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20620 REL 26: 1989-062-01 EXP CBFWA ANNUAL WORK PLAN 2011 |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
EC Complete | A: 165. NOT Applicable | 04/01/2012 | 04/02/2012 | |
Documentation of participation, materials, and outcomes of coordinated work groups. | B: 189. Facilitate collaborative work groups | 03/31/2013 | 03/29/2013 | |
Provide access to historical Program database and website | C: 160. Maintain CBFWA web pages to support work groups & provide access to historical information | 03/31/2013 | 03/29/2013 | |
Facilitate development of data sharing and data management guidance to support MERR Plan. | D: 174. Support and participate in basinwide assessments | 03/31/2013 | 03/29/2013 | |
Maintain public access to the Status of the Resource Website | E: 161. Maintain the Status of the Resources web site and data bases | 03/31/2013 | 03/29/2013 | |
Documentation of participation in regional meetings and updates to Members. | F: 189. Participate in activities in the Columbia River Basin that impact fish and wildlife | 03/31/2013 | 03/29/2013 | |
Successful Project Management | G: 119. Manage BPA contract & any subcontracts under it | 03/31/2014 | 01/24/2013 | |
Uploaded to Pisces FY11 Report | H: 132. Submit contract accomplishments/lessons learned report - April 2011 - March 2012 | 06/29/2012 | 04/13/2012 | |
Attach Accomplishment Report in Pisces | J: 132. Submit accomplishments/lessons learned report - April 2012 - March 2013 | 05/15/2013 | 05/08/2013 | |
Documentation of participation, materials, and outcomes of work groups. | K: 189. Facilitate coordination workgroups for Foundation clients | 03/31/2014 | 03/31/2014 | |
Facilitate quarterly meetings of FSOC and provide administrative support for annual workshop. | L: 189. Facilitate & support Fish Screening Oversight Committee activities | 03/31/2014 | 03/31/2014 | |
Provide access to historical Program database and CBFWA website | N: 160. Maintain CBFWA website to support work groups & provide access to historical information | 03/31/2014 | 03/31/2014 | |
Time and travel reimbursement to client co-managers. | P: 189. Co-manager time and travel to participate in regional activities | 03/31/2014 | 03/24/2014 | |
CBFWF Dissolution | Q: 98. Dissolution of the Foundation | 08/31/2014 | 03/31/2014 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) - All Populations |
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) - Columbia River ESU (Threatened) |
Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened) |
Coho (O. kisutch) - Unspecified Population |
Cutthroat Trout, Coastal (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) - All Anadromous Populations |
Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) - All Populations |
Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) - All Populations |
Lamprey, Pacific (Entosphenus tridentata) |
Lamprey, River (L. ayresi) |
Sturgeon, Green (Acipenser medirostris) |
Sturgeon, White (A. transmontanus) - Lower Columbia River |
Cutthroat Trout, Lahontan (O. c. henshawi) (Threatened) |
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi) |
Cutthroat Trout, Yellowstone (O. c. bouvieri) |
Freshwater Mussels |
Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) |
Lamprey, Western Brook (L. richardsoni) |
Pikeminnow, Northern (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) [OBSOLETE] |
Sturgeon, White (Acipenser transmontanus) - All Populations except Kootenai R. DPS |
Sturgeon, White (A. transmontanus) - Kootenai River DPS (Endangered) |
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) |
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii) |
Wildlife |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 165 | NOT Applicable | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
B | 189 | Facilitate collaborative work groups | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
C | 160 | Maintain CBFWA web pages to support work groups & provide access to historical information | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
D | 174 | Support and participate in basinwide assessments | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
E | 161 | Maintain the Status of the Resources web site and data bases | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
F | 189 | Participate in activities in the Columbia River Basin that impact fish and wildlife | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
G | 119 | Manage BPA contract & any subcontracts under it | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
H | 132 | Submit contract accomplishments/lessons learned report - April 2011 - March 2012 | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
I | 185 | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
J | 132 | Submit accomplishments/lessons learned report - April 2012 - March 2013 | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
K | 189 | Facilitate coordination workgroups for Foundation clients | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
L | 189 | Facilitate & support Fish Screening Oversight Committee activities | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
M | 189 | Facilitate & support Coordinated Assessments Project | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
N | 160 | Maintain CBFWA website to support work groups & provide access to historical information | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
O | 189 | Monitor, participate, & report on activities that impact CRB fish & wildlife | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
P | 189 | Co-manager time and travel to participate in regional activities | 04/01/2012 | ||||||
Q | 98 | Dissolution of the Foundation | 01/15/2014 |