NEPA compliance documentation completed and submitted. |
A: 165. Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Compliance Reports and Permits |
03/31/2009 |
03/31/2009 |
Eagle Fish Hatchery Facility and Grounds Maintenance. |
B: 61. Maintain Eagle Fish Hatchery |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Maintain and spawn captive sockeye broodstock. |
C: 176. Produce a captive broodstock for Snake River Sockeye Salmon |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Samples transferred to IDFG Genetics Lab for Analysis. |
D: 157. Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Genetic Sampling. |
02/01/2009 |
01/20/2009 |
SRSS spawning matrix. |
E: 162. Analyze/Interpret SRSS genetic samples. |
10/30/2008 |
09/29/2008 |
Pre-smolt and smolt Production at Sawtooth Fish Hatchery. |
F: 63. Rear Juvenile SRSS at Sawtooth FH |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Smolt Production at Oxbow Hatchery. |
G: 63. Rear Juvenile SRSS at Oxbow FH (ODFW) |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Monitoring trap/weir in-place and fully functional. |
H: 70. Install/maintain weir on Redfish Lake Creek. |
06/20/2009 |
06/20/2009 |
Marking/Tagging Activities Associated with Sockeye M & E. |
I: 158. Mark SRSS for Evaluation of Program |
06/30/2009 |
06/20/2009 |
Collection of Field Data associated with Sockeye M & E. |
J: 157. Snake River Sockeye Salmon (SRSS) Captive Broodstock Field Evaluation. |
06/20/2009 |
06/20/2009 |
Update Regional Databases. |
K: 159. Submit Data to Regional Database |
06/20/2009 |
06/20/2009 |
Analyzed data collected from Monitoring and Evaluation activities. |
L: 162. Analyze and Interpret SRSS Data |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Completion of 2007 progress report and upload to Pisces: Research Element. |
M: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period (Jan 2007) to (Dec 2007): Research Element. |
02/17/2009 |
01/21/2009 |
Final 2007 Progress Report uploaded to the BPA website: Hatchery Element |
N: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period (Jan 2007) to (Dec 2007): Hatchery Element. |
02/17/2009 |
01/21/2009 |
Complete Draft 2008 annual progress report and upload to Pisces: Research Element. |
O: 132. Submit Draft Progress Report for the period (Jan 2008) to (Dec 2008): Research Element |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Complete draft 2008 annual progress report and upload to Pisces: Hatchery Element. |
P: 132. Submit Draft Progress Report for the period (Jan 2008) to (Dec 2008): Hatchery Element |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Manage and Administer BPA project. |
R: 119. Manage and Administer projects associated with the Sockeye Captive Broodstock Program |
06/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Attendance at Program Essential and SBSTOC meetings. |
S: 189. Quarterly SBSTOC coordination meeting and program essential meetings. |
06/30/2009 |
06/18/2009 |