Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 68905: 2007-393-00 EXP PROTECT & RESTORE NE OR & SE WA 2015
Project Number:
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
2007-393-00 EXP PROTECT & RESTORE NE OR & SE WA 2015
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
65343: 2007-393-00 EXP PROTECT & RESTORE NE OR 2014
  • 72673: 2007-393-00 EXP PROTECT & RESTORE NE OR & SE WA 2016
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The purpose of this project is to pursue partnerships and collaborative activities with the ongoing programs associated with Grande Ronde Model Watershed and Snake River Salmon Recovery Board.  This will be accomplished through pursuing habitat enhancement projects in the Grande Ronde & Imnaha subbasins, and the Pine watershed in northeast Oregon and the Tucannon River, Alpowa Creek and Asotin Creek watersheds in southeast Washington.  This project provides coordination funding for NPT, which would allow for implementation of watershed restoration projects on the ground through outside funding sources.  Therefore, a large portion of the contract will be identifying projects, coordinating with other appropriate entities, seeking funds to implement those selected projects and the actual implementation of the projects.  The primary focus of restoration projects during this contract period will be road decommissioning to reduce instream sedimentation, channel reconstruction to improve habitat complexity, riparian planting to reduce stream temperatures, and addressing aquatic organism passage barrieres.  Other project types may occur during this period too, but the majority of the time will be spent implementing these projects and developing these types of projects for the next contract cycle.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Katie Frenyea Nez Perce Tribe Yes Contract Manager (541) 432-2506
Daniel Gambetta Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3493
Tracy Hauser Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4296
Arleen Henry Nez Perce Tribe No Administrative Contact (208) 621-3833
Andre L'Heureux Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-4482
Amber MacLachlan Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3983
Heidi McRoberts Nez Perce Tribe Yes Technical Contact (208) 621-3548
Montana Pagano Nez Perce Tribe Yes Technical Contact (541) 432-2507
John Skidmore Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5494
Emmit Taylor, Jr. Nez Perce Tribe Yes Supervisor (208) 621-3544

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental Compliance for this contract and BPA-funded - NPT projects on the ground A: 165. Complete Environmental Compliance 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Atlas Process & NPT Participation B: 191. Atlas Partcipation 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Regional Coordination in northeast Oregon and southeast Washington C: 189. Coordination with Partners 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Identify and Select Projects in the Imnaha and Grande Ronde subbasins and in SE WA D: 114. Identify & Select Habitat Projects 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Implementation Designs E: 175. Produce Project Specific Designs 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Maintain Database F: 160. Maintain records of projects 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Successful Project Administration G: 119. Protect & Restore NE OR/SE WA Project administration 05/31/2016 05/31/2016
Upload Annual Report H: 132. Submit Annual Report - June 2015 - May 2016 05/31/2016 05/31/2016

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Complete Environmental Compliance 06/01/2015
B 191 Atlas Partcipation 06/01/2015
C 189 Coordination with Partners 06/01/2015
D 114 Identify & Select Habitat Projects 06/01/2015
E 175 Produce Project Specific Designs 06/01/2015
F 160 Maintain records of projects 06/01/2015
G 119 Protect & Restore NE OR/SE WA Project administration 06/01/2015
H 132 Submit Annual Report - June 2015 - May 2016 06/01/2015
I 185 Quarterly Status Reports 06/01/2015