All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
B: 119. RC&D management of the YTAHP program & subcontractor adminsitrative work |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
List of active projects |
C: 114. Identify and Select projects |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Technical input into project development |
D: 122. Technical Review |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Permitting services |
F: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation - Permitting |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Project conceptual designs |
G: 175. Herke South Fish Screening and Water Meter (Design Only) (New) |
03/31/2016 |
Project conceptual design |
H: 175. Naches-Cowiche Canal Company Siphon Fish Passage (Design Only) (New) |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Replaced and/or repaired and/or maintained fish screen. |
I: 186. Diversion 31 Fish Screen O&M (New) |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Replaced and/or repaired and/or maintained water metering devices, valve enclosures and structures. |
J: 186. Cowiche Creek Water Users Association (CCWUA) Project O&M (New) |
03/31/2016 |
03/31/2016 |
Project final design and engineering services |
K: 175. Naneum Creek - Poulsen Screen/Passage (Design Only) |
03/31/2016 |
Project final design and engineering services |
L: 175. Coleman Creek - Olmstead (Design Only) |
03/31/2016 |
Project final design and engineering services |
M: 175. Cherry Creek - Tributaries (CAP WE - H,I,J,K,L) |
03/31/2016 |
Project final design and engineering services |
N: 175. Caribou Creek - Gibb Pipeline/Diversion Consolidation (CAP WE - M) |
03/31/2016 |
Project final design and engineering services |
O: 175. Coleman Creek - Valley Land Company/Poulsen (formerly Hansen/Poulsen) (CAP WE - Q) |
03/31/2016 |
08/10/2015 |
Project final design and engineering services |
P: 175. Naneum Creek - Valley Land Company (formerly Hansen) (CAP WE - R,S) |
10/31/2015 |
08/10/2015 |
Project Conceptual Designs |
Q: 175. Wilson Creek - Willard Diversion (Design Only) |
03/31/2016 |
Remove Abandoned Irrigation Diversions |
R: 84. East Branch Wilson Creek - KVFR Diversion |
03/31/2016 |
11/17/2015 |
Produce Report for Phase I Watershed Assessment of Wilson/Naneum/Cherry Creeks |
S: 115. Wilson/Naneum/Cherry Assessment (New) |
03/31/2016 |