CBFish is a web-based software used by BPA and its Fish & Wildlife program participants to track and manage projects throughout the Columbia River Basin. CBFish allows contractors and BPA project managers to collaborate on project definition and ongoing project management over the Internet.
CBFish Version Number: 3.154 / Release Date: 3/13/2025 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.153 / Release Date: 2/6/2025 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.152 / Release Date: 1/9/2025 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.151 / Release Date: 12/05/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.150 / Release Date: 11/05/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.149 / Release Date: 10/03/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.148 / Release Date: 8/29/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.147 / Release Date: 7/25/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.146 / Release Date: 6/27/2024 5:00 PM
COR File - A document repository for each contract added to meet NSSP’s requirement that CORs maintain a collection of related documents.
CBFish Version Number: 3.145 / Release Date: 5/29/2024 5:00 PM
Status Report and WSE State follow-up work
Changes made in response to feedback about the Status Report and WSE State features released April 25.
COR File
Feature developed to meet BPA NSS requirements for a CO-accessible repository of documents related to a contract.
CBFish Version Number: 3.144 / Release Date: 4/25/2024 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.143 / Release Date: 1/25/2024 5:00 PM
- CBF-6277: Contract Closeout Form now checks to ensure all work statement elements have a terminal progress.
- CBF-6304: CORs can now modify the Subtype of an Invoice Email document.
- CBF-6348: BPA Managers can now download all completed tasks related to Contract Closeout activities.
- CBF-6351: Any CO, active and inactive, can now be assigned as a CO Lead for a vendor.
- CBF-6431: Alert "New Vendor Indirect Rate requires LIT or CCR" does not include contracts that start after the Effective Start Date of the indirect rate.
- CBF-6433: WE Association is now a required setting for all users when uploading a Progress (Annual) Report.
- CBF-6439: "Contract Closeout Form Due" alert no longer considers Completed contracts.
- CBF-6440: Metric Measure 83 now excludes 11 non-applicable metrics.
- CBF-6449: On Review SOW page, Scorecard's counters may not be updated accurately.
- CBF-6477: Status Report Validation Guide does not ignore Descoped work statement elements.
- CBF-6479: Project Budget by FY report does not cover FY22 through FY24.
CBFish Version Number: 3.142 / Release Date: 12/18/2023 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.141 / Release Date: 10/05/2023 5:00 PM
- CBF-6142: CRS Commitments Dashboard: Add document indicators
- CBF-6143: CRS Commitments Dashboard: Website style polish
- CBF-6150: CRS Commitments: Allow a document to be associated to a specific Document Due Date
- CBF-6156: CRS Commitments: Removed some unneeded date fields
- CBF-6165: CRS Commitments: Migrate Commitment End Dates and Document Due Dates
- CBF-6172: Dashboard: Multiple updates to Dashboard Alerts widget
- CBF-6200: CRS Commitments: Migrate "Reporting Requirement" into "CRS Commitment Deliverable" field
- CBF-6207: Vendor Indirect Rates page: Website style polish
- CBF-6223: CRS Commitments: Allow Recurring Document Due Dates to be tracked separately from Documents and Commitments
- CBF-6224: CRS Commitment Documents: Improve description text on the page
- CBF-6272: Dashboard: Add "Invoice Team Member" role to list of informed roles for "Closeout form finalized and CCR ready for CO close out" CWAT
- CBF-6282: WE Budgets: Allow contract writers to edit Updated WSE budgets if pending CCR/amendment exists
- CBF-6283: CRS Commitments: Filter commitments by status for specific year(s)
- Monthly Help content updates
- CBF-6251: Unexpected error message while editing Planned WSE budgets
- CBF-6258: "WE Updated Budget Must Be Equal to the Total Invoiced Amount" alert and late CWAT task count do not match
- CBF-6271: Penny payments set up for contract closing are not excluded from Alerts and Contract Work Activity Tasks widgets
- CBF-6284: CRS Commitments: "Final Report" Document Due Date created inconsistently for recurring commitments
- CBF-6295: CRS Commitments: Excel reports content error when opening the commitment download
- CBF-6327: WE Budgets: Error messages do not reference the exact field names
CBFish Version Number: 3.140 / Release Date: 10/05/2023 5:00 PM
- CBF-6090: Dashboard Alert: Add new alert to require a new rate when current rate expires.
- CBF-6091: Dashboard Alert: Add new alert to require a Line Item Transfer or CCR for a new indirect rate.
- CBF-6092: Dashboard Alert: Add new alert for COR to review and approve an invoice. Update corresponding CWAT task.
- CBF-6093: Dashboard Alert: Add new alert to require BPA approval of a new indirect rate.
- CBF-6094: Vendor Indirect Rates: Notify the CO when a new indirect rate needs BPA approval.
- CBF-6096: Vendor Indirect Rates: Support rate review workflow.
- CBF-6121: Vendor Indirect Rates: Support deletion of a rate.
- CBF-6124: CRS Commitment: Add a Dashboard with an "Overall Progress" section.
- CBF-6125: CRS Commitment: Support filtering by title in the "Overall Progress" dashboard.
- CBF-6126: CRS Commitment: Allow filtering by status when viewing the Overall Progress page.
- CBF-6127: CRS Commitment: Add a collapsible five-year view of commitment status.
- CBF-6128: CRS Commitment: Allow status to be tracked by calendar year.
- CBF-6129: CRS Commitment: Add additional categories, subcategories, and status.
- CBF-6131: Transmittal Memo: Updated link to Vendor Indirect Rates page.
- CBF-6132: CRS Commitment: Add a BiOp Reporting section.
- CBF-6133: CRS Commitment: Add 'Tributary Habitat' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6134: CRS Commitment: Add Annual Progress Report Charts to "Tributary Habitat" section.
- CBF-6135: CRS Commitment: Add 'Estuary Habitat' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6136: CRS Commitment: Add 'Above Annadromy' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6137: CRS Commitment: Add 'Hatchery' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6138: CRS Commitment: Add 'Predation' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6139: CRS Commitment: Add 'Hydro' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6140: CRS Commitment: Add 'RM&E' section on the dashboard.
- CBF-6141: CRS Commitments: Allow Discrete Document Due Dates to be tracked separately from Documents and Commitments.
- CBF-6144: CRS Commitment: Support in-grid editing of commitment status column of the "Overall Progress" dashboard.
- CBF-6146: CRS Commitment: Support Commitment Start & End Date fields.
- CBF-6148: CRS Commitment: Add current year indicator to the Dashboard view.
- CBF-6149: Add Year sections to bar charts on Annual Progress Report Charts.
- CBF-6150: CRS Commitment: Allow a document to be associated with a specific Due Date.
- CBF-6156: CRS Commitment: Migrate Commitment End Dates and Document Due Dates.
- CBF-6157: Vendor Indirect Rates: Allow editing of a rate outside the workflow.
- CBF-6159: Vendor Indirect Rates: Add options to context menu on grid for viewing and entering workflow to edit.
- CBF-6161: Vendor Indirect Rates: Display vendor status on main page.
- CBF-6163: CRS Commitment: Add Notes field to "Overall Progress" section.
- CBF-6170: Vendor Indirect Rates: Add instruction text to all pages.
- CBF-6177: Remove missing Vendor records (from Asset Suite) during daily data publishing.
- CBF-6207: Vendor Indirect Rates: Display style polish
- CBF-6215: SOW Validation: New rule requiring a FISMA milestone for every WE 199 if the contractor is a private entity.
- CBF-6216: Adjust user permission for working with vendor indirect rates.
- CBF-6218: Contract Work Activity Tasks: Inform COR and Invoice Team Members for "WE Updated Budget Must Be Equal to the Total Invoiced Amount" task.
- CBF-6179: Anonymous users' "Person Grid" settings may be set multiple times and can cause errors.
- CBF-6182: Some documents' properties could not be edited.
- CBF-6212: Portfolio 2895 (https://www.cbfish.org/Portfolio.mvc/Projects/2895) crashes when invoked.
- CBF-6241: COR cannot add a Contract Closeout Form document from the Documents page.
- CBF-6243: MonitoringResources.org allowing multiple data repositories to associate with a single Sample Design caused some data to be out of synch with CBFish.
- CBF-6247: WE Budgets page: Inconsistent amount rounding causes an issue with invoice-related alert #13.
- CBF-6249: Contract Closeout Form: Cannot print the form to PDF when certain fields are incomplete.
- CBF-6255: User milestone order was unexpectedly reset when the CCR is initialized.
CBFish Version Number: 3.139 / Release Date: 8/31/2023 5:00 PM
- New E-mail Notification: Closeout Form Finalized and CCR ready for CO Closeout
- Reduce risk of website slowdown by adjusting document indexing strategy
- Extend due date for task "WE Updated Budget Must Be Equal to the Total Invoiced Amount"
- Accessing the Contract Closeout Form page should not update the database
- Show Total Amount Invoiced in WE Budget page and update wording on Contract Closeout Form
- Add fields and filters to the Timeline View of Contract Work Activity Tasks
- Display "Closeout Form Due" task for Invoice Team Members
- Monthly Online Help update
- Some duplicate data are exchanged between CBFish.org and MonitoringResources.org
- Closeout Form Due task does not filter out contracts having no SOW
- Cannot edit properties of certain document types
- Cannot save a BPA Comment on the WE Budgets page
CBFish Version Number: 3.138 / Release Date: 7/27/2023 5:00 PM
- Dashboard > My Alerts: Add additional information columns to the widget
- Dashboard > Contract Work Activity Tasks: Add new task for BPA Invoice Team to initiate a closing CCR in Asset Suite
- Dashboard > My Alerts: Alert BPA Invoice Team to close the "penny" CPA and deobligate funds
- Dashboard > Contract Work Activity Tasks: Add new task for BPA Invoice Team to complete the "penny" CPA in Asset Suite
- Dashboard > My Alerts: Alert the Contracting Officer to complete the final CCR
CBFish Version Number: 3.137 / Release Date: 7/6/2023 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.136 / Release Date: 5/25/2023 5:00 PM
CBFish Version Number: 3.135 / Release Date: 4/27/2023 5:00 PM
Several bugs have been fixed
CBFish Version Number: 3.134 / Release Date: 3/30/2023 5:00 PM
Several bugs have been fixed
CBFish Version Number: 3.133 / Release Date: 3/2/2023 5:00 PM
Bugs Fixed
CBFish Version Number: 3.132 / Release Date: 1/26/2023 5:00 PM
Bugs Fixed
Bugs Fixed
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
This is a follow-on update to the last release (3.126) in support of some Beta features. No visible changes are added in this release.
New Developments
New Developments
Bug Fixes
Continued Changes
Bugs Fixed
Other Changes
Fixed bugs
Fixed bugs
Release Date: Thursday 12/02/2021 5:00 PM
Implemented Stories:
Bug Fixes:
Release Date: Thursday 10/28/2021 5:00 PM
Implemented Stories:
Bug Fixes:
Release Date: Thursday 9/30/2021 5:00 PM
Implemented Stories:
Important bug fixes include:
Implemented Stories:
Important bug fixes include:
Implemented Stories:
Important bug fixes include:
Enhance Governance Assessment view of Portfolios
Revise "Pisces Web Account Creation Request" email message to include Help links
Work Statement Element Portfolio: Add work element budgets
Budget Change Request: Enhancements
Land Acquisitions: Update "Reporting" tab & data entry
Identify Progress (Annual) Reports uploaded under incorrect document type
Land Acquisitions: Update CSV Exporter
Important bug fixes include:
Approver title label is inconsistent in CR transmittal memo report
Land Acquisitions > Monitoring tab: Legend display issue and data entry bugs
Enable contract F&W Approver to lock/unlock the SOW
Implement new Estuary Scoring Calculator (PBU calculator)
Accrual Month End Export: Revise calculation of Latest Invoiced Work-Period End Date
Land Acquisition: Include acquisition name in lower grid display
Land Acquisition: Update "Monitoring" tab & data entry
Estuary Module: Add Landscape Score tracking
SOW Review page: Capture changes to contract contacts for a CCR
Important bugfixes include:
Investigate/Fix/justify redundant population/project records in Implementation Plan and Annual BiOp Report
Retire the old dashboard (PW-5395)
Important bugfixes include:
Add COR column to Habitat Measures report (PW-5313)
One-time update to BLM and Forest service shapes for map layers and reporting (PW-5308)
Opening a "Default (Global)" dashboard widget causes an error (PW-5399)
Prepare users for cutoff of old dashboard (PW-5346)
Simplify RM&E Metadata selection by alowing direct picking of a Sample Design (PW-5141)
Add a sortable "Organization Type" column to People grid and change "Contractor Type" to Organization Type (PW-5292)
Set order for Contract search result (PW-4938)
Important bugfixes include:
Limit EXPLORE > Budget Change Requests option and related pages to BPA users only. (PW-5358)
Grid width may increase exponentially when resizing columns (PW-5331)
"Contracts Flagged For Renewal Alert" logic is not correct (PW-5318)
Transmittal Memo form does not unlock previously selected document as expected (PW-5287)
Display new Dashboard for all users (PW-5324)
New Dashboard: Improve lock/unlock user interface (PW-5307)
Add contract hyperlinks and budget categories to BiOp Annual Report (PW-5301)
Add planned values to BiOp Annual Report (PW-5300)
Capture changes to WE budgets for CCR SOW Review (PW-5020)
Bug fixes:
Alerts in old and new Dashboards are not the same (PW-5317)
No default Alerts widget created when user switched to using the new Dashboard for the first time (PW-5302)
Add Contact(s): It's unclear who makes the default list of names (PW-5299)
The default width setting of some grids do not persist (PW-5233)
Amendment and Change Request Summary dialog does not show expected data (PW-5188)
Add contract hyperlinks and budget categories to BiOp Implementation Plan report (PW-5148)
Capture spending amount and agency for worksites on public land (PW-4278)
Capture that COTR has reviewed/approved a draft Progress (Annual) Report (PW-5271)
Workflow: Display a message to remind everyone that the SOW must first be submitted to COTR to start the process. (PW-5235)
Some pages have no progress indicator while being loaded (PW-5165)
Workflow: Always leave the "Notify Contract Manager" feature enabled for the COTR (PW-5144)
Important bugfixes include:
Document author setting: Add document uploader/editor in default list of names (PW-5288)
Transmittal Memo: Allow a Communication document type be selected as proof of authorization for Vehicle Purchase (PW-5280)
CSV download of budget increase requests contains HTML text in "Budget Transfer" column (PW-5297)
Anonymous users could not view Public Tags (PW-5278)
Request: Updates to the “Progress Reports” set of reports (PW-5264)
Improvements to Budget Increase Request form (PW-5237)
Project Budgets page: Includes CCR/Amd value in Contract value calculation (PW-5192)
Include Closed contracts in project Summary's "Financials - Contracts" section (PW-5174)
New Dashboard: Allow customization of individual My Contracts widgets (PW-5167)
Modify CR & CCR Transmittal Memo language for vehicle purchase (PW-5162)
Add contract hyperlinks and budget categories to BiOp Implementation Plan (PW-5148)
Status Reporting: Caution milestone completion marking while EC Review has not been completed. (PW-5034)
Capture WSE Addition/Descoping on SOW Review page (PW-5019)
Request: Enhancement to Contract Status Reports Waiting to be submitted (PW-4668)
Request: Relocate the Customize button so it is more visible (PW-3656)
Important bugfixes include:
Transmittal Memo: Also allow a Communication document type be selected as proof of authorization for Vehicle Purchase (PW-5280)
Fund Budget Summary Crash for years without SOY Budget (PW-5262)
"Cost Share Plan Submitted" email not generated if submitted via the hamburger menu (PW-5236)
CCR Transmittal Memo: Budget Data display is not as expected (PW-5222)
Land Acquisition: Merge data into "Monitoring" tab (PW-5224)
Add Project Budget Report to Report Center (PW-5209)
Budget Transfer: Change portfolio view to match the project view (PW-5204)
Add an Edit button on User Summary page (PW-5195)
Governance Assessment: Add columns from the Assessments data to all Working Budget downloads. (PW-5189)
Make My Contracts and My Projects filters compatible between old and new dashboards (PW-5186)
Replace Comma delimiter with Semi Colon in data reports containing many-to-one data consolidated into a single column (PW-5138)
Lands Team Request: Capture Reporting Information (PW-5104)
Land Acquisition: Capture land management plan information (PW-5096)
Enhance Monthly Accrual Export report to support invoice-aging reporting (PW-5008)
New EULA to be accepted by all users at the next login (PW-4711)
Change "Digest for Project" email subject to "Changes to Project" (PW-2053)
Status Reporting: Prevent milestone completion marking while EC Review has not been completed. (PW-5034)
Important bugfixes include:
CCR Transmittal Memo bug: Incorrect CCR End Date displayed (PW-5215)
Clarify different listing of Data Repositories displayed on work element's RM&E Metadata page (PW-5211)
A button doesn't function when a pop-up window is minimized, partially covering it. (PW-5194)
Project budget proposal: PM comment date not updated (PW-5003)
"Cost Share Plan Submitted" email not generated if submitting via the hamburger menu (PW-5236)
BPA CORs can view the list of Work Orders (PW-5191)
Create BiOp Annual Progress Report (PW-5166)
Add more info to the Land Acquisition Details page (PW-5111)
Capture Remote Monitoring Information (PW-5095)
Display photos based on their geographic location (PW-4930)
Organize existing alerts into "My Alerts" on Dashboard page (PW-2919)
Important bugfixes include:
Total calculation discrepancy in Land Acquisition Report (PW-5199)
PW Help Center doesn't dismiss list upon selection (PW-5106)
· Add SOY Budgets to Fund Budgets Summary (PW-5164)
· Add a portfolio category “Council Reviews” to maintain those portfolios specific to categorical reviews (PW-5150)
· Transmittal Memo enhancement (PW-5149)
· Request: Allow Dashboard Widgets to pop out in separate tab (PW-4689)
Important bugfixes include:
· In Metrics tab, numeric entries with a comma are not supported. (PW-5131)
· Document Search crashes when result includes documents without project (PW-5129)
· Contract Continuation may display more than one continuing contracts (PW-5176)
· RM&E WSE SOW Report: Add additional columns (PW-5113)
· Make BiOp Implementation Plan report available again (PW-5082)
· Widget: Contract List by Project (PW-5070)
· Support editing a photo's latitude and longitude (PW-4931)
Bug Fixes
· Contracts grid: Continuations column may display duplicate contracts (PW-5153)
CCR Transmittal Memo form: Beside Communication, Email documents are also listed for selection (PW-5100)
Capture changes to contract basics to support CCR SOW review (PW-5022)
Support copying dates of template milestones if the milestone definition has not changed between source and destination SOWs (PW-5004)
Support editing a photo's latitude and longitude (PW-4931)
Stop creating “Deliverable marked complete” notification by default (PW-2990)
Bug fixes
bug: When adding a new document, cannot associate it to a new WE of a pending CCR (PW-5089)
bug: Cannot add a Line Item Budget when using IE (PW-5092)
PW-4967 Editable text on dark green background is difficult to read.
PW-4962 View milestone changes to WSEs on the Review SOW page
PW-5077 CR SOW initialization: Display helpful text while the Save button is disabled
PW-5067 Move all help related options from "Explore" to the Help menu
PW-5059 Add Help Center to Help menu
PW-5055 Improve document upload form to retain field values when switching file type or on validation error
PW-4873 request: New SOW validation rule to ‘require’ a Line Item Budget document for a CCR
PW-4761 Display project unallocated expense budgets in Portfolio Working Budgets view
PW-5066 Allow photo tagging from a portfolio view
PW-5062 Update Progress Reports - Draft (30 to 180 days old) to remove the 180-day limit
PW-4939 Remove auto-populated milestone dates for BPA-internal WE-5
Bug fixes
PW-5060 Portfolios: People view returns too much data
PW-5058 SOW report does not fully report RM&E information
PW-5001 WE Name and Title are not displayed in WSE location pop-up
PW-4984 Pisces does not consider using the Project EC Lead when sending Workflow emails
Several bugs have been fixed
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
Several bugs have been fixed:
More locations are now being displayed for WE 157s with sample designs containing sample sites. Previously, sample sites with years outside of the work element date range were not being displayed. (#4419)
Newer Accord funds have been updated to make management more efficient and provide reporting continuity with the original funds. The Kootenai Fish Accord has been added, as well. (#4412, #4437)
A new user role has been added: Project SME (#4365)
Contractor Type has been added as a Customize menu option for the Contracts grids on the Dashboard and Projects & Contracts pages. (#3716)
Email notifications are now sent to CORs when a Manager has approved a CR or CCR in Asset Suite. (#4276)
The RM&E WSE SOW report has been updated to include Project SME, Effective WSE Budget, Protocol State, and additional work elements. (#4411)
Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Bug fixes:
Bug fixes
Updates include:
Bug fixes
In support of the current proposal review, several minor issues with the proposal form were addressed:
Other updates include:
Highlights of this release include
The new Transmittal Memo web forms and PDF output are now available. Increased support for Land Acquisitions, User and Account Management, and Notifications and Reminders have been added, too.
Plus: 15 bug fixes
Lots of behind-the-scenes work to support Transmittal Memos and Land Requisition Tracking, too. Stay tuned.
Added several Admin functions for User and Account Management.
Plus: 11 bug fixes
The Land Acquisition Tracking functional area is alive and can be accessed via the Explore menu. More features and reporting will be added in the next few releases.
Lots of behind-the-scenes work to support Transmittal Memos. Stay tuned.
Plus: 17 bug fixes
Lots of behind-the-scenes work to support Transmittal Memos and Land Requisition Tracking, too. Stay tuned. Plus: 20 bug fixes.
This release adds abilities to contract change requests (CCR) including initialization, automated descoping/rescoping work element milestones, and a “diff”-style before and after comparison report. All the reports available in Pisces desktop are now in cbfish.org, too. Performance enhancements to the Dashboard, Status Reports, Workflow, and other pages have also been made.
This release includes some new features as well as infrastructure improvements and bug fixes. The new features include an improved Project Budget page, an inclusive reports menu, some increased visibility and searchability for CCRs, and internal work functionality.