This contract will cover activities during the twelfth year of an on-going project aimed at restoring chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations that utilize Washington State tributaries and mainstem Columbia River spawning areas below Bonneville Dam to viable/self-sustaining abundance levels using an integrated program of habitat restoration and enhancement/reintroduction programs. The project is a result of actions called for in the 2008 FCRPS BiOp; specifically RPA 42: Implement Conservation Programs to Build Genetic Resources and Assist in Promoting Recovery (sub-action 42.9 - CR Chum-Fund program to re-introduce in Duncan Creek and sub-action 42.10 – CR Chum-Fund projects in tributaries below BON) and RPA: 63 Monitor Hatchery Effectiveness (sub-action 63.1 – Measure effect of safety-net & conservation hatchery programs).
WDFW identified a phased approach for the implementation of this proposal (attached at project level – Revised Proposal 6/5/09):
Phase 1: Development of an integrated program for chum salmon habitat restoration and enhancement/reintroduction programs (FFY2009-10).
Phase 2: Implementation of the integrated program (FFY 2011 and beyond).
Phase 1 - Program development in FFY 2009-10
1) An assessment of priority habitat restoration and/or chum channel sites.
2) An updated stock status review of LCR chum salmon population structure and abundance necessary to prioritize restoration and guide future implementation of enhancement/reintroduction programs.
3) Adaptive management of existing supplementation programs.
4) Development of a stepwise enhancement program that utilizes supplementation/reintroduction to rebuild LCR chum populations.
5) Development of a comprehensive program to monitor LCR chum salmon populations and evaluate the effectiveness of habitat restoration and supplementation/reintroduction actions.
With the activities completed from Phase 1, the project has moved into Phase 2 (implementation).
1) Generation of designs and feasibility studies will be initiated for habitat restoration projects and spawning channel sites that ranked out high in the priority assessment.
2) Implement the comprehensive adult and juvenile chum salmon monitoring program that was developed. To accomplish this, new tasks and tasks associated with two pre-existing BPA projects that focused on chum salmon monitoring (BPA Project #'s 1999-003 and # 2001-053) will now be accomplished under this project. Monitoring will focus on generating values for VSP parameters (abundance, diversity, spatial and temporal distribution) as well as data needed to measure effects of existing and future enhancement/reintroduction programs.
3) Continue the two existing chum salmon artificial production programs; a safety-net program on the Grays River for an "at-risk" population and the reintroduction of chum salmon into Duncan Creek. A three-pronged approach has been used to produce a self-sustaining chum salmon population in Duncan Creek. This approach included modifying the dam at the mouth of Duncan Creek (completed), enhancing spawning habitat (completed), and using local brood stock to reintroduce chum salmon back into the basin (ongoing). Methods employed and associated results can be used as a template for future reintroduction efforts for Columbia River chum salmon.
4) Activities in FFY21 will continue habitat scoping work started under the FFY15 contract on the Oregon side of the Columbia River: Sandy River Delta scoping.
5) Continue the development of the LCR chum salmon Integrated Population Model (initiated under FFY19 contract).
6) Complete the combined Three Step review process initiated under the FFY19 contract. A completed Three Step review and HGMP are requirements needed in order to provide ESA coverage for the take of adult individuals as part of broodstock collection and population estimation activities. Council completed the review of the Step Review and found that "the project meets scientific criteria with the conditions that the project complete the following analyses and planning efforts to address past ISRP issues and guide the project in the future". These conditions are listed at
7) WDFW and BPA will finalize and submit HGMP(s) to NOAA.