Contract Description:
Project Title: Improvement of Anadromous Fish Habitat and Passage in Omak Creek
Project goal: Improve habitat conditions in Omak Creek to allow for a self-sustaining steelhead population.
Location: Omak Creek watershed, located wholly within the Colville Reservation boundaries.
Background: This project is directed towards addressing the resource problems identified in the Omak Creek Watershed Plan/Environmental Assessment (NRCS 1995). The implementation of this project as well as projects funded through a variety of agencies (i.e. Bureau of Indian Affairs - President's program, Salmon Recovery Funding Board, Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund, etc.) were based on recommendations from the watershed plan. Projects that are identified in the Omak Creek Watershed Plan/Environmental Assessment, are 50% cost-shared between the Colville Confederated Tribe and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). Since a federally listed endangered species, summer steelhead, exists within Omak Creek, regulatory approval is required from NOAA for any and all proposed work that may affect the habitat or the endangered species.
This year, under project 2000-001-00, watershed rehabilitation practices will continue throughout the Omak Creek basin. The procedure to implement these practices begins by conducting habitat condition inventories within sub-watersheds (i.e. Stapaloop Creek, Camp-seven Creek). Resource problems are identified during the surveys that may be a result of poor livestock management (loss of riparian vegetation, hoof shear, etc.), damaged or impassable culverts, or excessive amounts of sediment delivered from logging roads. An implementation strategy is developed to address each problem identified during the surveys. The implementation strategy is developed within a multi-disciplinary team labeled as the Omak Creek Watershed Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Disciplines represented on this TAG include Colville Tribe departments in Range, Fish & Wildlife, Botany, Cultural Resources, and Forestry. Strategies developed include such techniques as installing instream-structures (i.e. inverted vortex weirs and j-hook veins), planting riparian vegetation, re-contouring vertical cut-banks, installing fences to exclude livestock from sensitive areas, constructing hardened-rock crossings to minimize damage to streambanks from livestock, obliterating road beds to reduce sediment delivered to the stream channel, and others. Once a "best strategy" is developed for the area then meetings with user groups, primarily ranchers and loggers are conducted to get input and support for the techniques and strategies proposed to be implemented. Often these meetings provide an opportunity for the user groups to assist in the planning and implementation of restoration practices such as timing of livestock grazing, grazing strategies (rest-rotation, etc.) road obliteration and incorporation of drainage techniques (i.e. waterbars, broad-based dips, out-sloped roads, etc.).
Initially, rehabilitation efforts originating from the Omak Creek Watershed Plan focused on providing access for anadromous fish and reducing water temperatures, particularly in the lower reaches of Omak Creek. With those factors addressed, the emphasis for restoration activities have been directed towards reducing fine sediment delivered to surface waters. During this BPA contract year, tasks are directed towards minimizing both acute and chronic sediment inputs to Omak Creek and connected tributaries. Monitoring and evaluation will continue to assess the effectiveness of habitat rehabilitation efforts and the development of a locally-adapted steelhead broodstock.
Results from monitoring and evaluation will direct future efforts towards the most effective rehabilitation techniques in Omak Creek. It is expected that the results from this project as well as others (i.e. The Presidents Grant, Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund, Salmon Recovery Fund, etc.) will result in a self-sustaining population of summer steelhead. This stock may be utilized to develop a more adapted steelhead stock for the Okanogan River Basin.