Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Lower Clearwater and Potlatch Watersheds Habitat Improvements
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Clearwater 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Status:
Contract Description:
This contract continues restoration planning and implementation efforts initiated under Project #2008-604-00/Contract #43283.

This contract supplements work undertaken by BPA and Latah Soil and Water Conservation District (Latah SWCD) through Project #2002-061-00 and associated contracts.  Consistent with Project #2002-061-00, this contract will undertake practices designed to effectively implement the Latah SWCD's Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan.  The 377,776-acre Potlatch River watershed is located in north-central Idaho and is the largest tributary in the lower Clearwater River.  The Potlatch River is critical to wild Snake River steelhead.

Supported by the Accord between BPA and the State of Idaho, this contract seeks to complement the work currently on-going by the Latah SWCD to restore wild Snake River Steelhead to a robust, self-sustaining population within the Potlatch River through coordinated implementation of best management practices on private agricultural and range lands, coordination of interagency watershed planning efforts, continuation of watershed monitoring and development of outreach programs to landowners and agricultural producers.  Latah SWCD habitat restoration efforts are outlined in the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan.      

This proposal is consistent with the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program’s goal to develop habitat-based programs designed to rebuild healthy, naturally producing fish and wildlife populations by protecting, mitigating, and restoring habitats. This project is consistent with the objectives and strategies of the Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan.

In an effort to lower stream temperatures, increase summer flows, decrease surface and channel erosion (and associated nutrient loading), and increase riparian habitat complexities, this contract will focus on erosion control and riparian restoration on private agricultural, forest, and range lands through the implementation of livestock exclusion fencing, native plantings of riparian areas, passage barrier removal, and protection of functional riparian areas.  Priority tributaries for restoration work within this contract include:  Big Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, Corral Creek, and East Fork Potlatch River.

Latah SWCD staff will continue implementing riparian restoration and related projects throughout the Potlatch River watershed.  In addition, project staff will continue developing conservation plans with private landowners and seeking additional BPA and non-BPA funds to implement best management practices designed for the improvement of steelhead spawning and rearing habitat.  Project staff will also continue coordination efforts with other watershed planning efforts throughout the region to improve fish habitat.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Fulfill all administrative tasks with quality products and in a timely manner. A: 119. Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Environmental Compliance & Consultation Review B: 165. Verify all NEPA Environmental Compliance has been completed 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Provide general outreach to 100 landowners and direct contact with 30 landowners. C: 99. Outreach and Education/Solicit Landowner Participation 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Develop 3 landowner initial conservation plans for project implementation. D: 174. Develop Initial Conservation Plans 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Restoration Proposal Development for State Endowment Lands E: 114. Project Identification and Proposal Development - Idaho Department of Lands 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Undertaken initial site reviews on 10 potential restoration sites. F: 114. Identify and Review Potential Restoration Sites 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Dutch Flat Dam Removed as Passage Barrier G: 85. Passage Barrier Removal - Dutch Flat Dam 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack H: 30. Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Bear Creek Riparian Restoration Undertaken I: 30. Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Big Bear Creek Riparian Restoration/IDL J: 30. Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/IDL 09/15/2014
Evaluate previous planting sites and supplement plantings K: 197. Potlatch River Vegetation - Supplemental Plantings of Previous Projects 09/15/2014 09/15/2014
Attach Progress Report in Pisces M: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (July 2013) to (June 2014) 09/15/2014
Riparian/Meadow Restoration Design and Cost Estimate to BPA N: 175. Riparian Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFS 09/15/2014
Riparian/Meadow Restoration Design and Cost Estimate to BPA O: 175. Riparian Restoration - Little Bear Creek/Nora Creek - McKetta-Carlson Meadow 09/15/2014
Submit drawings and/or specifications to BPA P: 175. Riparian Restoration - Upper Corral Creek/USFS 09/15/2014 09/15/2014

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 197 Maintain/Remove Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 3 instances of WE 175 Produce Design

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 07/01/2013
B 165 Verify all NEPA Environmental Compliance has been completed 07/01/2013
C 99 Outreach and Education/Solicit Landowner Participation 07/01/2013
D 174 Develop Initial Conservation Plans 07/01/2013
E 114 Project Identification and Proposal Development - Idaho Department of Lands 07/01/2013
F 114 Identify and Review Potential Restoration Sites 07/01/2013
G 85 Passage Barrier Removal - Dutch Flat Dam 07/26/2013
H 30 Corral Creek Meadow Restoration - Racetrack 11/06/2013
I 30 Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/Swanstrom 02/20/2014
J 30 Riparian Restoration - Big Bear Creek/IDL
K 197 Potlatch River Vegetation - Supplemental Plantings of Previous Projects 02/11/2014
L 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 07/01/2013
M 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (July 2013) to (June 2014) 07/01/2013
N 175 Riparian Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFS 03/01/2014
O 175 Riparian Restoration - Little Bear Creek/Nora Creek - McKetta-Carlson Meadow 03/01/2014
P 175 Riparian Restoration - Upper Corral Creek/USFS 03/01/2014