Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 74314 REL 153: 2002-053-00 EXP ASSESS SALMONIDS ASOTIN & TUCANNON CR FY22
Project Number:
Lower Snake River Steelhead VSP Monitoring
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Asotin 100.00%
Contract Number:
74314 REL 153
Contract Title:
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  • 84042 REL 23: 2002-053-00 EXP ASSESS SALMONIDS ASOTIN CR WS
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Contract Description:
The Asotin Creek subbasin is comprised of 83,850 hectares in Asotin and Garfield Counties in Washington, and includes Asotin Creek, Tenmile Creek, Couse Creek, Alpowa Creek, and tributaries. The Asotin Creek salmon population, as named by the NOAA Fisheries Technical Recovery Team (TRT), includes Asotin Creek, George Creek, Tenmile Creek, Couse Creek, and Alpowa Creek. The Asotin Creek mainstem is comprised of several major tributaries, including the North Fork, South Fork, Charlie Creek, and George Creek. This research, monitoring and evaluation (RM&E) project provides estimates of abundance, productivity, survival rates, and temporal and spatial distribution of ESA-listed summer steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, for the Asotin Creek steelhead population.

This project began in 2004, with the monitoring of juvenile salmonids in the Asotin Creek mainstem. As of 2015, the project has expanded over the years, to operate 4 adult traps on adjacent Snake River tributaries and the mainstem of Asotin Creek. The juvenile population emigrating from Asotin Creek is estimated using a rotary screw (smolt) trap, currently located at RKM 3.0. As of November 2018, this project has collected fourteen years of adult steelhead data and fifteen years of juvenile steelhead data. The data collected describes a persistent steelhead population, which is variably affected by stray hatchery steelhead, which remains large for a subbasin of its size, especially when compared to other steelhead populations in the Columbia Basin.

The goal of this project is to assess the status of anadromous salmonid populations in the Asotin Creek subbasin and adjacent Snake River tributaries. This research, monitoring and evaluation project provides estimates of abundance, productivity, survival rates, and temporal and spatial distribution of ESA-listed species: Summer steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss and spring Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha.

Asotin Creek is a scientifically sound reference stream and -- given the lack of un-supplemented reference streams for supplementation effectiveness monitoring -- has one of the few steelhead populations that can provide reference data for understanding wild steelhead biology. Using the Asotin Creek Salmon Population Assessment project to provide reference data for evaluating the effects of steelhead supplementation as a recovery tool in the Columbia Basin is supported by the co-managers and associated fish management agencies: NOAA Fisheries, the WDFW, Snake River Salmon Recovery Board, the Nez Perce Indian Tribe, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Wells Hatchery Committee, and the Washington State Governors' Salmon Recovery Office (GRSO).

The objectives for this project are:
Objective 1: Estimate escapement of wild and hatchery steelhead and Chinook salmon into Asotin Creek.
Objective 2: Estimate spawner abundance in Asotin Creek, George Creek, Alpowa Creek, Tenmile Creek.and Couse Creek, if possible, annually.
Objective 3: Document juvenile steelhead life history patterns, survival rates and estimate juvenile emigrant production in Asotin Creek.
Objective 4: Collect DNA samples for future genetic characterization of focal species.
Objective 5: Report and disseminate Asotin Creek salmonid assessment data.

To meet these objectives, we plan to operating 5 adult steelhead weirs and continue to operate the juvenile smolt trap. The juvenile smolt trap is now located at RKM 3.0. Weirs will be installed on Asotin, Alpowa, George and Tenmile Creeks. A full understanding of the abundance and productivity of steelhead in those tributaries is necessary to adequately understand the status of the Asotin Creek steelhead population. This project has specifically collected information from Tenmile, Couse and Alpowa Creeks, while another BPA funded project (#2010-028-00) has assessed adult steelhead returns in Almota Creek (Gembala and Trump 2016.)

A secondary aspect of this project is monitoring the response of steelhead and the other salmonid populations present to the habitat restoration activities occurring throughout the Asotin Creek subbasin. This translates into increased coordination and collaboration with various disciplines not only within WDFW, but also with the other cooperators within the subbasin as habitat and population response is documented as part of the Intensively Monitored Watershed (IMW) project.  
Project 2010-028-00 was integrated into the project scope in 2021.  This adds the scope where WDWF will conduct monitoring in tributaries to the Columbia River in south east Washington that are designated by NOAA part of the Tucannon and Asotin River ESA steelhead populations.  This monitoring uses weirs, or alternatively spawning surveys, if the weirs are not installed, to provide additional estimates of adult abundance to the populations from these small tributaries.  This supplements monitoring projects occurring in the Tucannon River (project 2010-050-00).
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Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
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Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration B: 119. Project Implementation Management and Contract Administration 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
Timely and successful compliance documentation and clearance C: 165. Environmental Compliance Documentation and Clearance 10/30/2022 10/30/2022
Completed Annual Report D: 132. 2021 Annual Report - January 2021 - December 2021 03/21/2022 03/21/2022
An accessible, error-checked data set with a published metadata record for adult weir measurements F: 157. WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
An accessible error-checked dataset with metadata G: 162. WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Adult Population Escapement, Abundance & Distribution Analysis 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with metadata H: 157. WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping) 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
Tag adult and juvenile steelhead for tracking purposes I: 158. Fish Tagging Activities 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with its summaries and analyses, with a published metadata J: 162. WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Population Juvenile Out-migration Estimates Analysis 11/01/2022 11/01/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with its summaries and analyses, with a published metadata K: 162. WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Population Productivity Analysis 11/01/2022 11/01/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with metadata for steelhead escapement L: 157. WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
Mark or tag adult steelhead at traps for mark-recapture estimates M: 158. Operculum Punch or Tag Steelhead Passed Upstream for Trap Efficiency Mark-Recapture Estimate 06/30/2022 06/30/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with metadata for steelhead escapement N: 162. Analyze Adult Steelhead Abundance & Life History Data for Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries to Estimate Escapement 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with metadata O: 157. WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
An accessible, error-checked dataset with metadata for steelhead abundance & distribution P: 162. Analyze Steelhead Spawning and Distribution Data in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries 11/30/2022 11/30/2022
Install seasonal temporary PIT arrays Q: 70. Install PIT Tag Arrays in Small tributaries of the Tucannon River Steelhead Population 03/01/2022 02/09/2022
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets R: 157. Operate and Maintain PIT Arrays 11/30/2022 11/30/2022

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 70 Install Fish Monitoring Equipment
  • 5 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 5 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 119 Project Implementation Management and Contract Administration
C 165 Environmental Compliance Documentation and Clearance
D 132 2021 Annual Report - January 2021 - December 2021
E 132 Draft 2022 Annual Report -
F 157 WDFW Asotin Creek Adult Steelhead Data Collection: Weir Operation 11/30/2022
G 162 WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Adult Population Escapement, Abundance & Distribution Analysis
H 157 WDFW Asotin Creek Juvenile Steelhead Data Collection: Rotary Screw Trapping (Smolt Trapping) 11/30/2022
I 158 Fish Tagging Activities
J 162 WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Population Juvenile Out-migration Estimates Analysis
K 162 WDFW Asotin Creek Steelhead Population Productivity Analysis
L 157 WDFW Adult Enumeration: Weir Operation for Asotin & Tucannon Steelhead populations 11/30/2022
M 158 Operculum Punch or Tag Steelhead Passed Upstream for Trap Efficiency Mark-Recapture Estimate 11/30/2022
N 162 Analyze Adult Steelhead Abundance & Life History Data for Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries to Estimate Escapement 11/30/2022
O 157 WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries 11/30/2022
P 162 Analyze Steelhead Spawning and Distribution Data in Asotin and Tucannon Tributaries
Q 70 Install PIT Tag Arrays in Small tributaries of the Tucannon River Steelhead Population 11/30/2022
R 157 Operate and Maintain PIT Arrays 11/30/2022