Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Grande Ronde Model Watershed
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Contract Number:
79905 REL 7
Contract Title:
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Contract Description:
The Grande Ronde Model Watershed is the primary entity coordinating habitat restoration in the Grande Ronde Basin.  Under this technical assessment contract GRMW will work with local and regional partners, along with consultants to complete a number of assessments that will inform future restoration implementation and action effectiveness.  GRMW will coordinate the efforts and provide project management and oversight.  Assessments include:

- Sediment Budget/Analysis in the upper Grande Ronde (UGR) River subbasin
- Professional Surveys for Ground Control Points for SUAS imagery
- Development of a Habitat Suitability Index Tool to inform restoration project design
- Assessment of a large scale stage-0 floodplain restoration project
- Water Quality Assessment in the Grande Ronde Valley
- LiDAR Evaluation - Grande Ronde Basin
- Hydraulic and Habitat HEC-RAS Evaluation

The sediment budget in the upper Grande Ronde will help determine the best restoration actions to be implemented in the UGR watershed.  There is concern that sediment supply, transport and deposition have been severely altered due to historic dredge mining, splash dam logging and land management.  A sediment budget will help identify and quantify sources of sediment, the rivers current sediment transport ability and sediment deposition areas.  Several restoration projects in the UGR are dependent upon sediment aggrading on and around wood structures to achieve objectives.  This assessment will inform adaptive management of these projects and future restoration projects.  GRMW will contract with Wolfe Water Resources to help complete this assessment.

GRMW will contract with Anderson Perry and Associates to complete professional grade survey of 150 ground control points (GCP).  These GCPs will be used to georectify aerial orthomosaics.  Aerial imagery once georectified will be used for implementation verification, project reporting, project planning and development and remote sensed monitoring.

GRMW is contracting with Cramer Fish Sciences to complete a Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) tool.  This tool will be developed in R-script and be capable of processing large batches of data to identify current and proposed habitat suitability.  The tool will be able to process hydraulic model data (depth and velocity) using various habitat suitability curves.  This tool, once developed will be used by GRMW and made available to partners for their use as well.

GRMW will contract with Cramer Fish Sciences to help plan, implement and assess the benefits of a large scale (2 miles) floodplain restoration project in the UGR.  Dr. Phil Roni will assist the partners in identifying project objectives, restoration actions, and assessment methods, both on the ground and through remote sensing.

GRMW will contract with a water quality consultant to complete water quality sampling in the Grande Ronde valley.  Juvenile Chinook salmon and steelhead experience higher mortality rates in the Grande Ronde valley than neighboring populations of Chinook and steelhead.  This assessment will be used to try and determine how much of a factor water quality and toxins may be contributing to that mortality and then identify management actions to address any water quality concerns.

GRMW and CRITFC will contract with Quantum Spatial (QSI) to acquire topobathymetric LiDAR within the Grande Ronde Basin.  QSI will collect the data via fixed wing aircraft and establish ground control points (GCP) using professional grade survey equipment.  QSI will process the LiDAR, deliver point clouds, rasters, vectors and a final report.  These LiDAR data will be used to plan and design restoraiton projects as well and develop HEC-RAS models.

GRMW will work collaboratively with a team of engineers from BPA, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Kleinschmidt and Associates to study the application of hydraulic engineering in fisheries habitat restoration with specific emphasis on the hydraulic modeling of Next Gen LWD projects. BPA’s current approach is the application of roughness polygons to represent structure footprints and increase the Manning’s N roughness coefficients. Results of this methodology have generated potentially anomalous results for shear stress and stream power output that have led to questions on how RAS is handling this with the modified N approach. The goal of this study will be to apply an integrated team approach to define best practices for 2D RAS modeling of LWD habitat structures so that BPA can prescribe required approaches across the dozens of projects we encounter - review assist on a year.  The team will use an example project from the Grande Ronde Basin to test modeling methods.

These assessments will benefits GRMW, BPA and partners in their continued efforts to restore tributary habitat for threatened salmon and steelhead populations in the Grande Ronde Basin.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
N/A - NO deliverable A: 165. Environmental Compliance 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Task 3 - Final Ground Control Points, Map and Description B: 115. Small Unmanned Aerial System - Professional Survey 05/31/2022 09/30/2021
Task 4: Study Conclusions and Final report for sediment study C: 115. Upper Grande Ronde Sediment Budget 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
HSI Tool in R-script D: 115. Habitat Suitability Index Tool 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Upper Grande Ronde Stage Floodplain Assessment E: 115. Upper Grande Ronde Stage-0 Floodplain Enhancement Demonstration Project 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration F: 119. Manage and Administer this contract 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Hydraulic Study Deliverables I: 115. Phase 1 Hydraulic and Phase 2 Habitat Evaluation 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Final Report J: 115. Grande Ronde Valley Water Quality Assessment 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Processing & Deliverables K: 115. LiDAR Evaluation - Quantum Spatial, Inc. (QSI) 01/31/2022 05/11/2021
Project Performance Evaluation Work Flow and Completed 2021 Geographic Review Proposal L: 115. Implementation Performance and Geographic Review 05/31/2022 05/31/2022
Valley Bottom Restoration and Carrying Capacity Comparisons to Support Project Implementation M: 115. Valley Bottom Restoration and Carrying Capacity Comparisons 05/31/2022 05/31/2022

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
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Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 9 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 8 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Environmental Compliance
B 115 Small Unmanned Aerial System - Professional Survey 11/25/2020
C 115 Upper Grande Ronde Sediment Budget 11/25/2020
D 115 Habitat Suitability Index Tool
E 115 Upper Grande Ronde Stage-0 Floodplain Enhancement Demonstration Project
F 119 Manage and Administer this contract
G 132 Progress Report - NA
H 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
I 115 Phase 1 Hydraulic and Phase 2 Habitat Evaluation
J 115 Grande Ronde Valley Water Quality Assessment
K 115 LiDAR Evaluation - Quantum Spatial, Inc. (QSI)
L 115 Implementation Performance and Geographic Review 11/25/2020
M 115 Valley Bottom Restoration and Carrying Capacity Comparisons