Province | Subbasin | % |
Intermountain | Columbia Upper | 100.00% |
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n/a |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
Deliverable complete | A: 132. Annual Report | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | B: 119. Project administration | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | C: 118. Coordination with wildlife programs and other BPA projects. | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | D: 157. Inventory and Assess Habitat Conditions | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | E: 157. Monitor and Evaluate | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | F: 115. Inventory/assess Species Population | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | G: 157. Collect Data | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | H: 166. Control of negative poulatin growth factors | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | I: 167. Augmentation/Translocation Planning | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | J: 165. Produce NEPA Supplemental Analysis | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | K: 99. Local and regional information exchange | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | L: 174. Develop Colville Tribal Sharp Tailed Grouse Management Plan | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 | |
Deliverable complete | M: 44. Enhance Nutrients in Okanogan | 09/30/2005 | 09/30/2005 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
Bass, Largemouth (Micropterus salmoides) |
Bass, Smallmouth (M. dolomieu) |
Burbot (Lota lota) |
Catfish (Ictalurus spp.) [OBSOLETE] |
Carp, Common (Cyprinus carpio) [OBSOLETE] |
Crappie, Black (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) [OBSOLETE] |
Crappie, White (P. annularis) [OBSOLETE] |
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi) |
Freshwater Mussels |
Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) |
Perch, Yellow (Perca flavescens) [OBSOLETE] |
Pikeminnow, Northern (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) [OBSOLETE] |
Sturgeon, White (Acipenser transmontanus) - All Populations except Kootenai R. DPS |
Trout, Brown (Salmo trutta) [OBSOLETE] |
Trout, Brook (Salvelinus fontinalis) |
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened) |
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) |
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii) |
Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) [OBSOLETE] |
Whitefish, Mountain (Prosopium williamsoni) |
Wildlife |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 132 | Annual Report | |||||||
B | 119 | Project administration | |||||||
C | 118 | Coordination with wildlife programs and other BPA projects. | |||||||
D | 157 | Inventory and Assess Habitat Conditions | |||||||
E | 157 | Monitor and Evaluate | |||||||
F | 115 | Inventory/assess Species Population | |||||||
G | 157 | Collect Data | |||||||
H | 166 | Control of negative poulatin growth factors | |||||||
I | 167 | Augmentation/Translocation Planning | |||||||
J | 165 | Produce NEPA Supplemental Analysis | |||||||
K | 99 | Local and regional information exchange | |||||||
L | 174 | Develop Colville Tribal Sharp Tailed Grouse Management Plan | |||||||
M | 44 | Enhance Nutrients in Okanogan | |||||||
N | 185 | Pisces Status Reporting |