Contract Description:
Under this contract, the main intent for Trout Unlimited (TU) is to continue project coordination with BPA and the UCSRB, funding acquisition, and ongoing project planning. The objective is to produce a stakeholder vetted, fully funded, implementation ready project by the end of the contract period. The Project, when implemented, will replace two Beaver Creek surface water diversions with a groundwater supply (surface diversions are located at approximate RM 2 and RM 2.5), install efficient and water-conserving irrigation application infrastructure, and replace an undersized Beaver Creek culvert crossing (approximate RM 1.75) with a prefabricated bridge or similar fish-friendly structure. The primary goals of this project are to increase instream flows through irrigation efficiency, improve fish passage, and enhance physical habitat conditions.
This project will address tributary-focused limiting factors identified in the 2019-2021 CRS BiOp including degradation of floodplain connectivity and function, channel structure and complexity, and stream flow with secondary benefits to LWD recruitment and water quality. It will address ecological concerns identified in the UC Biological Strategy for the subject assessment unit, which is a Tier I assessment with a #2 restoration priority, including channel structure and form and peripheral and transitional habitat. The objectives of the project will be met through application of multiple non-prescriptive restoration techniques identified in the UC Biological Strategy, including ‘water quantity restoration’, ‘decrease water temperature’, and ‘provide improved fish passage’. Many primary limiting factors related to flow including current anthropogenic impairments to perennial flow, suboptimal summer rearing temperatures, large predicted reductions in summer flow and large predicted increases in summer stream temperatures will be addressed by this project. This project was approved for funding through Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)/Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) FY2020 Targeted Solicitation Notice and was reviewed and ranked by the Regional Technical Team (RTT). The RTT is a team of technical experts familiar with the priority areas and limiting factors, and identify projects that will best contribute to the recovery of salmonids and other species of concern in the Upper Columbia.
TU will be responsible for managing the project.
This contract covers ongoing project coordination and planning, construction is planned for summer/fall 2023. Work under this contract Trout Unlimited will continue project coordination with the landowner, stakeholders, and funders, acquire implementation cost-share necessary to construction the project, and continue project planning work.
The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) is co-sponsor to Upper Columbia Programmatic Habitat Project. As such they are a key partner to BPA and within the UC region, a local first point of contact for general Programmatic inquiries and coordination. It is possible from time to time that the UCSRB may seek general project information and updates from TU to preform and fulfill their necessary role and obligations under the Northwest Power and Conservation Council approved Programmatic with BPA. TU has agreed to coordinate with UCSRB and accommodate any such requests. As examples, UCSRB may request the following:
Participation in periodic BPA-UCSRB-Sponsor check-in calls, if/as needed
Information about partner contributions for reporting cost-share
Copies of presentations about the BPA-UCSRB Programmatic project
The contractor TU, its designated agents, and project stakeholders will be available, responsive and will collaboratively address contract related issues during the term of the contract. Contract issues include but are not limited to technical, policy, regulatory, project management and associated elements related to the project. Successful execution of this contract is contingent on alignment of the preceding contract issues with the BFAI or BPI and BPA contracting processes, project management plans, design review protocols (including but not limited to BPA HIP design review, Technical and Design Team guidance, review, input, comments, integration, stakeholder congruence with proposed actions and decisions rendered by 1) the project executive team (BPA, TU). Arbitration and dispute resolution will occur relative to the following two tier escalation ladder: 1) conference with the project Executive Team and 2) Direct consultation between program managers.