Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 86468: 2006-004-00 EXP WENAS BOG FUNDING 3 YEAR FIRE RESPONSE
Project Number:
Wenas Wildlife Mitigation
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Yakima 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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Contract Description:
This contract was created to discreetly allocate and track funding and implementation of remediation actions for the Pipeline and Sage fires at Wenas WLA, as a result of a BOG request, tentatively approved 8/5/2020 and supported by final comments from Crystal Ball and Patty O'Toole below. Administrative support for this contract will come from the standing O&M contract for Wenas (74314 REL 110 FY20-21), and reporting for these activities will be called out separately, as described in specific milestones, in the annual report for that contract.

The Pipeline and Sage fires burned close to 7,000 acres of the Wenas WLA and its vulnerable shrub steppe habitat. Activities related to restoration of these lands include:
- purchase of drill seeding and forbs mixes for replanting
- drill seeding and harrowing where appropriate based on topography
- application of herbicide to reduce early successional invasive species dominance
- staff time and resources to perform aforementioned activities

Notes from BOG communication to support this contract:  

(on 9/4/20, BPA F&W Director Crystal Ball emailed the following) "Bonneville concurs with the recommendation from BOG to address the damage caused by the wildfires. Bonneville will fund the work for the three-year time frame. Bonneville is negotiating a separate contract under this project to fund and track this work specifically. The resulting budget and Statement of Work (SOW) will be posted to so that it can be viewed by all interested parties. In general, Bonneville will continue to work with the Council to ensure the Program’s investments are maintained for the benefit of fish and wildlife.


(On 9/2/20 Council F&W Director Patty O'Toole emailed the following)
"I support one year of funding for the urgent action regarding Budget Oversight Group (BOG) request #573, Wenas Wildlife Mitigation, Project #2006-004-00. The request is important and necessary to fully address the damage caused by the wildfires and maintain the goals and intent of this wildlife project and ratepayer investments.

The following excerpt from the request provides compelling evidence of the implications for the Program:

“Across the almost 7,000 acres burned, BPA lost virtually all habitat investments. Uncontrolled wildfires in shrub-steppe habitat can significantly alter the landscape by eradicating sagebrush which shrub-steppe obligate species, such as sage grouse, sage thrasher, and sage sparrow, depend upon for both food and cover (big sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata, is killed by fire). In areas that have been heavily disturbed in the past, such as the Cottonwood drainage and areas along roads, it’s imperative to follow a wildfire event with the planting of native species of grasses and forbs, to reduce the risk of invasion by weeds.”
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective and timely contract administration. B: 119. Contract administration 10/14/2023 03/01/2023
Documentation and assistance for environmental and cultural resource clearances C: 165. Environmental Compliance Clearance for fire remediation areas 10/13/2023 10/01/2023
Report BOG remediation funding in annual report for O&M to BPA D: 47. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 21 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 10/14/2021 05/10/2021
Report BOG remediation funding in annual report for O&M to BPA E: 198. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 21 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 10/14/2021 05/10/2021
Report BOG remediation funding and activities separately in annual report to BPA F: 47. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 22 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 10/14/2022 09/01/2022
Report BOG remediation funding and activities separately in annual report to BPA G: 198. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 22 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 10/14/2022 09/30/2022
Report BOG remediation funding in annual report for O&M to BPA H: 47. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 23 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 10/14/2023 08/01/2023
Report BOG remediation funding in annual report for O&M to BPA I: 198. FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 23 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 10/14/2023 10/01/2023

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
  • 3 instances of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 119 Contract administration
C 165 Environmental Compliance Clearance for fire remediation areas
D 47 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 21 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 11/17/2020
E 198 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 21 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 07/01/2021
F 47 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 22 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 11/17/2020
G 198 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 22 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 07/01/2021
H 47 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 23 - Seed purchase, land preparation, and planting for fire remediation 11/17/2020
I 198 FIRE RESTORATION AREAS FY 23 - Invasive/noxious weed control and additional prep, planting and/or maintenance of fire affected areas. 07/01/2021
J 132 Report to be included as separate section in REL 110 Annual Report