Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring
in the Oregon Portion of the Columbia Plateau Province
Statement of Work and Budget FY2005
BPA Project Number: 1998-016-00
Contract Number: 20364
Performance/Budget Period: 1 Dec. 2004 to 30 Nov. 2005
Hart, P.J.B. and T.J. Pitcher. 1969. Field trials of fish marking using a jet inoculator. Journal of Fish Biology. 1:383-385.
Keefe, M.L., and five co-authors. 1998. Investigations into the early life history of naturally produced spring chinook salmon in the Grande Ronde River basin. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, La Grande, OR. Annual Progress Report to Bonneville Power Administration. Project No. 92-026-04 (
Lindsay, R.B., and five co-authors. 1986. Study of wild spring chinook salmon in the John Day River System. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Portland, OR. Final Report to Bonneville Power Administration. Project No. 79-004-00.
Thedinga J.F., M.L. Murphy, S.W. Johnson, J.M. Lorenz, and K.V. Koski. 1994. Determination of salmonid smolt yield with rotary screw traps in the Situk River, Alaska, to predict effects of glacial flooding. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 14:837-851.
Wilson, W.A., J.R. Ruzycki, R.W. Carmichael, S. Onjukka, G. Claire, and J. Seals. 2001. John Day Spring Chinook Salmon Escapement and Productivity Monitoring. Annual Progress Report to Bonneville Power Administration. Project No. 98-016-00.