Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Okanogan Basin Locally Adapted Steelhead Broodstock Step 1 and 2 (Casimer Bar)
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Okanogan 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
The Colville Tribes initially submitted a Master Plan for the Okanogan River steelhead to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC) in November of 2008.  At that time the steelhead program consisted of the following components:
• Renovating and expanding the existing artificial production facilities at Cassimer Bar Hatchery,
• Collecting broodstock at sites throughout the Okanogan River subbasin,
• Acclimating and releasing 180,000 parr and smolts to various streams in the basin, and
• Implementing a steelhead  kelt reconditioning program.

The goal of the program was to increase the abundance, productivity, and diversity of Okanogan River steelhead which are a component of the Upper Columbia Summer Steelhead Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU).  The proposed program was aimed at eventually eliminating out-of-subbasin transfer and release of summer steelhead smolts into the Okanogan River.  This action, according to the Hatchery Scientific Review Group (HSRG), was expected to reduce genetic and disease risks to local fish populations.  Development of a locally adapted broodstock was expected to increase the survival rate of the artificially produced fish, thus increasing the stock’s abundance and ability to withstand environmental perturbations.

The 2008 Master Plan was reviewed by the Independent Science Review Panel (ISRP), tasked with determining the scientific merit of the program (ISRP 2009).  The ISRP concluded that the program did not meet scientific review criteria, one of the components of the NPCC’s Step One review process.  They requested that the plan be revised to address the following topics and re-submitted for review:
• Develop a clear logic path
• Develop a decision management framework
• Describe steelhead status and reproductive status
• Provide more specificity on habitat projects
• Provide more detail on the program elements:
o Incorporate HSRG material
o Monitoring and Evaluation program
o Broodstock development
o Acclimation practice
o Kelt reconditioning
o Chinook and steelhead plan linkage

Since these comments were received, the Tribe has reevaluated all biological and operational components and made significant modifications to achieve program objectives and to address the ISRP recommendations.  This revised Master Plan is based around a new small hatchery located farther upstream on the mainstem Okanogan River that can use Okanogan River water.  The program no longer will make use of the Cassimer Bar facility.  The new facility will be equipped with adult collection capabilities to attract and remove hatchery adults from the system.  Juvenile acclimation sites are proposed on Omak and Salmon creeks to more effectively achieve conservation goals.  
The proposed program is more aligned with the HSRG management recommendations for Okanogan summer steelhead.  It incorporates a decision management framework consistent with the Chief Joseph Hatchery program and the Master Plan also provides a description of proposed monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, performance indicators and standards.  More detail about the M&E program will be provided in the Step 2 submittal.

This contract is for Colville Tribes (CCT) staff to support comments on the responses from the ISRP on the revised Master Plan  to be submitted in August 2013.  Specifically CCT staff will:
- Support contractors in responding point-by-point to issues raised by ISRP.
- Meet with ISRP to review response to technical issues, address questions & provide follow-up.
- Support questions on the revised draft HGMP for submittal to NOAA Fisheries.
- Provide support for and needed communications with NOAA Fisheries.
- Support and attend work sessions with contractors to develop and review deliverables
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Administrative Support Activities A: 119. Provide Administration for Updates to Step 1 Planning Products 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Responses to ISRP Comments on the Step 1 Master Plan and Updated Planning Products C: 196. Conduct Activities to Respond to ISRP Comments on the Step 1 Master Plan 09/30/2014

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 196 Council Step Process

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Provide Administration for Updates to Step 1 Planning Products 05/01/2012
B 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 05/01/2012
C 196 Conduct Activities to Respond to ISRP Comments on the Step 1 Master Plan
D 132 No progress report due under this contract - responses to ISRP will suffice 10/01/2013