Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 79905 REL 3: 1992-026-01 EXP GRMW ADMINISTRATION 2019
Project Number:
Grande Ronde Model Watershed
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Contract Number:
79905 REL 3
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
78923: 1992-026-01 EXP GRMW ADMINISTRATION 2018
  • 79905 REL 6: 1992-026-01 EXP GRMW ADMINISTRATION 2020
Contract Status:
Contract Description:

The Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program (GRMWP) was created in April 1992 by designation of the Northwest Power Planning Council (NWPPC) and later affirmed by the State of Oregon Governor's Strategic Water Management Group (SWMG).  The program coordinates with numerous federal and state agencies, county governments, two Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Eastern Oregon University, two Tribes, local landowners and public interest groups.  

The purpose of this contract between BPA and the GRMW is to facilitate funding directed towards tributary habitat restoration – improvement and fish passage to contribute to the recovery of the Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU , Grande Ronde/Imnaha MPG and the Snake River Steelhead ESU, Grande Ronde River MPG.  Funded conservation actions are prioritized, identified, and implemented through a collaborative science-based process that lead to efficient, cost-effective, and biologically beneficial on-the-ground mitigation actions.  GRMW project support and administration will be in accordance with the Atlas Implementation Guidelines, User’s Manual, and Project, BSR scoring templates and map based products.  Projects will meet BPA’s responsibilities under the FCRPS BiOp and the Northwest Power Act, utilize the HIP BiOP for environmental compliance (or comply with associated technical criteria); and meet Bonneville’s objectives as outlined in its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. BPA’s participation is executed through the F&W Habitat Program and administered through the area lead structure, the respective roles and responsibilities and the conditions within this contract.  

Partner Entities

The Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program Board of Directors provides input on priorities and support to the GRMWP. The following entities are represented on the Board: Union and Wallowa Counties, Nez Perce Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Eastern Oregon University, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Conservation, Private Landowners, Economic Development & Industry, Private Forestlands.

Staffing Organization and Assignments

The Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program is staffed by the Executive Director, Program Manager, IT/Data Base Manager, GIS Technician, Union & Wallowa County Project Coordinators, employed by Union County and Eastern Oregon University.  The Executive Director supervises and directs all activities of the GRMWP staff including accomplishment of all of the work elements delegated to various staff. The Executive Director supervises and directs all activities of the GRMWP staff including accomplishment of all of the work elements delegated to various staff.

Executive Director

The Executive Director (ED) is responsible for day-to-day operations of the organization and overall execution of this contract with BPA.  The ED facilitates implementation of the Umbrella by tracking the priority project areas, habitat implementation progress, and social feasibility of implementing large scale projects, and other topics relevant to project success.  The ED identifies and responds to time-sensitive political issues particularly that affect successful implementation of habitat restoration projects and keeps BPA abreast of these issues.  The ED works with BPA and GRMW staff to coordinate with partners in each of the sub-basins, governmental and non-governmental partners across the Grande Ronde Basin, and other stakeholders.  The ED will provide administrative oversight of the Umbrella, including reporting, contract management, and coordination with BPA.  BPA contributes approximately ½ of this functions salary annually.

The ED will support BPA with Atlas implementation as an advisor for technical and funding related items, and as a mediator when necessary to resolve gridlock or conflict.  BPA will evaluate projects proposed for funding that have been objectively identified and prioritized by the Atlas.  Funding for projects developed outside of the Atlas framework will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Union & Wallowa County Project Coordinators

The Union and Wallowa County Project Coordinators support habitat project development including project planning and development, preparation and administration of subcontracts, project fiscal management, project solicitation and identification, landowner technical assistance, regulatory permitting support and reporting.

Coordinators facilitate the project development processes to ensure biological goals and objectives are identified and tiered to any identified limiting factors, and that projects are designed to achieve the highest feasible biological benefit considering fish habitat and fish utilization as defined through the Atlas process.   In the interest of best use of the positions time, they will prioritize projects to assess the need to review and submit comments to BPA related to biological benefits and tied to goals and objectives.  Review is meant to help inform the development of Atlas projects. These positions do not have the authority to contact regulatory agencies without prior consent from project proponent and/or when a Project is under the official BPA HIP review process.  Additionally to maintain optimum coordination with the funder, BPA, the coordinator is discouraged from contacting design consultants, submitting comments to project proponents, AA partner, or design consultants outside of the regular design process meetings or official comment periods.

Coordinators will be responsible for facilitating the implementation of the Atlas.  This will include arranging and facilitating TAC and Implementation Team meetings, and providing the associated meeting notes and action items.  GRMW will lead project site visits with the Implementation Team, and provide written summarized technical feedback from the IT, ranking decisions, and funding recommendations consistent with the Atlas framework.  Coordinators will manage a variety of services such as meeting and site visit logistics, maintenance of a readily accessible Atlas data repository, GIS layer production, and information technology assistance.

Coordinators will support the execution of Atlas implementation through facilitation of the following: communication and collaboration between the Implementation Team and the TAC through the monthly Implementation Team meeting. The Coordinators will also manage the spring and fall solicitations to facilitate the strategic review and determination of which Atlas conceptual restoration opportunities to pursue.  The goal of this process is to support the execution of a multi-year implementation strategy that will identify the necessary technical and financial resources.  Should potential opportunities arise outside of this formal Atlas process, they will be discussed at the monthly meeting and with BPA.  

Coordinators will coordinate the Implementation Team with consideration and recommendations on how to most effectively use the collective resources of the Atlas partners to achieve aquatic habitat restoration in an expedient and efficient manner that balances involvement by the partners.  The Opportunity Lead will be selected by the Implementation Team, and may be the individual that can best leverage an existing landowner relationship and/or the individual whose expertise aligns well with the type of conceptual restoration opportunity.  The Opportunity Lead, with the support of the Implementation Team, will be responsible for advancing the conceptual restoration opportunity through the prospectus, proposal, and implementation phases, unless otherwise designated by consensus of the Implementation Team.

The Wallowa County Project Coordinator oversees the operation of the basin-wide streamflow gauging program.

Data Base/IT Manager

The Database/ IT Manager supports the GRMW with IT management, computer systems, software management, printers and other hardware – Software and IT related duties that support execution of the GRMW program. This position also maintains the GRMW project database, maintains the GRMW website and provides remote sensing assistance to the basin partners through a formalized request process.

GIS Technician

This position provides remote sensing and GIS mapping and analysis assistance to the basin partners through a formalized request process. The position also supports the Ripples publication and outreach education.

The Data Base/IT Manager, Union County Project Coordinator, Wallowa County Project Coordinator and GIS Technician in combination, perform all of the coordination, GIS, database and educational activities of the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program.  These activities are in support of the mission and goals of the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program which is to coordinate habitat restoration on both private and public lands in the Grande Ronde and Imnaha Sub basins.

Program Manager

Perform all administrative duties for GRMW including payroll, human resources and travel arrangements and reimbursements.  Assists with Outreach and Education activities/events.  Assists the public, landowners, agencies, schools, businesses, contractors, students, etc., with various inquiries.  Maintains office files: program, foundation and library.  Manages leased GSA vehicles.

Assist partners: Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Union Soil and Water Conservation District, Nez Perce Tribe, The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, The Freshwater Trust, Trout Unlimited, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and others by assisting them with project application budget, grants/contracts, billings, invoicing, paying contractors, revising budgets, reports, gathering documentation, etc.

Manage and administer all contracts and grants going through the foundation including, building lease agreements with landowners and the State of Oregon.  Reads and signs contracts/grants/agreements to ensure all agreements, invoices, reports, permits, and any other pertinent documentation is in hand. Tracks all funds by billing the funders, paying vendors/contractors.  Provides GRMW’s Financial Committee with quarterly reports and the annual Audit Report.

This contract will provide funding for the administration of the Grande Ronde Model Watershed Program (GRMWP) in accordance with BPA program needs and expectations for the period May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020. It will provide funds for all contractually identified personnel salaries and benefits.   The contract also supports Restoration Atlas outreach, other education and outreach activities, GRMWP office lease, equipment and services, vehicle lease and mileage, and staff travel.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Mary Estes Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation Yes Administrative Contact (541) 663-0570
Desmond Gelman Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-4960
Tracy Hauser Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-4296
Travis Kessler Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5468
John Skidmore Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5494
Jesse Steele Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation Yes Contract Manager (541) 663-0570
Connar Stone Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation Yes Technical Contact (541) 663-0570
Alexandra Towne Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation Yes Technical Contact (541) 663-0570
Sean Welch Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-7691
Ian Wilson Grande Ronde Model Watershed Foundation Yes Technical Contact (541) 426-0389
Karen Wolfe Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3448

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Cultural Resource Assistance A: 165. Cultural Resource assistance for GRMW partners 2018-19 & out-year projects 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Grande Ronde Basin Coordination B: 191. GRMW Grande Ronde & Imnaha Basin Watershed Coordination 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Catherine Creek, Upper Grande Ronde, Wallowa County Atlas & BiOp project selection process C: 114. UNION COUNTY IT: Implement Catherine Creek, Upper Grande Ronde Atlas & priority BiOp projects 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Wallowa County Atlas & BiOp project selection process D: 114. WALLOWA COUNTY IT: Implementation Wallowa Atlas & priority BiOp projects 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Implement Wallowa County Habitat Restoration Atlas E: 114. Wallowa County Habitat Restoration Atlas Development 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Provide Technical Assistance to partners F: 122. GRMW Technical Assistance to partners - Project Assistance 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Atlas Products, Aerial Imagery, Project Mapping and GIS Data G: 115. GRMW Technical Assistance - Produce Maps, Manage GIS Data & Aerial Imagery 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Database and Website Management H: 115. Technical Assistance - Populate & maintain Atlas/GRMW Website & Project Database 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Schedule and conduct planning for the annual SOS I: 99. GRMW State of Science Coordination 04/30/2020
Complete outreach and education activities J: 99. GRMW Local Community Outreach and Education Activities 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Four Ripples Publications K: 99. Prepare and Publish Ripples publication 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Successfully Administer Project L: 119. Administer Project/Contract 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Submit Monthly Accountability Reports M: 141. Bi-Monthly Accountability Reports 04/30/2020 04/30/2020
Upload 2019 Annual GRMW Report N: 132. GRMW 2018 Annual Report - May 2018 - April 2019 04/30/2020 04/30/2020

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 3 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 2 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 3 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 2 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Cultural Resource assistance for GRMW partners 2018-19 & out-year projects 05/01/2019
B 191 GRMW Grande Ronde & Imnaha Basin Watershed Coordination 05/01/2019
C 114 UNION COUNTY IT: Implement Catherine Creek, Upper Grande Ronde Atlas & priority BiOp projects 05/01/2019
D 114 WALLOWA COUNTY IT: Implementation Wallowa Atlas & priority BiOp projects 05/01/2019
E 114 Wallowa County Habitat Restoration Atlas Development 05/01/2019
F 122 GRMW Technical Assistance to partners - Project Assistance 05/01/2019
G 115 GRMW Technical Assistance - Produce Maps, Manage GIS Data & Aerial Imagery
H 115 Technical Assistance - Populate & maintain Atlas/GRMW Website & Project Database
I 99 GRMW State of Science Coordination 05/01/2019
J 99 GRMW Local Community Outreach and Education Activities 05/01/2019
K 99 Prepare and Publish Ripples publication 05/01/2019
L 119 Administer Project/Contract 05/01/2019
M 141 Bi-Monthly Accountability Reports 05/01/2019
N 132 GRMW 2018 Annual Report - May 2018 - April 2019 05/01/2019
O 185 Quarterly Status Reports 05/01/2019