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 | Fish & Wildlife Program Video Map | Take a video tour of projects in the Columbia River Basin. Each of the videos displayed on the map are examples of the work that BPA and its project partners are doing to protect and restore fish and wildlife populations and the habitat they depend on. | Public | Grant, Sharon | 10/28/2019 1:08 PM |
 | Columbia Estuary Subbasin | Estuary layer plus worksites since 2005 | Public | Marsters, Dal | 05/28/2013 5:42 PM |
 | All projects in Implementation | Gray base layer with unclustered worksites | Public | Deniston, Matt | 01/23/2015 2:38 PM |
 | Non-anadromous (resident fish) Zone | Subbasin layer filtered to Coeur D'Alene, Columbia Upper, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Boise, Bruneau, Burnt, Malheur, Owyhee, Payette, Powder, Snake Lower Middle, Snake Upper Middle, Weiser, Bitterroot, Blackfoot, Clark Fork, Flathead, Kootenai, Snake Headwaters, Snake Upper, Snake Upper Closed Basin | Public | Marsters, Dal | 07/18/2013 12:53 PM |
 | Anadromous Zone | Subbasins filtered to: Asotin, Big White Salmon, Clearwater, Columbia Estuary, Columbia Gorge, Cowlitz, Crab, Deschutes, Elohoman, Entiat, Fifteenmile, Grande Ronde, Grays, Hood, Imnaha, John Day, Kalama, Klickitat, Lewis, Little White Salmon, Lower Columbia, Lower Middle Columbia, Lower Snake, Methow, Okanogan, Palouse, Salmon, Sandy, Tucannon, Umatilla, Upper Middle Columbia, Walla Walla, Washougal, Wenatchee, Willamette, Wind, Yakima | Public | Marsters, Dal | 07/18/2013 1:23 PM |
 | Montana Habitat Restoration | Map of habitat restoration work sites in Montana since 2005. | Public | Deniston, Matt | 01/09/2014 1:40 PM |
 | Oregon Habitat Restoration | Map of habitat restoration work sites in Oregon since 2005. | Public | Deniston, Matt | 01/31/2014 2:23 PM |
 | Idaho Habitat Restoration | Map of habitat restoration work sites in Idaho since 2005. | Public | Deniston, Matt | 01/09/2014 1:43 PM |
 | Washington - St Helens North (Green River) | Map of habitat restoration work sites in Washington since 2005. | Public | Deniston, Matt | 10/12/2016 2:59 PM |
 | Washington RM&E sites | Washington Research Monitoring & Evaluation sites, with mainstem reaches shown. | Public | Deniston, Matt | 01/10/2014 12:52 PM |
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