Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 74314 REL 86: 2008-710-00 EXP CHUM HABITAT RESTORE SUPPLEMENT
Project Number:
Chum Salmon Restoration in the tributaries below Bonneville Dam
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
Contract Number:
74314 REL 86
Contract Title:
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Contract Description:
This contract will cover activities during the tenth year of on-going project aimed at restoring chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations that utilize Washington State tributaries and mainstem Columbia River spawning areas below Bonneville Dam to viable/self-sustaining abundance levels using an integrated program of habitat restoration and enhancement/reintroduction programs. The project is a result of actions called for in the 2008 FCRPS BiOp; specifically RPA 42: Implement Conservation Programs to Build Genetic Resources and Assist in Promoting Recovery (sub-action 42.9 - CR Chum-Fund program to re-introduce in Duncan Creek and sub-action 42.10 – CR Chum-Fund projects in tributaries below BON) and RPA: 63 Monitor Hatchery Effectiveness (sub-action 63.1 – Measure effect of safety-net & conservation hatchery programs).

WDFW identified a phased approach for the implementation of this proposal (attached at project level – Revised Proposal 6/5/09):
Phase 1: Development of an integrated program for chum salmon habitat restoration and enhancement/reintroduction programs (FFY2009-10).
Phase 2: Implementation of the integrated program (FFY 2011 and beyond).

Phase 1 - Program development in FFY 2009-10
1) An assessment of priority habitat restoration and/or chum channel sites.
2) An updated stock status review of LCR chum salmon population structure and abundance necessary to prioritize restoration and guide future implementation of enhancement/reintroduction programs.
3) Adaptive management of existing supplementation programs.
4) Development of a stepwise enhancement program that utilizes supplementation/reintroduction to rebuild LCR chum populations.
5) Development of a comprehensive program to monitor LCR chum salmon populations and evaluate the effectiveness of habitat restoration and supplementation/reintroduction actions.

With the activities completed from Phase 1, the project has moved into Phase 2 (implementation).
1) Generation of designs and feasibility studies will be initiated for habitat restoration projects and spawning channel sites that ranked out high in the priority assessment.
2) Implement the comprehensive adult and juvenile chum salmon monitoring program that was developed. To accomplish this, new tasks and tasks associated with two pre-existing BPA projects that focused on chum salmon monitoring (BPA Project #'s 1999-003 and # 2001-053) will now be accomplished under this project. Monitoring will focus on generating values for VSP parameters (abundance, diversity, spatial and temporal distribution) as well as data needed to measure effects of existing and future enhancement/reintroduction programs.
3) Continue the two existing chum salmon artificial production programs; a safety-net program on the Grays River for an "at-risk" population and the reintroduction of chum salmon into Duncan Creek. A three-pronged approach has been used to produce a self-sustaining chum salmon population in Duncan Creek. This approach included modifying the dam at the mouth of Duncan Creek (completed), enhancing spawning habitat (completed), and using local brood stock to reintroduce chum salmon back into the basin (ongoing). Methods employed and associated results can be used as a template for future reintroduction efforts for Columbia River chum salmon.
4) Activities in FFY19 will continue habitat scoping work started under the FFY15 contract on the Oregon side of the Columbia River: Sandy River Delta scoping.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental Compliance A: 165. Environmental Clearance 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Produce Draft Master Plan B: 174. Initiate Three-Step Review Process/Develop Step-1 Master Plan 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Data for spawner abundance est of chum salmon in primary spawning reaches of LCR WA tributary C: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Conduct carcass tagging programs in identified areas D: 158. Mark carcasses on spawning grounds for spawner population estimates 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Data needed to generate population est., Columbia River: I-205 to Bonneville Dam E: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Place primary & secondary tags/marks on all adults seined but not used for supplementation F: 158. Mark/tag live spawners on spawning grounds for spawner population estimates 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Data needed for spawner abundance est of chum salmon in non-primary spawning areas G: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Chum salmon spawning ground survey data exchange H: 161. Chum salmon spawning ground survey data exchange for mainstem Columbia River spawning areas 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Physical/environmental profile of the spawning channels during the time chum salmon are presen I: 157. Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek 05/15/2020 05/15/2020
Adult Trap data J: 157. Adult trap monitoring at Duncan Creek 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Seine adults for broodstock K: 66. Seining activities for broodstock to be used at Duncan Creek and in hatchery programs 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Adult spawner data from Duncan Creek spawning channel L: 157. Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Adult sampling data for artificial production at hatcheries M: 157. Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries 01/15/2020 01/15/2020
Daily fry totals at Duncan Creek spawning channels N: 157. Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek 05/15/2020 03/25/2020
Potential egg deposition (PED) and actual egg deposition (AED) values in Duncan spawning chann O: 162. Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Estimate of chum fry produced in Skamokawa spawning channels P: 157. Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels 05/30/2020 01/15/2020
Daily catch, sampling and marking data from juvenile out-migrant traps Q: 157. Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Marked chum salmon fed-fry for supplementation/enhancement releases R: 176. Produce marked chum salmon fed-fry for supplementation/enhancement releases 05/15/2020 05/15/2020
Fecundity estimates S: 157. Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries 02/15/2020 02/15/2020
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking QA/QC T: 157. Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Fecundity Estimates U: 162. Analysis of hatchery data 05/15/2020 05/15/2020
Adult chum salmon population estimates V: 162. Analysis of adult data (sampling, mark/recapture and survey counts) for population estimates 04/15/2020 04/15/2020
Analysis of data collected during the 2019 out-migrant monitoring season W: 162. Analyze data collected from smolt trapping activities 09/30/2019 09/30/2019
Adult origin analysis X: 162. Analysis to determine project origin adult returns 08/30/2019 08/30/2019
Enhancement/reintroduction strategy for Lower Columbia River chum salmon Y: 174. Enhancement/reintroduction strategy 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Population monitoring and evaluation plan Z: 174. Population monitoring and evaluation program 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Project management AA: 119. Project management and administration 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Habitat enhancement projects AB: 114. Assess and identify additional priority habitat projects - Placeholder 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Technical review of habitat proposals AC: 122. Provide technical review of habitat proposals 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Summary of work conducted AD: 115. Sandy River Delta scoping project (ODFW) 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
LCR chum salmon life-cycle model results in FFY19 AE: 174. Continue development of a LCR chum salmon life-cycle model 06/30/2020 06/30/2020
Submit BiOp RPA Report in Taurus AG: 202. BiOp RPA Report for CY 2017 03/15/2020 03/15/2020
Progress Reports AH: 132. Generate Duncan Creek Supplementation and Grays River Hatchery Program's Progress Reports 06/30/2020

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) - Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 176 Produce Hatchery Fish
  • 1 instance of WE 66 Trap/Collect/Hold/Transport Fish - Hatchery
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation
  • 4 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 12 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 5 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Environmental Clearance 07/01/2019
B 174 Initiate Three-Step Review Process/Develop Step-1 Master Plan
C 157 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging 11/19/2019
D 158 Mark carcasses on spawning grounds for spawner population estimates 11/19/2019
E 157 Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging 11/19/2019
F 158 Mark/tag live spawners on spawning grounds for spawner population estimates 11/19/2019
G 157 Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance 11/19/2019
H 161 Chum salmon spawning ground survey data exchange for mainstem Columbia River spawning areas 07/01/2019
I 157 Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek 11/19/2019
J 157 Adult trap monitoring at Duncan Creek 11/19/2019
K 66 Seining activities for broodstock to be used at Duncan Creek and in hatchery programs 11/19/2019
L 157 Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels 11/19/2019
M 157 Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries 11/19/2019
N 157 Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek 11/19/2019
O 162 Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels 07/01/2019
P 157 Enumeration of outmigrants from Skamokawa Spawning Channels 11/19/2019
Q 157 Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps 11/19/2019
R 176 Produce marked chum salmon fed-fry for supplementation/enhancement releases 11/19/2019
S 157 Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries 11/19/2019
T 157 Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche 11/19/2019
U 162 Analysis of hatchery data 07/01/2019
V 162 Analysis of adult data (sampling, mark/recapture and survey counts) for population estimates 07/01/2019
W 162 Analyze data collected from smolt trapping activities 07/01/2019
X 162 Analysis to determine project origin adult returns 07/01/2019
Y 174 Enhancement/reintroduction strategy
Z 174 Population monitoring and evaluation program
AA 119 Project management and administration 07/01/2019
AB 114 Assess and identify additional priority habitat projects - Placeholder 07/01/2019
AC 122 Provide technical review of habitat proposals 07/01/2019
AD 115 Sandy River Delta scoping project (ODFW)
AE 174 Continue development of a LCR chum salmon life-cycle model
AF 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 07/01/2019
AG 202 BiOp RPA Report for CY 2017
AH 132 Generate Duncan Creek Supplementation and Grays River Hatchery Program's Progress Reports 07/01/2019