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Proposal 2013NEW-2000-001-00 (Omak Creek Anadromous Fish Habitat and Passage)
Proposal 2013NEW-2002-060-00 (Nez Perce Harvest Monitoring on Snake and Clearwater Rivers)
Proposal 2013NEW-2007-393-00 (Protect and Restore Northeast Oregon/Southeast Washington)
Proposal 2013NEW-2012-013-00 (Snake River Fall Chinook Monitoring and Evaluation - Fidelity and Fallback)
Proposal 2017INDR-2017-004-00 (Northern Pike Suppression and Monitoring)
Proposal 2017INDR-2017-005-00 (Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative Columbia River Basin Projects)
Proposal 2017INDR-2017-006-00 (Non-native predator recruitment reduction)
Proposal BACKLOG-1997-023-00 (Independent Science Review Panel (ISRP))
Proposal BACKLOG-2002-032-00 (Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Life History Investigations)
Proposal BACKLOG-2019-004-00 (Yakama - Conservation Enforcement)
Proposal BiOpFY10AUG-2007-092-00 (Protect and Restore Selway River Watershed)
Proposal BiOpFY10AUG-2008-607-00 (Nutrient Enhancement Project)
Proposal BiOpFY10AUG-2008-719-00 (Research Non-Indigenous Actions)
Proposal BiOpFY10AUG-2010-086-00 (Protect and Restore the Crooked and American River Watersheds)
Proposal BiOpFY10JUL-2008-504-00 (Sturgeon Genetics)
Proposal BiOpFY10JUL-2010-071-00 (A Study to Evaluate Survival of Adult Salmon Migrating from the Mouth of the Columbia River to Bonneville Dam)
Proposal BiOpFY10JUL-2010-077-00 (Tucannon River Programmatic Habitat Project)
Proposal BiOpFY10JUL-2010-079-00 (Conclusion to 2007-2009 Hungry Horse Mitigation Real Property Acquisitions)
Proposal BiOpFY11OCT-2010-090-00 (Application of Action Effectiveness Research and Monitoring to Comprehensive Evaluations of Habitat Restoration in the LCRE)
Proposal BiOpFY11OCT-2011-005-00 (Removal of predatory sea lions at Bonneville Dam)
Proposal BiOpFY11OCT-2011-011-00 (Okanogan-Methow Irrigation Efficiencies Program)
Proposal GEOREV-1983-436-00 (Umatilla Passage Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal GEOREV-1984-021-00 (John Day Fish Habitat Enhancement Program)
Proposal GEOREV-1987-100-01 (Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat-Umatilla Tribe)
Proposal GEOREV-1987-100-02 (Umatilla Anadromous Fish Habitat-Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW))
Proposal GEOREV-1988-022-00 (Umatilla and Walla Walla Fish Passage Operations Project)
Proposal GEOREV-1988-120-25 (Yakima River Basin Management and Data -Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal GEOREV-1989-027-00 (Umatilla Basin Power Repay)
Proposal GEOREV-1992-009-00 (Yakima Phase II Fish Screens Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and US.Bureau of Reclamations (BOR))
Proposal GEOREV-1992-026-01 (Grande Ronde Model Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-1992-062-00 (Lower Yakima Valley Riparian and Wetlands Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-1993-040-00 (Fifteenmile Creek Habitat Improvement)
Proposal GEOREV-1993-066-00 (Oregon Fish Screen and Passage Project)
Proposal GEOREV-1994-015-00 (Idaho Fish Screening Improvement)
Proposal GEOREV-1994-018-05 (Asotin Creek Watershed Protection and Restoration Project)
Proposal GEOREV-1994-018-06 (Tucannon Stream and Riparian Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-1994-018-07 (Garfield County Fall Chinook and Steelhead Habitat Improvement)
Proposal GEOREV-1994-042-00 (Trout Creek Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal GEOREV-1994-050-00 (Salmon River Habitat Enhancement)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-035-01 (Yakama Reservation Watershed Project)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-042-00 (Restore Salmon Creek Anadromous Fish)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-046-01 (Walla Walla River Basin Fish Habitat Enhancement)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-077-02 (Lolo Creek Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-083-00 (CTUIR Grand Ronde Subbasin Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-1996-086-00 (Clearwater Focus Program)
Proposal GEOREV-1997-051-00 (Yakima Basin Side Channels Land Acquisition)
Proposal GEOREV-1997-056-00 (Klickitat Watershed Enhancement)
Proposal GEOREV-1997-060-00 (Nez Perce Tribe Focus Watershed Restoration Coordination)
Proposal GEOREV-1998-019-00 (Wind River Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-1998-021-00 (Hood River Fish Habitat Project)
Proposal GEOREV-1998-028-00 (Trout Creek Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-1999-017-00 (Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-2000-001-00 (Omak Creek Anadromous Fish Habitat and Passage)
Proposal GEOREV-2000-015-00 (Oxbow Conservation Area)
Proposal GEOREV-2000-031-00 (Enhance Habitat in the North Fork John Day River)
Proposal GEOREV-2000-035-00 (Newsome Creek Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2001-021-00 (15 Mile Creek Riparian Buffers)
Proposal GEOREV-2001-041-01 (Forrest Conservation Area)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-015-00 (Coordination and Technical Assistance to Watershed Councils and Individuals in Sherman County, Oregon)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-019-00 (Develop Riparian Buffer Systems in Lower Wasco County)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-034-00 (Riparian Buffers in Wheeler County)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-035-00 (Riparian Buffers in Gilliam County)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-050-00 (Asotin County Stream Protection and Restoration Project: Couse Creek, Tenmile Creek, Alpowa Creek and Grande Ronde River Watersheds)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-059-00 (Lower Yankee Fork Implementation Plan 2008-2018)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-061-00 (Potlatch River Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-070-00 (Restoring Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Lapwai Creek Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-2002-072-00 (Red River Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2003-011-00 (Columbia River Estuary Habitat Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-064-00 (Slate Creek Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-092-00 (Restore Selway River Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-127-00 (East Fork of South Fork Salmon River Passage Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-156-00 (Rock Creek Fish and Habitat Assessment for the Prioritization of Restoration and Protection)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-217-00 (Walla Walla River Passage Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal GEOREV-2007-224-00 (Okanogan Subbasin Habitat Implementation Program (OSHIP))
Proposal GEOREV-2007-268-00 (Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration-Custer District)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-393-00 (Protect and Restore Northeast Oregon/Southeast Washington)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-394-00 (Idaho Watershed Habitat Restoration-Lemhi)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-395-00 (Protect and Restore the Lochsa Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-396-00 (Walla Walla Basinwide Tributary Passage and Flow)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-397-00 (John Day Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-398-00 (Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program)
Proposal GEOREV-2007-399-00 (Upper Salmon Screen Tributary Passage)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-202-00 (Protect and Restore Tucannon Watershed)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-206-00 (Instream Flow Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-207-00 (Umatilla Tribe Ceded Area Stream Corridor Conservation & Protection)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-301-00 (Habitat Restoration Planning/Design/Implementation within boundaries of Warm Springs Reservation, lower Deschutes River, Oregon)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-603-00 (Pahsimeroi River Habitat)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-604-00 (Lower Clearwater and Potlatch Watersheds Habitat Improvements)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-608-00 (Idaho MOA/Fish Accord Water Transactions)
Proposal GEOREV-2008-903-00 (ESA Habitat Restoration Project)
Proposal GEOREV-2009-003-00 (Upper Columbia Habitat Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2009-012-00 (Willamette Bi-Op Habitat Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2009-026-00 (Walla Walla Juvenile and Adult Passage Improvements)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-001-00 (Upper Columbia Programmatic Habitat)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-003-00 (Lower South Fork Clearwater River Watershed Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-004-00 (CREST Estuary Habitat Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-070-00 (WA Estuary MOA Project Scoping & Implementation)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-072-00 (Lemhi River Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-073-00 (Columbia Land Trust Estuarine Restoration)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-077-00 (Tucannon River Programmatic Habitat Project)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-086-00 (Protect and Restore the Crooked and American River Watersheds)
Proposal GEOREV-2010-088-00 (Upper and Lower Lemhi Acquisition/Easements)
Proposal GEOREV-2012-015-00 (Cowlitz Indian Tribe Estuary Restoration Program)
Proposal INDREV14-2000-031-00 (Enhance Habitat in the North Fork John Day River)
Proposal INDREV14-2008-115-00 (Lake Roosevelt Burbot Population Assessment)
Proposal INDREV14-2008-471-00 (Upper Columbia Nutrient Supplementation)
Proposal INDREV-2002-059-00 (Yankee Fork PS3 Side Channel)
Proposal INDREV-2011-003-00 (Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program)
Proposal ISRP2011-1988-053-01 (Northeast Oregon Hatchery Master Plan)
Proposal ISRP2011-1988-053-05 (Northeast Oregon Outplanting Facilities)
Proposal ISRP2011-1998-007-04 (Grande Ronde Spring Chinook on Lostine/Catherine Creek/ Upper Grande Ronde Rivers)
Proposal ISRP2011-2002-068-00 (Implementation of the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program in Lolo Creek, SF Clearwater, Lochsa, and Imnaha Rivers - NPT DFRM Watershed Division)
Proposal ISRP2011-2007-156-00 (Rock Creek Fish and Habitat Assessment)
Proposal ISRP2011-2007-401-00 (Kelt Reconditioning and Reproductive Success Evaluation Research)
Proposal ISRP2011-2008-506-00 (Smolt Monitoring Video Feasibility Project)
Proposal ISRP2011-2008-527-00 (Zone 6 Fisheries CRITFC Accord project)
Proposal ISRP2011-2008-905-00 (Supplementation Projects)
Proposal ISRP2011-2008-906-00 (Crystal Springs Planning and Operations/Maintenance)
Proposal ISRP2011-2008-908-00 (FCRPS Water Studies & Passage of Adult Salmon & Steelhead)
Proposal ISRP2011-2011-018-00 (Pend Oreille River Basin Initiative: Land Acquisitions, Watershed Restoration, Conservation Hatchery)
Proposal NPCC19-1982-013-01 (Coded Wire Tag-Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC))
Proposal NPCC19-1983-319-00 (Development and Evaluation of Fish-Tracking Technologies (Title changed for Project 198331900 in 2006))
Proposal NPCC19-1987-127-00 (Smolt Monitoring by Non-Federal Entities)
Proposal NPCC19-1988-108-04 (StreamNet - Coordinated Information System (CIS)/ Northwest Environmental Database (NED))
Proposal NPCC19-1989-096-00 (Genetic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Program for Salmon and Steelhead)
Proposal NPCC19-1989-107-00 (Statistical Support for Salmonid Survival Studies)
Proposal NPCC19-1990-077-00 (Development of Systemwide Predator Control)
Proposal NPCC19-1990-080-00 (Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System)
Proposal NPCC19-1991-029-00 (Snake River fall Chinook salmon research and monitoring)
Proposal NPCC19-1991-051-00 (Modeling and Evaluation Statistical Support for Life-Cycle Studies)
Proposal NPCC19-1993-029-00 (Survival Estimates for the Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Snake and Columbia River Dams and Reservoirs)
Proposal NPCC19-1993-056-00 (Research to Advance Hatchery Reform)
Proposal NPCC19-1994-026-00 (Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project)
Proposal NPCC19-1994-033-00 (Fish Passage Center)
Proposal NPCC19-1996-019-00 (Data Access in Real Time (DART))
Proposal NPCC19-1996-020-00 (Comparative Survival Study (CSS))
Proposal NPCC19-1997-024-00 (Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids)
Proposal NPCC19-1998-004-01 (Columbia Basin Bulletin)
Proposal NPCC19-1998-014-00 (Ocean Survival Of Salmonids)
Proposal NPCC19-1999-003-01 (Evaluate Spawning of Fall Chinook and Chum Salmon Just Below the Four Lowermost Mainstem Dams)
Proposal NPCC19-2002-013-01 (Water Entity - Water Transaction Program)
Proposal NPCC19-2002-031-00 (Growth Modulation in Salmon Supplementation)
Proposal NPCC19-2002-037-00 (Freshwater Mussel Research and Restoration)
Proposal NPCC19-2004-002-00 (Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Coordination)
Proposal NPCC19-2005-002-00 (Lower Granite Dam Adult Trap Operations)
Proposal NPCC19-2007-252-00 (Hyporheic Flow Assessment in Columbia River Tributaries)
Proposal NPCC19-2007-390-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement- Confederated Tribe of Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR))
Proposal NPCC19-2007-391-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement-Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC))
Proposal NPCC19-2008-004-00 (Sea Lion Non-Lethal Hazing)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-105-00 (Selective Gear Deployment)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-106-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement-Colville Tribe)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-308-00 (Willamette Falls Lamprey Escapement Estimate)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-470-00 (Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-502-00 (Expanded Tribal Catch Sampling)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-505-00 (StreamNet Library)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-507-00 (Inter-Tribal Data Monitoring (ITMD))
Proposal NPCC19-2008-518-00 (Upstream Migration Timing)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-524-00 (Implement Tribal Pacific Lamprey Restoration Plan)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-527-00 (Zone 6 Fisheries CRITFC Accord project)
Proposal NPCC19-2008-710-00 (Development of an Integrated strategy for Chum Salmon Restoration in the tributaries below Bonneville Dam)
Proposal NPCC19-2009-008-00 (Climate Change Impacts)
Proposal NPCC19-2010-036-00 (Lower Columbia Coded Wire Tag (CWT) Recovery Project)
Proposal NPCC19-2011-014-00 (Evaluate Status & Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in the lower Deschutes River, Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River Subbasins)
Proposal NPCC19-2011-020-00 (Intermountain Province/Pend Oreille Subbasin Data Management Project)
Proposal NPCC19-2016-001-00 (BPA Project Action Effectiveness Monitoring (AEM) Programmatic)
Proposal NPCC19-2017-003-00 (Yakama Nation Upper Columbia Monitoring Project)
Proposal NPCC19-2017-005-00 (Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative Columbia River Basin Projects)
Proposal NPCC19-2018-002-00 (Integrated In-stream PIT tag Detection System Operations and Maintenance)
Proposal REMGEO-1989-027-00 (Umatilla Basin Power Repay)
Proposal REMGEO-2008-102-00 (Okanogan Habitat Acquisition and Restoration)
Proposal REMGEO-2008-104-00 (Land & Water Acquisition)
Proposal RESCAT-1985-038-00 (Colville Hatchery Operation and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RESCAT-1988-064-00 (Kootenai River Native Fish Conservation Aquaculture Program)
Proposal RESCAT-1988-065-00 (Kootenai River Resident Fish Mitigation)
Proposal RESCAT-1988-108-04 (StreamNet - Coordinated Information System (CIS)/ Northwest Environmental Database (NED))
Proposal RESCAT-1989-062-01 (Program Coordination and Facilitation Services provided through the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Foundation))
Proposal RESCAT-1990-018-00 (Lake Roosevelt Rainbow Trout Habitat and Passage Improvement)
Proposal RESCAT-1990-044-00 (Coeur D'Alene Subbasin Fisheries Restoration and Enhancement)
Proposal RESCAT-1990-080-00 (Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System)
Proposal RESCAT-1991-019-01 (Hungry Horse Mitigation/Flathead Lake Restoration and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E))
Proposal RESCAT-1991-019-03 (Hungry Horse Mitigation Habitat Restoration and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E))
Proposal RESCAT-1991-019-04 (Hungry Horse Mitigation-Creston National Fish Hatchery)
Proposal RESCAT-1991-046-00 (Spokane Tribal Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RESCAT-1991-047-00 (Sherman Creek Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RESCAT-1992-010-00 (Fort Hall Habitat Restoration)
Proposal RESCAT-1994-033-00 (Fish Passage Center)
Proposal RESCAT-1994-043-00 (Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evaluation Program (Data Collection))
Proposal RESCAT-1994-047-00 (Lake Pend Oreille Fishery Recovery Project)
Proposal RESCAT-1994-049-00 (Kootenai River Ecosystem Restoration)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-001-00 (Kalispel Tribe Resident Fish Program)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-004-00 (Libby Reservoir Mitigation Restoration and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E))
Proposal RESCAT-1995-009-00 (Lake Roosevelt Rainbow Trout Net Pens)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-011-00 (Chief Joseph Kokanee Enhancement Project)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-013-00 (Nez Perce Trout Ponds)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-015-00 (Duck Valley Reservation Reservoir Fish Stocking Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Monitoring and Evaluation ( M&E))
Proposal RESCAT-1995-027-00 (Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Recovery)
Proposal RESCAT-1995-064-25 (Policy, Plan and Technical Support of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RESCAT-1996-019-00 (Data Access in Real Time (DART))
Proposal RESCAT-1997-004-00 (Resident Fish above Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams)
Proposal RESCAT-1997-011-00 (Duck Valley Reservation Habitat Enhancement)
Proposal RESCAT-1997-019-00 (Evaluate the Life History of Native Salmonids in the Malheur River Subbasin)
Proposal RESCAT-1998-004-01 (Columbia Basin Bulletin)
Proposal RESCAT-1998-031-00 (Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit)
Proposal RESCAT-2001-028-00 (Banks Lake Fishery Evaluation)
Proposal RESCAT-2001-029-00 (Ford Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RESCAT-2001-031-00 (Resident Fish Symposium)
Proposal RESCAT-2001-032-00 (Coeur D'Alene Fisheries Enhancement-Hangman Creek)
Proposal RESCAT-2001-033-00 (Hangman Creek Wildlife Restoration)
Proposal RESCAT-2002-002-00 (Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program)
Proposal RESCAT-2002-003-00 (Secure and Restore Fish Habitat in Montana)
Proposal RESCAT-2002-008-00 (Reconnect Kootenai River with Historic Floodplain)
Proposal RESCAT-2002-037-00 (Freshwater Mussel Research and Restoration)
Proposal RESCAT-2003-072-00 (Integrated Habitat and Biodiversity Information System for Columbia River Basin)
Proposal RESCAT-2004-002-00 (Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2006-008-00 (Mainstem Columbia Amendments Research at Libby and Hungry Horse dams)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-003-00 (Dworshak Dam Resident Fish Mitigation)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-024-00 (Coeur d' Alene Trout Ponds)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-106-00 (Spokane Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-108-00 (Upper Columbia United Tribes (UCUT) Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-149-00 (Pend Oreille Nonnative Fish Suppression Project)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-157-00 (Bull Trout Status and Abundance on Warm Springs Reservation)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-162-00 (Kalispel Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-170-00 (South Fork Snake River Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Recruitment and Survival Improvement)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-246-00 (Restoration of Bull Trout Passage at Albeni Falls Dam)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-372-00 (Lake Roosevelt Sturgeon Hatchery)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-405-00 (Rufus Woods Habitat/Passage Improvement, Creel and Triploid Supplementation)
Proposal RESCAT-2007-407-00 (Upper Snake River Tribe (USRT) Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-109-00 (Resident Fish Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E))
Proposal RESCAT-2008-111-00 (Twin Lakes Enhancement)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-112-00 (Resident Fish Loss Assessment)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-115-00 (Lake Roosevelt Burbot Population Assessment)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-116-00 (White Sturgeon Enhancement)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-117-00 (Rufus Woods Net Pens)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-505-00 (StreamNet Library)
Proposal RESCAT-2008-507-00 (Tribal Data Network)
Proposal RESCAT-2009-008-00 (Climate Change Impacts)
Proposal RESCAT-2009-010-00 (Coeur D'Alene Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2009-025-00 (Grand Ronde Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2010-044-00 (Colville Regional Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2010-075-00 (Upper Columbia Implementation/Compliance and Project (Reach-scale) Effectiveness Monitoring)
Proposal RESCAT-2011-012-00 (Cowlitz Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2011-017-00 (Resident Fish: Assessment of Operational Effects (Albeni Falls))
Proposal RESCAT-2011-020-00 (Intermountain Province/Pend Oreille Subbasin Data Management Project)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-002-00 (Oregon Regional Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-003-00 (Washington Regional Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-004-00 (Idaho Regional Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-005-00 (Siletz Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-006-00 (Nez Perce Tribe Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-008-00 (Montana Regional Coordination)
Proposal RESCAT-2012-009-00 (Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe Regional Coordination)
Proposal RME-2008-905-00 (Supplementation Projects Mimicking Natural Rearing Conditions)
Proposal RMECAT-1982-013-01 (Coded Wire Tag-Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC))
Proposal RMECAT-1982-013-02 (Coded Wire Tag-Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW))
Proposal RMECAT-1982-013-03 (Coded Wire Tag-US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS))
Proposal RMECAT-1982-013-04 (Coded Wire Tag-Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW))
Proposal RMECAT-1983-319-00 (Development and Evaluation of Fish-Tracking Technologies (Title changed for Project 198331900 in 2006))
Proposal RMECAT-1983-350-00 (Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RMECAT-1983-350-03 (Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E))
Proposal RMECAT-1983-435-00 (Umatilla Hatchery Satellite Facilities Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RMECAT-1986-050-00 (White Sturgeon Mitigation and Restoration in the Lower Columbia and Snake Rivers)
Proposal RMECAT-1987-127-00 (Smolt Monitoring by Non-Federal Entities)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-01 (Northeast Oregon Hatchery Master Plan)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-03 (Hood River Production Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)-Warm Springs)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-04 (Hood River Production Monitor and Evaluation (M&E)-Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW))
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-05 (Northeast Oregon Outplanting Facilities)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-07 (Hood River Production Operations and Maintenance (O&M)-Warm Springs)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-08 (Hood River Trapping Operations and Maintenance)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-053-15 (Hood River Revised Master Plan Implementation)
Proposal RMECAT-1988-115-35 (Klickitat River Design and Construction-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1988-120-35 (Klickitat River Management, Data and Habitat-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1989-024-01 (Umatilla Juvenile Salmonid Outmigration and Survival)
Proposal RMECAT-1989-035-00 (Umatilla Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal RMECAT-1989-096-00 (Genetic Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Program for Salmon and Steelhead)
Proposal RMECAT-1989-098-00 (Salmon Studies in Idaho Rivers-Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG))
Proposal RMECAT-1989-107-00 (Statistical Support For Salmonid Survival Studies)
Proposal RMECAT-1990-005-00 (Umatilla Hatchery Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E))
Proposal RMECAT-1990-005-01 (Umatilla Basin Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E))
Proposal RMECAT-1990-055-00 (Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Studies)
Proposal RMECAT-1990-077-00 (Development of Systemwide Predator Control)
Proposal RMECAT-1990-080-00 (Columbia Basin PIT Tag Information System)
Proposal RMECAT-1991-028-00 (Pit Tagging Wild Chinook)
Proposal RMECAT-1991-029-00 (Research, monitoring, and evaluation of emerging issues and measures to recover the Snake River fall Chinook salmon ESU)
Proposal RMECAT-1991-051-00 (Modeling and Evaluation Statistical Support for Life-Cycle Studies)
Proposal RMECAT-1991-073-00 (Idaho Natural Production Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E))
Proposal RMECAT-1992-026-04 (Life History of Grande Ronde River Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead)
Proposal RMECAT-1993-029-00 (Survival Estimates for the Passage of Juvenile Salmonids Through Snake and Columbia River Dams and Reservoirs)
Proposal RMECAT-1993-056-00 (Research to Advance Hatchery Reform)
Proposal RMECAT-1993-060-00 (Select Area Fisheries Enhancement)
Proposal RMECAT-1994-026-00 (Pacific Lamprey Research and Restoration Project)
Proposal RMECAT-1994-033-00 (Fish Passage Center)
Proposal RMECAT-1995-063-25 (Yakima River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1995-063-35 (Klickitat River Monitoring and Evaluation-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1995-064-25 (Policy, Plan and Technical Support of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1996-020-00 (Comparative Survival Study (CSS))
Proposal RMECAT-1996-021-00 (Gas Bubble Disease Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-1996-035-01 (Yakama Reservation Watershed Project)
Proposal RMECAT-1996-040-00 (Mid-Columbia Reintroduction Feasibility Study)
Proposal RMECAT-1996-043-00 (Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement)
Proposal RMECAT-1997-013-25 (Yakima River Operations and Maintenance (O&M) for Hatcheries and Acclimation Sites-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1997-013-35 (Klickitat River Operations and Maintenance (O&M) for Hatcheries and Acclimation Sites-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal RMECAT-1997-015-01 (Imnaha River Smolt Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-1997-024-00 (Avian Predation on Juvenile Salmonids)
Proposal RMECAT-1997-030-00 (Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-1997-038-00 (Listed Stock Chinook Salmon Gamete Preservation)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-007-02 (Grande Ronde Supplementation Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) on Lostine River)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-007-03 (Grande Ronde Supplementation O&M on Catherine Creek/Upper Grande Ronde River)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-007-04 (Grande Ronde Spring Chinook on Lostine/Catherine Creek/ Upper Grande Ronde Rivers)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-010-04 (Monitor and Evaluate (M&E) Performance of Juvenile Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon from Fall Chinook Acclimation Project)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-010-05 (Fall Chinook Acclimation Facilities on Snake/Clearwater Rivers)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-014-00 (Ocean Survival Of Salmonids)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-016-00 (Escapement and Productivity of Spring Chinook and Steelhead)
Proposal RMECAT-1998-019-00 (Wind River Watershed)
Proposal RMECAT-1999-003-01 (Evaluate Spawning of Fall Chinook and Chum Salmon Just Below the Four Lowermost Mainstem Dams)
Proposal RMECAT-1999-020-00 (Analyze the Persistence and Spatial Dynamics of Chinook Salmon)
Proposal RMECAT-2000-038-00 (Walla Walla Hatchery Final Design/Construction)
Proposal RMECAT-2000-039-00 (Walla Walla River Basin Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E))
Proposal RMECAT-2001-003-00 (Installation and Evaluation of Established PIT-tag Technologies (Title changed for Project 200100300 in 2006))
Proposal RMECAT-2002-013-01 (Water Entity - Water Transaction Program)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-016-00 (Evaluate the Status of Pacific Lamprey in the Lower Deschutes River)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-030-00 (Salmonid Progeny Markers)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-031-00 (Growth Modulation in Salmon Supplementation)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-032-00 (Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Life History Investigations)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-053-00 (Asotin Creek Salmon Population Assessment)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-060-00 (Nez Perce Harvest Monitoring on Snake and Clearwater Rivers)
Proposal RMECAT-2002-068-00 (Implementation of the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program in Lolo Creek, SF Clearwater, Lochsa, and Imnaha Rivers - NPT DFRM Watershed Division)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-007-00 (Lower Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-009-00 (Salmon Shelf Survival Study)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-017-00 (Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP))
Proposal RMECAT-2003-022-00 (Okanogan Basin Monitoring & Evaluation Program (OBMEP))
Proposal RMECAT-2003-023-00 (Chief Joseph Hatchery Program)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-039-00 (Monitoring the reproductive success of naturally spawning hatchery and natural spring Chinook salmon in the Wenatchee River)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-041-00 (Evaluate Delayed (Extra) Mortality Associated with Passage of Yearling Chinook Salmon through Snake River Dams)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-050-00 (Evaluate the Reproductive Success of Wild and Hatchery Steelhead in Natural and Hatchery Environments)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-054-00 (Evaluate the Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery-Origin and Wild-Origin Steelhead Spawning Naturally in the Hood River)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-063-00 (Natural Reproductive Success and Demographic Effects of Hatchery-Origin Steelhead in Abernathy Creek, Washington)
Proposal RMECAT-2003-114-00 (Coastal Ocean Acoustic Salmon Tracking (COAST))
Proposal RMECAT-2005-002-00 (Lower Granite Dam Adult Trap Operations)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-007-00 (Determine Status and Limiting Factors of Pacific Lamprey in Fifteenmile Creek and Hood River subbasins, Oregon)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-083-00 (Grande Ronde Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) on Catherine Creek/Upper Grande Ronde River)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-132-00 (NEOH Monitoring & Evaluation Implementation (Formerly a component of 198805301))
Proposal RMECAT-2007-155-00 (Develop a Master Plan for a Rearing Facility to Enhance Selected Populations of White Sturgeon in the Columbia River Basin)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-156-00 (Rock Creek Fish and Habitat Assessment)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-212-00 (Okanogan Basin Locally Adapted Steelhead Broodstock Step 1 and 2 (Casimer Bar))
Proposal RMECAT-2007-233-00 (Distribution and Abundance Monitoring of Oncorhynchus mykiss within the Lower Clearwater Subbasin)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-252-00 (Multiscale Hyporheic Exchange)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-275-00 (Impact of American Shad in the Columbia River)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-299-00 (Investigation of Relative Reproductive Success of Stray Hatchery & Wild Steelhead & Influence of Hatchery Strays on Productivity in the Deschutes)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-332-00 (Mitigation of Marine-Derived Nutrient Loss in Central Idaho)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-390-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement- Confederated Tribe of Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR))
Proposal RMECAT-2007-391-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement-Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC))
Proposal RMECAT-2007-401-00 (Kelt Reconditioning and Reproductive Success Evaluation Research)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-402-00 (Snake River Sockeye Captive Propagation)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-403-00 (Spring Chinook Captive Propagation-Idaho)
Proposal RMECAT-2007-404-00 (Spring Chinook Captive Propagation-Oregon)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-004-00 (Sea Lion Non-Lethal Hazing)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-105-00 (Selective Gear Deployment)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-106-00 (Tribal Conservation Enforcement-Colville Tribe)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-203-00 (Assess Reintroduction of Steelhead in Butter, McKay & Willow Creeks)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-204-00 (Assess Reintroduction of Anadromous Fish in Burnt, Powder & Malheur Rivers)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-306-00 (Deschutes River Fall Chinook Research and Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-308-00 (Willamette Falls Lamprey Escapement Estimate)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-311-00 (Monitoring Wild Populations of Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and summer steelhead (O. mykiss) in tributaries of the lower Deschutes)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-455-00 (Sturgeon Management)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-458-00 (Steelhead Kelt Reconditioning)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-470-00 (Yakama Nation Ceded Lands Lamprey Evaluation and Restoration)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-471-00 (Upper Columbia Nutrient Supplementation)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-502-00 (Expanded Tribal Catch Sampling)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-503-00 (Studies into Factors Limiting the Abundance of Okanagan and Wenatchee Sockeye Salmon)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-504-00 (Sturgeon Genetics)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-506-00 (Smolt Monitoring Video Feasibility Project)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-508-00 (Produce Statistically Valid Harvest Estimates)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-518-00 (Upstream Migration Timing)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-527-00 (Zone 6 Fisheries CRITFC Accord project)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-710-00 (Development of an Integrated strategy for Chum Salmon Restoration in the tributaries below Bonneville Dam)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-904-00 (Salmon River Basin Nutrient Enhancement)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-905-00 (Supplementation Projects)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-906-00 (Crystal Springs Planning and Operations/Maintenance)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-907-00 (Genetic Assessment of Columbia River Stocks)
Proposal RMECAT-2008-908-00 (FCRPS Water Studies & Passage of Adult Salmon & Steelhead)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-001-00 (Expanded Multi-Species Acclimation in the Wenatchee/Methow Basins)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-002-00 (Status and Trend Annual Reporting)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-004-00 (Monitoring Recovery Trends in Key Spring Chinook Habitat Variables and Validation of Population Viability Indicators)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-005-00 (Influence of Environment and Landscape on Salmonid Genetics)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-008-00 (Climate Change Impacts)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-009-00 (Basinwide Supplementation Evaluation)
Proposal RMECAT-2009-014-00 (Biomonitoring of Fish Habitat Enhancement)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-026-00 (Chinook and Steelhead Genotyping for Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) at Lower Granite Dam)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-028-00 (Estimate Adult Steelhead Abundance in Small Streams Associated with Tucannon & Asotin Populations)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-030-00 (Project to provided VSP Estimates for Yakima Steelhead MPG)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-031-00 (Snake River Chinook and Steelhead Parental Based Tagging)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-032-00 (Imnaha River Steelhead Status Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-033-00 (Study Reproductive Success of Hatchery and Natural Origin Steelhead in the Methow)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-034-00 (Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity and Spatial Structure Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-035-00 (Abundance, Productivity and Life History of Fifteenmile Creek Winter Steelhead)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-036-00 (Lower Columbia Coded Wire Tag (CWT) Recovery Project)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-038-00 (Lolo Creek Permanent Weir Construction)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-042-00 (Tucannon Steelhead and Spring Chinook Expanded Pit Tagging)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-050-00 (Evaluation of the Tucannon River Summer Steelhead Endemic Stock Hatchery Program)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-051-00 (Upper Columbia Water Quantity Gauges)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-057-00 (B-run Steelhead Supplementation Monitoring Project)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-075-00 (Upper Columbia Implementation/Compliance and Project (Reach-scale) Effectiveness Monitoring)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-076-00 (Characterizing migration and survival for juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon between the upper Salmon River basin and Lower Granite Dam)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-082-00 (PNAMP Integrated Status and Trends Monitoring (ISTM) Demonstration Project)
Proposal RMECAT-2010-085-00 (Columbia River Hatchery Effects Evaluation Team (CRHEET))
Proposal UNSUBACCORD-1988-115-25 (Yakima River Design and Construction-Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP))
Proposal UNSUBACCORD-2000-038-02 (Walla Walla River Hatchery Operations and Maintenance (O&M))
Proposal UNSUBACCORD-2008-209-00 (Walla Walla Steelhead Hatchery O&M)
Proposal UNSUBACCORD-2008-307-00 (Deschutes River Sockeye Development)
Proposal UNSUBACCORD-2008-524-00 (Implement Tribal Pacific Lamprey Restoration Plan)
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