Province | Subbasin | % |
Lower Columbia | Columbia Lower | 100.00% |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.
Full Name | Organization | Write Permission | Contact Role | Work Phone | |
John Baugher | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | COR | | (503) 230-4512 |
Todd Hillson | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) | Yes | Supervisor | | (360) 906-6730 |
Pam Kahut | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | No | Contract Manager | | (503) 595-3100 |
Rosemary Mazaika | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | F&W Approver | | (503) 230-5869 |
George Nandor | Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission | No | Interested Party | | (503) 595-3144 |
Kristi Van Leuven | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | Contracting Officer | | (503) 230-3605 |
Steven Vigg | Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) | Yes | Interested Party | | (360) 906-6710 |
Nancy Weintraub | Bonneville Power Administration | No | Env. Compliance Lead | | (503) 230-5373 |
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
Issued 4d permit | A: 165. NOAA 4d permit compliance | 02/05/2009 | 01/01/2009 | |
Adult Trap Installation | B: 70. Deliver/install/remove Adult trap at Duncan Creek | 10/30/2008 | 10/28/2008 | |
Physical/enviromental profile of spawning channels during the time chum salmon are present | C: 157. Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels | 08/31/2009 | 08/31/2009 | |
Adult Trap data | D: 157. Adult trap monitoring | 02/15/2009 | 01/01/2009 | |
Seine adults for broodstock | E: 66. Seining activities for collecting adult chum salmon broodstock | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Biological data on adults seined, not used for supplementation, marked and released | F: 157. Adult sampling and marking for spawning population estimation | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Transported adults | G: 66. Transport direct-adult supplementation adults | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Adult spawner data | H: 157. Sampling of spawners placed into spawning channels | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Daily fry totals | I: 157. Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry | 05/31/2009 | 05/15/2009 | |
Marked fry | J: 157. Place strontium mark on naturally produced fry | 05/31/2009 | 05/15/2009 | |
Potential egg deposition (PED) and actual egg deposition (AED) values | K: 162. Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in spawning channels | 06/30/2009 | 09/30/2009 | |
Adult origin analysis | L: 162. Analysis to determine project origin adult returns | 07/31/2009 | ||
Report on origin of adults based on otolith decoding | M: 157. Decode otoliths collected from fall 2008 spawners | 08/28/2009 | ||
Population estimates | N: 162. Analysis of adult sampling and marking for population estimates | 07/31/2009 | 08/31/2009 | |
Thermally marked fry released to Duncan Creek, Ives Island area, Hamilton Creek and Hardy Cree | O: 59. Incubate chum salmon | 03/31/2009 | 03/31/2009 | |
Collect adults for Salvage Plan | P: 66. Seine activities for collecting adults to be used in a Salvage Plan | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Transported Salvage Plan adults | Q: 66. Transport adults collected for Salvage Plan | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Spawned Chum | R: 64. Spawn chum salmon collected for Salvage Plan | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Data form adults used for artificial production | S: 157. Sampling of adults used for Salvage Plan | 01/15/2009 | 01/15/2009 | |
Reared chum | T: 63. Rear chum salmon fry as part of a Salvage Plan | 05/31/2009 | 05/31/2009 | |
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking | U: 157. Sampling of Salvage Plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry | 04/30/2009 | 04/30/2009 | |
Released fry | V: 66. Transport Salvage Plan chum salmon fry to release locations | 05/31/2009 | 05/31/2009 | |
Fecundity Estimates | W: 162. Analysis of Salvage Plan hatchery data | 06/30/2009 | 06/30/2009 | |
Fry trap installation | X: 70. Install fry traps at monitoring weirs | 02/22/2009 | 02/17/2009 | |
Submit draft FY10 SOW/budget to COTR | Y: 119. Duncan Creek Project management and administration | 07/16/2009 | 09/30/2009 | |
Attach FY 2009 Annual Report in Pisces | Z: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period 10/1/2008 to 9/30/2009 | 09/30/2009 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) - Columbia River ESU (Threatened) |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 165 | NOAA 4d permit compliance | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
B | 70 | Deliver/install/remove Adult trap at Duncan Creek | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
C | 157 | Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
D | 157 | Adult trap monitoring | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
E | 66 | Seining activities for collecting adult chum salmon broodstock | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
F | 157 | Adult sampling and marking for spawning population estimation | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
G | 66 | Transport direct-adult supplementation adults | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
H | 157 | Sampling of spawners placed into spawning channels | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
I | 157 | Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
J | 157 | Place strontium mark on naturally produced fry | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
K | 162 | Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in spawning channels | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
L | 162 | Analysis to determine project origin adult returns | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
M | 157 | Decode otoliths collected from fall 2008 spawners | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
N | 162 | Analysis of adult sampling and marking for population estimates | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
O | 59 | Incubate chum salmon | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
P | 66 | Seine activities for collecting adults to be used in a Salvage Plan | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
Q | 66 | Transport adults collected for Salvage Plan | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
R | 64 | Spawn chum salmon collected for Salvage Plan | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
S | 157 | Sampling of adults used for Salvage Plan | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
T | 63 | Rear chum salmon fry as part of a Salvage Plan | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
U | 157 | Sampling of Salvage Plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
V | 66 | Transport Salvage Plan chum salmon fry to release locations | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
W | 162 | Analysis of Salvage Plan hatchery data | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
X | 70 | Install fry traps at monitoring weirs | 08/10/2008 | ||||||
Y | 119 | Duncan Creek Project management and administration | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
Z | 132 | Submit Annual Report for the period 10/1/2008 to 9/30/2009 | 02/09/2007 | ||||||
AA | 185 | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | 02/09/2007 |