Environmental Compliance Documentation |
B: 165. Environmental Compliance Documentation |
11/30/2011 |
11/30/2011 |
Smolt production data |
C: 157. Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie |
05/31/2012 |
05/31/2012 |
Marking and tagging fish |
D: 158. Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Submit and acquire PIT tag data |
E: 159. Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Hatchery adult production by brood year, SAS, spawning and harvest contributions |
F: 162. Monitor hatchery releases and adult returns to account for all artificial production strategie |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Acquire broodstock data |
G: 159. Monitor broodstock collection and artificial spawning |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Compare broodstock collection to protocols |
H: 162. Monitor broodstock collection and artificial spawning |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Comparison of outmigration performance and survival and smolt-to-adult survival of hatchery gr |
I: 162. Evaluate rearing and release strategies |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Estimate of out-of-basin harvest by brood year |
J: 162. Quantify out-of-subbasin harvest of Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Stray rates of Umatilla Hatchery fish |
K: 162. Assess straying of summer steelhead and Chinook salmon from Umatilla hatchery program |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Acquire productivity data for natural summer steelhead and Chinook salmon from CTUIR |
L: 159. Monitor status and trends of natural summer steelhead and Chinook salmon |
10/01/2012 |
10/01/2012 |
Trends in abundance, life history, and smolt-per-adult productivity of hatchery fish. |
M: 162. Monitor status and trends of hatchery summer steelhead and Chinook salmon |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Progeny-per-parent productivity of Umatilla Hatchery summer steelhead and Chinook salmon |
N: 162. Estimate progeny-per-parent productivity of hatchery steelhead and Chinook salmon |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Life history characteristics of Umatilla Hatchery summer steelhead and comparison with natural |
O: 162. Compare life history characteristics of hatchery and natural steelhead |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Conduct creel surveys for summer steelhead and Chinook salmon in Umatilla non-tribal fisheries |
P: 157. Creel surveys of Umatilla River non-tribal recreational salmonid fisheries |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Estimates of effort, catch and harvest for Umatilla River non-tribal salmonid fisheries |
Q: 162. Conduct creel surveys for non-tribal Umatilla River recreational fisheries |
09/01/2012 |
09/01/2012 |
Management recommendations to maximize non-tribal fishing opportunities |
R: 162. Assess whether management actions maximize non-tribal fishery opportunities |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Fish health monitoring |
S: 60. Monitor fish health |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Run predictions |
T: 162. Develop run predictions for Umatilla summer steelhead and Chinook salmon |
09/30/2012 |
09/30/2012 |
Participate in Umatilla Subbasin and regional coordination. |
U: 189. Coordinate with local and regional management and M & E groups |
10/31/2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Attach 2012 Progress Report in Pisces |
V: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period Nov 2011 to Oct 2012 |
10/31/2012 |
Scope of work / budget /property inventory/year end accrual |
W: 119. Manage and administer project |
08/01/2012 |
08/01/2012 |