Contract Description:
Project Goal:
The objective of this project is to facilitate wildlife mitigation activities under the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Program in order to protect, enhance/restore and maintain riparian, shrub-steppe, and scrub-shrub wetland habitat at suitable sites in the Middle Snake Province as mitigation for wildlife losses associated with the construction of Black Canyon, Deadwood and Anderson Ranch hydro-electric projects. Target species include mule deer, elk, mallard, mink, black-capped chickadee, yellow warbler, yellow-rumped warbler, ruffed grouse, blue grouse, spruce grouse, greater sage-grouse, redband trout, and bull trout. This contract has been developed to cover personnel, administrative, and operating costs. Many of the objectives and tasks listed throughout this document are conducted on an ongoing basis throughout the contract period.
In southern Idaho, a BPA debt of 67% of wildlife habitat losses identified in the Council's Fish and Wildlife Program remain to be mitigated in the area covered by the Southern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation (SIWM) project. The SIWM group includes the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, and the Idaho Fish and Game Department.
Tools that will be utilized to identify acquisition, protection, and enhancement sites include the GAP analysis program, BPA impact assessments, regional fish and wildlife data, input from regional professionals and working groups, and maps of available properties.
The Duck Valley Indian Reservation is 289,820 acres in size and is located on the Idaho/Nevada border. There are approximately 2,300 enrolled Tribal members. The Reservation is located in the Middle Snake Province in both the Bruneau and Owyhee subbasins.
The Tribes will concentrate their mitigation efforts in the Middle Snake Province, which is part of the Tribes' aboriginal lands.
Over the past four years, no equipment has been purchased by the Tribes under this contract. Consequently, no equipment list will be provided. But for the contract that follows after this year, a property inventory is anticipated.
For information only: The project FY 2009 budget is $100,000, of which only $91,000 is included in this contract action. The balance of the project budget, $9,000, is reserved for use as "BPA Direct" to support BPA's real property direct services.