Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Lapwai Creek Anadromous Habitat
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Clearwater 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
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Contract Description:
Restoring Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Lapwai Creek Watershed

(March 1, 2005 - February 28, 2006)
Mountain Snake Province
Clearwater Subbasin

Project No. 2002-070-00
Contract No. _____

Project Manager:
Lynn Rasmussen
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
P.O. Box 131
Culdesac, Idaho 83832
Phone:  (208) 843-2931
Fax:  (208)  843-2931

Financial Contact:
Diana Menzel
Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District
1630 23rd Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
Phone:  (208) 746-9886 x3
Fax:  (208)  798-3164


Applicable RPA/Justification:

149 -The agricultural and livestock projects implemented concentrate on the quality and quantity of stream flows. These projects are installed primarily on private and tribal lands. This proposal also coordinates and cooperates with NPT's BPA proposal number 1999-017-00 to remove and replace fish road and culvert fish passage barriers.

150 - In the Lapwai Creek watershed, listed ESA anadromous fish include the "threatened" steelhead trout and fall Chinook salmon. This project proposal protects, restores, or enhances fish habitat by implementing projects, which improve fish habitat, riparian areas, and water quality and quantity.

152 - Assist by sharing data from continued temperature monitoring and annual project effectiveness studies.  Coordinates with the EPA and Nez Perce Tribe in developing a TMDL for the Lapwai Creek watershed.
Coordinate development of website to house and disperse fish, wildlife, and practice installation information based on watersheds.  Distribute proposal's final report to interested entities.
Project would allow NPSWCD continued involvement in NPPPC and Clearwater Subbasin meetings.
Providing technical assistance and training to landowners is an essential component of this proposal.  Conducting one-on-one meetings with landowners to provide them with the information and options necessary to implement and maintain practices, involves the bulk of the project's time.  The more information landowners have, the greater the "buy-in" to restoring and protecting anadromous fish habitat.  The proposal also incorporates technology transfer in the form public educational workshops, newsletters, and a tour of the project sites at the project proposal's end.
Leverages funding resources by seeking out other cost funding sources such as WQPA, WRP, WHIP, PL-566, and CRP.  Project funds installed BMP costs by requiring that landowners provide operation and maintenance services.  NPSWCD has working agreements with the Nez Perce County Commissioners, NPT, and the Idaho State Correctional program.

153 - Riparian forest buffers and filter strips (i.e., grassed riparian buffers) are listed agricultural and livestock projects.  The project estimates installing a total of 9 acres of riparian buffers.  Priority areas will be determined by a riparian multi-layer assessment and stream inventory process.  In this area, riparian buffers are often combined with livestock use exclusion fencing and off-site livestock watering facilities. The federally funded CRP will be used when applicable.

Travel Justification:
Portland: Project leader will attend BPA workshop related to project coordination.
Boise:  Boise, Idaho is the designated location for project coordination meetings within the Mountain Snake.  The project leader will be expected to attend at least one day of meetings in order to coordinate the objectives of this project with the goals of the Mountain Snake Province and the NWPPC program.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Deliverable complete A: 118. General Project Coordination 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete B: 118. Coordination, Communication, and Management 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete C: 99. Create and Mail Watershed Newsletters to Landowners in the Lapwai Watershed 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete D: 99. Distribute Stream Inventory Process Mass Mailing to Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete E: 99. Conduct a Bio-Control Workshop for Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete F: 99. Conduct Bio-Engineering Workshop for Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete G: 99. Obtain Fact Sheets and Brochures Outlined in the Marketing Plan 12/30/2005
Deliverable complete H: 99. Develop Outreach Materials to Teach Landowners about Fish Habitat Needs/Land Management Practices 11/01/2005
Deliverable complete I: 99. Implement Outreach Items in the Lapwai Creek Watershed Marketing Plan 03/31/2006 11/01/2005
Deliverable complete J: 118. Organize and Participate in Interagency Coordination Meeting for the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 03/24/2006
Deliverable complete K: 118. Meet Landowners to Discuss Habitat Improvement Projects in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 12/23/2005
Deliverable complete L: 114. Identify and Select Projects for Installation in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete M: 114. Identify and Select Projects for Installation in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete N: 174. Develop Maintenance Plans for Water Developments Installed in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 12/30/2005
Deliverable complete O: 174. Develop Maintenance Plans for Tree Planting Projects Installed in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 01/06/2006
Deliverable complete P: 174. Weed Control Plan for Mission Creek Weed Control Site 11/01/2005
Deliverable complete Q: 174. Weed Control Plan for Tom Beall Watershed 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete R: 174. Weed Control Plan for Lapwai Creek Watershed 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete S: 174. Develop Webb Creek Habitat Plan 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete T: 174. Develop Rock Creek Habitat Plan 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete U: 174. Develop Mission Creek Habitat Plan 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete V: 174. Develop Lapwai Creek Habitat Plan 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete W: 174. Develop Two Garden Gulch Creek Habitat Plans 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete X: 175. Prepare Engineering and Technical Designs for FY06 Projects in Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete Y: 165. BPA NEPA Approval 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete Z: 34. Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Install Well 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AA: 34. Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Install Windmill 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AB: 34. Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Solar System 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AC: 34. Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Spring Development 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AD: 47. Plant Vegetation: Spring 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AE: 47. Plant Vegetation: Fall/Winter 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AF: 47. Plant Vegetation: Biologs 02/24/2006
Deliverable complete AG: 40. Install Fence in Lapwai Creek 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AH: 40. Install Fence in Mission Creek 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AI: 40. Install Fence in Lapwai Creek 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AJ: 38. Improve Road to Reduce Sediment Delivery to Webb Creek 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AK: 53. Control Weeds in Tom Beall Creek (Bio-Control) 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete AL: 53. Control Weeds in Garden Gulch Creek (Bio-Control) 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete AM: 53. Control Weeds in Soldiers Meadow Area 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete AN: 53. Control Weeds in Lapwai Creek Area 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete AO: 53. Control Weeds in Tom Beall Creek (Herbicide/Mow) 09/12/2005
Deliverable complete AP: 53. Control Weeds in Garden Gulch Creek Area 10/28/2005
Deliverable complete AQ: 53. Control Weeds in Webb Creek Area 11/01/2005
Deliverable complete AR: 53. Control Japanese Knotweed 02/24/2006
Deliverable complete AS: 53. Japanese Knotweed Demonstration Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AT: 53. White Bryony Demonstration Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AU: 53. Reeds Canary Grass Demonstration Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AV: 55. Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Lower Lapwai Creek Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AW: 55. Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Middle Lapwai Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AX: 55. Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Upper Lapwai Site 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AY: 55. Install Gully Erosion Control Practices 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete AZ: 29. Install Instream Habitat Structures in Webb Creek 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BA: 181. Install Wetland Enhancement Projects - Middle Lapwai Project Site 02/24/2006
Deliverable complete BB: 181. Install Wetland Enhancement Projects in the Garden Gulch Creek Watershed 02/24/2006
Deliverable complete BC: 85. Install Culvert in a Tributary to Lapwai Creek 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BD: 85. Improve Fish Passage in Webb Creek 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BE: 132. Annual Report 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BF: 141. Quarterly Reports or Pisces Formatted Data in "Stoplight Format" 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete BG: 183. Stream Habitat Project Installation Report 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BH: 183. Long Term Evaluation of Bio-Engineering Projects 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BI: 157. Collect Stream Flow Data at an Existing USGS Gage Site 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BJ: 162. Lapwai Creek Assessment Report 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BK: 157. Stream Assessment Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BL: 160. Update GIS Database 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BM: 161. Supply Publicly Available Databases on an Annual Basis to the Idaho StreamNet Project Leader 01/27/2006
Deliverable complete BN: 162. Analyze Data and Prepare Reports on 2005 Stream Inventory Data 03/31/2006 03/31/2006
Deliverable complete BO: 156. Complete Field Trial for Control Methods Demonstrated in the Lapwai Creek Watershed 03/31/2006 03/31/2006

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 4 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 38 Improve Road for Instream Habitat Benefits
  • 3 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 11 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 55 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
  • 2 instances of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 2 instances of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 10 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 2 instances of WE 183 Produce Journal Article
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 118 General Project Coordination
B 118 Coordination, Communication, and Management
C 99 Create and Mail Watershed Newsletters to Landowners in the Lapwai Watershed
D 99 Distribute Stream Inventory Process Mass Mailing to Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
E 99 Conduct a Bio-Control Workshop for Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
F 99 Conduct Bio-Engineering Workshop for Landowners in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
G 99 Obtain Fact Sheets and Brochures Outlined in the Marketing Plan
H 99 Develop Outreach Materials to Teach Landowners about Fish Habitat Needs/Land Management Practices
I 99 Implement Outreach Items in the Lapwai Creek Watershed Marketing Plan
J 118 Organize and Participate in Interagency Coordination Meeting for the Lapwai Creek Watershed
K 118 Meet Landowners to Discuss Habitat Improvement Projects in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
L 114 Identify and Select Projects for Installation in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
M 114 Identify and Select Projects for Installation in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
N 174 Develop Maintenance Plans for Water Developments Installed in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
O 174 Develop Maintenance Plans for Tree Planting Projects Installed in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
P 174 Weed Control Plan for Mission Creek Weed Control Site
Q 174 Weed Control Plan for Tom Beall Watershed
R 174 Weed Control Plan for Lapwai Creek Watershed
S 174 Develop Webb Creek Habitat Plan
T 174 Develop Rock Creek Habitat Plan
U 174 Develop Mission Creek Habitat Plan
V 174 Develop Lapwai Creek Habitat Plan
W 174 Develop Two Garden Gulch Creek Habitat Plans
X 175 Prepare Engineering and Technical Designs for FY06 Projects in Lapwai Creek Watershed
Y 165 BPA NEPA Approval
Z 34 Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Install Well
AA 34 Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Install Windmill
AB 34 Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Solar System
AC 34 Create Alternative Water Source for Livestock: Spring Development
AD 47 Plant Vegetation: Spring
AE 47 Plant Vegetation: Fall/Winter
AF 47 Plant Vegetation: Biologs
AG 40 Install Fence in Lapwai Creek
AH 40 Install Fence in Mission Creek
AI 40 Install Fence in Lapwai Creek
AJ 38 Improve Road to Reduce Sediment Delivery to Webb Creek
AK 53 Control Weeds in Tom Beall Creek (Bio-Control)
AL 53 Control Weeds in Garden Gulch Creek (Bio-Control)
AM 53 Control Weeds in Soldiers Meadow Area
AN 53 Control Weeds in Lapwai Creek Area
AO 53 Control Weeds in Tom Beall Creek (Herbicide/Mow)
AP 53 Control Weeds in Garden Gulch Creek Area
AQ 53 Control Weeds in Webb Creek Area
AR 53 Control Japanese Knotweed
AS 53 Japanese Knotweed Demonstration Site
AT 53 White Bryony Demonstration Site
AU 53 Reeds Canary Grass Demonstration Site
AV 55 Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Lower Lapwai Creek Site
AW 55 Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Middle Lapwai Site
AX 55 Install Gully Erosion Control Practices - Upper Lapwai Site
AY 55 Install Gully Erosion Control Practices
AZ 29 Install Instream Habitat Structures in Webb Creek
BA 181 Install Wetland Enhancement Projects - Middle Lapwai Project Site
BB 181 Install Wetland Enhancement Projects in the Garden Gulch Creek Watershed
BC 85 Install Culvert in a Tributary to Lapwai Creek
BD 85 Improve Fish Passage in Webb Creek
BE 132 Annual Report
BF 141 Quarterly Reports or Pisces Formatted Data in "Stoplight Format"
BG 183 Stream Habitat Project Installation Report
BH 183 Long Term Evaluation of Bio-Engineering Projects
BI 157 Collect Stream Flow Data at an Existing USGS Gage Site
BJ 162 Lapwai Creek Assessment Report
BK 157 Stream Assessment Data Collection in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
BL 160 Update GIS Database
BM 161 Supply Publicly Available Databases on an Annual Basis to the Idaho StreamNet Project Leader
BN 162 Analyze Data and Prepare Reports on 2005 Stream Inventory Data
BO 156 Complete Field Trial for Control Methods Demonstrated in the Lapwai Creek Watershed
BP 185 Quarterly status reports