Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 49300: 2007-086-00 EXP UPA WENATCHEE RIPARIAN
Project Number:
Wenatchee River Riparian Enhancement
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Wenatchee 100.00%
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Details concerning CCR-24141:

Work Elements and milestones have been changed to reflect three of the landowners (Smith, Marchant and Helton) deciding not to participate in the project, adding a new project (RM 5.4) in place of the previously planned projects and changing the name of Jones to RM 6.1 to be consistent with CCNRD project names in the Ecosystem-Habitat Work Schedule (HWS).  Information about the new project is as follows:

Site Description

The Wenatchee River RM 5.4 project is located along the left bank of the Wenatchee River near Monitor within an existing floodplain.  The project consists of installing native plants and an irrigation system along approximately 2,061 linear feet (or 3.34 acres) where there are opportunities to enhance the existing riparian vegetation and floodplain function. The project has an average planting buffer width of 70 feet, although some of the planting areas may have a buffer ranging from 15 to 125 feet. We will be tying into the existing irrigation system and installing a temporary (above ground) drip line irrigation system to assist with watering the plants during the three year plant establishment period.  We are anticipating to planting up to 1,900 native forbs, shrubs and trees within the planting area identified on the enclosed project map.  The proposed site was identified in the 2006 EcoAim Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Assessment as moderate to high priority for riparian planting.  The EcoAim assessment used the Summary Implementation Strategy that was developed as part of Ecology’s TMDL process to identify this site.

Biological Benefit/ Salmon Recovery

Riparian function along the Wenatchee River has been degraded and reduced by development and agriculture.  The conversion of riparian habitat to agriculture and residential development has been identified as a habitat limiting factor for salmonids (Andonaequi, 2001).  These practices have increased fine sediment input and water temperatures along the Lower Wenatchee River.  The Upper Columbia Biological Strategy (UCRTT, 2008) states that of the limiting factors affecting habitat condition, riparian habitat has been significantly lost or degraded in this reach.  The loss of riparian habitat can contribute to stream temperatures often exceeding standards within the Lower Wenatchee River.   In the Final Report for Salmon, Steelhead, and Bull Trout Habitat Limiting Factors for the Wenatchee Subbasin (attached table), the average habitat condition for riparian is considered to be poor and not properly functioning on the mainstem of the Lower Wenatchee River from river mile 0.00 to 10.4 which is in the reach that this proposed project is located (Andonaequi, 2001).   The “Poor” designation comes from quantitative studies, surveys and published reports documenting habitat condition.  

Through the establishment of native plant species along approximately 2,016 linear feet of the left bank of the Lower Wenatchee River we will be addressing the following water quality and habitat recommended actions from the Final Wenatchee Watershed Management Plan (WWPU, 2006):

·         LowWenQUAL-13: Consider implementing actions recommended in the Wenatchee River Basin Temperature and Fecal Coli form TMDLs if the actions address problems that have been identified in the Lower Wenatchee. Lowering temperatures and reducing nutrient inputs will improve pH and dissolved oxygen levels in the Wenatchee River Watershed (WQTS, 2006a).

·         LowWenH-2: Reduce water temperatures by restoring riparian vegetation along the river (UCSRB, 2005).

·         LowWenH-3: Increase habitat diversity and quantity by restoring riparian habitat along the Wenatchee River, reconnecting side channels and the floodplain with the river, and increasing large woody debris in the side channels (UCSRB, 2005).

·         LowWenH-4: Protect existing riparian habitat and channel migration floodplain function (UCRTT, 2002).

Details concerning CCR-23518:

Project specific monitoring on sites previously planted under 2007-086-00 EXP UPA Wenatchee Riparian (Contract #44329), have identified opportunities to improve growing conditions for existing native plantings, and supplement sites with species that are well adapted to specific site conditions. The Hagman Road, Dormaier and Irwin sites have areas where competition from non-native grasses, poor soil conditions and browsing pressure has reduced plant vitality. Additionally, species that are responding well to site-specific conditions have been identified.

The re-scheduling of funds is allowing the Chelan County Natural Resource Department to provide more robust growing conditions at existing sites thru physical removal of competing non-native vegetation, selective application of soil amendments, certified noxious weed-free wood chip mulch and browse protection where needed. Selective fill planting will also be used to maximize site growing conditions, by utilizing those species that appear well-adapted to local conditions based on monitoring results. A portion of the downstream side of the Irwin project has been identified for additional stream bank work to better stabilize the bank with the establishment of local willows to reduce sedimentation into the Wenatchee River.


The UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Programmatic projects will be located in the Wenatchee subbasin and will benefit Upper Columbia steelhead, spring Chinook and bull trout.  The Chelan County Natural Resource Department (CCNRD) is proposing riparian enhancement projects to recover watershed processes and functions associated with native plant communities. A total of five riparian restoration projects have been completed under past BPA Contracts (Contracts:  36534, 40061 & 44329).  The Irwin Riparian project was planted in the Spring of 2008, the Hagman Road/ Wendlandt Riparian projects were planted in the Spring of 2009 and the Cohen/Dormaier Riparian projects were planted in April 2010.

For 2011, the CCNRD is proposing to implement 3 riparian planting projects along the Lower Wenatchee River to restore a total of approximately 2,190 linear feet (or 1.91 acres) of riparian habitat.  The projects have been identified as high priority riparian projects in the Implementation Schedule for the Wenatchee Watershed (WRIA 45) that was developed by the Wenatchee Watershed Planning Unit Habitat Sub-Committee and the 2006 Riparian Assessment that was completed for the Wenatchee Watershed (EcoA.I.M, 2006).

The Smith project is located downstream of Cashmere, Washington along the left bank of the Wenatchee River at river mile 8.08.  The project is located on private property (see Landowner Willingness form in the attachments) that is currently managed by the landowner as a pear orchard. The project consists of installing native plants, an irrigation system and herbivory protection as needed, where the existing riparian vegetation is minimal or non-existing. The planting area totals approximately 450 linear feet (or 0.52 acres) with an average planting buffer width of 50 feet. The new irrigation system will be tied directly into the landowners existing irrigation system for the orchard which is fed by a well through an existing water right.  In the Fall (2010), we will be working directly with the landowner to develop the planting plan, design specifics and the monitoring plan for the project, which will be posted to Pisces for BPA review.   In April (2011), we are anticipating to plant approximately 350 native trees and shrubs within the planting area identified on the map located in the attachments tab.  

The Marchant project is located downstream of Cashmere, Washington along the right bank of the Wenatchee River at river mile 7.4.  The project is located on private property (see Landowner Willingness form in the attachments) that is currently managed by the landowner as a pear orchard.  The project consists of installing native plants and an irrigation system along 615 linear feet (or 0.49 acres) where the existing riparian vegetation is minimal or non-existing. The project has an average planting buffer width of 35 feet, although some of the planting areas may have a buffer ranging from 50 to 75 feet. The new irrigation system will be tied directly into the landowners existing irrigation system which is fed by a well through an existing water right.  In the Fall (2010), we will be working directly with the landowner to develop the planting plan, design specifics and the monitoring plan for the project, which will be posted to Pisces for BPA review.   In April (2011), we are anticipating to plant approximately 340 native trees and shrubs within the planting areas identified on the map located in the attachments tab.  

The Helton-Jones project is located near Monitor, Washington along the right bank of the Wenatchee River at river mile 6.1.  The project is located on private property (see Landowner Willingness form in the attachments) that is currently managed by the landowners as a pear orchard and for single family residence.  The project consists of installing native plants and an irrigation system along 1,125 linear feet (or 0.90 acres) where the existing riparian vegetation is minimal or non-existing. The project has an average planting buffer width of 35 feet, although some of the planting areas may have a buffer ranging from 50 to 75 feet. The new irrigation system will be tied directly into the landowners existing irrigation system which is fed by a well through an existing water right.  In the Fall (2010), we will be working directly with the landowner to develop the planting plan, design specifics and the monitoring plan for the project, which will be posted to Pisces for BPA review.   In April (2011), we are anticipating to plant approximately 600 native trees and shrubs within the planting areas identified on the map located in the attachments tab.  

Maintenance & Monitoring:   As a continued effort to ensure the success of riparian plantings we will continue to maintain and monitor completed riparian projects through this contract.  Maintenance of the projects includes but is not limited to watering, repairing/maintaining the installed irrigation systems, removing weeds and replacing dead plants as needed.  We intend to continue watering the Hagman Road and the Wendlandt Riparian project sites through September of 2011.  The Wendlandt, Cohen and Dormaier project sites are watered by the landowner through their existing irrigation system that was extended to encompass the planting project in the spring of 2010.  The Hagman Road site will be watered using the existing pump and fish screen (see Property Inventory on attachments tab) and we will work with the Washington State Department of Ecology to obtain a seasonal watering permit for the project.  Next year will be the fourth growing season from project implementation for the Irwin Riparian project and we will monitor the site, watering as necessary.  A seasonal water permit will be obtained from DOE for the project.  At the end of the watering season we will assess whether to remove the temporary irrigation system from the project site.  Monitoring of the sites will be accomplished as specified in the project specific Monitoring Plans and includes but is not limited to photo points, plant and project assessments.

Identify & Select Projects:  As part of this contract we will continue to identify and secure future riparian enhancement projects in the Wenatchee Subbasin through signed landowner willingness forms.  
The list below indicates the approximate amount of river miles that have been or are planned to be restored through the UPA Wenatchee Subbasin Riparian Enhancement Programmatic:

Lower Wenatchee River
RM RM Feet Restored Miles Restored
1.4            1.66       1375'                                       0.26 (Dormaier-2010)
6.04          6.13       1125'                                       0.21 (Helton-Jones-proposed 2011)
7.4            7.45         615'                                       0.12 (Marchant-proposed 2011)
8.08          8.17         450'                                       0.09 (Smith-proposed 2011)
10.9         11.22       1700'                                       0.32 (Hagman-2009)
13.6         13.7           325'                                       0.06 (Wendlandt-2009)
15.1         15.32       1200'                                       0.23 (Cohen-2010)
25.26 26.5 1400’                 0.27 (Irwin-2008)
TOTALS: 8190' 1.56
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
Click the map to see this Contract's location details.

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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Kathryn (CC) Bangs Chelan County Yes Administrative Contact (509) 667-6346
Joseph Connor Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3172
Douglas Corkran Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-7646
Mike Kane Chelan County No Interested Party (509) 667-6467
Mike Kaputa Chelan County Yes Supervisor (509) 667-6584
Peter Lofy Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-4193
Carolyn Pearson EcoA.I.M., Inc. Yes Technical Contact (509) 699-1999
Alan Schmidt Chelan County Yes Interested Party (509) 667-6567
Matt (Chelan Cnty) Shales Chelan County Yes Contract Manager (509) 667-6436
John Soden Jones and Stokes Associates Yes Technical Contact (360) 255-2921
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental Compliance Documents for 2011 Riparian Projects A: 165. %#Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation for 2011 Riparian Projects 09/30/2011 09/22/2011
Project Activities Completed B: 119. Manage and Administer Projects 11/26/2011 11/23/2011
Coordination activities completed. C: 189. %Coordinate with landowners and stakeholders 11/26/2011 11/01/2011
Other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin identified and selected. D: 114. Identify and select other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin 05/31/2011 05/31/2011
Design and Specifications for 2011 Riparian Projects Produced E: 175. %Produce Designs and Specifications for all 2011 Riparian Projects (RM 5.4 & RM 6.1) 06/30/2011 06/30/2011
Monitoring protocol for all 2011 Riparian Projects Developed F: 174. %#Develop monitoring plans for all 2011 Riparian Projects (RM 5.4 & RM 6.1) 06/30/2011 06/30/2011
Pre-implementation monitoring data on 2011 riparian projects collected G: 157. %#Collect and report pre-implementation monitoring on all 2011 Riparian Projects 10/14/2011 10/03/2011
All riparian sites irrigated and maintained H: 22. %#Install and maintain irrigation on all Riparian Projects as needed 11/15/2011 09/15/2011
Vegetation Planted I: 47. %#Implementation: Plant vegetation on the RM 6.1 Riparian Project 10/31/2011 10/21/2011
Vegetation Planted J: 47. %#Implementation: Plant vegetation on the RM 5.4 Riparian Project 10/31/2011 11/02/2011
Vegetation maintenance completed L: 22. %#Post-planting: Maintain vegetation on all Riparian Projects 11/26/2011 11/26/2011
Progress Report in Pisces Attached N: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Sep 27 2010) to (Nov 26 2011) 11/26/2011

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered)
  • 2 instances of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 22 Maintain Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 %#Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation for 2011 Riparian Projects 09/27/2010
B 119 Manage and Administer Projects 09/27/2010
C 189 %Coordinate with landowners and stakeholders 09/27/2010
D 114 Identify and select other riparian projects in the Wenatchee subbasin 09/27/2010
E 175 %Produce Designs and Specifications for all 2011 Riparian Projects (RM 5.4 & RM 6.1) 09/27/2010
F 174 %#Develop monitoring plans for all 2011 Riparian Projects (RM 5.4 & RM 6.1) 09/27/2010
G 157 %#Collect and report pre-implementation monitoring on all 2011 Riparian Projects 09/27/2010
H 22 %#Install and maintain irrigation on all Riparian Projects as needed 09/27/2010
I 47 %#Implementation: Plant vegetation on the RM 6.1 Riparian Project 09/22/2011
J 47 %#Implementation: Plant vegetation on the RM 5.4 Riparian Project 09/22/2011
K 47 %#Implementation: Plant vegetation on the Smith Riparian Project - Milestones Canceled
L 22 %#Post-planting: Maintain vegetation on all Riparian Projects 09/27/2010
M 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 09/27/2010
N 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (Sep 27 2010) to (Nov 26 2011) 09/27/2010