Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP)
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
Contract Status:
Contract Description:

Completion of this SOW by the Washington State Department of Ecology (WDOE) will be dependent on the implementation of
interrelated Project components, including:

1) Initial site selection will be performed by the Upper Columbia Regional Technical Team (RTT).
2) Reconnaissance of sampling sites will be performed by the United States Forest Service (USFS) on federal properties:
    Prior to the field seaseon, USFS will provide WDOE with directions for physical access and authorization for access to sites on federal lands.
3) Reconnaissance of sampling sites will be performed by Chelan County Conservation District (CCCD) on non-federal properties:
    Prior to the field season, CCCD will provide WDOE with directions for physical access and authorization from property owners for access to
    privately-owned sites.
4) Prior to the field season, RTT/NOAA-Fisheries will provide a field sampling protocol (manual) and field forms, each based on Hillman (2004)*,
    in order that WDOE may properly train its field staff.
5) The WDOE budget is dependent upon their ability to lease a USFS bunkhouse for 5 staff ($550 total/month) during June through September,

*Hillman, T.W.  2004.  Monitoring strategy for the Upper Columbia Basin: Draft report February 1, 2004.
Prepared for Upper Columbia Regional Technical Team, Wenatchee, Washington

Coordination will be necessary with other Project participants. Specifically, USFS will be conducting snorkel surveys at the same sites
that WDOE will be conducting habitat surveys and will need WDOE-collected habitat data for their work. Therefore coordination with
USFS will inlude the following

1) To the extent possible, snorkel surveys will be conducted prior to habitat surveys to minimize disturbance of fish.
2) The first crew at the site (typically the snorkel crew) will determine site length and monument site midpoint and endpoints.
    "The X-site and the upstream and downstream ends of the reach will be measured with GPS and recorded as latitude and longitude (decimal
    degrees).  For purposes of re-measurements, these points will also be photographed, marked with permanent markers,  and identified with notes/
     diagrams.  Permanent location of sites on private lands and within Wilderness will be agreed upon with landowners. Minor modifications to the marking
     procedure may be necessitated by landowner requirements.  For example Wilderness rules rules forbid placement or orange stakes. These situations
     would call for ground-level markers accompanied by aluminum flashing nailed into nearby trees.
3) Snorkel and habitat surveys will need to occur within a short period of time to minimize changes in habitat that occur over time.
    (e.g. seasonal flow changes, storm events, etc.).
4) WDOE and USFS field crew leaders, or designated alternates, will confer weekly during the field season to discuss reconnaissance, site-layout,
     the previous week's progress, and to determine subsequent week's sampling plans.
5) In the event that significant changes in sampling plans occur, WDOE and USFS field crew leaders, or designated alternates, will discuss, in-person
    or by phone and prior to performing additional sampling, how to best proceed to insure adequate coordination of snorkel and habitat surveys.
6) WDOE will provide photocopies of raw field data forms to USFS as practicable.
7) WDOE will provide USFS with complete, error-proofed habitat data by November 30, 2005.  

The USFS contact person for this work coordination will be:
Ken MacDonald
U.S. Forest Service
Wenatchee-Okanogan National Forest
215 Melody Lane
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Telephone: (509) 664-9361


Technical methods for all work conducted under this work element for this SOW will follow protocols specified in the following document unless changes
to these methods are mutually agreed to by the RTT and NOAA Fisheries:

                         Hillman, T.W.  2004.  Monitoring strategy for the Upper Columbia Basin: Draft report February 1, 2004.
                         Prepared for Upper Columbia Regional Technical Team, Wenatchee, Washington

In order to coordinate among project elements, the need for any changes in scope that may arise during implementation of this SOW will be communicated
to NOAA Fisheries and RTT (by contacting Chris Jordan (206-860-3423) and Mike Ward (509-486-2426). Actual changes to this SOW must be approved
by BPA..

Channel and riparian habitat will be characterized by collecting data for each specific indicator listed in table 1 per protocols described in Hillman (2004)
at each of 50 sampling sites. Performance of this habitat characterization will require the purchase of necessary field equipment and supplies, and/or
replacement equipment or supplies. An electronic version of all field forms and a field manual will be provided to WDOE by NOAA-Fisheries/RTT
in advance of the field season. WDOE will train all field personnel in necessary methodological and safety protocols.

In advance of the field season, WDOE will be provided with a Sample Site List by NOAA-Fisheries/RTT.  All sites to be sampled will meet access and safety
criteria determined through reconnaissance to be conducted by USFS and CCCD.

A component of the habitat quality characterization includes collecting macroinvertebrate samples per protocols in Hillman (2004).  These samples will be
collected, stored, and delivered to NOAA-Fisheries by October 30, 2005.

WDOE will deliver one set of photocopied raw data sheets and will deliver quality controlled, georeferenced raw data, with summarized site-averaged values
for each indicator listed in Table 1, in electronic (spreadsheet or database) format to NOAA-Fisheries.  WDOE will provide digital photographs of the
sampling sites to document physical habitat conditions at the time of sampling and to facilitate data sheet quality assurance review.

Table 1. List of specific indicators to be measured at each sampling site per protocols in Hillman (2004)

Characteristics Specific Indicators Data to be Delivered for Each of 50 Sites (1 visit each)
Site Description Site number (from Sample Site List); stream name, short site location description (e.g., Trout
Creek upstream of Pine Campground); actual coordinates (decimal degrees) of x-site; field crew
member name; date(s) sampled; time began sampling; general weather description on day of
sampling, narrative comments about the site including any unusual habitat features or notes
regarding site location or access.
Habitat Quality Dominant substrate Raw pebble count data at 105 measurement points; site-calculated dominant substrate size.
Embeddedness Raw embeddedness data at 55 measurement points; site-averaged embeddedness percent.
LWD Site-total count of LWD pieces within each of three size categories (pieces/km).
Pools Site-total count pools (pools/km).
Residual pool depth Raw residual depth of each pool; site-average residual of all site pools.
Fish cover Percent class by area of stream covered by each of 9 cover types at 11 measurement points;
site-averaged percent class for each of 9 cover types.
Off-channels habitats List of each off-channel habitat unit by type; length of each off-channel habitat unit; site-total
count of each of 6 types of off-channel habitats; site-total length of off-channel habitats.
Macroinvertebrate Macroinvertebrate sample.
Channel Condition Stream gradient Straight-line distance between transect/thalweg intersections; straight line length of sample-site;
elevation drop between transect/thalweg intersections; total elevation drop over sample site; site
averaged stream gradient.
Width/depth ratio Site averaged width/depth ratio.
Wetted width Site averaged wetted width.
Bankfull width Site averaged bankfull width.
Bank stability Percent of the lineal distance of bank that is actively eroding at the active channel height at 22
measurement points; site-averaged percent of the lineal distance of bank that is actively eroding
at the active channel height.
Entrenchment Ratio Entrenchment ratio calculated at each measuring point; site-averaged entrenchment ratio.
Sinuosity Site-averaged sinuosity.
Riparian condition Structure Percent class of areal cover (by three vegetation classes) at each of 22 measurement points;
site-averaged percent class of areal cover (by three vegetation classes); vegetation type will be
described at each of 22 measurement points.
Disturbance The presence (11 classes) and proximity (4 classes) of human land-use activities in the riparian
area of 22 measurement points.
Canopy cover Raw canopy cover data at 66 measurement points; site-averaged canopy cover.
Characterization Channel type (Rosgen) Predominant Rosgen Level 1 channel type within site based on sinuosity, entrenchment ratio,
width, depth ratio, and slope; notes if site encompasses more than one Rosgen channel type.
Bed-form type Predominant bed-form type within site; amount of confinement within site.


March 1, 2005: Contract Effective date
April 7, 2005:   First monthly report
May 7, 2005:       Second monthly report
June 1, 2005:     Begin lease of USFS bunkhouse for 5 WDOE staff
June 7, 2005:     Third monthly report
July 1, 2005:       Sampling window opens.
July 7, 2005:       Fourth monthly report
Aug. 7, 2005:       Fifth monthly report
Sept. 7, 2005:     Sixth monthly report
Sept. 30, 2005:   Sampling window closes. WDOE Lease of USFS bunkhouse ends.
Oct. 7, 2005:       Seventh monthly report.
Oct. 30, 2005:     Macroinvertebrate sample delivery, clean data delivery.
Nov. 7, 2005:     Eighth monthly report.
Nov. 30, 2005:   Provide final data to USFS
Dec. 7, 2005:     Ninth monthly report.
Dec.15, 2005:     BioOp reporting elements.
Jan. 7, 2006:       Tenth monthly report.
Jan. 15, 2006:       Draft Annual Report - Final Annual Report will be due within 1 month of receipt of BPA comments on draft.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Nov-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
Click the map to see this Contract's location details.

No photos have been uploaded yet for this Contract.

Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Theresa Hughes Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-5341
Debbie Iness Washington Department of Ecology No Administrative Contact (360) 407-7096
Gary Koshi Washington Department of Ecology No Administrative Contact (360) 407-7222
Paul Krueger Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5723
Gerald McClintock Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-5375
Glenn Merritt Washington Department of Ecology Yes Contract Manager (360) 407-6777
Dylan Monahan Washington Department of Ecology Yes Technical Contact (360) 407-6369
Pamela Nelle Terraqua, Inc. No Interested Party (509) 885-8143
Eric Trovillo Washington Department of Ecology No Administrative Contact (360) 407-7082

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Deliverable complete A: 119. Characterize Riparian Habitat Quality - Wenatchee Subbasin 02/01/2006 01/06/2006
Deliver macroinvertebrate sample B: 157. Stream Habitat Surveys 10/30/2005 10/13/2005
Deliverable complete C: 141. Integrated Status & Effectiveness Monitoring 10/13/2005
Load report on BPA web site D: 132. Submit Annual Report to NOAA Fisheries 02/28/2006

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Characterize Riparian Habitat Quality - Wenatchee Subbasin
B 157 Stream Habitat Surveys
C 141 Integrated Status & Effectiveness Monitoring
D 132 Submit Annual Report to NOAA Fisheries
E 185