Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 36534: 200708600 EXP UPA - CHELAN CO WENATCHEE RIPARIAN
Project Number:
Wenatchee River Riparian Enhancement
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Wenatchee 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
The UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Programmatic projects will be located in the Wenatchee subbasin and will benefit Upper Columbia steelhead, spring Chinook and bull trout.  The Chelan County Natural Resource Department (CCNRD) is proposing riparian enhancement projects to recover watershed processes and functions associated with native plant communities.

The ISRP comments for the proposal include:
This project will construct up to 1,000 feet of livestock exclusion fence and plant up to 2.14 acres of native riparian vegetation in the Wenatchee subbasin. Two sites have been selected: a farm on the lower reaches of Icicle Creek, and the Wenatchee River at the Leavenworth golf course. Other potential sites are identified, but landowner agreements have not yet been finalized. The technical background describes the need to restore damaged streambanks and riparian zones in the subbasin. It is not clear whether the sites selected represent high priority areas based on an analysis of riparian condition, or were selected because the landowner was willing to cooperate with a restoration project. A general list of species that might occur at the sites is given, but no site-specific fish data were presented nor were there any statements of what life history stages would benefit from riparian fencing and planting at the areas in question, or how long it might take to realize the benefits of the riparian plantings. The fencing objective is well grounded in concept and is not very expensive. The riparian restoration part of the proposal was not adequately justified at the sites in question; specific benefits to fish populations in those areas were not described. The option of passive restoration – allowing riparian vegetation to re-grow naturally – was not considered as a lower cost option. Actively managing the riparian plant communities through planting, watering, and weeding is expensive and time-consuming, and this activity commands a major part of the budget proposal. It might be possible to achieve similar benefits without much of the expense by allowing for natural vegetation recovery. At the very least, it ought to be possible to actively manage part of the area and allow the other part to recover naturally - this would create an interesting management experiment. The ISRP believes funding to complete the landowner agreements is warranted, and further funding can be justified for planning the projects once agreements are finalized. The sponsors note that additional projects will be pursued in the future using a proposal for each project.

To address the ISRP comments: the specific projects that were identified in the proposal were completed with other funding sources. Those projects were identified by an analysis of high priority areas and landowner willingness. A different riparian project, the Irwin Riparian project, was identified on the lower Wenatchee River and is scheduled for construction in 2008. Other riparian projects will be identified for implementation in 2009. The Irwin Riparian project was identified as a high priority area based on a Riparian Assessment of riparian conditions in the Wenatchee subbasin. Landowner willingness was secondary, but an essential component of the project. A landowner willingness form has been signed by Shirley Irwin for the Irwin Riparian project. Fencing is not needed at the Irwin Riparian site since there are no livestock, however beaver protection and deer protection will be used. Specific fish species and life history stages at the Irwin Riparian site in the lower Wenatchee River include: Upper Columbia steelhead, spring Chinook and bull trout. Steelhead adults migrate, overwinter and spawn in the area. Juvenile steelhead reside and outmigrate through the area. Spring Chinook adults migrate and juveniles outmigrate through the area. Bull trout adults migrate through the area.  Most riparian planting projects take at least 5 to 10 years to realize the benefits of riparian plantings, including bank stabilization, shading and leaf input into the stream. Passive restoration was considered but not pursued at this site for several reasons. In North Central Washington, summer temperatures can reach over 100 degrees F for weeks on end with little or no precipitation. Active plantings with irrigation are the best way to establish and maintain a functioning riparian zone.  

The list below indicates the approximate amount of river miles that could be restored through riparian enhancement projects along the lower Wenatchee River as well as Icicle, Nason and Peshastin creeks (from proposal).

Icicle Creek
RM RM Feet Restored Miles Restored
0.00 2.86 3500’ 0.66
3.67 3.85 1000’ 0.19
4500’ 0.85

Lower Wenatchee River
RM RM Feet Restored Miles Restored
25.26 26.5 500’ 0.09
500’ 0.09

Nason Creek
RM RM Feet Restored Miles Restored
0.00 0.25 1320’ 0.25
1.62 1.86 80’ 0.01
2.11 2.36 1320’ 0.25
2720’ 0.51

Peshastin Creek
RM RM Feet Restored Miles Restored
0.00 0.93 2640’ 0.5
1.12 1.31 1003’ 0.19
3643 0.69
Account Type(s):
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Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Kathryn (CC) Bangs Chelan County Yes Administrative Contact (509) 667-6346
David Byrnes Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3171
Douglas Corkran Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-7646
Lee Duncan Chelan County No Interested Party (509) 667-6640
Erin Fonville Chelan County Yes Supervisor (509) 667-6324
Joy Juelson Chelan County No Interested Party (509) 667-6346
Mike Kane Chelan County No (509) 667-6467
Mike Kaputa Chelan County Yes Interested Party (509) 667-6584
Paul Krueger Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5723
Jenifer Mccune Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-7429
Carolyn Pearson EcoA.I.M., Inc. Yes Contract Manager (509) 699-1999
Alan Schmidt Chelan County Yes Interested Party (509) 667-6567
John Soden Jones and Stokes Associates Yes Technical Contact (360) 255-2921

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Produce Environmental Compliance Documents for Irwin Riparian A: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation for lower Wenatchee/Irwin riparian 03/15/2008 04/02/2008
Manage and Administer Project B: 119. Manage and Administer Projects 09/26/2008 09/26/2008
Summary of coordination activities C: 189. Coordinate with landowners and stakeholders 09/26/2008 09/26/2008
Identify and select other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin D: 114. Identify and select other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin 09/26/2008 06/30/2008
Produce Design and Specifications E: 175. Produce Designs and Specifications for lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 11/02/2007 11/02/2007
Develop monitoring protocol for the Irwin Riparian project. F: 174. Develop a monitoring plan for lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 04/30/2008 06/01/2008
Collect pre-construction monitoring data on the Irwin Riparian project. G: 157. Collect and report pre-construction monitoring on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 03/31/2008 04/02/2008
Add irrigation line and sprinklers to the Irwin Riparian site. H: 22. Pre-construction: Add irrigation to lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 04/30/2008 04/30/2008
Plant Vegetation I: 47. Construction: Plant vegetation on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 04/30/2008 04/30/2008
Vegetation maintenance summary J: 22. Post-Construction: Maintain vegetation on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 09/26/2008 09/26/2008
Attach Progress Report in Pisces L: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Sep 27 2007) to (Sep 26 2008) 09/26/2008 09/24/2008

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation for lower Wenatchee/Irwin riparian 02/09/2007
B 119 Manage and Administer Projects 02/09/2007
C 189 Coordinate with landowners and stakeholders 02/09/2007
D 114 Identify and select other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin 02/09/2007
E 175 Produce Designs and Specifications for lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 02/09/2007
F 174 Develop a monitoring plan for lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 02/09/2007
G 157 Collect and report pre-construction monitoring on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 02/09/2007
H 22 Pre-construction: Add irrigation to lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 02/09/2007
I 47 Construction: Plant vegetation on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 03/20/2008
J 22 Post-Construction: Maintain vegetation on lower Wenatchee/Irwin Riparian 03/20/2008
K 185 Periodic (quarterly) Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007
L 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (Sep 27 2007) to (Sep 26 2008) 02/09/2007