Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 73409: 1991-019-03 EXP HUNGRY HORSE MITIGATION/HABIT
Project Number:
Hungry Horse Mitigation Habitat Restoration and Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E)
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Columbia Flathead 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Description:
NOTE TO CONTRACT OFFICER:  Please send contract documents to Mike Burke, Administrative Contact and Matt Boyer, Contract Manager.

Subbasin:  Flathead.  This project conducts mitigation actions in the Flathead River headwaters downstream to Flathead Lake, including lakes within the subbasin boundary.

Project Background:
In 1991, Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks (MFWP) and the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) published the Fisheries Mitigation Plan for Losses Attributable to the Construction and Operation of Hungry Horse Dam (MFWP and CSKT 1991).  This Mitigation Plan presented fisheries losses, mitigation options, and recommendations to protect, mitigate, and enhance resident fish and aquatic habitat impacted by the construction and operation of Hungry Horse Dam.  The Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Council; formerly the Northwest Power Planning Council) approved the loss statement: including annual losses of 250,000 juvenile bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and 65,000 juvenile westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), plus 124 km of critical, low gradient spawning and rearing habitat that was inundated and lost subsequent to the filling of Hungry Horse Reservoir.  The Council then directed MFWP and CSKT to immediately develop an Implementation Plan, which was adopted for Hungry Horse Dam (MFWP and CSKT 1993).  On-the-ground mitigation activities began in 1992.  This project is one of a few federally funded, Columbia River mitigation projects carrying out a plan to offset a Council-adopted loss statement.  Fisheries losses were to be offset by modifying dam operations, restoring or reconnecting habitat, reducing negative non-native species interactions, and implementing hatchery (native fish conservation) technology and offsite mitigation.  

The Council subsequently adopted the Flathead Subbasin Plan in 2004 (CSKT and MFWP 2004).  The federal action agency's 4-H plan is designed to recover Columbia River fish species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (Federal Caucus 2000).  Our mitigation program is directed by a similar scientific framework to offset fisheries losses at various spatial scales, descending from basin-wide mitigation requirements to site-specific actions.  Mitigation projects are selected and prioritized based on decision pathways described in the Flathead Subbasin Plan (2004), and specific objectives and tasks are described in detail in the 2015-2016 contract and statement of work.  This project will focus on improving conditions for native fish survival and recovery in the upper Flathead River and Lake system.  From July 2015 through June 2016 our work will focus on assessing population level effects of dam operations on native fishes (bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout, and mountain whitefish), implementing habitat improvement and fish passage projects, and quantifying and mitigating deleterious effects of non-native aquatic species on native fishes.  Specific project descriptions and their objectives are explained herein.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Sam Bourret Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 751-4556
Matt Boyer Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Contract Manager (406) 751-4570
Cecilia Brown Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3462
Mike Burke Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) No Administrative Contact (406) 444-3301
James Dunnigan Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 293-4161x200
Franz Ingelfinger Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 751-4580
Brian Marotz Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) No Supervisor (406) 751-4546
Solomonn Marsh Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3943
Christopher Roper Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-3514
Tybee Sheidler Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-3820
Gregory Smith Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-5049
Jennifer Snyder Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-4187
Amber Steed Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 751-4541
Ryan Sylvester Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 293-4161x203
Kris Tempel Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) Yes Technical Contact (406) 751-4573
Dorothy Welch Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5479
Elham Zolmajd-Haghighi Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-7414

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental documentation for all activities requiring such review A: 165. Environmental compliance documentation 06/30/2017 06/29/2017
Data from South Fork Flathead WCT project B: 157. Sampling and assays for South Fork WCT project 06/30/2017 06/26/2017
Written assessments of data from work element C: Sampling and assays for South Fork WCT project C: 162. Data analyses for South Fork WCT project 06/30/2017 03/31/2017
Remove hybrid trout from Handkerchief Lake and associated tributaries D: 190. South Fork hybrid trout removal project 09/30/2016 09/15/2016
Restocked lakes: Necklace, Lick, Lena, and Koessler lakes E: 187. Restock treated lakes with WCT 10/01/2016 09/01/2016
Youngs and Sullivan creek WCT collections F: 157. Youngs and Sullivan creeks WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility 08/31/2016 08/05/2016
Report of findings from sampling activity and genomic analyses. G: 157. Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation 06/30/2017 06/25/2017
SNP genetic markers for Salvelinus confluentus H: 162. SNP genetic markers to assess connectivity and restoration success in bull trout 06/30/2017 06/25/2017
Report of findings on the use of nonlethal microelemental methods in WCT I: 162. Assess nonlethal microelemental methods in WCT 06/30/2017 06/25/2017
Data from WCT and RBT hybridization research J: 157. Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection 06/30/2017 06/26/2017
Report assessments of data collected in associated work element K: 162. Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data analyses 06/30/2017 06/26/2017
Remove and relocate hybrid and rainbow trout from tributaries in the Flathead River drainage L: 190. Remove and relocate hybrids and RBT from tributaries in the interconnected Flathead drainage 06/30/2017 09/30/2016
Bull trout spawning habitat data for the Transboundary Flathead River M: 157. Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection 03/31/2017 03/31/2017
Substrate coring data analyses for the Transboundary Flathead N: 162. Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses 06/30/2017 06/26/2017
Law enforcement activities O: 192. Expanded Bull trout patrols/related enforcement actions 06/30/2017 06/25/2017
Road crossing remediation on 4 streams in the Coal Creek drainage P: 184. Coal Creek fish passage project 06/30/2017 09/30/2016
Maintain riparian plantings Q: 198. Maintain riparian plantings 06/30/2017 06/30/2017
Maintenance and upkeep of fisheries conservation areas R: 188. Continuing maintenance and upkeep of fisheries conservation areas 06/30/2017 05/30/2017
New Plantings completed to protect five properties located along the lower Flathead River S: 47. New plantings to protect BPA-funded property acquisitions supporting fish conservation 06/30/2017 06/30/2017
Weed control at Osprey View FCA T: 198. Weed control at Osprey View FCA 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at North Shore WMA U: 198. Weed control at North Shore WMA 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Kokanee Bend CE V: 198. Weed control at Kokanee Bend CE 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Squeezer Creek CE W: 198. Weed control at Squeezer Creek CE 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at selected Siderius CE X: 198. Weed control at selected Siderius CE 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Louden CE Y: 198. Weed control at Louden CE 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Section 31 Perry Creek FCA Z: 198. Weed control at Section 31 Perry Creek FCA 06/30/2017 06/20/2017
Weed control at Diamond B CE AA: 198. Weed control at Diamond B CE 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Foy's Bend FCA AB: 198. Weed control at Foy's Bend FCA 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Otter Island FCA AC: 198. Weed control at Otter Island FCA 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Weed control at Hay Creek FCA AD: 198. Weed control at Hay Creek FCA 06/30/2017 06/27/2017
Install osprey platform at Otter Island AE: 36. Install osprey platform at Otter Island FCA 06/30/2017
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products AF: 119. Project Management and Administration 06/30/2017 06/25/2017
Completed Annual Report AH: 132. Submit Annual Report for period 1/1/16 to 12/31/16 06/30/2017 06/25/2017

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi)
  • 2 instances of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 12 instances of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 187 Put and Take Fisheries
  • 1 instance of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 5 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 4 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 12 instances of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 192 Law Enforcement
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
  • 1 instance of WE 36 Develop Terrestrial Habitat Features

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Environmental compliance documentation 07/01/2016
B 157 Sampling and assays for South Fork WCT project 07/01/2016
C 162 Data analyses for South Fork WCT project 07/01/2016
D 190 South Fork hybrid trout removal project 07/01/2016
E 187 Restock treated lakes with WCT 07/01/2016
F 157 Youngs and Sullivan creeks WCT collections for Sekokini Springs rearing facility 07/01/2016
G 157 Genomics of Oncorhynchus hybridization to inform WCT conservation 07/01/2016
H 162 SNP genetic markers to assess connectivity and restoration success in bull trout 07/01/2016
I 162 Assess nonlethal microelemental methods in WCT 07/01/2016
J 157 Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data collection 07/01/2016
K 162 Investigations of WCT and RBT hybridization in the Flathead River system: data analyses 07/01/2016
L 190 Remove and relocate hybrids and RBT from tributaries in the interconnected Flathead drainage 07/01/2016
M 157 Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data collection 07/01/2016
N 162 Bull trout spawning habitat monitoring: data analyses 07/01/2016
O 192 Expanded Bull trout patrols/related enforcement actions 07/01/2016
P 184 Coal Creek fish passage project 07/01/2016
Q 198 Maintain riparian plantings 09/27/2016
R 188 Continuing maintenance and upkeep of fisheries conservation areas 07/01/2016
S 47 New plantings to protect BPA-funded property acquisitions supporting fish conservation 04/25/2017
T 198 Weed control at Osprey View FCA 09/27/2016
U 198 Weed control at North Shore WMA 09/27/2016
V 198 Weed control at Kokanee Bend CE 09/27/2016
W 198 Weed control at Squeezer Creek CE 09/27/2016
X 198 Weed control at selected Siderius CE 09/27/2016
Y 198 Weed control at Louden CE 09/27/2016
Z 198 Weed control at Section 31 Perry Creek FCA 09/27/2016
AA 198 Weed control at Diamond B CE 09/27/2016
AB 198 Weed control at Foy's Bend FCA 09/27/2016
AC 198 Weed control at Otter Island FCA 09/27/2016
AD 198 Weed control at Hay Creek FCA 09/27/2016
AE 36 Install osprey platform at Otter Island FCA
AF 119 Project Management and Administration 07/01/2016
AG 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 07/01/2016
AH 132 Submit Annual Report for period 1/1/16 to 12/31/16 07/01/2016