Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
New Marking and Monitoring Technologies
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
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This project addresses how to expand the current fish-tracking technologies to enable the fisheries community to successfully carry out the actions, research, and monitoring activities outlined in the 2000, 2004, and 2008 BiOps, 2004 UPA, Fish and Wildlife Program, and 2003 systemwide passage summary.  The goal of the project is to satisfy these needs by developing interrogation systems that will collect data on migrating juvenile and adult salmonids through mainstem Columbia River Basin (CRB) dams including juvenile salmon transiting surface-bypass systems and all life-stages transiting small streams.  These fish-tracking technologies are then used to assess the effectiveness of management actions and strategies for recovery of ESA-listed fish populations.  For example, development of PIT-tag systems that will work in large streams or even rivers are essential for determining the effectiveness of all types of restoration programs on stock recovery supported by BPA.  In addition, these systems would help delineate the different types of interactions between hatchery and wild stocks in the field.  

Within this project, we propose to develop technologies that help monitor the stocks at critical (if possible, all) life stages and critical locations.   For example, many juvenile salmonids now use unmodified spillbays, spillbays outfitted with temporary spillway weirs (TSWs) or removable spillway weirs (RSWs), and turbines during their migration, but we are unable to monitor them in these locations because they lack PIT-tag interrogation systems.  Consequently, we are collecting fewer data points for the different survival models.  Therefore, we are proposing to start or continue development programs for interrogation systems (tags, antennas, receivers, etc) that will enable us to monitor these migrating fish through these pathways.  

Besides project administration, the proposed work for the performance period (December 2008-November 2009)  covers three main research areas or work elements:

1. Continue the development of an interrogation system for detecting fish using spillways
2. Start the development of interrogation systems for detecting fish using TSWs and turbines
3. Continue the development of in-stream interrogation systems -- antennas and multiplexing transceiver
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Contract End Date:
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Data collected from tests conducted to develop and evaluate the PIT-tag system A: 156. Development of interrogation systems for spillbays 11/30/2009 08/26/2009
Data collected from tests conducted to develop and evaluate the PIT-tag system B: 156. Development of interrogation systems for TSWs and turbines 07/31/2010
Data will be collected from research conducted on in-stream interrogation systems C: 156. Continue the development of in-stream interrogation systems 07/31/2010
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR D: 119. Administration tasks for this project 01/15/2010 06/17/2010
Attach Progress Report in Pisces F: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Dec 2007) to (Nov 2008) 09/15/2009 08/26/2009

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 156 Development of interrogation systems for spillbays 02/09/2007
B 156 Development of interrogation systems for TSWs and turbines 02/09/2007
C 156 Continue the development of in-stream interrogation systems 02/09/2007
D 119 Administration tasks for this project 02/09/2007
E 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007
F 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (Dec 2007) to (Nov 2008) 02/09/2007