The StreamNet Regional Library (Library) is administered by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) under the Columbia Basin Fish Accords Extension in partnership with the StreamNet Project at PSMFC, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, Bonneville Power Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife and the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. These are the Library's Federal, State, and Tribal partners and will be called 'partners' in this document. The Library collection is focused on the fisheries of the Pacific Northwest to facilitate document access for researchers and policy developers working in cooperation with the Region's fish and wildlife recovery efforts. The project delivers standard library services including computer access and study space, archiving, document delivery, interlibrary loan, reference and research assistance, bibliographic and citation development and review, and limited lending and borrowings. Selected subscription research databases provide access to specific journal archives and citation support. The Library aids partners with metadata development for datasets and other online resources. The Library maintains a website ( with catalog access, information on services, trends, links to partner agencies and is upgraded regularly. As a member of OCLC Worldshare, the Library has access to global collections and the ability to share documents with other libraries as part of resource sharing agreements.
The Library collection encompasses technical information and scientific research on fisheries and those topics that are inter-related to the management and development of the Columbia River Basin. The Library also contains selected materials on ecosystems and relevant topics for Alaska, British Columbia, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. Collection development primarily focuses on providing fishery science research that is not commonly available, known as 'grey' and 'black' literature. These include government, non-profit, and consultant reports, conference proceedings, reference data, and other information compiled or needed to support ongoing research. The Library has a donation policy that includes curation of professional collections and materials from offices and document depositories that are being phased out to maintain historical documents and institutional memory.
CRITFC actively coordinates with partners insure timely exchange of information, and collaborate to fully support the agencies that serve the Region’s fish and wildlife community. State fish and wildlife agencies for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service share responsibility for the Pacific States Marine Fishery Commission (PSMFC) StreamNet Project Regional database and provide the source documents that comprise the StreamNet collection. The library staff advise in metadata development and management and actively participate in committees and working groups that coordinate information access and dissemination. The Library is exploring social media as an outreach tool to increase user participation and gain insight into immediate trends, issues, and to highlight events of concern to the fish and wildlife community. The outreach plan includes developing promotional materials and presentation plans for local public events that focus on the user groups.
The project is developing an adaptive management strategy and will report implementation, assessment, and usage metrics. Upgrades and routine maintenance and system reviews ensure reliable storage and retrieval of data and documents. The project sponsors oversee the completion and prompt submittal of all periodic reports to the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). Adherence to the proposed budget is assured and physical property is inventoried on a regular basis according to guidelines provided.