, and describe behavioral and biological characteristics of smolts.

Objective 4:
Calculate indices of performance to estimate survival and production of various life-history stages of chum salmon in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs.

Objective 5:
Evaluate chum salmon use of the Hardy Creek spawning channel if sufficient flows are available for channel operation.

Objective 6:
Compile and analyze data.
Account Type(s):
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Nov-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs chum spawning ground surveys A: 157. Conduct spawning ground surveys 01/15/2006 02/09/2006
Chum adult abundance estimates B: 162. Adult abundance estimates, and behavioral and biological characteristics 05/31/2006 05/31/2006
Chum spawning habitat and fish emergence timing C: 157. Collect information on habitat features associated with redds and fish emergence 08/18/2006 08/18/2006
Analyze relationship between chum salmon redd habitat and juvenile emergence D: 162. Examine habitat features associated with redds 08/18/2006 09/28/2006
Collect chum juvenile emigration data for Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs E: 157. Collect chum juvenile emigration data for Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs 06/01/2006 06/01/2006
Chum juvenile abundance estimates for for Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs F: 162. Estimate juvenile abundance 06/01/2006 06/01/2006
Estimate production of various life-history stages of chum in Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs G: 162. Indices of performance 09/30/2006
Evaluation of spawning channel, if flows are sufficient for operation H: 157. Evaluate use of spawning channel if flows are available for channel operation 09/30/2006
Analyze chum use and production for Hardy Creek spawning channel I: 162. Estimate chum use and production for Hardy Creek spawning channel 09/30/2006
FY2004-2005 final annual report submitted to BPA web site. J: 132. Analyze data and produce annual report 01/31/2006 01/31/2006
Project management complete K: 119. Project contract administration 09/30/2006 09/30/2006
Environmental compliance requirements complete for FY07 work. L: 165. Ensure environmental compliance requirements have been met 09/30/2006 09/28/2006

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) - Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 3 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 157 Conduct spawning ground surveys
B 162 Adult abundance estimates, and behavioral and biological characteristics
C 157 Collect information on habitat features associated with redds and fish emergence
D 162 Examine habitat features associated with redds
E 157 Collect chum juvenile emigration data for Hardy Creek and Hamilton Springs
F 162 Estimate juvenile abundance
G 162 Indices of performance
H 157 Evaluate use of spawning channel if flows are available for channel operation
I 162 Estimate chum use and production for Hardy Creek spawning channel
J 132 Analyze data and produce annual report
K 119 Project contract administration
L 165 Ensure environmental compliance requirements have been met
M 185 Produce Pisces status reports