Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Data Dictionary

This data dictionary is a work in progress. If you don't find what you're looking for, please let us know by sending us a Support Request.

Term Definition
$25K Limit Subawards If a NICRA is based on a Modified Total Direct Cost, it will likely state that only the first $25,000 of each subaward can be counted toward the direct cost basis. 
% Expired Number of months elapsed since the start date of a contract divided by the total number of months in the Performance Period gives you the percentage of months expired.
% Invoiced Amount invoiced for a contract divided by the contracted amount gives you the percentage invoiced.
% of Total WSE Effective Budget The current contract value divided by the Actual (or if not present, the Planned) value of a Work Statement Element (WSE/WE).
Accord Finance Lead The BPA EWB lead who deals with budgeting for the Fish Accord agencies and organizations that have signed commitments with the Action Agencies ( (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) to benefit fish, particularly Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead stocks affected by the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). The Lead manages the flow of funds within the agency/organization's portfolio of projects under their Accord agreement.
Account (Acct) Type The kind or class of Account - either Capital or Expense. In CBFish, there are both Project Budget Accounts and Fund Budget Accounts. A contract is based on one or more classes of accounts - either Capital or Expense funding.
Accruals Accruals are expenses incurred but will not be billed to BPA before late September of each fiscal year, required by auditors and by Federal law to accurately record Fish and Wildlife program expenses in the appropriate fiscal year. Accruals are now automatically calculated so contractors are no longer required to submit year-end accrual estimates. In only a few cases, BPA will need to contact the sponsors directly for information.
Action Agencies Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration), required to implement a series of mitigation measures (RPAs) to address the effects on fish species projected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Action Effectiveness Research Effectiveness monitoring is conducted to determine if an action or collection of actions resulted in the desired effects on physical, biological and/or ecological conditions. This monitoring is designed to answer the question “Did the project achieve the larger objective(s) it was designed to meet?” Effectiveness monitoring can occur across short, but more often long, timeframes and across multiple spatial scales. Effectiveness monitoring will often use relevant data collected for other purposes, such as data collected for implementation monitoring. An example of effectiveness monitoring is collecting data to determine if a site-specific action resulted in the expected change, e.g., increase in overall pool area or decrease in stream temperature over the identified time frame.
Action Implementation Plans Plans that detail commitments to implement actions during subsequent years, describing tributary and estuary habitat actions that will be funded. They detail changes from actions described in each time period that will assist NOAA Fisheries in determining if a Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA) is being implemented as identified in the Biological Opinion.
Action Required Name Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, the name(s) of those responsible for completing the task.
Add Work Element Instructions On the contract's SOW page, under the proper contract action, use the Add button to open up the dialog box where you can select the proper Work Element for the work to be added.
Administrative Contact The role within a project or contract for contractor (or subcontractor) personnel involved in invoicing, accounting, contracting, or other administrative capacities.
Agreement Type On the Contract grid, the two types are Contracted and BPA Internal, representing whether the agreement is an external contract instrument, or internal to the agency.
Alert Alerts are used to provide a summary of contracts with messages that may need attention, such as past due status reports or renewal alerts. The Dashboard includes an Alert section displaying these messages.
Alert Type On the Dashboard's My Alerts Grid, the Alert Type categorizes the alert messages by the kind of notification such as past due status reports or renewal alerts.
Amds Count of Amendments on a specific contract, shown on the Contracts grid.
Amendment Contract agreements may have one or more Amendments added that change the contract's scope, duration, or budget after the initial agreement is issued. Generally, this process begins with the COR creating and initializing a contract change request (CCR). The contract manager and COR will add modifications as needed, then the request is submitted and an Amendment is created and issued by the contracting officer to modify the original contract.
Amendment Status Complete Once the contract is closed, the amendment is complete.
Amendment Status Issued Amendment is issued and now applied to the contract, superseding the previous version of the contract.
Amendment Status Pending The amendment number is assigned and the CO is preparing the necessary documentation.
Amendment Status Review Amendment has been routed for contractor signature before commencement of new work, etc. Once the documents have been signed and returned to the CO, the amendment will be issued to the existing contract.
Approved Budget Transfer A Budget Transfer included in an executed Budget Decision. Budget Transfers in a pending Budget Decision have not yet been approved.
Approver/Manager Within Closeouts, the BPA Fish & Wildlife Approver (note role within Contacts) or the BPA Manager (for the COR) will approve the Closeout to refer for closure to the Contracting Officer.
Area (Project) The broad geographical area where a project is located. There are four options for Area (a project may have one or more): Basinwide, Ocean, Provincial, or Systemwide. If a project is designated as "Provincial," it will also have a specific Subbasin value underneath the Province.
Area of Inference The area (basin, site, reach, or population) analyzed for research, or the area to which the data findings are extrapolated.
Areas Tab In the Validation Guide, the Areas tab sorts by data type or area, such as metrics or milestones. On the Work Elements tab, it sorts by Work Statement Element (WSE).
Assessment A process within the context of a Review aimed at answering a specific question or set of questions about Projects. The output of an Assessment is a rating or ranking of individual projects, along with some additional information/metadata such as description, comments, instructions, etc. Examples include the scientific review step (done by ISRP), capital/expense review step (done by BPA Financial analysts), legal review step for in lieu issues (done by BPA Legal team), geographic review step (done by local or state review teams), and work category review step (done by domain experts/policy analysts).
Assessment Unit An area resulting from the division of the spatial distribution of populations into smaller streams or watersheds.
Assessment Unit Weight Different watersheds or assessment units within a population have different habitat capacities and productivities. Assessment Unit Weights are assigned by local biologists according to the proportion of total population area that each assessment unit makes up. For example, if a given population consisted of three assessment units and one unit made up 65 percent, another made up 10 percent, and the last made up 25 percent of the total area, then Unit 1 was given a weight of 0.65, Unit 2 a weight of 0.10, and Unit 3 a weight of 0.25. The weights, on a scale from 0.00-1.00 with a sum equaling 1.00, represent the importance of each assessment unit in contributing to overall habitat quality for the population.
Associated Polygon On the Work Site location grid, this field answers yes or no to whether the work site is described as a multi-sided polygon in identifying the area of the work site.
Associated Work Elements Work Elements (WE) that address the specified Limiting Factor. The relationships of CBFish Work Elements to Limiting Factors were established based on the professional judgment of Expert Panels, BPA Policy, and Technical Staff. These relationships are documented on the CBFish website. To suggest changes to these relationships, please send an email to with the subject "Limiting Factor and WE Relationships." In the email, list the relationships that you recommend changing and provide a rationale for each suggested change.
Attach Documents Instructions Upload your supporting documentation using this form. Documents, once uploaded, can be shared according to permissions granted.
Attached Documents This table displays details for each uploaded document attached to this project. The list can be filtered using the textboxes below the column titles. Use the menu icons on the right to find links to more information or use the hyperlinks on the document line itself.
Available Focal Species Identify the focal species using the expanding list below and moving them over to the primary or secondary lists.
Award Type This identifies the code for the type of Contract or Requisition. Examples are: BLANKET (master agreement), AGREEMENT, IAA (inter agency agreement), MASTER (master contract), IGC (intergovernmental contract), etc.
Backup COR Someone who backs up the BPA Conttracting Officer's Representative (COR) when the COR is unavailable.
Base Contract Original contract for a sequence of continuation contracts.
Baseline Budget Represents a project's expected ongoing budget each year. Only permanent transfers adjust a Baseline Budget whereas one-time adjustments do not carry forward to future years.
Baseline HU When a wildlife property is acquired, a baseline Habitat Unit (HU) survey is done shortly after acquisition to determine the number of HUs associated with the acquisition.
BES Vendor ID Vendor identification number assignment from Bonneville Enterprise System (generally referred to as Asset Suite).
BiOp Action Refers to Biological Opinion (BiOp) alternative actions identified during formal consultation that can be implemented in a manner consistent with the intended purpose of the action, that can be implemented consistent with the scope of the Federal agency's legal authority and jurisdiction, that is economically and technologically feasible, and that the director believes would avoid the likelihood of jeopardizing the continued existence of listed species or resulting in the destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat. Also referred to as "Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives" (RPA). A project may be associated with one or more BiOp Actions.
BiOp Annual Report Online annual report for those projects with associated RPA (Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives) associations; generally research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) projects. Also called the BiOp RPA Report.
BiOp Approach A grouping of Strategies aimed at meeting Biological Opinion (BiOp) mandates. An Approach may contain one or many Strategies (and a Strategy may contain one or many Actions).
BiOp Name The name of a Biological Opinion issued by a regulating agency, typically NOAA for anadromous fish and USFWS for resident fish. Often these names include a reference to the year in which the opinion was published. Examples include FCRPS 2008, FCRPS 2004, Upper Snake River 2007, Libby Sturgeon 2006, and Willamette 2007.
BiOp RPA Report Online annual report for those projects with associated RPA (Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives) associations; generally research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) projects. Also called the BiOp Annual Report.
BiOp Strategy Defines a strategy for which there are multiple subsequent actions prescribed by the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp). One or more strategies exist for each BiOp Approach; no strategy spans multiple Approaches.
BiOp Subaction A step taken towards accomplishing an Action. A BiOp Action may have zero to many Subactions.
BiOp Task A task required by a Biological Opinion (BiOp) that is not covered under a project. BiOp Tasks are typically created by Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) staff, and managed by BPA in CBFish. These tasks are summarized in the BiOp Dashboard.
BO A Biological Opinion, or BiOp, document that states the federal agency opinion as to whether or not a Federal action is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species, or result in the destruction or adverse modification of critical habitat.
BOG The Budget Oversight Group (BOG) oversees formal project change requests for scope and budget by reviewing, categorizing, making recommendations, and routing approved requests to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council and BPA management for a funding decision.
BPA Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Internal Ref Within the Review SOW page, this refers to the version of the contract where more than one exists, e.g., Amd2 or CCR-xxxxx, or else to the contract itself.
BPA Internal Status Complete BPA Internal Work Statement period has expired.
BPA Internal Status Issued BPA Internal Work Statement period is currently active.
BPA Internal Status Pending BPA Internal Work Statement period has not yet begun.
BPA Internal Work BPA Internal Work under this project is a way to track non-contracted costs such as land acquisitions, PIT tags, etc. Land Acquisitions are paid directly by BPA to an escrow account. For PIT tags, BPA gets a better quantity price ordering PIT tags directly, then distributing the tags and costs to the project.
BPA PM The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Project Manager assigned to a project.
BPA Program Support A project that is BPA Overhead or provides BPA planning, coordination & technical support to implementing the Council’s fish and wildlife program and/or other applicable laws (e.g. NEPA, NHPA, ESA, CBFish web application, etc.).
BPA Program Support - Accords An administrative project that supports Accord agreements through the (direct) Program, but is not included in a Council recommendation or Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) review.
BPA-furnished When dealing with Property inventory, BPA-furnished refers to items transferred to the vendor for contract work.
Budget Decision The execution of budget transfers between funds and projects. A Budget Decision may consist of one or more budget transfers (project, fund, or both). Until decided, the budget transfers associated with it are all Pending. Once a Budget Decision has been made, no more budget transfers may be associated with that specific decision. The BPA Budget Decision is equal to the Working Budget - the sum of all budget decisions for that type (capital or expense) for a specific fiscal year.
Budget Decision Name The Budget Decision Name is the attributed group name under which decisions are made. There can be a single decision or several hundred decisions (such as start of year) under a specified Decision Name.
Budget Index (X) A Performance Indicator calculated by dividing the number of years the project has a budget ("Actual") by the # of years the project should have a budget based on the project's starting and ending fiscal years ("Expected"). The target value for this indicator is 100% because every project should have a budget. Aimed at answering the question, "Has Council / BPA provided budgets that enable contracting?"
Budget Timeline A project chart that demonstrates relationships between contract performance periods, funding, and the years they span.
Budget Transfer The movement of budget dollars from one budget account (project, fund, or both) to another. In CBFish, there are rules governing the types of budget transfers that can be done. For example, budget transfers are always done between the Program Fund Budget Account and a (subordinate) Fund Budget Account, or between a Fund Budget Account and a Project Budget Account. Transfers may not be done directly between two Fund Budget Accounts, nor between two Project Budget Accounts. This is in keeping with standard, double-sided budgeting practices.
Category, Environmental Metrics Within Environmental Metrics, the categories include: Fish, Landscape Form/Geomorphology, Macroinvertebrates, Sediment/Substrate/Soils, and Other.
CBFish This website application focuses on projects, portfolios, and contracts down to work elements, and is used for managing daily operations of BPA's Fish and Wildlife program. The combination is simply called by its website name, CBFish.
CCR A Contract Change Request (CCR) is the preliminary request for changes to an issued contract. Once completed it is handed over to the Contracting Officer (CO) to create the Amendment, leading to a revised contract.
CCR Status Approved Contract Change Requisition (CCR) has been approved by the BPA approver/manager and routed to the Contracting Officer (CO).
CCR Status Canceled Contract Change Requisition (CCR) is canceled, will not be issued to a modification.
CCR Status Issued Contract Change Requisition (CCR) is now issued to a modification/amendment (only displayed on the Contract Action grid on the SOW tab).
CCR Status Pending Contract Change Requisition (CCR) is created, and the Statement of Work (SOW) can be initialized and edited. This extends all the way through the COR submission for EC and QC review.
CCR Status Review Contract Change Requisition (CCR) has been submitted for review to the BPA approver/manager for approval.
CEERP Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program (CEERP), developed by the Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) to document plans to execute habitat restoration projects and research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) in the Lower Columbia River and Estuary (LCRE).
Change Request A formal application to BPA for a modification to an existing project. Types of changes include budget, timeline, or scope. Change requests are subject to review by BPA project managers and the Budget Oversight Group (BOG) who further review, categorize, and route requests to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council and BPA management for recommendations and funding decisions.
Clean Water Act BPA must comply with applicable Federal laws, including the Clean Water Act, whose objective is to restore and maintain the integrity of our water systems.
Closed Stage Project stage where project is complete, and all contracts are closed.
Closeout Once a contract/agreement ends and the final invoice is submitted and approved, the COR will take action to initiate the Contract Closeout to begin addressing all concerns by filling out the form. The goal is to obtain the final invoice and begin processing the Closeout Form within four months after the contract expiration date.
CO The Contracting Officer (CO) is the person responsible for legally and financially committing BPA to a contract.
CO Assistant The Contracting Officer's Assistant (COA) is the role within a contract for individuals who assist the BPA Contracting Officer (CO) with contracting preparation activities.
Cognizant Agency The Federal agency responsible for reviewing, negotiating, and approving cost allocations and indirect cost proposals on behalf of all Federal agencies.
Cognizant Federal Agency A federal entity responsible for reviewing, negotiating, and approving indirect rate proposals that will be used for all federal agreements with a specific vendor.
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is sometimes added to a Baseline Budget, and then becomes the Calculated Baseline Budget.
Collapse All Button On various pages, especially summaries, there are Collapse All and Expand All buttons that will hide or show the contents of all sections. For individual sections only, use the arrow by each section title to hide or expand its contents.
Communication Document Type Uploadable document type covering Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council) correspondence, key correspondence pertaining to a project or contract, and public relations correspondence of interest to the public relations group.
Complete Stage Project stage where the project is no longer receiving funding, but waiting for expired contracts to close.
Concluded Terminal state describing work for that was never started; no budget was expended and no metrics were achieved. The budget may have been expended, and at least some metrics may have been captured for the work performed.
Continuations Contracts may be renewed over time by way of new contracts or contract releases. The Contracts grid displays, when customized, the identified continuation contracts in sequence for a given contract.
Contract An agreement between BPA and another entity typically involving a statement of work, which contains many work statement elements. A project typically contains multiple contracts, and sometimes multiple concurrent contracts. For BPA's Fish and Wildlife Program, contracts are typically 12 months in duration. Contracts may have one or more amendments that change the contract's scope, duration, or budget. Contracts in BPA's enterprise systems start out as contract requisitions (CRs). There are various types of contracts, for example, Cost Reimbursable, Fixed Price, and Grants. There are also contracts that start with a Master Agreement and then have multiple Releases describing the specifics of the work.
Contract Actions Grid Select the Contract Action version/revision line you wish to review below. Only the latest version, if in Pending status, will be open for changes (Unlocked).
Contract balance history The report of all commitments and payments for a contract/agreement through the final payment and closeout. Linked from the Contract Summary page, it is called the "Contract Payment and Balance History Report."
Contract Contacts The current list of people added to a contract and assigned various roles and permissions for that contract. Can be added by the COR or the contract manager, but the COR must give write permissions per contract.
Contract Continuation The contract's historical perspective on which contract was directly previous to this one plus what contract follows, once available.
Contract Contractor The entity to whom a contract is issued based upon the terms of the agreement.
Contract Description Basic background information about the contract and statement of work (SOW), where high-level details may be identified such as goals and objectives of that contract year and information connecting the work to the original project proposal.
Contract Duration The period of time between the first and last day of the contract based on the issued agreement's time period.
Contract End Date The last day of the issued agreement.
Contract Number The number automatically assigned to an agreement by the Bonneville Enterprise System (BES) when requested by the Contracting Officer (CO).
Contract Role Individuals who are contacts on a contract are assigned a role by the COR or the contract manager, according to their function or interest within the contract.
Contract Sequence Number Contract continuations are numbered sequentially, so the number suggests which revision this is, starting with the Base contract designated as "1."
Contract Start Date The first day of the issued agreement's performance period.
Contract Status A contract goes through several stages during its life cycle. The defined status will help determine where the agreement is within that cycle: pending, (out for) signature, issued, complete, closed, history, or terminated. Be aware that if the contract is still in the CR stage (pre-contract), the definition of each stage may vary.
Contract Status Canceled Contract was canceled after being issued to the contractor; work may or may not have occurred while in Issued status.
Contract Status Closed Contract has been fully paid, all issues resolved, and has been placed in closed status.
Contract Status Complete Contract work has been completed.
Contract Status History After a closed contract has been closed for one year, it is moved into History status for archival purposes, and may not be reopened.
Contract Status Issued Contract is issued to contractor, ready for work to begin. While in Issued status, the contract can either be active (during the contract's open time period), or expired (past the end date of the contract). The contract is held open (active) until the final invoice, final reports, etc., are submitted as needed.
Contract Status Pending Contract number is assigned and the contracting officer (CO) prepares the necessary documentation.
Contract Status Signature Contract has been routed for management and contractor signatures.
Contract Status Terminated Contract was canceled after being issued to contractor; work may or may not have occurred while in Issued status.
Contract Summary Reports On the Contract Summary, the Reports section gives you access to printable PDF reports for the Statement of Work (SOW) and the Contract Payment and Balance History.
Contract Summary Tab A Contract's summary overall view of general details and links to subsections.
Contract Title The contract title is created in a higher level database by the COR. Many times a series of contracts under a single project will carry the name forward, in which case, review the dates and the contract number to locate a specific agreement.
Contract Type A contract type is input by the Contracting Officer (CO) to designate which form of agreement is established between BPA and the contractor. Typical types are Contract, Grant, Cooperative, IAA (Inter-Agency Agreement), and Release (to a Master Agreement). For a CR, the type will normally be "Request."
Contracted Amount The Contracted amount is the sum of ALL contracts for an account type (capital or expense) for a specific fiscal year (FY). If the contract is multi-year, it will contain the entire amount.
Contracting Index (Y) A Project Performance Indicator calculated by dividing the sum of the dollars allocated to contracts, or earlier stage contract requisitions (CRs), under a project ("Actual") by the sum of the Project Working Budgets ("Expected"). The target range for this indicator is 90% to 100% because the full scope of a project may be completed without spending the full Project Working Budget. Aimed at answering the question, "Has the project's budget been allocated to contracts?"
Contracting Officer The BPA Contracting Officer (CO) is the person responsible for legally and financially committing BPA to a contract. This field is inherited from BPA's Asset Suite financial system and is therefore not editable in CBFish.
Contractor Type Categorization of contractors per industry: educational, various governmental types, non-profit, private, soil & water districts, tribes, and utilities.
Contractor-acquired When dealing with Property inventory, Contractor-acquired refers to items purchased by the vendor with contract funds for contract work.
Contributing Funds (All Time) Contributing Funds identifies the funds that make up the Working Budget for all time within the Columbia River Basin program.
Contributing Funds (by FY) Contributing Funds identifies the funds and percentage of each that make up the Working Budget for a particular fiscal year (FY).
COR The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) oversees the contract under the direction of the BPA Contracting Officer (CO) to perform technical and administrative functions such as reviewing and accepting deliverables, ensuring contract payments are made, etc.
COR (Document Approval) Under Document approval, the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) will mark the document accordingly upon review.
COR Org Code The code that defines the BPA organization to which a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) belongs. Most of the Fish & Wildlife group IDs start with "EW."
Cost Share In the project proposal process, BPA and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council ask that all project proponents identify the amounts and sources of additional funding that will be applied to their projects, and to estimate the certainty of securing the funding. In October of each year, BPA asks sponsors whose projects were funded to provide updated information about the cost share funding that was actually applied to their projects during the past Federal Fiscal Year (October 1 - September 30).
Cost Share Fiscal Year Cost Share Plans are managed by the Federal Fiscal Year (October - September), and reported by November 15 of each year.
Cost Share Organization The organization or sponsor who provides either cash or in-kind contributions to a project outside of BPA funding. If not already in the CBFish system, they need to be added; talk to your COR.
Cost Share Status A Cost Share Plan's status displays its current phase in the process. The status can be: Not Submitted, Draft, Submitted, or Confirmed.
COTR The Contracting Officer's Representative, now called COR, oversees the contract under the direction of the BPA Contracting Officer (CO) to perform technical and administrative functions such as reviewing and accepting deliverables, ensuring contract payments are made, etc.
Council Northwest Power and Conservation Council
Council recommended – ISRP review A project that is being implemented through the (direct) Program and has a standing Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) review and final recommendation by the Council.
Council recommended – N/A for ISRP review A project that is being implemented through the (direct) Program that has a standing review and final recommendation by the Council, but has determined Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) review is not applicable. This category also includes both ISRP and Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) projects.
CR Contract Requisition, the initial state of a future contract.
CR Status Approved Contract Requisition (CR) has been submitted for approved to the BPA approver and forwarded to the Contracting Officer (CO).
CR Status Complete Contract Requisition (CR) services are complete (generally only displayed without a statement of work (SOW) created in CBFish - special circumstances).
CR Status Issued Contract Requisition (CR) is now assigned to a contract; only displayed on the Contract Action grid on the SOW tab.
CR Status Pending Contract Requisition (CR) is created, and the Statement of Work (SOW) can be initialized and edited. This extends all the way through the COR submission for Environmental Compliance (EC) and Quality Control (QC) review.
CR Status Review Contract Requisition (CR) has been submitted for review to the BPA approver.
CRB Report The Contract Running Balance (CRB) Report, also known as the Contract Payment and Balance History Report, allows those involved with a specific contract to view the contract commitment with any updates, the pending or closed (paid) invoices for that contract, and the contract balance. It will also report any pending contract actions for the contract in CBFish.
CRS Sometimes referred to as the FCRPS, Federal Columbia River Power System, the CRS is the Columbia River System. This is generally used in terms of Biological Opinions (BiOp) issued by various government Action Agencies, such as NOAA Fisheries and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
CRS Commitment Type Columbia River System (CRS) commitments are divided into a few categories: functional, procedural, and reporting.
CRS Commitments The Columbia River System (CRS) Proposed Action commitments and associated requirements in the CRS Biological Opinions (BiOps), collectively called the CRS Commitments. Commitments are described in the Proposed Action section of the 2020 CRS Biological Assessment, as well as requirements from both the NOAA Fisheries and USFWS 2020 CRS BiOps terms and conditions.
CRS Partner AA POC Columbia River System (CRS) commitments and Biological Opinions (BiOp) Action Agencies (AA) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) point of contact (POC).
CSV Comma-separated values, i.e., comma delimited text file.
Current Contract Value The contract value as of the current date, which includes any CCRs that modify the value.
Current Status Report On the Dashboard's My Contracts grid, this column displays the last Status Report (SR) started. The SR Status column will convey where in the process the Status Report currently lives.
Customize Button Customize button allows you to select or deselect the columns you wish to display. Your customization will persist from session to session.
CX Categorical Exclusion (CX), a class of actions that have been determined to not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the environment and do not require an environmental assessment (EA) or impact statement.
Dashboard Summary Report Linked report from the Dashboard lists projects and contracts for a given user, based on the options chosen for download (PDF).
Data Quality Dashboard This dashboard informs the user whether CBFish has successfully imported data from upstream data systems, occurring weekdays during the night.
Data Repositories When a Work Statement Element (WSE) includes research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) metadata, the Review SOW will display the databases where the information is stored: title and link.
Days Since SR Due On My Contracts grid, displays days since the due date of a Status Report (SR) when not submitted for approval.
Days Since SR Submitted On the My Contracts grid, displays days since the due date of a Status Report (SR) when submitted but not yet approved.
De Minimis Rate It is the percentage of Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) that can be used by non-governmental entities who do not have a negotiated Indirect Cost Agreement. This can be established as an agreement between the Contracting Officer (CO) and the vendor.
Decided Review A Review that BPA has completed. While most Decided Reviews involve a selected or approved Budget Scenario, not all Reviews affect project or fund budgets and therefore have associated Budget Scenarios. Reviews are either Pending or Decided. See 'Review' for a more complete definition.
Decision Budget Transfers: The Decision is the date a budget transfer was approved in CBFish. It may or may not correlate with the date the decision was made.
Deliverable The expected primary work product - product, service, or outcome - for a specific instance of a work element (WE) within a contract/agreement's Statement of Work (SOW). This milestone is used to track tangible work products that must be created and evinced with the scope of a WSE.
Deliverable Index (Z) A Performance Indicator calculated by dividing the sum of a project's deliverable budgets that are complete or not past due ("Actual") by the sum of all the project's deliverable budgets ("Expected"). The target range for this indicator is 85% to 100% because a project may run into short-term issues like permitting, site conditions, and weather that can impact on-time completion. Aimed at answering the question, "Is the project delivering what it has been contracted to deliver?"
Deliverable Specification A work statement element (WSE) deliverable title and description make up the specification of what is expected as the primary product of work - product, service or outcome - for a specific instance of a work element (WE).
Deliverable Title The deliverable, the primary work product of a Work Statement Element (WSE), is titled so as to be specific enough to make the planned product or service understood.
Deliverables (Active/Complete) Within the Contract Summary, the Deliverables (primary Work Statement Element work products), are listed here after the contract/agreement is issued.
De-Obligated Amount On a closed contract, the remaining balance, after all invoices are paid, is then de-obligated from the contract.
Descope Button On the Statement of Work (SOW) Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the Descope button is used to cancel work planned for a specific WSE, available as part of a pending CCR. This will cancel all active milestones for that WSE.
Design Document Type Design documentation for habitat projects including Final Plan Set and Basis of Design Report.
Development Stage Project stage where project has been reviewed and approved for funding, but not yet ready for implementation activities.
Difference, Effective WSE Budget vs. Invoiced The difference between the Effective WSE Budget and the Total Amount Invoiced on the WE Budgets tab. At the end of the contract when all is settled, the difference between Updated Effective WSE Budget and Total Amount Invoiced should also be $0.
Difference, Total WE Budget vs. Total Contract Value The difference between the Total WE Budget and the Total Contract Value on the WE Budgets tab. Should be $0 upon initial submittal for contracting (Planned).
Dimension An attribute of a RM&E Metric or Indicator that helps describe the data being collected or analyzed. For example, Fish Life Stage is a dimension of the indicator, Abundance of Fish, used to differentiate juvenile from adult abundance data.
Document Approval (Workflow) On the Workflow Document Approval grid, various parties indicate the status of each of the required documents, based on their review. It will be necessary for all statuses to be green (EC, COR, QC) prior to the contract package going forward to the BPA Fish & Wildlife Approver.
Document Attachment Types Choose from the Attachment types list based on the classification of the document for upload. Each type has its own properties that will determine the types of documents required and view permissions allowed.
Document Choose File This opens the file directory to search connected drives for chosen document.
Document Covered Contracts Based on the Report Period, you can choose which contracts are covered by this document. Sometimes the report may be applicable to multiple contracts.
Document Description Description box allows for an optional expanded description to give the readers more information about the document.
Document Permission Based on the document type, either the permissions are already set, or you can choose who can view the document (all CBFish users, contacts only, or public).
Document Status On the Workflow's History section, the status on the date for contract documents, whether attached and what approval was set.
Document Type Choose a type from the drop-box list. Each type has its own properties that will determine the types of documents and view permissions that are allowed. The type cannot be changed once the document is saved.
Documents Tab (Contract) Contract-specific shared document storage for contracting purposes and general information.
EC On the Work Element (WE) grid of a contract, EC refers to the need for Environmental Compliance, as noted by the full, half, or empty moons.
EC (Document Approval) Under Document approval, the Environmental Compliance (EC) lead will mark the document accordingly upon review.
EC Document Type Any document used by BPA's environmental compliance group to document completion of environmental compliance (EC) requirements. Only EC Leads can add this type of document.
Ecological Concern Changes to the ecological conditions essential for maintaining the long-term viability of a given population of salmonids, which cause mortality, injury, or reduced health or reproduction. (David Hamm, NOAA Fisheries)
Edit Grid Settings Under Explore->Tools, Edit Grid Settings , the user has the option to clear all grid settings for their account.
Effective WSE Budget The updated Effective WSE Budget should match the total amount invoiced based on the final invoice. To close the contract there can be no difference in the updated budget column.
Email Archive Tab Internal to BPA, this archive displays emails created through the contract submission workflow process.
Endangered Species Act BPA must comply with applicable Federal laws, including the Endangered Species Act (ESA). ESA provides for conservation of listed animal and plant species and their habitat, and specifies consultation and permitting requirements.
End-of-contract inventory For those contracts with Property Inventory (PI), there will be a required PI at the end of a final contract to advise the CO on the final disposition of each inventory item. A specific Document type has been set up, Property Inventory: End of Contract.
Entity Lead With BPA's Fish & Wildlife, a Project Manager is assigned to each entity with whom we contract as a single source of information distribution.
Env. Compliance Lead The BPA Environmental Compliance Lead (EC Lead) reviews contract Statements of Work (SOWs) to ensure compliance to certain federal environmental laws and regulations. Review continues from pre-contracting throughout the life of the contract.
Environmental Compliance On the Contract Summary, this section displays Work Statement Elements (WSE) with Environmental Compliance (EC) requirements based on which types need review per Work Element (WE) type.
Environmental Compliance Required On the Statement of Work (SOW) Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the EC column indicates whether environmental compliance is required for the WSE. The half-moon indicates EC requirements are not yet complete, the full moon indicates complete, and a circle indicates the requirement has been canceled.
Environmental Compliance Status The Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead is responsible for updating the fields on the EC subpage and determining when the EC categories are complete.
Environmental Compliance Tab On the EC tab/subpage for each applicable Work Statement Element (WSE), the status of environmental compliance of laws and regulations is input by the Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead who is responsible for updating the fields on the page and determining when the EC categories are complete.
Environmental Metrics The Environmental Metrics section of the Contract Summary displays the quantitative metrics, planned and actual, for the Statement of Work (SOW) used to report project accomplishments. This section specifically displays the environmental metrics (vs. implementation metrics).
Equipment inventory See Property Inventory.
ERTG The Expert Regional Technical Group (ERTG) reviews ecosystem restoration actions in the floodplain of the Lower Columbia River and Estuary (LCRE) proposed by the Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) under the Columbia Estuary Ecosystem Restoration Program (CEERP). The ERTG’s main role is to assign survival benefit units (SBUs) for ocean- and stream-type juvenile salmon from the restoration actions.
ESA Endangered Species Act (ESA) regulations are applied as needed to the work performed on a contract by the Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead. It requires consideration to listed animal, fish, and plant species and their habitat, and specifies consultation and permitting requirements prior to actions that may affect a species or its habitat.
Estimate, WE Budget Summary On a contract's Review SOW tab under the Work Element (WE) Budget Summary section, the Estimate displays the specific amendment/version's planned values for each work statement element (WSE). The % calculates the percentage of this WSE's estimate of the Total Value for that statement of work (SOW) version.
Estuary/Ocean RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) occurring within and/or applicable to management questions or critical uncertainties associated with the Columbia River estuary habitat or the ocean.
ESU Evolutionarily Significant Unit, a population of organisms considered distinct for purposes of conservation.
Expand All Button The Expand All button is used to show all content on the page where sections may have been collapsed.
Expenditure Type On contracts grids, this type distinguishes between external agreements and internal to BPA.
Expenditures Expenditures are the sum of all payments plus accruals (estimated payments for previous months' work that have not yet been invoiced or paid).
Expert Panel Expert Panels have three basic functions related to limiting factors and habitat functions: * Ensure that key limiting factors identified at prior workshops are still relevant, * Ensure that limiting factor bookends accepted at prior workshops are still representative, and * Evaluate changes in limiting factors associated with actions planned for completion in both the last and next implementation cycles. Local biologists on the Expert Panels have the opportunity to add, modify, or remove relevant limiting factors and make changes to the bookends (current and future habitat function) to represent the latest understanding about the key limiting factors. The Action Agencies (Bonneville Power Administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation) accept limiting factor and bookend changes identified by Expert Panels and record the justification for changes provided by Expert Panel members.
Explore Button The Explore button drops down the main CBFish program menu, expandable to more choices when hovering over an option.
F Abbreviation for Focal Species: On the Statement of Work (SOW) Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the column titled F indicates whether a focal species designation is required for a specific WSE. The half-moon indicates it is not yet entered and a full moon indicates it has been successfully input.
F&W Approver (Document Approval) Under Workflow's Document Approval, the BPA Fish & Wildlife Approver (note role within Contacts) will mark the document accordingly upon review.
FAPIIS Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System is used to report material failures of a contract through the Contracting Officer.
FCRPS The Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) is the collaboration among 3 U.S. government agencies - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration - to maximize the use of the Columbia River by generating power, protecting fish and wildlife, controlling floods, providing irrigation and navigation, and sustaining cultural resources.
Final Contract Value This contract value is the value before any final deobligations have occurred and before the contract has been closed. This amount is the ending contract value used to compare against invoiced amounts to determine underspend and the final deobligation amount.
Final Contract with Vendor A contract/agreement is considered to be the Final Contract with Vendor if the "Will be renewed" radio button is set to [No] under the Contract Continuation row in the Basics section of the Contract Summary. Thus it is the final contract in the sequence under a Project.
Final invoice The Invoice marked as Final becomes the final invoice of the contract. Upon payment, contract closeout can then commence.
Final payment The payment of the Invoice marked as Final becomes the final payment of the contract. Contract closeout can then commence.
Final Status Report The Final Status Report (SR) is the last status report of a contract, due on the final day of the contract. The final SR section of the Contract Closeout will be auto-filled based on COR acceptance of the final SR. If the Closeout "final" answer is "No," please provide an explanation in the text box. Otherwise, it will not be ready for closeout completion.
Final subcontracting report Although not typical for a Fish & Wildlife contract, if construction-type work is included, there may be a requirement to provide final subcontracting reports upon contract closeout to the Contracting Officer (CO).
Final Total Amount Invoiced The invoiced value is calculated as the sum of Payment Amount values from the Contract Payment Authorization (CPA) records in BPA Asset Suite data.
Final updated Work Element Budget Once a Work Statement Element (WSE) is completed, the value for that portion of the total contract/agreement, including overhead, is updated to a more closely estimated cost of that work in the Updated column of the WE Budgets page. At the end of the contract, the Total WE Budget (Final Updated) value should match the total expenditures of the contract/agreement, leaving a $0 difference.
Finalized Study Plan Replaces the previous term Published Study Design, referring to Monitoring Resources monitoring methods and protocols.
Finite WSEs that are fixed to the scope of a particular contract; only deliverables within Finite WSEs can be rated Incomplete – Continued.
Fiscal Year End Generally refers to the federal fiscal year (FY) of the end date of a contract.
Fiscal Year Range On the Alerts grid, this lists the federal fiscal years (FY) covering a contract.
Fiscal Year Start Generally refers to the federal fiscal year (FY) of the start date of a contract.
Fish Accords A set of agreements that BPA originally signed in 2008 and 2009 with various agencies and organizations to benefit fish, particularly Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead stocks affected by the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS). These original commitments involved the other Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation), six tribes and three states for a ten-year period. The focus is on ESA-listed anadromous fish and actions to support the FCRPS Biological Opinion. There are also other actions for non-listed fish, especially lamprey. Most agreements have already been extended and others have been added. For more on the Fish Accords, please see:
Fish Passage Structures Capital funds are generally used for structures that enhance fish access to habitat in the Columbia River Basin (CRB) including, but not limited to, wells, ladders, screens, pumping, culverts, diversion consolidation, piping to reduce water loss, irrigation efficiencies, lining of ditches, removal of objects impeding fish passage or pushup dams, and construction-related habitat restoration. Classification as capital is based on cumulative cost.
FISMA Attestation The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) Attestation form confirms the contractor is complying with the act by means of a letter or memo.
Focal Species The animal species that work activities intend to benefit. Some call this the "target species" but since that has special meaning in some Biological Opinions, we have opted for the term Focal Species. In CBFish, contractors are required to identify both the primary and secondary Focal Species for most work elements (WE), allowing BPA to report what they are doing by species.
Focal Species Required On the SOW's Work Element (WE) grid, the F column indicates whether a focal species designation is required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half-moon indicates information not yet entered and a full moon indicates it has been successfully input.
Focal Species Subbasins The list of Columbia River Basin Subbasins, as defined by the Northwest Power and Planning Council, matched to the focal species present in that subbasin.
Focus Within Environmental Metrics, under a study plan, the Focus (1 & 2) of a subcategory can be identified as needed; e.g., the focus may be Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish.
Forgotten Password To reset forgotten password, click link for assistance on the Log In page or from the Help dropdown.
Forgotten User Name To retrieve forgotten user name, click link for assistance from the Log In page or from the Help dropdown.
FS Abbreviation for Focal Species, The animal species that work activities intend to benefit. Some call this the "target species" but since that has special meaning in some Biological Opinions, we have opted for the term Focal Species. In CBFish, contractors are required to identify both the primary and secondary Focal Species for most work elements (WE), allowing BPA to report what they are doing by species.
Fund The fund is a container of accounts sharing the same motive or purpose such as an agreement, initiative, etc. It is a budgeting construct that represents the program's commitment to allocate part of its budget to a particular agreement (e.g., Fish Accords), initiative (e.g., Innovative Projects), or to otherwise earmark it. Funds often span fiscal years and have both expense and capital accounts. Funds provide a critical control layer within a top-down budgeting approach, giving management the ability to steer the program budget based on stated priorities. This funding hierarchy allows BPA to measure performance against agency commitments and goals.
Fund Available Budget The top-down budget for the selected fiscal year and account type (capital or expense). It represents the target spending for this fund, informed by the rate case. Top-down budgeting is an iterative process of allocating a single, large budget into multiple, smaller budgets based on program objectives and/or constraints. However, instead of allocating directly from the large budget (Program) all the way down to small budgets (Projects X, Y, Z), a top-down approach first allocates to intermediate budgets (Funds A, B, C), which are created based on the program objectives or constraints.
Fund Budget Account The container of a fund's budget transfers, the sum of which is the Fund Available Budget. An account has an Account Type, either Expense or Capital, and has a fiscal year. Most funds have multiple fund budget accounts since most funds are used for more than one fiscal year.
Fund Maximum Budget The absolute cap on the Working Budget. The system will not allow the sum of project working budgets drawing from the Fund to exceed the Maximum Budget. The Maximum Budget is either explicitly set or it is calculated by multiplying the Maximum Budget Percentage by the Planning Budget.
Fund Planning Budget Total amount in dollars the Working Budget should equal in order to match the Available Budget. Historical BPA project spending reflects a consistent trend in underspending for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, project reschedules and cancellations. The Planning Budget is either explicitly set or it is calculated by multiplying the Planning Budget Percentage by the Available Budget.
Fund Working Budget The "bottom-up" sum of BPA-approved project budget transfers from a Fund for a given fiscal year and account type.
Funding Source Generally refers to the type of funding applied to various budgets, for example, technical support funds vs. general funds.
Funds Involved The list of funds issuing or receiving budget transfers.
FY Accounts Involved The list of Fiscal Year (FY) budget accounts debited or credited by budget transfers.
FY Ended On contracts grids, the federal fiscal year (FY) of the last day of the contract.
FY Quarter Started On contracts grids, the federal fiscal year (FY) quarter of the first day of the contract.
FY Started On contracts grids, the federal fiscal year (FY) of the first day of the contract.
Gemini Codename for the combining of the Pisces desktop program into the website application. Now the combination is simply called by its website name: CBFish.
Go to Button The button opens and drops down a list of links to contextually related pages.
Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) The Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) is used to survey a parcel of land to determine the habitat units (HUs) associated with that parcel or management area. It is a species/habitat approach to impact assessment.
Habitat Improvement Program This program, typically called the HIP, is a specific Biological Opinion providing ESA compliance for most habitat improvement activities that BPA funds, saving time and money while accelerating HIP implementation.
Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) is used to document habitat quality for each target species, with values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 representing optimal habitat assessment for the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS).
Habitat Unit (HU) The metric used for the Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) to track mitigation progress.
Harvest RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation associated with harvest management questions or critical uncertainties.
Has Images On Projects grids, this will designate whether the project has uploaded photos for viewing, which can be viewed from Project Summary.
Has Pre-Award On contracts grids, this will designate whether the contract has activated a pre-award, no matter the stage.
Has Provisions On the Contract Summary's Environmental Compliance (EC) section, Has Provisions identifies whether there are requirements attached to EC approval for the Work Statement Element (WSE).
Hatchery Facility Construction Capital funds are generally used for projects and activities related to the construction, improvement, and replacement of fish hatcheries, including related acclimation ponds and collection weirs. This may also include construction-related habitat restoration. Classification as capital is based on cumulative cost.
Hatchery RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) associated with hatchery management questions or critical uncertainties.
HEP Report A Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) report describes a survey conducted on a parcel of land, written by the HEP team determining the habitat units (HUs) associated with that parcel or management area.
HEP Report Document Type A Habitat Evaluation Procedure (HEP) Report can be uploaded under this document type, divided between baseline and follow-up subtype documents.
High Bookend 2018 potential habitat function (formerly, 10 year potential habitat function). The 2018 potential habitat function represents the potential habitat function at the end of the 10-year BiOp period (which is the year 2018) that could be obtained from implementing all feasible habitat improvement actions by 2018 (i.e., actions including, but not limited to, actions implemented with funding by BPA and technical assistance from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation). Values of 2018 potential habitat function are intended to represent effects of habitat actions accrued in a relatively short period of time. For example, flow improvement, screen, and access actions would have an immediate effect on habitat function. These types of actions would accrue relatively little, if any, additional improvement to habitat function after they are completed.
High Level Indicator A High Level Indicator (HLI), identified by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, is used to monitor status and trend reporting based on work elements, metrics, and measures.
HIP Habitat Improvement Program, typically referring to a HIP BO, a specific Biological Opinion providing ESA compliance for most habitat improvement activities that BPA funds, saving time and money while accelerating HIP implementation.
HIP BO Habitat Improvement Program Biological Opinion (HIP BO) provides Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance for most habitat improvement activities that BPA funds, saving time and money while accelerating HIP implementation.
HLIs High Level Indicators, identified by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, are used to monitor status and trend reporting based on metrics and measures.
HSI The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) is used to document habitat quality for each target species, with values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 representing optimal habitat assessment for the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS).
HU The Habitat Unit (HU) is the metric used for the Habitat Improvement Program (HEP) to track mitigation progress.
HUC Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC), a numbering system for watersheds developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
Hydrosystem RM&E Researching, Monitoring, and Evaluation occurring within and/or applicable to management questions or critical uncertainties associated with the main stem Columbia River hydrosystem and associated habitat.
Implementation Metric Implementation metrics are a quantification or qualification of an accomplishment resulting from completing a specific task (Work Statement Element). Habitat work often has a number of quantifiable metrics such as number of acres treated or number of stream miles with improved complexity. Research and Monitoring work often has qualification metrics such as the Primary Purpose or the Focal Area of the research. The association between a Work Statement Element and its metrics is managed in CBFish.
Implementation Metrics This section of the Contract Summary displays the quantitative metrics, planned and actual, for the statement of work (SOW) used to report project accomplishments. This section specifically displays the implementation metrics (vs. environmental metrics).
Implementation Stage Project stage where project has been approved for funding and active contracts are in process or are taking place.
In Development A project in Implementation phase that has not yet undergone Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) review and final recommendation by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC).
In Lieu As part of the Northwest Power Act, expenditures "shall be in addition to, not in lieu of, other expenditures authorized or required from other entities." Thus BPA and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) review and determine the assessment of projects with potential in-lieu issues.
Inadvertent Discovery As part of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), if cultural materials are discovered during project implementation, procedures are followed. This will be reflected on the Contract Summary's EC (Environmental Compliance) grid and the EC page.
Incomplete - Continued Terminal state describing work for which budget was expended, but metrics were not captured yet because work will extend to a future contract.
Incomplete - Work Stopped Terminal state describing work for which budget was expended, but metrics could not be claimed, and work will not be continued.
Indirect Rate An indirect rate reflects the federal government’s recognition that a vendor faces expenses that benefit multiple contracts but are not readily assignable to a specific contract. If negotiated with a cognizant agency, a NICRA will be developed and signed. If negotiated with the BPA CO, there will be a de minimis rate agreement.
Indirect Rate Basis An indirect cost rate is established on the basis of a Federally-approved indirect cost rate proposal and supporting documentation submitted by the organization.
Inference Design A description or process of determining Indicator values based on Metric values observed at Study Sites during specific temporal periods; an aspect of a Study Plan. Contrast with Response Design.
Interested Party The role within a project or contract for someone who is not involved contractually with the work, but who is interested or related to the work. This could include landowners, cost-share partners, or research collaborators.
Internal Notes Tab Internal to BPA, this is a repository for capturing and preserving informational contracting notes.
Invoiced The amount billed and paid for a contract, the sum of all cash payments made to the vendor for services received. A complete report can be found for each contract, called the Contract Payment and Balance History Report.
Invoiced Through The invoiced through date is the latest date for which BPA has received and paid an invoice. However, this does not mean that all prior months have been invoiced and paid. This latest date gives a general idea of how up to date a vendor is with invoicing.
Invoiced to Date The invoiced to date amount is the sum of all payments made to the vendor for services received. This value does not include accruals.
Invoiced Year to Date (YTD) Invoiced Year to Date is the sum of all payments for a contract. This is purely cash payments made to vendors for services received.
Is approved by COR On the Documents page, "approved by COR" is used to determine if the COR has reviewed a Progress Report and is ready for finalization, giving public access.
ISAB The Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) provides scientific advice and recommendations regarding scientific issues that relate to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's (NPCC) Fish and Wildlife Program.
ISRP The Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) assesses projects to provide the evaluation of benefits to fish and wildlife from projects funded by BPA to implement the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's (NPCC) Fish and Wildlife Program.
Known Limiting Factors Limiting Factors that are known to be affecting the locations selected for a specified project deliverable. Limiting Factors information has been collected from recent Expert Panel workshops, updated Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treatment (EDT) inputs, the Columbia River Estuary Endangered Species Act (ESA) Recovery Plan Module, and the following Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) Data Sets: Subbasin Planning EDT Models Geodatabase and Subbasin Planning Qualitative Habitat Assessment (QHA) Models Geodatabase. Terms have been mapped to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ecological Concerns definitions for consistency.
L Abbreviation for Location: On the Statement of Work's (SOW) Work Statement Element (WE) grid, the L column indicates whether one or more GPS locations are required for the WSE. The half-moon indicates location(s) not entered and a full moon indicates successful input.
Land Acquisition and Stewardship Depending on cost basis, capital funds are used for land acquisition projects that protect, enhance, and maintain fish and wildlife habitat and provide credit to BPA, such as access for wildlife or instream miles for resident fish. These fulfill the legal obligation of BPA to mitigate the impacts from construction and operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS).
Land Management Plan The plan guides management on any real property interest that BPA funds to ensure compliance with the underlying mitigation agreement and any conservation easement granted over that property. A template is provided at, and should be uploaded under the Land Management Plan document type.
Land PM The role within a project for a BPA Land Team member (Project Manager) who is coordinating acquisition activities.
Last Modified, Document Approval On Workflow, the last day a document was reloaded or metadata was changed.
Last Modified, Review SOW Last Modified, followed by a linked date, within the contract's Review SOW tab, will open a Change Log for the specific item (Basics, WSE, milestone, etc.).
Last SOW Action The most recent action involving the Statement of Work (SOW) Workflow. This will be the most recent Workflow History entry on the Workflow tab.
LCRE Lower Columbia River and Estuary
Lead BPA Manager Lead BPA Manager who handles contracting issues and communication with a specific vendor as a single source of information negotiation and distribution with the Fish & Wildlife department.
Lead CO The Lead Contracting Officer who handles contracting issues and communication with a specific vendor.
LIB The Line Item Budget (LIB) is a BPA contracting requirement uploaded to Contract Documents. On the contracts grid, this column gives the current approval status of the LIB document.
Limiting Factor A Limiting Factor is a condition that controls the size, abundance and distribution of an organism. Here they pertain to habitat for salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin (CRB). It defines "what" needs to be addressed, whereas work elements define "how."
Limiting Factor Habitat Function Chart This chart displays bar colors and values that indicate the functioning (green and yellow) and non-fully-functioning (orange and white) parts for each limiting factor. * Green: Represents the condition of the limiting factor at the start of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp) implementation cycle. * Yellow: Represents the progress associated with planned and completed actions during the current cycle. * Black: Represents the progress associated with completed actions at the end of the cycle. * Orange: Represents the potential for additional progress identified at the expert panel workshops. * White: Indicates potential additional improvement that may or may not be possible within the term of the FCRPS BiOp.
Limiting Factor Weight Also Habitat Variable Weight. These weights indicate the importance of each limiting factor or habitat variable to the freshwater survival or productivity of fish. For example, if a given assessment unit or population is limited by three primary factors, high levels of fine sediments, lack of woody debris, and a lack of off-channel habitat, the biologist weighs each habitat variable by its relative importance to fish survival. In this case, the biologist may weight fine sediment the highest, because it has a relatively larger effect on fish survival than the other two factors. The resulting weights may be 0.75 for fine sediment, 0.15 for off-channel habitat, and 0.10 for woody debris. These weights are scaled from 0.00-1.00 and their sums equal 1.00. The idea is to make sure that some factors or habitat variables (those that have a relatively greater detrimental effect on fish survival or productivity) have a greater influence on overall local habitat condition.
Line Item Budget A Line Item Budget (LIB) is a BPA contracting requirement that breaks down the contractor budget into individual line items, used to justify the contract amount. Should be an Excel document uploaded as an attachment to Contract Documents.
Line Item Budget Document Type The BPA-required contractor's budget is uploaded to the contract under the Line Item Budget (LIB) document type.
Link Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, a hyperlink to the place to implement the activity task.
Linking Locations A best practice option is to link locations to a previously established point within CBFish by using the dropdown on "Show Locations" and choosing the appropriate location.
Location Notes Capture information here to describe the location indicated. The description name should be unique for easier recognition.
Location Properties Explore details supplied based on the geographic location (state, county, fish presence, etc.).
Location Required L - On the SOW's WE grid, the L column indicates whether one or more GPS locations are required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half-moon indicates location(s) not entered and a full moon indicates successful input.
Location Tab Work Element (WE) geographic location data entries by Work Statement Element (WSE).
Location Worksite List The list of locations for the project are listed, with their various details. They are collected at the contract Work Statement Element (WSE) level.
Locations On the Review SOW, locations are shown for each Work Statement Element (WSE) either as a listing of lat/longs or <None>.
Locations from Filter Filtering on the Location grid can be done as with most grids in CBFish. Help on filters is available on the top right side (icon).
Low Bookend Current habitat function. Baseline habitat function initialized at the beginning of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion (BiOp) evaluation period (for example, January 1, 2007, for the 2007-09 evaluation period). This value includes effects of existing natural conditions and all habitat improvement actions completed as of the end of the calendar year prior to the beginning of the FCRPS BiOp evaluation period. Changes to the current habitat function may or may not result in changes to 2018 or 2033 potential habitat function (a.k.a., High Bookend).
M Abbreviation for Metrics: On the SOW's WE grid, the M column indicates whether metrics are required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half-moon indicates metrics are not complete and a full moon indicates successful input.
Management Plan A document describing an intended suite of actions for a piece of land or a facility, common for wildlife management and hatchery operations.
Manuscript Document Type Draft research manuscripts are uploaded under the Manuscript document type, submitted for peer review.
Measure Type A measure type is a higher level grouping of one or more metrics into a single measure. Measures allow for easier summing and slicing of data. For example, using a measure type you can easily sum across all habitat zones, or see the detailed breakdown.
Measures A measure is a higher level grouping of one or more metric components which allows for a broader combination of similar metrics for use in reporting.
Message On the My Alerts grid of the Dashboard, the message is a synopsis of what the alert type is conveying to the user. It most likely includes the contract number as a link.
Method A systematic, standard operating procedure for collecting data (Measurements) in the field, or for analyzing and processing that data back at the office. Methods are organized into Protocols, and can be grouped by Method Type. Methods must be: 1) described in documentation, and 2) repeatable by others.
Method Category A classification of a Method based on its function, such as Data Collection or Data Analysis.
Metric On the Metrics grid, the generic name for a quantification or qualification of an accomplishment to be collected is displayed, such as # of riparian miles treated or # fish tagged.
Metric Data Fill in the specific metrics starting at the top; Planned is identified during contract development and Actual is filled in as the task is completed.
Metric ID On the Metrics Summary grid, the identification number attached to each specific metric. It is a live link to the summary information for a specific metric.
Metric Set A collection of accomplishments, with quantifiable metrics, planned and then reported on when complete. Some Work Elements (WEs) only have one basic metric set while others have multiple metrics sets and steps. Work your way through all sets starting at the top, narrowing choices as you progress.
Metrics Required M - On the SOW's WE grid, the M column indicates whether metrics are required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half-moon indicates metrics are not complete and a full moon indicates metrics have been successfully added.
Metrics Tab The Work Statement Element's list of metrics - its measureable accomplishments - both planned and actual.
Milestone Count On the SOW's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the MS (Milestone) column indicates how many milestones have been added to the Work Statement Element.
Milestone Description As you select each line representing a milestone, the description will be displayed in this box. If the statement of work (SOW) is not locked, click on its milestone title to bring up the Edit Milestone dialog box.
Milestone Reminder Instructions Reminder emails can be set up here based on each milestone for you or others in your organization. Choose the type, then add recipients.
Milestone Reminder Selection Choose the appropriate reminder below, then click Add Recipients. To delete, choose the recipient, then click Delete Recipient below.
Milestone Reminders Email Here details are shown for an email's default text based on the selection of a reminder. This is not editable.
Milestones Tab Work Statement Element's (WSE) list of milestones and the deliverable.
Modified Contract Amount Useful for multi-year contracts (greater than 12-months). The formula is structured to take into account the estimated amount contracted each month (total contract value divided by number of months contracted). That value times 12 is put in the first year and so on for subsequent years.
Monitoring Program An activity led/sponsored by an Organization with stated objectives, budget and sometimes a fixed duration. Monitoring Programs often implement one or more projects that use a consistent set of protocols to collect monitoring data for sites in multiple geographic locations in response to a research question, or to meet an agency mission or mandate. Examples: EMAP, Washington Monitoring Forum, AREMP, BPA's RM&E Program.
Monitoring Report Document Type A document describing a site visit during which compliance with an existing conservation easement or another agreement is assessed. Uploaded under the Monitoring Report document type.
Monitoring Sampling Unit The specific area where Measurements are taken. Common types include Channel Segment, Habitat Unit (polygons, e.g. for rivers, riffles, or pools), Transects (lines), Stations (points). One of the units into which an aggregate is divided for the purpose of sampling, each unit being regarded as individual and indivisible when the selection is made. Source: OECD Glossary of Statistical Terms (
Monitoring Site The area in which Measurements are taken and Metrics derived. A Study Design’s Spatial Design determines the number (one or more) and arrangement (e.g. model-based or opportunistic) of these areas, typically described as a polygon. A Site contains one or more Sampling Units.
MOU/MOA Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) are legal agreements between two or more parties, typically between BPA and a contractor/sponsor.
MPG Major Population Group
MR Abbreviation for Monitoring Resources,, used to document monitoring efforts for certain work elements.
MS Abbreviation for Milestone: On the SOW's WE grid, the MS column indicates how many milestones have been added to the Work Statement Element (WSE).
MTDC Modified Total Direct Cost, includes direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $25,000 of each subaward.
My Alerts The Dashboard's My Alerts prompt you to take action on various activities. The Alert Type and Message will give you details as to the specific alert. Click the alert's Link to go directly to the page where the action is needed.
My Contracts On the Dashboard, view at a glance information about all contracts for which you are listed as a contact. Scroll to the right to view all columns of information. Use the “Customize” button to display more (or fewer) years of contracts, or pick and choose columns of information that are important to you to display. Click the contract number to view more information about that contract or use the grid context menu to go directly to a particular contract tab.
My Portfolios The My Portfolios grid on the Dashboard allows you to quickly view at a glance information about any portfolios you have created. The “My Personal Portfolio” is a default portfolio set up just for you. Customize this portfolio by clicking the edit icon in the far left of the My Portfolios grid.
My Projects The My Projects grid on the Dashboard allows you to quickly view at a glance information about all projects for which you are listed as a contact. To view a list of all projects for the Columbia Basin Fish & Wildlife Program, click the Explorer button at the top left of the screen and choose “Projects and Contracts.”
National Environmental Policy Act BPA must comply with applicable Federal laws, including the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA requires federal agencies to consider the potential environmental effects of proposed projects before making a final decision to fund, approve, or implement an action.
National Historic Preservation Act BPA must comply with applicable Federal laws, including the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). NHPA requires an evaluation of effects on historic properties and cultural resources, and consultation with states and affected tribes.
NCTE No Cost Time Extension, a type of contract change which does not include budget changes, but does include a change in the end date.
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations are applied as needed to work performed on a contract by the Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead. This requires federal agencies to consider environmental effects of proposed projects and contracts.
Net Fund Budget Change The total change to funds across the program as a result of the Budget Decision.
Net Program Budget Change The total change in allocations to the program as a result of the Budget Decision.
Net Project Budget Change The total change in allocations to projects as a result of the Budget Decision.
New End On the Status Report (SR), this date field captures changes to the end date for a milestone, based on the need to extend the time period.
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) regulations are applied as needed to the work performed on a contract by the Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead. This requires evaluation of effects on historic properties and other cultural resources in consultation with affected states and tribes, and the public.
NICRA The Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) is used to cover costs not readily assignable to a specific agreement. Negotiated with a federal Cognizant Audit Agency.
Non-Accord Finance Lead The BPA EWB Lead who deals with budgeting for non-Fish Accord agencies and organizations. The Lead manages the flow of funding within non-Accord funds, which are containers of accounts that share the same motive or purpose, often spanning fiscal years and having both expense and capital accounts.
Non-Deliverable Milestones used to track intangible or prerequisite tasks within a WSE, e.g. suggested or recommended actions.
Non-Technical Progress Report Document Type Uploaded progress reports are subdivided into non-technical reports and technical reports. The non-technical report typically follows the statement of work format but does not include scientific assessments.
Non-Terminal States describing work that has not yet started or is still in-flight.
Notification Details Details are displayed when you choose a notification or recipient—this text is not editable. For a notification, default text is displayed. For an individual, it displays how many notifications or reminders are set up; but no details are available for a role.
Notifications Button On the Contract Summary's Contacts section, the notifications button will open a dialog box in which assignments are made to receive system-generated emails for various events, such as Status Report Submitted.
Notifications Filter Use this filter to choose between notifications and recipients for layout, depending on whether reviewing the type of notification or looking at a contact list.
Organization A formal business entity that typically has staff and a budget. Examples: ODFW, Nez Perce Tribe, EPA, Tetra Tech, BPA. Organizations (Org) are classified into different Organization Types (e.g. Fed, State, Tribe, etc.).
Organization Name The name of the organization or entity. Organizations in our database typically are contractors, project proponents (advocates), regulators, tribal entities, or simply interested parties.
Organization Type The class or category of an organization, typically used for summarizing budget, spending, or accomplishment data. The Organization Types that we track are: Education, Government - Federal, Government - State, Government - Local, Non-Profit, Private, Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Tribe, and Utility.
Original Contract Value This contract value is the first contracted amount determined as the value for which the contract is issued.
Other Environmental Compliance BPA must comply with applicable Federal laws. This section captures any other requirements needed for a particular work statement action, as deemed appropriate by the Environmental Compliance (EC) Lead.
Overall Index An aggregated Performance Indicator calculated by multiplying the following Performance Indicators together: Budget Index (X) * Contracting Index (Y) * Deliverable Index (Z). The target range for the Overall Index is 76.5 to 100, where 76.5 = (100/100 * 90/100 * 85/100) * 100 = the multiplication of the low end of the target range for the individual indicators. To see how Overall Indices are summarized by color, see the definition for Overall Rating.
Overall Rating One of three color values (Green, Yellow, or Red) based on the Overall Index value. A coarse-grained measure that visually summarizes the status of an Overall Index value. The determination of this color value varies depending on the Overall Index (e.g. project or task). For projects, an Overall Index equal to or greater than 82.4 is Green, between 76.5 and 82.3 is Yellow, and less than 76.5 is Red. The low end of the Yellow range was determined by multiplying the low end of the Green range for individual indicators (76.5 = (100/100 * 90/100 * 85/100) * 100). For Tasks, an Overall Index of 78 to 100 is Green, between 34 and 78 is Yellow, and less than 34 is Red. Used in the Biological Opinion (BiOp) Dashboard and the Performance Indicators portfolio view to show the rating or health of various items such as projects, tasks, project groups, task groups, and BiOp Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs).
Overhead A project that involves payment of BPA and contracted staff to implement the direct program or to directly address internal decision-making processes (examples include F&W staff, NEPA staff, Realty Services, Technical Service Contractors, etc.).
PBU A Project Benefit Unit (PBU) is an index intended to represent the effect of lower Columbia River and estuary habitat restoration on juvenile salmon.
PCSRF/PNSHP "Supports PCSRF/PNSHP (Katz)" means that the work element, with its metrics, has been mapped to the work types and metrics for Salmonid Habitat Protection and Restoration of the Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project (PNSHP) database ( This database was developed by NOAA Fisheries staff to facilitate monitoring of all habitat restoration projects in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana that aid salmon recovery. The database is based on classifications by Stephen L. Katz et al, and supports the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF), which was established to supplement federal programs and promote the development of federal-state-tribal-local partnerships in salmon recovery and conservation. For more information, go to the NOAA Fisheries Northwest Regional Office website (
Pending Budget Transfer A Budget Transfer that is part of a pending Budget Decision and has not yet been executed.
Pending Review A Review that BPA has not completed or decided. Pending Reviews may contain one or more Budget Scenarios which themselves contain one or more Pending Budget Transfers (for either projects or funds). Reviews are either Pending or Decided. See 'Review' for a more complete definition.
Performance Index A number between 0 and 100 (example: 76.5). A calculated, fine-grained measure of performance for various items such as projects, tasks, project groups, task groups, and Biological Opinion (BiOp) Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs). Once calculated, the Performance Index value determines the Performance Rating value (or color). Used in the BiOp Dashboard and the Performance Indicators portfolio view.
Performance Rating One of three color values (Green, Yellow, or Red) based on the Performance Index value. A coarse-grained measure that visually summarizes the status of an Performance Index value. The determination of this color value varies depending on the Index (e.g., budget, contracting, deliverables). Used in the BiOp Dashboard and the Performance Indicators portfolio view to show the rating or health of various items such as projects, tasks, project groups, task groups, and Biological Opinion (BiOp) Reasonable and Prudent Alternatives (RPAs). For example, for a project, a Performance Index value between 76.5 and 82.3 equates to a Performance Rating value of Yellow.
pHOS Proportion of hatchery-origin spawners. A value used in the monitoring and evaluation of genetic changes associated with hatchery propagation.
Photo Tags On the Documents page, photos can be tagged for easier discovery. This can be done here by choosing Manage Photo Tags from the Actions for Attachment menu icon.
Photos On a Project or Contract Summary's Photos section, photos uploaded to the contract will be displayed. Photos can be added here on the gallery or uploaded on the Documents page.
PI Abbreviation for Property Inventory, a part of the contracting package. On the contracts grid, this column gives the current approval status of the PI document.
Pisces Codename for original desktop software focused on contracts down to work elements and metrics and used for managing daily operations of BPA's Fish and Wildlife program. This was combined with the web program, codename Taurus, and together called "Pisces Web." Now the Pisces Web combination is called by its website name "CBFish."
Planned Metrics Metrics are used to report a project's quantitative accomplishments, both planned (pre-contract) and actual (post-accomplishment).
PM Project Manager, the individual within BPA's Fish and Wildlife division assigned the overall responsibility for a project.
PM Org Code The code for a BPA Project Manager's organization within BPA.
PNAMP Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership
PNI Proportionate Natural Influence (PNI) varies from 1.00 to 0. PNI = (pNOB/pHOS) + pNOB. A value used in the monitoring and evaluation of genetic changes associated with hatchery propagation.
pNOB Proportion of natural-origin broodstock (pNOB) is a value used in the monitoring and evaluation of genetic changes associated with hatchery propagation.
PNSHP Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Project. See PCSRF/PNSHP.
Population Status Monitoring Monitoring of Fish or Wildlife population-specific abundance, productivity, spatial distribution, or genetic diversity.
Portfolio A collection of projects (either early stage projects [a.k.a., Proposals] or active projects) to be passively viewed or actively reviewed. When a portfolio is used as the basis of a Review, the portfolio defines the scope of the review. For example, portfolio managers might be interested in a narrowly scoped evaluation of all currently funded projects considered to benefit anadromous fish in a specific province, or they might be interested in a broadly scoped review of all projects associated with a Biological Opinion (BiOp).
Portfolio Category Portfolios are grouped by general categories, assigned when created. Each category's list can be found from the Portfolios page, or use "All" to view all available portfolios in one list.
Portfolio Render Mode When created, a portfolio is set up to either save the data collected for future reference (Snapshot) or to re-run the data for up-to-date results with each request (Dynamic).
Portfolio Required By System There are only a very few portfolios required by the system in order to create standing reports, for example, the All Projects portfolio.
Portfolio Result Type When created, a portfolio is set up by defining the level of data upon which it is based. For example, if it is based upon the project, you will see one result row per project.
Portfolio Visibility Portfolios are assigned levels of visibility, i.e., who can see them. Most users will only be able to set up portfolios for themselves (Only Me) or for their organization with the proper role.
Power Analysis The power of a statistical test is the probability that the test will reject a false null hypothesis (i.e., that it will not make a Type II error). As power increases, the chances of accepting a false null hypothesis decreases. Power analysis can be used to calculate the minimum sample size required to accept the outcome of a statistical test with a particular level of confidence. It can also be used to calculate the minimum effect size that is likely to be detected in a study using a given sample size. In addition, the concept of power is used to make comparisons between different statistical tests, for example, between a parametric and a nonparametric test of the same hypothesis.
Pre-Award Requests for continuance of work before a signed contract/award is completed. Coordination with the Contracting Officer is required before this can be pursued.
Pre-Award Expiration The date when a current pre-award will expire. Thus the contract should be issued prior to this date, or the pre-award extended.
Pre-Award Period The Pre-Award period is usually a month; based on discussion and decision of the Contracting Officer.
Pre-Award Requests The Pre-Award Requests section, once the request has been created, shows the status and details of the action.
Pre-Award Status The Pre-Award status will display the current stage of the request: Pending, Review, Approved, Authorized, Expired, Extended, or Canceled.
Pre-Award Tab Requests for continuance of work before a signed contract/award is completed.
Pre-Award Workflow Document Approval In this grid, the following documents should be attached and either marked "approved" (green) or “needs some work” (yellow).
Predation RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) associated with predation management questions or critical uncertainties.
Pre-issued CCR On the Contracts grid, the Pre-issued CCR column displays whether there are any Contract Change Requests (CCR) for a contract that have not become part of the contract (amendment).
Presentation Document Type Covers documents that are presented at conferences, Council, ISRP, ISAP, or IEAB meetings.
Pricing Method Contractually for each agreement/contract, the Contracting Officer (CO) assigns a pricing (cost plus fees) method based on the terms of the agreement. Typical types are Cost Reimbursement (CRB), Cost no fee (CNF), firm fixed price (FFP), and Time and Materials (T&M).
Primary Focal Species Primary focal species are those species that the project was specifically designed to benefit.
Primary Focal Species Apply To Use this drop-down box to quickly apply the primary focal species chosen above to other work statement elements (WSEs) in this contract.
Prioritization Document Type Covers planning documents related to project prioritization and selection within a given subbasin.
Program An activity led/sponsored by an Organization with one or more stated objectives, typically with a budget and long, perhaps unspecified, duration. Programs implement or lead one or more projects.
Progress (Annual) Report Document Type Covers uploaded progress reports, traditionally called annual reports and final reports which typically include accomplishments and lessons learned analysis. Divided between technical and non-technical versions based on the contract.
Progress Annual Report See Progress Report (Annual)
Progress Report (Annual) Progress Reports cover what traditionally have been called annual reports and final reports, plus similar reports that cover periods of time longer than a year. These reports typically include accomplishments and lessons learned analysis.
Project A collection of work over a period of time. Early stage projects are often called "Proposals," however in CBFish they are simply early stage projects. Projects eventually have one or more contracts.
Project Area The broad geographical area where the project is located. There are four options for Area (a project may have one or more): Basinwide, Ocean, Provincial, or Systemwide. If a project is designated as "Provincial" then it will also have a specific Subbasin value underneath the Province.
Project Budget Account The container of a project's budget transfers, the sum of which represents the Project Working Budget. An account has an account type: either Expense or Capital; and has a fiscal year. Most projects have multiple project budget accounts since most projects operate over multiple fiscal years.
Project Compliance Monitoring Compliance monitoring is designed to determine whether legal and other mandatory obligations are followed and met. The objective of environmental compliance (EC) monitoring is to ensure that environmental protection requirements are met during the construction phase of habitat improvement actions that may impact federally listed species or designated critical habitat. Additionally, conservation measures included in programmatic consultations and biological opinions (BiOps) for compliance monitoring help to ensure that relevant habitat and fish species considerations are included in the action proposal, design, and implementation phases of a project. For instance, the Habitat Improvement Biological Opinion III (HIP) (USFWS, 2013) requires that best available science regarding climate change is considered in the project design phase. Environmental protection requirements enforced with compliance monitoring can include: stipulations, terms, conditions and conservation measures included in federal BiOp opinions from federal, state and regional environmental agencies, as well as construction permitting needs.
Project Deliverable Quantitative implementation objectives (Project Deliverables) that describe task-based outputs and are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Deliverables often span multiple years and may be accomplished through multiple contracts and multiple work elements. Project Deliverables are evaluated through implementation monitoring.
Project Emphasis A substrategy or method for achieving the project's Purpose; describes the project's primary type of work. Options depend on Purpose and include: Coordination, Data Management, Harvest Augmentation, Law Enforcement, Predator Removal, Restoration/Protection, RM& E, Selective Harvest, and Supplementation.
Project Group A set of projects defined for the purposes of evaluating or summarizing performance (i.e., progress or status). In CBFish, the most visible type of project group is a portfolio, which anyone can define using a variety of criteria. Project groups are more discretely defined in views such as the BiOp Dashboard in order to summarize the performance of projects with associations to a BiOp Approach, a more specific BiOp RPA, or that are funded from a specific fund. An Overall Index, and thus Overall Rating, can be calculated for both an individual project, and a project group. For more information, see the definitions for Overall Index and Overall Rating.
Project Implementation Monitoring Implementation monitoring is conducted to ensure that projects or actions are conducted as planned and completed successfully. Implementation monitoring often documents the type of action, the location, and whether the action was implemented on time and on budget. It does not attempt to evaluate the larger and longer-term benefits of habitat improvement actions. Typically, implementation monitoring occurs prior to, during, and for a few years following completion of the action. An example of implementation monitoring is data collection to verify that the correct number of habitat structures were placed in the stream and configured as planned, or that riparian plantings occurred on the number of acres specified in the restoration plan.
Project Lead The role within a project for a non-BPA individual with overall responsibilities. It is often the original sponsor who gets involved in budgeting at the project level and stays with the project as it moves through different phases of implementation.
Project Manager The Project Manager (PM) within BPA's Fish and Wildlife Division assigned the overall responsibility for the project. While often the same, the Project Manager may be different than the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR).
Project Number The 9 digit project number as assigned by BPA. The first four digits of the hyphenated project number indicate the year the project was proposed to start. The next set of three digits and then two digits uniquely identify the project.
Project Objective A goal of an individual project, ideally stated in terms of desired outcomes, rather than as statements of methods or work elements. Project objectives often provide a biological and/or physical habitat benchmark by which results can be evaluated. Project objectives are achieved by completing one or more project deliverables.
Project Proponent An entity serving as the main advocate and point of contact for a project. While most often a project has only one Proponent, it may have more than one. This field used to be called "Sponsor" but changed to "Proponent" given that the term sponsor suggests a financial commitment (e.g. cost sharing), yet within BPA's Fish and Wildlife Program, this is often not the case.
Project Province The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) defined Province where the project operates. A project may operate in more than one province. Provinces contain multiple subbasins.
Project Purpose The strategic reason (why) for doing a project. A project is assigned only one primary purpose. Options are: Artificial Production, Habitat, Hydrosystem, Harvest, Predation, and Programmatic.
Project Relationship Comment A summary of the nature of the project relationship.
Project Relationship Date Date marking the beginning of a relationship between projects.
Project Relationship Type Describes relationships to other projects. The types of relationships are: Enables/Depends On, Merged From/To, and Split From/To.
Project Relationships The relationships between one project and another are captured under Manage Relationships. If a project has been merged or split from others, or depends upon or enables another project, this should be noted on the site.
Project SME Project Subject Matter Expert
Project Species Benefit Percentage The percentage of a project that directly benefits each species type: Anadromous Fish, Resident Fish, and Wildlife.
Project Stage The status or phase of a project. In order, the stages of a project are: Proposed, Development, Implementation, Complete, and Closed. When a project is created by either an applicant creating a proposal, or by BPA staff creating a new project, it starts out in the Proposed stage. Once a project becomes funded in one or more Fiscal Year accounts, it should be promoted to Development stage. The project is moved to the Implementation stage when an internal work statement or the first contract/agreement is issued. When all work statement elements have been completed, the project stage is set to Complete. Finally, once the BPA Project Manager verifies work statement elements have been completed, the project stage should be set to Closed.
Project Start of Year (SOY) Budget The budget for a project on the first day of the fiscal year (October 1). The Project Working Budget and Start of Year (SOY) Budget are the same at the beginning of the fiscal year, but then may diverge when budget transfers are made. The Project SOY Budget is effectively the snapshot of the Project Working Budget on October 1.
Project Subbasin The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) defined Subbasin where the project operates. A project may operate in more than one subbasin. Multiple subbasins are contained within a Province.
Project Summary The Project Summary is a short description of the project goals and objectives and is drawn from CBFish when possible, otherwise it may come from the most recent proposal for the project. This summary is not open for editing except by the project lead or BPA F&W personnel with write access to the Summary field in CBFish.
Project Tags A marker created to flag a project based on current tags, or create a new one. Project tags can be used to create a portfolio based of tag types and their associated projects.
Project Title Should convey the main objective of the project. Gives users a clear idea what the project is about. This field is limited to 150 characters to enforce brevity.
Project Working Budget The current budget for a project, the sum of all BPA-approved budget transfers in and out of the Project Budget Account. Most projects have multiple budget accounts (one for each fiscal year, and for each Account Type: Expense or Capital). A project's Working Budget and Start of Year (SOY) Budget are the same at the beginning of the fiscal year, but may diverge when budget transfers are made.
Projected Spend The sum of real expenditures plus projected expenditures for a given period of time. Projected expenditures are based on each contract's remaining budget combined with the estimated timing and budget of all uncompleted work (Work Statement Elements).
Property Inventory (PI) A BPA contracting requirement, in certain cases, that lists property associated with a contract, its condition, value and disposition.
Proponent Orgs The collection of organizations or sponsors who has proposed potential work in the context of a project.
Proposal A collection of information describing potential work. Includes deliverables, timelines, and budgets. Proposals only exist in the context of a project. In other words, when a proposer saves their proposal the first time, both a project record and a proposal record will be created. A project may have no proposal (a project that BPA created/defined in order to meet some obligation such as a BiOp), or it may have many proposals (one for each of the Solicitation processes it has been through).
Proposal State The state where a proposal is in the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's (Council) review process toward acceptance and implementation: Draft, ISRP (independent Scientific Review Panel) Pending First or Final Review, Pending BPA Response, Pending Council Recommendation, or Proposal Vetted.
Proposed Stage Project stage where proposal is either under review or reviewed and not yet approved for funding.
Protocol A detailed study plan that explains how data are to be collected, managed, analyzed, and reported, and are a key component of quality assurance for natural resource monitoring programs (Oakley et al. 2006). Required sections of protocols are: Background/Rationale to explain why you use these particular methods to meet your specific Objectives, and Methods and Metrics are used to describe how you meet the objectives. Protocols are often developed under a Monitoring Program.
Province/Subbasin The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife program area is divided into 11 provincial areas and subdivided into 62 subbasins, as defined by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC). The projects are then identified into one of four options: Basinwide, Ocean, Systemwide, or Provincial (which are subdivided into the 62 subbasins).
Published Study Design This nomenclature has been replaced with Finalized Study Plan, referring to Monitoring Resources ( monitoring methods and protocols.
Purpose Projects are categorized according to various purposes (answering the question, "Why?"). It is the strategic reason for doing the project: Artificial Production, Habitat, Harvest, Hydrosystem, Predation, and Programmatic.
PW Pisces Web, the codename used for BPA Fish and Wildlife program's website used for managing daily operations, is now simply called by the website name, CBFish (
QC (Document Approval) Under Document approval, the Quality Control (QC) lead will mark the document accordingly upon review. This will show up on the Document Approval grid in Workflow so it can be marked approved.
QC Review Document Type During CR and CCR approval within BPA Fish and Wildlife contracting process, the Quality Control (QC) lead will upload a QC Review demonstrating adherence to common rules of contracting.
Rationale for Pre-Award Amount Please explain how you arrived at the pre-award authorization budget amount, such as 1/12 of a 12-month contract.
Recent button Use of Recent allows you access to the most recent contracts, projects, or land tracts that were opened. That number of those presented can be set in Site Preferences.
Recommendation, Council The final assessment for a given proposal to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) based on the review cycle.
Recurring WSEs that are continuous by nature; milestones with Recurring WSEs cannot be rated Incomplete – Continued.
Reminder Recipient List As roles or individuals are selected, they are populated into this list. To delete, select recipient here and use the Delete Recipient button.
Reminder Recipients Filter Use the Individuals tab to choose recipients by name, clicking on each and using the Add Individual button.
Reminder Roles Filter Use the Roles tab to choose recipients by role name, clicking on each and using the Add Role button.
Replicate The repetition or duplication of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion.
Report Relationships Relationships between projects are identified at the project level. If a project has been merged or split from other projects, a relationship will be noted.
Request New Account New users can request an account by clicking the link for the Request Account page.
Request Number (Contract Action) On the SOW page, the Contract Action grid shows a list of revisions: CR, Contract, CCR, and Amendment (AMD). The Request number identifies the action's version. Click on the line to fill in the Work Element list below for that action.
Required Action Details Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, directions to complete the work activity task.
Response Design A description of how Measurements will be summarized into intermediate results (Metrics). It is the aspect of a Study Plan that evaluates the response of an experiment relative to a control or reference conditions; a.k.a., Experimental Design. Contrast with Inference Design.
Rev (Contract Action) On the SOW page, the Contract Action grid shows a list of revisions (REV): CR, Contract, CCR, and Amendment. The Request number identifies the action's version. Click on the line to fill in the Work Element list below for that action.
Review The process of evaluating projects. A Review may be conducted by BPA or the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) and may produce one or more types of Assessments. The scope of a Review may be limited to one project or quite large encompassing hundreds of projects.
Review Name An assigned name for a collection of assessments and proposals considered during a fixed period of time.
Review SOW Comments During review of the SOW after submission to the COR, use this area to write comments or questions to the sponsor, and vice-versa.
Review SOW Scorecard This provides the ability to check to view, or uncheck to hide, the reviews for the various SOW elements by status.
Review SOW Tab Review SOW is a communication option for a statement of work (SOW) centralized contract package discussions prior to contracting and for historical perspective.
RM Abbreviation for Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E): RM is used on the SOW's WE grid, indicating whether RM&E data are required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half moon indicates appropriate RM&E Metadata has not yet been completed and a full moon indicates input has been successfully added.
RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation, also referred to as RME.
RM&E Data Repositories Identified data repositories must be capable of storing all datasets listed in the protocol for monitoring or research data. Ideally, they are online relational databases accessible to the public.
RM&E Focal Area The area of emphasis for a Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) action or program. This is currently tracked as a qualitative Implementation Metric in CBFish for select RM&E Work Elements. RM&E Focal Areas include tributary habitat, estuary/ocean, and harvest.
RM&E Indicator A value resulting from the data reduction of metrics across sites and temporal periods based on applying the procedures in the Inference Design. A reported value used to indicate the status, condition, or trend of a resource or ecological process.
RM&E Measurement A value resulting from a field data collection event at a specific site and temporal period. Measurements can be used to create or derive Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) Metrics using a Response Design.
RM&E Metric A value resulting from the reduction or processing of Measurements taken at a site and a temporal period based on the procedures defined by the Response Design. Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) Metrics can be used to create or derive an Indicator using an Inference Design.
RM&E Metric/Indicator Subject A logical group or subcategory of Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) Metrics and Indicators designed to help people browse and review. While some metrics or indicators could arguably fit under more than one Subject, in our list each belongs to one and only one Subject.
RM&E Protocols The Protocol tool in is used to record a detailed plan explaining how Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) data are to be collected, managed, analyzed, and reported.
RM&E Required RM - On the SOW's WE grid, the RM column indicates whether Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) data are required for the Work Statement Element (WSE). The half-moon indicates appropriate RM&E Metadata has not yet been completed and a full moon indicates input has been successfully added.
RM&E Study Plan List Select the applicable Study Plan. If a study plan has been documented for your project, and you do not see it on the list, click on the checkbox next to "Display all available Study Plans."
RM&E Tab Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RME) study and sample designs by work statement element (WSE).
RM&E Type The purpose or class of a Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) activity. This is currently tracked as a qualitative Implementation Metric in CBFish for select RM&E Work Elements. RM&E Types include status and trend monitoring, action effectiveness research, uncertainties research, and project implementation/compliance monitoring.
Routing The Closeout Header information is managed on the Contract Summary page and filled in automatically in this section. Be sure to review what is listed for Final Contract with Vendor. If incorrect, return to the Contract Summary page and review the Basics' Contract Continuation field. If not final, change "Will be renewed" to Yes, and make sure the subsequent contract/CR is linked to this contract when available. If Final is correct, the COR will need to complete Section 7 of the Closeout.
RPA The 2008 Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS) Biological Opinion includes mitigation proposed by the Action Agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and Bonneville Power Administration) as well as mitigation measures National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries believed to be needed to avoid jeopardizing the listed species. The additional actions are called the Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA). The FCRPS RPA contains 73 detailed sets of additional mitigation actions that are required to avoid jeopardy and adverse modification of critical habitat.
Salmonid ESUs present Based upon the contract Work Statement Element's (WSE) location(s), the list of evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) salmonids is listed for the WSE on the SOW Report PDF and the Review SOW page.
SBU A survival benefit unit (SBU) is an index intended to represent the effect of lower Columbia River and estuary habitat restoration on juvenile salmon.
Scorecard (Review SOW) This provides the ability to check to view, or uncheck to hide, the reviews for the various statement of work (SOW) elements by status.
Secondary Focal Species Secondary focal species are species that receive indirect or incidental benefits based on the work done within the statement of work.
Secondary Focal Species Apply To Use this drop-down box to quickly apply the secondary focal species chosen above to other work statement elements (WSEs) in this contract.
Section 408 Refers to the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program.
Section 536 Refers to the U.S. Corps of Engineers' Lower Columbia River Ecosystem Restoration Program.
Select Contract Actions Use the Contract Actions dropdown to select the latest contract revision. CBFish automatically shows the most current revision.
Select Status Report Select the status report that needs to be reviewed by selecting and highlighting its row. Give each Work Statement Element (WSE) a status in the Status Report worksheet below.
Select Work Element Use this dropdown menu to select a work element.
Selected Reminder Recipients Those selected to receive this milestone's "due in xx days" reminders will display here. Select and use the Delete Recipient button to remove.
Set Sort Order Button This button allows the user to reorder the list, A-Z, of Work Statement Elements (WSE) on a contract's Statement of Work (SOW).
Short Name As organizations are sometimes called by a shortened name, along with the full organization name, a "short name" is listed to make searching easier, e.g., on the View Organizations list.
Show Changes Button Seen with the WSE (work statement elements) and milestones on Review SOW. Pops up with summary information where pink highlighted/crossed-out text has been removed and green highlighted text has been added since the previous Revision. Removed text can be suppressed.
Site Preferences Under Explore->Tools, Site Preferences allows the user to choose the default start page, numbers of recents listed, and My Contracts default sort.
Solicitation As part of the Project Review Cycle, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) will solicit proposals where an application to continue existing work or start new work in the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program is submitted for review.
Sort Order The Sort Order of the list of Work Statement Elements (WSE) on a contract's Statement of Work (SOW) determines the order for the SOW Report and the list when ordered A-Z.
SOW The Statement of Work (SOW) is a description of the scope of work under a contract/agreement. At any given time, contracts only have one SOW in effect; however there can be many SOW Revisions, each done under an Amendment process. SOWs contain a set of Work Statement Elements (WSE) describing the detailed tasks and deliverables under the contract. Once the contract is Issued, a set of Status Reports is created based on the SOW that contractors are required to fill out and submit at least quarterly (WE 185).
SOW Document Attachment Status The status of required attached documents is displayed for review under the Workflow tab's History in the Document Status column.
SOW Guide Areas Tab Validation error guide sorted by data type, or area such as milestones.
SOW Guide WE Tab Validation error guide sorted by Work Statement Element.
SOW Report A PDF version of a contract's entire Statement of Work (SOW) including details from CBFish: contract description, contacts, WE budget, WE list with milestones and current status, location summaries, and focal species.
SOW Report with Comments A PDF version of the entire Statement of Work (SOW) including details from CBFish: contract description, contacts, WE budget, WE list with milestones and current status, location summaries, and focal species. The difference here is the inclusion of comments from the Review SOW.
SOW Review Document Type Uploadable contracting process document used by BPA implementation managers to track comments and request changes to a statement of work (SOW).
SOW Revision The Contract Action grid shows a list of versions, or revisions (REV), that have occurred to the contract. The last revision, when issued, is the currently contracted version. Be sure to choose the current REV when reviewing various areas of the contract for current information.
SOW Status On the SOW page's Contract Actions grid, the SOW status refers to whether the Statement of Work (SOW) is locked or unlocked for modifications, generally locked once submitted for approval.
SOW Submit Email Here the automated email to be sent for the SOW (Statement of Work) submission is displayed. Make changes, add recipients, or add additional comments as needed.
SOW Submit Validation The results of the SOW (Statement of Work) Validation are listed, and should have 0 problems that need to be resolved for final submittal. See Validation Guide for further details.
SOW Tab Statement of Work (SOW) listing the Work Statement Elements.
SOW Validation Button The SOW Validation button will open and activate the validation guide and list all errors in the Statement of Work (SOW), based on the SOW Validation Rules.
SOW Validation Guide The Statement of Work (SOW) Validation Guide, once activated, will list all errors in the SOW based on the SOW Validation Rules. The errors are categorized as: Needs to be Resolved (red) or a Potential Problem (yellow). Activate the Validation Guide from: 1) Contract SOW: use Save & Validate button OR the contract action menu; 2) Workflow: Submit SOW button; or 3) Pre-Award: Submit Pre-Award button.
SOW Validation History This grid lists each time the validation rules are invoked, whether by submitting the Statement of Work (SOW) or manually activating it. It hopefully shows a reduction in errors over time.
SOW Validation Instructions Review and resolve validation errors within the Statement of Work (SOW) as needed before contracting can be completed. The SOW Validation Rules link will supply further explanation.
SOW Validation Report Use the Report button to produce a PDF version of the SOW (Statement of Work) Validation Guide. This guide reviews a SOW against the validation rules and lists the results.
SOW Validation Results The results are a synopsis of the Validation process, invoked either by submitting the Statement of Work (SOW) or by manually activating it.
SOW Validation Rules Use the report button to view a list of all SOW Validation Rules. These business rules evaluate all Statements of Work (SOWs) within CBFish.
SOY Start of Year
Spatial Design A description of where Measurements will be taken and Metrics determined. Specifies the physical location and arrangement of the Study Site and its Sampling Units. An aspect of a Study Plan.
Spending by Focal Species Spending by focal species reports are based on each project's costs associated with each work statement element (WSE). As most projects benefit multiple species, the report uses the WSE's identified focal species and its WE budget to distribute this allocation. See report methodology for more information.
Spending by Location Spending by location reports are based on each project's associated subbasin added to work statement elements (WSE) by entering the latitude and longitude or plotting a point on a map. This report uses WE budgets to proportionally distribute expenditures to the locations associated with each WSE. See report methodology for more information.
Spending Plan Within a Portfolio, the Spending Plan is a methodology to project spending for the fiscal year based on contracted amounts, invoicing patterns, and historical underspend. For past months, it uses actual expenditures, but for future months it does a straight-line allocation of the contract's remaining budget. However, this straight-line allocation can be manually overridden by a BPA Budget Analyst when they know the shape of a contract's future spending.
SR Due Date The Status Report (SR) due date is the end date of the milestone. Generally, it is 15 days after the end of a quarter, except in the case of the last report which coincides with the end date of the contract.
SR Guide Milestones Tab Status Report (SR) problems needing resolution, sorted by milestone.
SR Guide WE Tab Status Report (SR) problems needing resolution at the work statement element level, such as the Work Element (WE) Budget.
SR Status On the Dashboard's My Contracts grid, this column displays the current status of the Status Report, conveying where in the process it currently lives: Draft, Submitted, or Accepted.
Stage (Project) At the project level, the stage is the status or phase of the project. In order, the stages of a project are: Proposed, Development, Implementation, Complete, and Closed. When a project is created by either an applicant creating a proposal, or by BPA staff creating a new project, it starts out in Proposed stage. Once a project becomes funded in one or more Fiscal Year accounts, it should be promoted to Development stage. The project is moved to the Implementation stage when an internal work statement or the first contract is issued. When all work statement elements have been completed, the project stage is set to Complete. Finally, the BPA Project Manager verifies work statement elements have been completed and the project stage should be set to Closed.
Start of Year (SOY) Budget The budget for a project on the first day of the fiscal year (October 1) is the SOY Budget. The Project Working Budget and SOY Budget are the same at the beginning of the fiscal year, but then may diverge when budget transfers are made. The Project's SOY Budget is effectively a snapshot of the Project Working Budget on October 1, the first day of the fiscal year.
Starting FY The project's initial federal fiscal year (FY) of implementation.
State Disposition of work at any level; includes WSE Progress, Milestone Status, Milestone Rating as a group.
Statement of Work (SOW) The Statement of Work (SOW) is a description of the scope of work under a contract/agreement. While an internal BPA system is technically the system of record for contracts (Asset Suite), CBFish is the system of record for Statements of Work At any given time, contracts only have one SOW in effect; however there can be many SOW Revisions, each modified under an amendment process. SOWs contain a set of work statement elements (WSE) describing the detailed tasks and deliverables under the contract. Once the contract is Issued, a set of status reports is created, based on the SOW, that contractors are required to fill out and submit at least quarterly (WE 185).
Status (Contract Action) On the SOW page's Contract Actions grid, the status of each revision line displays the current step for that action. The status definition also depends on the type, e.g., a pending contract requistion (CR) shows it is not yet approved while a pending contract shows it is with the contracting officer (CO), waiting for completion.
Status and Trend Monitoring Status and trend monitoring is conducted to determine the current condition of physical, biological and/or ecological attributes in a given area and their changes over time. To ensure that changes in status can be accurately detected, monitoring often must occur over long periods of time and at the appropriate spatial scale. Too small of a temporal scale and/or too small of a geographic scale can limit the utility of the results.
Status Report (SR) Most Fish and Wildlife program contracts require a report of its work progress, either on a monthly or quarterly basis. The information is collected on the Status Reports tab. Federal agreement instruments require the contractor to provide documentation of progress in order for the COR to have sufficient information to review and approve requests for reimbursement (i.e., invoices).
Status Report BPA Comments Once submitted by the contract manager, the COR will add comments as necessary.
Status Report Contractor Comments Comments are welcome, but are necessary when the milestone is marked red or yellow.
Status Report History Links to a contract's PDF report of the Cumulative Status Report History of completed deliverables only.
Status Report Worksheet This worksheet table displays all the Work Statement Elements and their milestones that require status reporting. Use the Expand All/Collapse All or individual plus or minus icons to view the reportable milestones.
Status Reports Tab The contract's page where periodic reporting on the status of each Statement of Work (SOW) Work Statement Element (WSE), submitted and accepted, occurs.
Study Design Now called Study Plan. The steps involved in defining how (Response Design), where (Spatial Design) and when (Temporal Design) Measurements are taken and Metrics are calculated so that Indicators can be determined (Inference Design).
Study Plan The umbrella component for documenting metadata for a program's monitoring effort or study. This is set up in The steps involve defining how (Response Design), where (Spatial Design), and when (Temporal Design). Measurements are taken and Metrics are calculated so that Indicators can be determined (Inference Design). (Previously called Study Design.)
Submit SOW Button Found on both the Workflow and the Review SOW (Statement of Work) tabs, this button moves the contract requisition (CR) or contract change requisition (CCR) forward for contracting. The initial stage must be completed by the prime contractor (Submit to COR), followed by COR actions (EC, QC, then Approver) before being sent by Approver to the contracting officer (CO) for contracting action.
Subsequent contract Within Contract Continuations, the subsequent contract replaces an expired contract/agreement and generally extends the work from the previous time period. Review the Contract Summary's Basics section.
Supervisor For non-BPA contacts, someone who supervises any or all of the following: Administrative, Technical, and Contract Manager roles. For BPA contacts, the person responsible for reviewing and approving statements of work (SOW) before routing to the BPA Contracting Officer (CO) for contracting.
Systemwide RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation associated with broad, ecosystem-level management questions or critical uncertainties.
Tag, Project Use tags, or markers, to flag a project based on current tags or create a new one. This allows the user to create a portfolio based on types of tags and their associated projects.
Task Group A set of tasks under a Biological Opinion (BiOp) Reasonable and Prudent Alternative (RPA), Strategy, or Approach. Task Groups are used in the BiOp Dashboard views to summarize the status or progress of an RPA or an Approach. An Overall Index, and thus Overall Rating, can be calculated for both an individual Task and a Task Group. For more information, see the definitions for Overall Index and Overall Rating.
Task Status Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, the state of a task implementation will be displayed as Upcoming, Completed or Late, and only Late after the due date has passed.
Taurus Codename for original website, CBFish, which focused on BPA's overall Fish and Wildlife Program down to individual projects, funds, reviews, and portfolios. It was combined with Pisces desktop functionality and called Pisces Web. Now the Pisces Web combination is simply called by its website name: CBFish.
Technical Contact The role within a project or contract for a contractor (or subcontractor) directly involved with on-the-ground, scientific, or other technical components of the work.
Technical Progress Report Document Type Uploaded progress reports are subdivided into non-technical reports and technical reports. The technical report typically follows a scientific format, providing scientific or technical analysis. Generally, technical reports are based on Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) types of contracts which include Work Elements (WE) 156, 157, 162, and possibly others.
Temporal Design A description of when Measurements will be taken. Specifies the frequency and duration of the study or monitoring. An aspect of the Study Plan.
Terminal Final states describing work that has ended within the scope and timeframe of a particular contract.
TM A Transmittal Memo (TM) is a BPA internal contracting requirement between the COR and the Contracting Officer (CO) supplying the CO with appropriate information regarding the contract. On the Contracts grid, this column captures the current approval status of the TM document.
Total Amount Invoiced The value provided in the Total Amount Invoiced, on the WE Budgets tab, represents the total amount invoiced by the contract organization and may omit amounts accrued/billed after the contract end date and until the final invoice is submitted and approved.
Total Contract Value (Performance Period) This contract value is the current value used for comparison against the WE Budget. During initial planning (Planned), and at the end of the contract (Updated), the WE Budget should match this Total Contract Value, leaving $0 difference.
Total of BPA Budget Commitment The Total of BPA Budget Commitment for a project is the sum of all contracted actions – external contracts with vendors and internal contracts (paid via non-contracts such as land acquisitions, PIT tags, etc.). Contracts include pending amendments as well. Account types Expense and Capital are summed separately.
Total WE Budget This Work Element (WE) Budget value is the sum of the Work Statement Element (WSE) values entered on the WE Budget tab. During initial planning (Planned), and at the end of the contract (Updated), the values above should matched to the Total Contract Value, leaving a $0 difference.
Transitioning to closeout A project that is being implemented through the (direct) Program and has a standing Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) review and recommendation by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, but awaiting final closeout and is not anticipated to be reviewed again by the Council.
Transmittal Memo (TM) The BPA internal document created through the CBFish template by the COR to relay information to the BPA Contracting Officer (CO) regarding a contract requisition (CR) or change requisition (CCR).
Transmittal Memo Document Type The type of document created through the CBFish template by the COR to relay information to the BPA Contracting Officer regarding the contract requisition (CR) or change requisition (CCR).
Treatment of Fringe Benefits Fringe benefits are generally recovered through the indirect cost rate. The contract budget should have removed fringe benefits as a direct cost to avoid an inconsistent treatment of costs and potential double recovery of fringe benefits Within the NICRA, there will be a section describing the treatment of fringe benefits.
Tributary Habitat RM&E Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) occurring within and/or applicable to management questions or critical uncertainties associated with the Columbia Basin tributary habitat.
Type (Contract Action) On the SOW page's Contract Actions grid, the Type refers to the stage of the contract such a Contract Requisition (CR), Contract, Change Request (CCR), or Amendment.
Unallocated Budget (by FY) The Unallocated Budget (displayed by fiscal year [FY] and account type) is a simple equation: FY Budget minus FY Contracted Amt.
Uncertainties Research (Validation Monitoring and Innovative Research) Critical research uncertainties are questions concerning the validity of key assumptions implied or stated in the program. Validation monitoring is a form of research that is designed to evaluate: modeling assumptions, scientific uncertainties, assessment techniques, and protocols through discrete and specific research studies. It can also be used to test hypotheses about cause and effect relationships or correlations between fish conditions, habitat conditions, and/or management actions.
Unpaid balance The unpaid balance is calculated as the Current Contract Value minus the Final Total Amount Invoiced.
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Vendor BES ID The vendor organization's ID number as identified in the Bonneville Enterprise System (currently called Asset Suite) to define a vendor; generally up to 8 letters in length.
Vendor BES Location Name The vendor organization's location name entered into the Bonneville Enterprise System (currently called Asset Suite) to define a specific location based on billing; a two digit code appended to the Vendor ID. There can be multiple locations for one vendor.
Vendor ID (BES) The BES Vendor ID refers to the assignation by the system of record to an organization, and used by BPA to attribute contracts/agreements and payments to that organization.
Vendor Indirect Rate An indirect rate reflects the federal government’s recognition that a vendor faces expenses that benefit multiple contracts but are not readily assignable to a specific contract. It is negotiated with the Cognizant Federal Agency.
View Change Logs Since (Review SOW) On the Review SOW tab, select radio button for View Change Logs and enter oldest date requested for the SOW Review actions list. This affects available Change Logs popups found by clicking Last Modified dates.
View Changes All Time (Review SOW) On the Review SOW tab, select the radio button to view all SOW review actions, if desired. This affects available Change Logs popups found by clicking Last Modified dates.
View Permission On the Documents page, View Permission column will advise the user whether they might have proper permission to open or download a document. Some document types are assignable by the uploader, while others are set per type.
Warranty documentation Although not typical for a Fish & Wildlife contract, if construction-type work is included, there may be warranties that need to be provided upon contract closeout to the Contracting Officer (CO).
Water Right Certificate A water right certificate can be obtained from the respective state water agency and provides information about the rate and duty of water that can be used under a water right. A water right certificate has a number that is used for tracking purposes.
Water Rights Permits are required to use water from any source, whether underground, lakes, or streams. The permit recipient may be granted a right to use a volume of water for a defined purpose in a specific place.
Water Survey A document describing the management of water rights associated with land acquisitions and water conservation.
Water Transaction Certificate A document describing the management of water rights associated with acquiring water instream.
WE Budget On the SOW page's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the column, WE Budget, is the Effective Budget amount for the WSE based on input on the WE Budgets tab for that revision; generally under Updated or if blank, defaults to the Planned value.
WE Budget Difference The difference between the Total WE Budget and the Total Contract Value on the WE Budgets tab. Should be $0 upon initial submittal for contracting (Planned).
WE Budget Planned Each Work Statement Element (WSE) is assigned, during the pre-contracting process, an estimated portion on the total contract/agreement's value, including overhead/indirect costs and fringe benefits, such that the total of the WE Budget equals the total of the contract value.
WE Budget Updated Once a Work Statement Element (WSE) is completed, the value for that portion of the total contract/agreement, including overhead, is updated to a more closely estimated cost of that work, in a separate column of the WE Budgets page.
WE Budgets Tab Budgeting for the Statement of Work's (SOW) Work Statement Elements (WSE), used to enter planned and updated/final. Use Planned if not yet issued; and once it is issued, you can enter Updated budgets.
WE Class On the SOW page's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the Work Element (WE) class refers to the type of WE to which the WSE belongs, such as habitat, hatchery, planning, etc.
WE Count The number of Work Statement Elements (WSE) added to a Statement of Work (SOW) for a given contract, internal or external; shown on My Contracts or on the specific contract's SOW.
WE Ref On the Documents page, the WE Ref (Work Statement Element Reference) tells the user the document relates to a specific WSE on the Statement of Work (SOW). This is set by the uploader but can be added at a later time.
Wildlife Crediting As BPA implements wildlife mitigation activities, it takes credit for its efforts toward mitigation of loss assessments for each dam in the Columbia River Basin. This includes land acquisition and management; habitat enhancement, restoration and improvement; weed control; fencing; and other wildlife conservation actions. One Habitat Unit (HU) of credit is given for each HU mitigated.
Work Activity Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, a category of work for a contract/agreement such as its Contract Start or Status Report.
Work Activity Task Within the Dashboard's Contract Work Activity Tasks, a specific action necessary to complete a category of work for an agreement/contract.
Work Classification Seeks to find a definitive way to answer the question, "What types of work does BPA's F&W Program fund?" One way is to categorize work types based on work elements (WE), instead of only by the primary purpose of a project.
Work Element A standardized task or activity performed by BPA's Fish and Wildlife program. Examples include Install Fence, Collect Data, Purchase Land, and Submit Progress Report. Work Elements are the building blocks of contracts and have attributes such as GIS location, quantitative and qualitative metrics, environmental compliance notes, focal species, estimated budget, milestones, etc. When building a statement of work (SOW) in CBFish, contractors must choose from a drop-down menu of Work Elements (WE) that describe the work they are to perform under the contract, which become instances of the WE, then referred to as Work Statement Elements (WSE). The list of WEs is evaluated and amended, if necessary, annually (a few months before the federal fiscal year starts in October). The complete list of WEs is available at:
Work Element (WE) ID The unique identification number for a Work Element (WE). For example, the Work Element "Plant Vegetation" is ID 47. Provides a quick way to refer to a WE.
Work Element (WE) Title A descriptive name for an instance of a Work Element (called the Work Statement Element) in the context of a specific statement of work (SOW). Work Statement Element (WSE) titles are typically entered by the contractor planning to do the work and are limited to 100 characters in order to encourage brevity while concisely describing the work, distinguishing it from similar work within the contract. Contractors can provide lengthier WSE descriptions.
Work Element Budget Report The Work Element (WE) Budget Report is a point in time of the current state of the WE Budgets of a contract, both planned and updated. It may also include contractor and BPA comments when entered.
Work Element Description A narrative description that captures the details for a given instance of a work element (called a work statement element). BPA encourages contractors to enter everything from descriptive location information to prescribed scientific approaches.
Work Element History On the SOW page's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the Work Element's history displays for the referenced version whether it is newly added to this version (All-New), carried forward (Existing) or will not be completed (Descoped).
Work Element Name On the SOW page's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the Work Element (WE) Name refers to the named type of work done under this WE (not a specific instance of the WE). One or many can be added to a SOW.
Work Element Summary Tab Work Element summary for a specific instance of a work element (called a work statement element) in the current contract offering summary details.
Work Elements Available Choose Active (current) Work Elements from the list to build the Statement of Work (SOW). Move it over using the plus (+) button.
Work Elements Selected The Work Elements chosen from the available list appear in this grid. If you want to remove one, use the minus (-) button.
Work Order Within BPA contracting, a work order is attributed to a single project, specifically for expense-based or capital-based work, separately. It is generally associated with a list of tasks, as needed.
Work Order Number Contracts/agreements are assigned a work order (WO) number, based on a single project, to identify the project to which it belongs. Occasionally more than one is assigned as each WO is based on expense or capital funding.
Work Order Task Number Contracts/agreements are assigned a work order (WO) number and task number to identify the project to which it belongs and the specific task under the WO. Occasionally more than one is assigned to a project as each WO and task is based on expense or capital funding.
Work Order Task Status The current condition of the Work Order Task will inform whether it is currently useable: Ready, Working, Cancelled, or Closed; with only the Ready status available for use.
Work Order Task(s) Within BPA contracting, a work order, attributed to a single project for expense-based or capital-based work, is associated with one or more tasks. The task is useable when in Ready status. A work order and task combination is assigned to each agreement/contract within that project based on its expense type. Occasionally an expense and a capital work order, each with its own task, are both added.
Work Site The specific or approximate location of a work element instance (called a work statement element). Work Sites are expressed as a latitude and longitude. Some work elements allow multiple locations, others only one, while others none. Locations with descriptions may be shared across multiple WSEs such as the location of a hatchery or a fish passage structure. The Work Sites page lists all locations pinpointed within CBFish.
Work Site Description A description of the Work Site where one or more work statement elements (WSEs) occur. Some work elements (WEs) may allow more than one location. Providing a location description enables a location to be linked to more than one WE. Location descriptions are limited to 100 characters.
Work Site Latitude The latitude, expressed in decimal degree format, of a Work Site. This number can have up to 6 decimal points of precision.
Work Site Longitude The longitude, expressed in decimal degree format, of a Work Site. This number can have up to 6 decimal points of precision.
Work Statement Element (WSE) A specific instance of a work element (WE) on a statement of work (SOW) under a contract is called a Work Statement Element (WSE).
Work Statement Element Completion Date On the Status Report, the WSE completion date is the last date all milestones and the deliverable are completed, based on dates entered that the milestone or deliverable work was accomplished, required when marked as complete.
Work Statement Element Deliverable Most Work Statement Elements (WSE) require a deliverable. A deliverable is the primary product of work, something verifiable, that represents the product, service, or outcome delivered as the planned outcome of a specific WSE.
Work Statement Element Due Date The due date of a Work Statement Element (WSE) is based on the latest end date of its various milestones and deliverable. Thus the last due date, no later than the end date of the agreement, represents the due date for the WSE.
Workflow Document Approval Document Approval: In the column titled COR, the COR indicates the status of each of the required documents, based on their review. In the corresponding columns, the EC Lead, QC, and F&W Approver will provide their own status/approvals. It will be necessary for all statuses to be green (EC, COR, QC) prior to the contract package moving forward to the F&W Approver for approval.
Workflow History On the Workflow tab, the history grid lists the steps from submission by the sponsor to the COR through the current state of the workflow process.
Workflow Tab This page allows contract requisition (CR) or modification workflow tracking site for identification of current status.
Working Budget The Working Budget is the sum of ALL budget decisions for an account type (capital or expense) for a specific fiscal year (FY). There could be one transfer that makes up the working budget, or many. There can also be several funding types that make up a working budget such as Accord or BiOp funding.
Write Permission Those who are granted permission to work on, or change information within, a project or contract are assigned those roles on the Contacts page, either by the BPA Project Manager/COR or by an organization's lead for individuals within that organization. Contact the Project Manager or COR to request write permission when in doubt.
WSE Effective Budget On the SOW page's Work Statement Element (WSE) grid, the column heading, WE Budget, is also the Effective Budget (thus represented on the Customize list). The amount input on the WE Budgets tab for a WSE is the effective budget for that revision; generally Updated or if blank, defaults to the Planned value.
WSE End The end date of a Work Statement Element (WSE) can be found on the contract's SOW tab.
WSE ID The first version of Work Statement Element (WSE) at contract issuance.
WSE Progress The Work Statement Element's (WSE) progress designation on a contract's WSE grid gives insight into its status. The designations are: Draft, In Progress, Planned, Completed, and Canceled. Reviewing each status of a WSE's milestones can provide further information.
WSE Sort Order A sort order can be set, or rearranged, on the Statement of Work (SOW) for its Work Statement Elements(WSE) grid. See page's Help-How do I? for more details.
WSE Start The start date of a Work Statement Element (WSE) can be found on the contract's SOW tab.
WSEV Work Statement Element Version, a number used to distinguish between various versions of the work element instance, called a work statement element (WSE).
WSEV ID A Work Statement Element (WSE) may be versioned if you revise the contract. Thus, the WSE ID may have more than one version of the WSE, each with its own version identification (ID) number for different versions of the contract/agreement.