Viable Restoration Projects Developed To Assist In The Attainment Of Project Goal |
A: 114. Willowdale Riparian Fencing Project |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Develop Design For Stream Channel & Floodplain Restoration |
B: 175. Develop & Collect Physical Habitat Data For Stream Channel/Floodplain Restoration Design |
01/31/2009 |
07/31/2008 |
NEPA Compliance Requirements Complete For Habitat Restoration Projects To Be Implementated |
C: 165. Obtain Environmental Compliance |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Construct Stream Channel & Installed Structures Completed |
D: 30. Assist With Antelope Creek Channel Habitat Improvement - Priday Property |
10/31/2008 |
11/14/2008 |
Reconnect Floodplain To Channel & Create Small Wetland Habitat |
E: 180. Assist With Antelope Creek Channel Habitat Improvement - Priday Property |
10/31/2008 |
10/31/2008 |
Revegetate Disturbed Ground For Habitat Restoration Projects |
F: 47. Assist With Revegetate Disturbed Ground On Antelope Creek Project - Priday Property |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Develop Fencing Design & Vegetation Restoration Plan For Willowdale Project |
G: 175. Develop Fencing Design & Vegetation Restoration Plan For Willowdale Project |
01/31/2009 |
Develop Off Channel Water Sources For Livestock (If Identified) |
H: 34. Develop Offsite Water Sources For Livestock |
01/31/2009 |
Assist With Installation Of Pipeline To Eliminate Gravel Push Up Dam |
I: 149. Assist JCSWCD In The Pipeline Installation - Johnson Property |
03/14/2008 |
03/14/2008 |
Assist With Installation Of Pipeline To Eliminate Gravel Push Up Dam |
J: 149. Assist JCSWCD In The Pipeline Installation - Priday Property |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Monitor Trout Creek Basin Riparian Exclosures |
K: 26. Monitor Exclosures |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Maintained Fences & Water Gaps |
L: 186. Maintain Riparian Corridor Fence |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Maintained Bank Stabilization Structures |
M: 186. Maintain Bank Stabilization Structures |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Maintained Instream Structures |
N: 186. Maintain Instream Structures |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Repaired/Maintained Off Channel Water Development Sites |
O: 186. Repair/Maintain Off Channel Water Development Sites |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Document Physical Habitat Changes In Response To Restoration Actions Funded By BPA |
P: 157. Document The Changes Of Habitat Restoration Practices in the Trout Creek basin. |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Basin Wide Redd Counts |
Q: 157. Adult Redd Counts |
06/15/2008 |
06/15/2008 |
Post Monitoring Of Major Channel Habitat Improvement Project |
R: 157. Post Monitoring Each Phase (8 Miles ) Of Channel Habitat Improvement Reaches |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Technical Assistance Provided |
S: 122. Provide Technical Assistance and Input |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Develop Monitoring & Evaluation Plan For The Trout Creek Basin |
U: 156. Develop RM&E Plan & Funding Sources For Trout Creek Monitoring Plan |
01/31/2009 |
Stream Water Temperature Monitored |
V: 157. Monitor Stream Water Temperature in the Trout Creek Basin |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Data Captured In Two Data Bases (One For Adults & One for Juveniles) |
W: 157. Monitor Smolt Production & Adult Escapement |
06/30/2008 |
06/17/2008 |
Exclude Hatchery Summer Steelhead From Wild Trout Creek Stock |
X: 190. Remove/Exclude Hatchery Summer Steelhead |
06/30/2008 |
06/17/2008 |
Summer Steelhead Smolts PIT Tagged |
Y: 158. PIT Tag Outmigrant Summer Steelhead To Estimate Run Size |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
PIT Tag Data Submitted To PTAGIS |
Z: 159. Submit & Acquire PIT Tag Data To/From PTAGIS |
06/30/2008 |
06/17/2008 |
ESA Listed Mid Columbia Summer Steelhead Monitored |
AA: 162. Analyze Adult Summer Steelhead Escapement & Summer Steelhead Smolt Out-migrant Estimates |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |
Annual Report For Performance Period 4/1/07-1/31/08 |
AB: 132. Annual Report |
07/30/2008 |
07/30/2008 |
Manage & Administer Project |
AC: 119. Manage & Administer Project |
01/31/2009 |
01/31/2009 |