Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program


Here are some links to web sites that have useful information about habitat restoration and fish and wildlife programs in the Pacific Northwest. If you have a link that you would like to have added to this list, just drop us a quick note .

Bonneville Power Administration Fish and Wildlife Program (
BPA is the primary sponsor of this site and is responsible for the implementation the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.
Data Basin (
Data Basin is an innovative web tool that connects users with conservation datasets, tool, and expertise. Individuals and organization can explore and download a vast library of conservation datasets, upload their own data, and produce customized maps and charts that can be easily shared.
Ecotrust (
Ecotrust's mission is to inspire fresh thinking that creates economic opportunity, social equity and environmental well-being.
Governor's Salmon Recovery Office, State of Washington (
The Salmon Office's role is to coordinate and produce a salmon strategy for the state of Washington; assist in the development of regional recovery plans; secure current and future funding for local, regional, and state recovery efforts; and provide the Biennial State of Salmon report to the Legislature.
GSA Per Diem Rates (
The U.S. General Services Administration determines the per diem rates used on BPA contracts. This site will help you search for the appropriate rate by fiscal year and within each contiguous U.S. state.
Northwest Power and Conservation Council (
The Council develops and maintains a regional power plan and a fish and wildlife program to balance the Northwest's environment and energy needs.
Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (
PNAMP provides a forum for coordinating state, federal, and tribal aquatic habitat and salmonid monitoring programs.
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (
PSMFC promotes, as well as supports policies and actions to conserve, develop, and manage our fishery resources in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
ESA Sitka Technology Group (
Authors of this web site & advocates of harnessing the power of information to build a better world.
StreamNet (
StreamNet's website provides access to fish and fisheries related data and reference documents in the Columbia River basin and the Pacific Northwest.