NOAA Principal Investigators
Dr. Barry A. Berejikian, Dr. Andrew H. Dittman, Dr. Penny Swanson, Dr. Linda D. Rhodes, Dr. Mark S. Strom, Dr. Jeffrey J. Hard
Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries (NOAA)
2725 Montlake Boulevard East, Seattle, WA 98112-2097
Background for FY 2005 Statement of Work
Project No. 1993-056-00
In recent decades many of the distinct salmon populations in the Columbia River have experienced a steady decline due to habitat loss, dams, and over fishing (NRC 1996, NMFS 2000a). In response to these declines, a number of captive propagation and conservation hatchery programs have been initiated to preserve the genetic resources associated with these populations, and to re-introduce and restore these populations as environmental conditions associated with the original declines are mitigated (NWPPC 1999). Several Columbia River salmon populations and ESUs have reached critically low levels, and NOAA Fisheries (NMFS 2000b), the NWPPC (2000), and several state and tribal agencies, have endorsed and implemented captive broodstock programs as a safety net for threatened and endangered populations.
The goal of Project #199305600, ‘Assessment of Captive Broodstock Technologies', is to conduct scientific research to quantify risks and benefits of captive broodstock strategies and guide improvements in captive broodstock technology for Pacific salmon.
Captive broodstocks appear vital to salmonid population recovery in the Pacific Northwest, and research has led to improvements in captive broodstock technology. Nevertheless, captive broodstocks grown under current technologies suffer from less than optimal culture environments that can affect health, reproduction, behavior and survival. Project 199305600 is currently focused on knowing whether performance can be improved by modifying rearing protocols, and identifying the underlying mechanisms responsible for deficiencies. Continued development and refinement of captive broodstock technology is necessary to provide optimal mechanisms to stabilize populations until recovery actions succeed in addressing factors for their decline.
The project pursues research under five broad objectives, viz:
• Improve reintroduction success,
• Improve olfactory imprinting and homing,
• Improve physiological development and maturation,
• Improve in-culture survival through prevention and treatment of disease, and
• Evaluate effects of inbreeding and inbreeding depression.
NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2000a. Conservation of Columbia Basin Fish: Draft Basin-wide Salmon Recovery Strategy. Prepared in consultation with the Federal Caucus, Volume 2, 179 p.
NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2000b. Endangered species Act - Section 7 Consultation. Biological Opinion. Reinitiation of Consultation on Operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System, Including the Juvenile Fish Transportation Program, and 19 Bureau of Reclamation Projects in the Columbia Basin. Northwest Region, Seattle,Washington.
NRC (National Research Council). 1996. Upstream: Salmon and Society in the Pacific Northwest. NRC, Report of the Committee on Protection and Management of the Pacific Northwest Anadromous Salmonids. Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology and Commission on Life Sciences. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 452 p.
NWPPC (Northwest Power Planning Council). 1999. Artificial Production Review: Report and Recommendations of the Northwest Power Planning Council. Document 99-15.
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Baldwin, D.H., J.F. Sandahl, J.S. Labenia, and N.L. Scholz. 2003. Sublethal effects of copper on coho salmon: impacts on non-overlapping receptor pathways in the peripheral olfactory nervous system. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 22:2266-2274.
Berejikian, B.A., E.P. Tezak, and S.L. Schroder. 2001. Reproductive behavior and breeding success of captively-reared Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 21:55-260.
Campbell, B. J.T. Dickey, R. Endicott, B. Berejikian and P. Swanson. 2004. Effects of water temperature during seawater rearing on timing of spawning and egg quality in spring Chinook salmon. In Berejikian, B. and Nash, C. (editors), Research On Captive Broodstock Programs For Pacific Salmon. Report to Bonneville Power Administration for FY2003, Project No. 199305600.
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Dittman, A.H., T.P. Quinn, G.A. Nevitt, B. Hacker, and D.R. Storm. 1997. Sensitization of olfactory guanylyl cyclase to a specific imprinted odorant in coho salmon. Neuron 19:381-389.
Fairgrieve, W.T., C.L. Masada, W.C. McAuley, M.E. Peterson, M.S. Myers and M.S. Strom. 2005. Accumulation and clearance of orally administered erythromycin and its derivative, azithromycin, in juvenile fall Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Dis. Aquat. Org. in press.
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Nevitt, G.A, and A.H. Dittman 1998. A new model for olfactory imprinting in salmon. Integrative Biol. 1:215-223.
Nevitt, G.A., A.H. Dittman, T.P. Quinn, and W.J. Moody. 1994. Evidence for a peripheral olfactory memory in imprinted salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:4288-4292.
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Rhodes, L.D., C.K. Rathbone, S.C. Corbett, L.W. Harrell and M.S. Strom. 2004. Efficacy of cellular vaccines and genetic adjuvants against bacterial kidney disease in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Fish Shell Immunol 16: 461-474.
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Sorensen, P.W., and J. Caprio. 1997. Chemoreception in fish. In R. E. Evans (editor), Fish Physiology, CRC Press, Florida.
Swanson, P., B. Campbell, B.R. Beckman, D.A. Larsen, J.T. Dickey, K. Cooper, N. Hodges, P. Kline, K.D. Shearer, D. Venditti, G.W. Winans and G. Young. 2003. Monitoring reproductive development in captive broodstock and anadromous hatchery stocks of Snake river spring Chinook salmon during the five months preceding spawning. In B.A. Berejikian and C.E. Nash (editors), Research on Captive Broodstock Programs for Pacific Salmon. Final Report to Bonneville Power Administration for FY01.
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