Contract Description:
Big Canyon Creek historically provided quality spawning and rearing habitat for A-run wild summer steelhead in the Clearwater River subbasin. However, high stream temperatures, excessive sediment and nutrient loads, low summer stream flows, and little instream cover have created anadromous fish habitat constraints for the stream. The primary sources of these nonpoint source pollutants and habitat degradations are attributed to agricultural, livestock, and forestry practices.
The Clearwater Subbasin Summary states that a primary limiting factor for resident salmonid populations is the impact of land management activities on hydrology, sedimentation, habitat distribution and complexity, and water quality. In the Big Canyon Creek watershed, low stream flows and a lack of adequate multi-layered riparian vegetation have reduced the suitability of the stream and its tributaries as spawning and rearing habitat. The project actions focus primarily on agricultural lands and the improvement of the limiting factors within these lands.
Contract History:
The Restoring Anadromous Fish Habitat in the Big Canyon Creek Watershed (1999-015-00) project began in 1999. This multi-year project focuses on restoring and improving steelhead habitat within the Big Canyon Creek watershed. The steelhead habitat limiting factors addressed include low summer flows, connectivity, loss of all or partial floodplain, sedimentation of spawning and rearing habitat, wide fluctuation in annual stream flows, high summer stream temperatures, and lack of in-stream cover. Past accomplishments have included the installation of land improvement projects to address these limiting factors. Previously completed contract work also includes 3,000 acres of direct seed cropland tillage systems, 6,000 linear feet of grassed waterways, 3,000 LF of fencing, 6 alternative water systems, 23 water and sediment control structures, 15 acres of weed control, two livestock waste systems, 5,000 LF of riparian plantings, and the development of 15 habitat conservation plans
Summary of 2006 Contract Work:
A) Completion of 4 habitat plans-
Four habitat plans will be completed which identify site specific practices needed to address fish habitat needs. These plans are the basis of installation work in future years (from 2007-2009).
B) Completion of 3 vegetation maintenance plans-
Three maintenance plans will be completed for tree planting projects installed in the 2005 calendar year. The maintenance plans are used to identify weed control and other maintenance needs, as well as to ensure survival of vegetative plantings.
C) Complete weed control plan-
One weed control plan will be completed along 1,000 LF of streambank. The plan will identify key weed control species, determine appropriate control methods, and provide a treatment schedule.
D) Complete 6 designs-
Completion of six fish habitat project designs. Designs include off-site water developments, water and sediment control structures, road improvements and ponds. Designs include drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and design calculations. Designs will be used for 2007 project installation.
E) Outreach-
Completion of one field tour, 2 newsletters, and 2 fact sheets.
F) Install erosion control structures-
Installation of erosion control measures including water and sediment control structures, grass waterways, grade control structures, and biologs to reduce gully erosion by 80% per project site.
G) Road improvements-
Completion of 0.5 miles of field access road improvements. Improvements consist of shaping, adding water drainage features, surfacing and a low flow stream crossing.
H) Upland erosion control through direct seeding-
Completion of 1,500 acres of direct seeding tillage systems to reduce sheet and rill erosion on non-irrigated cropland.
I) Vegetative plantings-
Installation of 20 acres of upland and riparian plantings including grass seeding and tree plantings.
J) Wetland and biolog plant preparation-
Prepare wetland sod and biologs for planting in the 2007 calendar year.
K) Control weeds-
Complete 3 biocontrol releases for yellow starthistle/spotted knapweed and use mechanical and chemical control methods for 3 acres of riparian and upland weed sites.
L) Maintain Vegetation-
Complete vegetation maintenance including weed control at 3 planting sites for an estimated 5 acres.
M) Fence installation-
Install an estimated 3,000 LF of fence. Fence will be a combination of wire, wood posts and metal posts installed to NRCS and IDFG specifications.
N) Water System Installation-
Install 3 alternative water systems for livestock.
O) Collect stream temperature data at 6 sites-
Using continuous temperature monitors, collect stream temperature at 6 sites within the watershed.
P) Collect stream inventory and assessment data along 20 miles-
Using stream inventory protocols established during the 2005 contract year, complete a physical inventory of 20 miles of stream.
Status and Trend monitoring: The Nez Perce Tribe is completing monitoring within the watershed. The Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District (District) utilizes the Nez Perce Tribe's monitoring information to prioritize habitat needs and site specific project areas. The District assists in coordinating land owner access.