Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 87341: 2019-005-00 EXP LAKE PEND OREILLE/DWORSHAK
Project Number:
Lake Pend Oreille/Dworshak
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Pend Oreille 50.00%
Mountain Snake Clearwater 50.00%
Contract Number:
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  • 89814: 2019-005-00 EXP LAKE PEND OREILLE/DWORSHAK
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Contract Description:
The Lake Pend Oreille/Dworshak Resident Fish Mitigation Project is partial mitigation for impacts to resident fish populations and resulting fisheries from of Albeni Falls and Dworshak Dams. These projects primarily focus on status and trend monitoring in order to inform conservation actions carried out by Idaho Department of Fish and Game. In Lake Pend Oreille, predator (primarily Lake Trout and Walleye) suppression to prevent food web collapse continues to be the primary management tool for sustaining the fish assemblage, including native Bull Trout and Westslope Cutthroat Trout. This project contributes to the predator suppression program, with a substantial cost-share from Avista Corporation. The project has demonstrated remarkable success to date, with continued collapse of the Lake Trout population and a concurrent recovery of the kokanee population. However, the potential for predatory inertia to collapse the fishery remains a real risk because of the diversity of apex predators in the system. Therefore, this project continues to be science-based and primarily focused on adaptive predator management and robust monitoring of key fish populations.  To inform adaptive management of predator suppression programs, we will collect critical monitoring data for kokanee, Bull Trout, Lake Trout, Walleye, Northern Pike, Rainbow Trout, and Mysis diluviana. Analyses of these results will be used to improve suppression efficiency and monitor responses from targets of suppression, as well as the components of the fishery we are working to conserve. In Dworshak Reservoir, we will continue monitoring programs to manage the nutrient restoration project in conjunction with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This project has demonstrated continued success in its ability to reduce harmful algal blooms and generally improve the overall productivity of the Dworshak Reservoir food web, including the kokanee population. This project will continue monitoring to assess the status and trend of the limnology, kokanee, and other fishery components of Dworshak Reservoir. The mitigation programs on Lake Pend Oreille and Dworshak Reservoir covered by this project will continue to be critical components of management of these regionally important fisheries. Additionally, the work conducted by this program serve as important case studies to similar management and mitigation programs throughout the Columbia Basin.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
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Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR B: 119. Oversee project activities 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Completion of Environmental Compliance C: 165. Environmental compliance 05/31/2021 05/31/2021
Kokanee population status assessment D: 157. Status and trend of kokanee (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets E: 157. Status and trend of kokanee (Dworshak Reservoir) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Analyzed kokanee status trends and population dynamics F: 162. Analysis Status and Trend of Kokanee (LPO and DWOR) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Mysid shrimp abundance data G: 157. Status and trend of Mysis (LPO) 02/28/2022 09/17/2021
Analyze Mysis Shrimp Data H: 162. Analysis: Status and trend of Mysis (LPO) 02/28/2022 09/17/2021
Rainbow trout population dyanamics I: 157. Status and trend of rainbow trout (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Analysis of rainbow trout population dynamics data J: 162. Analysis: Status and trend of rainbow trout 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Collect Walleye survey data K: 157. Status and trend of walleye (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Analyze catch data, food habits data, and movement data from Walleye in LPO. L: 162. Analysis: Status and trend of Walleye (LPO) 02/28/2022 01/03/2022
Predator Removal M: 190. Lake Trout and Walleye Removal by Gillnets (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Dataset from suppression netting N: 157. Evaluate predator netting program 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Evaluate predator removal program O: 162. Analysis: Evaluation of predator netting program 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Northern Pike population dyanamics P: 157. Status and trend of Northern Pike (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Northern Pike Population Trends and Habitat Use Q: 162. Status and Trend of Northern Pike (LPO) 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Tag minimum 200 catchable rainbow trout prior to release in Dworshak Reservoir. R: 158. Dworshak Rainbow Trout Evaluation 08/31/2021 08/31/2021
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets S: 157. Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends 02/28/2022 01/10/2022
Provide longterm trend data for metrics of interest. T: 162. Analysis: Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Completed Annual Report U: 132. Submit 2019 Progress Report for Dworshak Resident Fish Mitigation Project 02/28/2022
Provide bull trout bycatch information to USFWS V: 161. Inform USFWS of bull trout bycatch results 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Project databases W: 160. Database maintenance for project data 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Maintain public support for program X: 99. Maintain public support for program 02/28/2022 02/23/2022
Completed Annual Report Y: 132. Annual LPO progess report for calendar year 2020 (final) 02/28/2022

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Cutthroat Trout, Westslope (O. c. lewisi)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 5 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 8 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 7 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 5 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Trout, Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 5 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 119 Oversee project activities
C 165 Environmental compliance
D 157 Status and trend of kokanee (LPO) 04/06/2021
E 157 Status and trend of kokanee (Dworshak Reservoir) 04/06/2021
F 162 Analysis Status and Trend of Kokanee (LPO and DWOR)
G 157 Status and trend of Mysis (LPO) 04/06/2021
H 162 Analysis: Status and trend of Mysis (LPO)
I 157 Status and trend of rainbow trout (LPO) 04/06/2021
J 162 Analysis: Status and trend of rainbow trout
K 157 Status and trend of walleye (LPO) 04/06/2021
L 162 Analysis: Status and trend of Walleye (LPO)
M 190 Lake Trout and Walleye Removal by Gillnets (LPO) 04/06/2021
N 157 Evaluate predator netting program 04/06/2021
O 162 Analysis: Evaluation of predator netting program
P 157 Status and trend of Northern Pike (LPO) 04/06/2021
Q 162 Status and Trend of Northern Pike (LPO)
R 158 Dworshak Rainbow Trout Evaluation 04/06/2021
S 157 Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends 04/06/2021
T 162 Analysis: Dworshak Reservoir limnology status and trends
U 132 Submit 2019 Progress Report for Dworshak Resident Fish Mitigation Project
V 161 Inform USFWS of bull trout bycatch results
W 160 Database maintenance for project data
X 99 Maintain public support for program
Y 132 Annual LPO progess report for calendar year 2020 (final)