Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 45904: 2007-397-00 EXP JOHN DAY TRIB/PASS & FLOW
Project Number:
John Day Watershed Restoration
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau John Day 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
37190: 2007-397-00 EXP JOHN DAY TRIB/PASS & FLOW
  • 56050: 2007-397-00 EXP JOHN DAY TRIB/PASS & FLOW
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The John Day is the nation’s second longest free-flowing river in the contiguous United States and the longest containing entirely un-supplemented runs of anadromous fish.  Located in eastern Oregon, the basin drains over 8,000 square miles, Oregon’s fourth largest drainage basin, and incorporates portions of eleven counties.  Originating in the Strawberry Mountains near Prairie City, the John Day River flows 284 miles in a northwesterly direction, entering the Columbia River approximately four miles upstream of the John Day dam.  With wild runs of spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead, westslope cutthroat, and redband and bull trout, the John Day system is truly a basin with national significance.

The majority of the John Day basin was ceded to the Federal government in 1855 by the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (Tribes).  In 1997, the Tribes established an office in the basin to coordinate restoration projects, monitoring, planning and other watershed activities on private and public lands.  Once established, the John Day Basin Office (JDBO) formed a partnership with the Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (GSWCD) and the Wheeler Soil and Water Conservation Districts(WSWCD), which subcontract the majority of the construction implementation activities for these projects from the JDBO.  

The GSWCD/WSWCD completes the landowner contact, preliminary planning, engineering design, permitting, construction contracting, and construction implementation phases of most projects.  The JDBO completes the planning, grant solicitation/defense, environmental compliance, administrative contracting, monitoring, and reporting portion of the program.  Most phases of project planning, implementation, and monitoring are coordinated with the private landowners and basin agencies, such as the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon Water Resources Department.

Amendment 2011 changes includes WE updates, budget changes, staff additions and adjustments, etc.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Amy Charette Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Contract Manager (541) 575-1866
Jamie Cleveland Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3160
Brian Cochran Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Interested Party (541) 553-2003
Lisa Gang Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-3893
Brad Houslet Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Supervisor (541) 553-2039
Archie Martell Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Technical Contact (514) 575-1866
Rosemary Mazaika Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5869
Arthur Mitchell Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Administrative Contact (541) 553-3219
Chris Moan Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Technical Contact (541) 575-1866
Jenna Peterson Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3018
Lori Switzler Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Administrative Contact (541) 553-3487
Scott Turo Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Supervisor (541) 553-2025
Kimberly Upham Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-3196
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605
Gabe Williams Wheeler County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) No Technical Contact (541) 468-2990

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Completed NEPA documents A: 165. 2010 documents 02/18/2011 02/18/2011
Completed NEPA documents B: 165. 2011 documents 07/01/2011 07/01/2011
Group Cooperation and effective Restoration C: 114. Forest Service/ BLM / Landowner Groups/ Research Groups / Subbasin Team includes travel, per-d 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Data for effectiveness monitoring D: 157. Implementation / Effectiveness Monitoring 2010 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Water Data E: 157. Middle Fork Gauging Station Operation and Maintenance 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Analyzed Data for annual reports F: 162. Analyze Yearly data for reports for 2009 08/10/2010 08/31/2010
Analyze data for annual reports G: 162. Analyze Yearly data for reports for 2010 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Accessible data base H: 160. Maintain Monitoring Database 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Shared Data I: 159. Create Preliminary Monitoring Report/ Share data with Associated Agencies 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Education and community relations J: 99. Fair Booths/Community Education and Participation/ School Presentations/Callahan Award/ 4H&FFA 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Plant source maintenance K: 22. Native Plants Nursery Operation and Maintenance 03/31/2011 03/31/2011
Planting L: 47. Izee Ranch - Riparian Planting 2010 09/30/2010 05/31/2010
Planting M: 47. Big Boulder Creek Riparian Planting 2010 09/30/2010 05/31/2010
Planting N: 47. St Clair Ranch - Riparian restoration planting 2010 09/30/2010 06/01/2010
Planting O: 47. Longview Ranch - Riparian Planting 2010 09/30/2010 05/31/2010
Planting R: 47. Driscoll - Riparian Planting 2010 09/30/2010 06/30/2010
Planting S: 47. Cathedral Rock - Riparian Planting 2010 09/30/2010 06/30/2010
Planted Riparian T: 47. Claus - Riparian Planting 2011 11/25/2011
Planting U: 47. Circle W Riparian Planting 06/03/2011 06/03/2011
Planting V: 47. Circle W Site 2 and 3 Planting - 2010 09/30/2010 04/30/2010
Planting X: 47. Izee Ranch Riparian Planting 2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011
Planting Y: 47. St Clair Ranch Riparian Planting 2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011
Planting Z: 47. Longview Riparian Planting 2011 09/30/2011 09/30/2011
Plant Riparian AA: 47. Kinzua Project - Riparian Planting 06/24/2010 10/15/2010
Juniper Control AB: 53. Goen Creek Juniper Control 12/31/2011 12/31/2011
Juniper Control AD: 53. Vanier Ranch Juniper control 12/31/2011 12/31/2011
Juniper Control AE: 53. Hoover Ranch Juniper Control 12/31/2011 12/31/2011
Juniper Control AF: 53. Kilpatrick Juniper Control 12/31/2011 06/30/2010
Completed Juniper Project AI: 53. Circle W Ranch Juniper Control 11/25/2011 11/25/2011
Juniper Control AJ: 53. Long Box Ranch Juniper Control 12/31/2011 09/30/2010
Juniper Control AK: 53. John Day Basin Juniper Control 12/31/2011 12/31/2011
Off Channel Water Development AL: 34. Bansen Water Development 12/01/2010 12/01/2010
Off Channel Water Development AM: 34. Bumblebee Springs Water Development 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AN: 34. Murderers Creek Water Development #1 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AO: 34. Murderers Creek Water Development #2 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AP: 34. Deer Creek Water Development 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AQ: 34. Vester Creek Water Development #1 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AR: 34. Vester Creek Water Development #2 12/01/2011
Off Channel Water Development AS: 34. Vester Creek Water Development #3 12/01/2011
Enhanced Stream Habitat AT: 29. Kinzua Habitat Project 09/30/2010 09/30/2010
Enhanced Stream Habitat with passage improvements AU: 29. Camp Creek Habitat Project 09/30/2011 09/30/2011
Protected Stream reach aiding in Water Quality and Quantity. AV: 40. Mountain Creek Habitat Project 12/01/2011 12/01/2010
Protected Stream reach aiding in Water Quality and Quantity. AW: 40. Dad's Creek Habitat Project 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
2010 WSWCD Subcontract AX: 98. Wheeler SWCD Subcontract - 2010 01/31/2011 05/01/2010
2011 WSWCD Subcontract AY: 98. Wheeler SWCD Subcontract - 2011 01/31/2012 12/31/2011
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR BB: 119. Management of non Capital programs / Travel for BPA Required Meeting 10/30/2011 01/31/2011
Final report uploaded to the BPA website BC: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period 02/01/2009) to (01/31/2010) 06/30/2011 06/30/2011
Rudio Creek Designs BF: 175. Rudio Creek Habitat Design 05/30/2011 05/30/2011
Data for effectiveness monitoring BG: 157. Implementation / Effectiveness Monitoring 2011 01/31/2012 01/31/2012
Little Beech Creek Juniper Removal BH: 53. Little Beech Creek Juniper Removal 12/31/2011 12/31/2011
Little Beech Creek Planting BI: 47. Little Beech Creek Planting 12/31/2011 12/31/2011

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
  • 1 instance of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 8 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 5 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 98 Other
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 8 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 17 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 11 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 98 Other
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Lamprey, Pacific (Entosphenus tridentata)
  • 1 instance of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 7 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 98 Other
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi)
  • 1 instance of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 98 Other
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 4 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 7 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 2010 documents 02/01/2010
B 165 2011 documents 02/01/2010
C 114 Forest Service/ BLM / Landowner Groups/ Research Groups / Subbasin Team includes travel, per-d 02/01/2010
D 157 Implementation / Effectiveness Monitoring 2010 07/15/2010
E 157 Middle Fork Gauging Station Operation and Maintenance 07/15/2010
F 162 Analyze Yearly data for reports for 2009 02/01/2010
G 162 Analyze Yearly data for reports for 2010 02/01/2010
H 160 Maintain Monitoring Database 02/01/2010
I 159 Create Preliminary Monitoring Report/ Share data with Associated Agencies 02/01/2010
J 99 Fair Booths/Community Education and Participation/ School Presentations/Callahan Award/ 4H&FFA 02/01/2010
K 22 Native Plants Nursery Operation and Maintenance 07/15/2010
L 47 Izee Ranch - Riparian Planting 2010 03/24/2010
M 47 Big Boulder Creek Riparian Planting 2010
N 47 St Clair Ranch - Riparian restoration planting 2010 06/14/2010
O 47 Longview Ranch - Riparian Planting 2010 11/02/2010
P 47 Long Box Ranch - Riparian Planting 2010 CANCELLED
Q 47 Donna Harding - Riparian Planting 2010 CANCELLED
R 47 Driscoll - Riparian Planting 2010 11/02/2010
S 47 Cathedral Rock - Riparian Planting 2010 11/02/2010
T 47 Claus - Riparian Planting 2011
U 47 Circle W Riparian Planting 07/15/2010
V 47 Circle W Site 2 and 3 Planting - 2010 07/15/2010
W 47 Long Box Riparian Planting CANCELLED 08/31/2010
X 47 Izee Ranch Riparian Planting 2011 02/01/2010
Y 47 St Clair Ranch Riparian Planting 2011 02/01/2010
Z 47 Longview Riparian Planting 2011
AA 47 Kinzua Project - Riparian Planting 07/15/2010
AB 53 Goen Creek Juniper Control
AD 53 Vanier Ranch Juniper control 02/10/2011
AE 53 Hoover Ranch Juniper Control 02/10/2011
AF 53 Kilpatrick Juniper Control
AI 53 Circle W Ranch Juniper Control
AJ 53 Long Box Ranch Juniper Control
AK 53 John Day Basin Juniper Control
AL 34 Bansen Water Development 10/12/2010
AM 34 Bumblebee Springs Water Development
AN 34 Murderers Creek Water Development #1
AO 34 Murderers Creek Water Development #2
AP 34 Deer Creek Water Development
AQ 34 Vester Creek Water Development #1
AR 34 Vester Creek Water Development #2
AS 34 Vester Creek Water Development #3
AT 29 Kinzua Habitat Project 07/15/2010
AU 29 Camp Creek Habitat Project
AV 40 Mountain Creek Habitat Project 07/23/2010
AW 40 Dad's Creek Habitat Project 11/02/2010
AX 98 Wheeler SWCD Subcontract - 2010 02/01/2010
AY 98 Wheeler SWCD Subcontract - 2011 02/01/2010
AZ 98 Cancelled 02/01/2010
BA 98 Cancelled 02/01/2010
BB 119 Management of non Capital programs / Travel for BPA Required Meeting 02/01/2010
BC 132 Submit Annual Report for the period 02/01/2009) to (01/31/2010) 02/01/2010
BD 132 Submit Annual Report for the period 02/01/2010) to (01/31/2011) 02/01/2010
BE 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/01/2010
BF 175 Rudio Creek Habitat Design 02/01/2010
BG 157 Implementation / Effectiveness Monitoring 2011 07/15/2010
BH 53 Little Beech Creek Juniper Removal
BI 47 Little Beech Creek Planting