Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 73548 REL 87: 2003-023-00 EXP O&M CHIEF JOSEPH DAM HATCHERY
Project Number:
Chief Joseph Hatchery Program
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Cascade Okanogan 100.00%
Contract Number:
73548 REL 87
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Description:
This contract provides for the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) and administration of the Chief Joseph Hatchery (CJH) Program for production purposes. Specific activities and functions include: general maintenance of CJH facility, grounds and equipment (including acclimation ponds); acquiring adult broodstock (spring and summer/fall Chinook); holding and sorting of adult spring Chinook; adult holding of summer/fall Chinook; associated in-house and contracted fish health during adult holding of spring and summer Chinook and spawning/incubation of spring Chinook; sorting/spawning of spring Chinook; incubation of spring Chinook eggs and general administration activities including development of FY-18 CJH Statement of Work (SOW) and budget, Pisces reporting, annual report, monthly reports to BPA and cost-share partners (Grant County Public Utility District (GPUD), Douglas County Public Utility District (DCPUD) and Chelan County Public Utility District (CPUD).

Spring Chinook adult broodstock from Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery (LNFH) will include the transfer of spring Chinook adults from LNFH to Chief Joseph Hatchery (CJH) via distribution truck by Colville Tribal staff and will target a transfer of 640 adults in May and June.  Transferred adults will be from adult collection at LNFH preformed by United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) personnel at LNFH and will include adults from across the run-at-large returning at LNFH.  Adult spring Chinook transferred from LNFH to CJH will be held at CJH until spawning.  During the adult holding period, CJH personnel will record pre-spawn mortalities daily and perform routine fish health activities such as daily chemical treatments (formalin) to control fungus and other such treatments as necessary to preserve the fish health integrity of the broodstock, and general maintenance and operation of the facility infrastructure supporting adult holding.  During the sorting/spawning period, CCT staff will assess maturation state of adults, will assist the contracted fish health provider with acquiring fish health samples (ovarian and kidney/spleen) for bacterial and virology assessment, record pertinent biological data such as sex, origin, length, marks (ad-absent/ad-present) and sub-sample for CWT; will spawn gravid fish on a 1:1 ratio, fertilize eggs, record egg size, total eggs/female (volumetric) and transfer eggs to Heath trays for incubation and provide culture activities during the incubation stage of spring Chinook egg development (i.e temperature control, chemical treatments to control fungus, general maintenance of facility infrastructure supporting incubation).  After receipt of bacterial/viral analysis, staff will cull those eggs from the program as recommended by the contracted fish health provider.

Summer/fall Chinook broodstock collection will occur from July-September and consist various methods of collection, including: (1) purse seining at the confluence of the Okanogan River; (2) Okanogan River Temporary Weir (3) "rack returns" at the CJH adult ladder facility; (4) tangle-netting in Okanogan River estuary and Okanogan River; (5) beach seining in the Okanogan/Similkameen rivers, and (6) potentially collections at the east and west ladders at Wells Dam.  Collections may utilize any and/or all collection sites; however, prioritized collections locations are (1) purse seining at the Okanogan River confluence; (2) CJH ladder and (3) Okanogan Temporary Weir.  Other collection methods will be employed as necessary to achieve the collection objective. Summer/fall broodstock collected via purse seine will be transferred from the purse seine to barges and then transferred to a distribution truck to CJH for holding until spawning.  Fish collected via the other methods described above will be transferred via distribution truck to CJH for holding until spawning.  The collection summer/fall broodstock will target 1206 adults (656 and 550 for the integrated and segregated program, respectively).  During broodstock collection CCT staff will select broodstock (origin) with a target of 100% natural origin fish for the integrated program (656 adults) and 100% hatchery origin adults for the segregated program (550 adults).  Identification of natural origin fish will be based on presence of the adipose fin and absence of coded-wire tag (CWT).  Hatchery origin fish identification will be based on the absence of the adipose fin and/or the presence of CWT.  Sex of fish collected for broodstock will also be determined prior to retaining broodstock (ultrasound) to assure that the collections acquire the appropriate sex ratio (1:1) to meet the BY-18 production objectives. During the adult holding period, CJH personnel will record pre-spawn mortalities information (number, origin, sex, length, tags/marks) daily and perform routine fish health activities such as daily chemical treatments (formalin) to control fungus and other such treatments as necessary to preserve the fish health integrity of the broodstock.  During the sorting/spawning period, CCT staff will assess maturation state of adults, will assist the contracted fish health provider with acquiring fish health samples (ovarian and kidney/spleen) for bacterial and virology assessment, record pertinent biological data such as sex, origin, length, marks (ad-absent/ad-present) and sub-sample for CWT; will spawn gravid fish on a 1:1 ratio, fertilize eggs, record egg size, total eggs/female (volumetric) and transfer eggs to Heath trays for incubation and provide culture activities during the incubations stage of summer / fall Chinook egg development (i.e temperature control, chemical treatments to control fungus, general maintenance of facility infrastructure supporting incubation).  After receipt of bacterial/viral analysis, staff will cull those eggs from the program as recommended by the contracted fish health provider.

Activities covered under this contract, for MetComp Spring Chinook, will include rearing, marking, and transfer of BY 17 juveniles to the OTID (Okanogan/Tonasket Irrigation District) rearing pond, for over wintering and release in April 2019. An eyed egg transfer of BY 18 MetComp Spring Chinook from WNFH to Chief Joseph Hatchery (CJH), in October 2018.

All juveniles reared during this contract period will be monitored daily, and will be reared in an environment meeting or exceeding HSRG guidelines. Mortality will be picked daily, and rearing parameters will be measured and monitored to ensure optimum survival in the hatchery environment. All fish will be fed a commercial diet that is of high quality, and promotes vigorous fish health.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Daniel Affonso Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-5918
James Andrews Colville Confederated Tribes Yes Interested Party (509) 634-1232
Jay Chong Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-4007
Jeannette Finley Colville Confederated Tribes No Administrative Contact (509) 634-2124
Randy Friedlander Colville Confederated Tribes No Supervisor (509) 634-2110
Edward Gresh Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5756
Billy Gunn Colville Confederated Tribes No Administrative Contact (509) 422-7740
Kristen Jule Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-3588
Maureen Kavanagh Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4272
Cindy McCartney Colville Confederated Tribes No Interested Party (509) 634-2112
Matt McDaniel Colville Confederated Tribes Yes Contract Manager (509) 422-4590
Tybee Sheidler Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-3820
John Stensgar, Jr Colville Confederated Tribes No Administrative Contact (509) 634-2109
Kirk Truscott Colville Confederated Tribes Yes Administrative Contact (509) 978-8031
Dan Warren D J Warren and Associates, Inc. No Interested Party (541) 929-4639
Elham Zolmajd-Haghighi Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-7414

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Required reporting, permits, sampling complete B: 165. Environmental Compliance 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration C: 119. Administrative activities for Chief Joseph Hatchery Maintenance and Operations 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Implement short and long term maintenance program for Chief Joe Hatchery facilities and equipment D: 61. Implement Maintenance Program for Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Broodstock collection and transportation to Chief Joseph Hatchery E: 66. Prepare/Implement BY20 Broodstock Collection of spring & summer/fall Chinook for Chief Joseph Hatchery 10/31/2020 09/22/2020
Fish health sampling, monitoring and maintenance of health issues F: 60. Maintain Fish Health 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Hold, sort, spawn, incubate, and pond actions for BY20 Spring Chinook G: 176. BY20 Holding/sorting/spawning/incubate/pond Spring Chinook 04/30/2021 03/23/2021
Hold, sort, spawn, and incubation actions for BY19 summer/fall Chinook H: 176. BY20 Holding/sorting/spawning/incubation summer/fall Chinook 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Rearing actions for BY20 summer/fall Chinook I: 176. BY20 Rearing of summer/fall Chinook 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
BY19 rearing/acclimation/release of sub-yearling Chinook J: 176. BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook 09/30/2020 05/28/2020
BY19 sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook rearing/release at CJH K: 176. BY19 Rearing/release of sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook at CJH 06/30/2020 05/28/2020
Tag approximately 1,000,000 BY19 yearling summer/fall Chinook at CJH (May 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020) L: 158. Apply CWT to BY19 yearling summer/fall Chinook Production at CJH 09/30/2020 08/14/2020
Tag approximately 400,000 BY19 yearling spring Chinook at CJH (May 1, 2020 - September 30, 2020) M: 158. Apply CWT to BY19 yearling spring Chinook production at CJH 09/30/2020 06/02/2020
Tag approximately 500,000 BY20 hatchery origin sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook at CJH N: 158. Apply CWT to BY20 sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook production at CJH 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
BY19 summer/fall Chinook transfer, rearing, acclimation and release O: 176. BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of yearling summer/fall Chinook 04/30/2021 04/23/2021
BY19 yearling summer/fall Chinook rearing and release at CJH P: 176. BY19 Rearing/release of yearling summer/fall Chinook production at CJH 04/30/2021 04/22/2021
BY19 Met Comp spring Chinook transfer, rearing, acclimation and release Q: 176. BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of MetComp spring Chinook 04/30/2021 04/23/2021
Transfer, incubation, rearing actions for BY20 MetComp spring Chinook R: 176. BY20 Transfer/incubation/rearing of MetComp spring Chinook 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
BY19 yearling spring Chinook rearing/release at CJH S: 176. BY19 Rearing/release of spring Chinook production at CJH 04/30/2021 04/20/2021
Apply PIT tags to Summer Chinook production T: 158. Apply PIT Tags to Summer Chinook production groups 04/30/2021 04/30/2021
Apply PIT Tags to Spring Chinook production U: 158. Apply PIT Tags to Spring Chinook production groups 10/31/2020 10/15/2020
Monthly hatchery reports completed. V: 141. Other Reports for BPA 04/15/2021 04/06/2021
Produce an Annual Operation Plan W: 174. Produce an Annual Operation Plan 05/31/2020 05/31/2020
Feasibility Study Y: 174. Develop coordinated approach and plan for CJH alternative analysis to address water temperature and production issues 04/30/2021

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered)
  • 4 instances of WE 176 Produce Hatchery Fish
  • 1 instance of WE 66 Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery
  • 1 instance of WE 60 Maintain Fish Health
  • 1 instance of WE 61 Maintain Artificial Production Facility/Infrastructure
  • 2 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall ESU
  • 6 instances of WE 176 Produce Hatchery Fish
  • 1 instance of WE 66 Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery
  • 1 instance of WE 60 Maintain Fish Health
  • 1 instance of WE 61 Maintain Artificial Production Facility/Infrastructure
  • 2 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 3 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 165 Environmental Compliance
C 119 Administrative activities for Chief Joseph Hatchery Maintenance and Operations
D 61 Implement Maintenance Program for Chief Joseph Hatchery Program 03/18/2020
E 66 Prepare/Implement BY20 Broodstock Collection of spring & summer/fall Chinook for Chief Joseph Hatchery 03/18/2020
F 60 Maintain Fish Health 03/18/2020
G 176 BY20 Holding/sorting/spawning/incubate/pond Spring Chinook 03/18/2020
H 176 BY20 Holding/sorting/spawning/incubation summer/fall Chinook 03/18/2020
I 176 BY20 Rearing of summer/fall Chinook 03/18/2020
J 176 BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook 03/18/2020
K 176 BY19 Rearing/release of sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook at CJH 03/18/2020
L 158 Apply CWT to BY19 yearling summer/fall Chinook Production at CJH 03/18/2020
M 158 Apply CWT to BY19 yearling spring Chinook production at CJH 03/18/2020
N 158 Apply CWT to BY20 sub-yearling summer/fall Chinook production at CJH 03/18/2020
O 176 BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of yearling summer/fall Chinook 03/18/2020
P 176 BY19 Rearing/release of yearling summer/fall Chinook production at CJH 03/18/2020
Q 176 BY19 Rearing/acclimation/release of MetComp spring Chinook 03/18/2020
R 176 BY20 Transfer/incubation/rearing of MetComp spring Chinook 03/18/2020
S 176 BY19 Rearing/release of spring Chinook production at CJH 03/18/2020
T 158 Apply PIT Tags to Summer Chinook production groups 03/18/2020
U 158 Apply PIT Tags to Spring Chinook production groups 03/18/2020
V 141 Other Reports for BPA
W 174 Produce an Annual Operation Plan 01/21/2021
X 132 All Annual Progress Report (exempt under this contract)
Y 174 Develop coordinated approach and plan for CJH alternative analysis to address water temperature and production issues 03/18/2020