Contract Description:
CR: 349485
The purpose of this BPA Programmatic--Technical Services contract is to fill critical data gaps in the UC region’s Habitat Prioritization Tool. This tool is actively being used by the Regional Technical Team to update the Upper Columbia Biological Strategy. The results for the basis for targeting regional restoration and protection projects at the highest priority areas and limiting factors.
Under this contract, the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) will focus on providing Federal Fiscal Year 21 & 22 (FFY21 & 22) services as follows:
1. Provide UC data, coordination and technical assistance to support NOAA fisheries' work to incorporate new information into the Intrinsic Potential model for the Upper Columbia. NOAA fisheries will collaborate to rerun the IP model free of charge and the UCSRB will incorporate updated IP values into the UC Habitat Prioritization Tool.
2. Generate estimates of reach condition re: coarse substrate, cover-wood, pool quantity and quality, riparian canopy cover and disturbance, floodplain condition, channel and bank stability, and other data gaps as requested by the RTT. Bin reaches as adequate, at-risk, or unacceptable per the UC reach assessment and/or other methods and use any associated data to verify the rating (e.g. Level 2 survey type data). Provide data to RTT for fill critical data gaps in the Prioritization Tool.
The PM-S/T will coordinate with BPA and all subcontractors to ensure timely completion of contract deliverables and reporting.
• Program Manager - Project Administration/Policy Support (PM-A/P):
The PM-A/P, in very close coordination with BPA, acts as the primary point of contact for day-to-day Programmatic administration within the UC region. The PM-P/A will work closely with BPA, sponsors and partners (AA and others) to:
- Advance Programmatic-funded activities and identify and help address issues or delays.
- Play a coordination and facilitation role with BPA, partners, sponsors, RTT, PM-S/T and share guidance on the Programmatic as it evolves.
- Coordinate RTT review of Programmatic projects at key junctures and participate in partner meetings
- Run and manage the Targeted process with BPA as need to identify high-quality projects for potential Programmatic funding.
- Assist with review of other priority projects for potential cost-share/Programmatic funding.
- Work directly with BPA to identify and implement any needed adjustments to the Targeted process
- Support UCSRB-BPA contract development and compliance, including preparation of reports and presentations about the Programmatic
- Document/ continue curation of current and legacy Programmatic files
• Program Manager - Science/Technical Support (PM-S/T):
The PM-S/T, in close coordination with BPA, serves as the primary point of contact for regional technical information, data, and UC Habitat Action Prioritization outputs that support Programmatic project development, implementation and adaptive management. The PM-S/T will:
- Help identify high quality projects within the region for BPA funding consideration.
- Contribute early input on fish habitat and fish utilization to support the development of appropriate biological goals and objectives for Programmatic projects, and ensure they are tiered to identified limiting factors and UC Habitat Action Prioritization outputs.
- Identify, help assemble and provide reasonable habitat and fish use data and information and summarize available data and results from similar projects to support the development of Programmatic proposals and projects.
- Provide focused review and input during concept development through pre-design/15%. This early input will help best align the early design process with UC Habitat Action Priorities. The PM-S/T may coordinate with project sponsors, regional engineer consultant (potential FY21 contract), BPA PM/COR, BPA engineers, and BPA EC and ETS Leads to provide input.
- Provide biological input on 30% design to BPA ETS staff and Habitat Area Lead.
- Provide technical support and coordination to project sponsors and the RTT fully implement the regional Habitat Action Prioritization tool.
- Explore opportunities to develop standardized metrics/measurable objectives by project type to support discussions of biological benefit for project proposals.
• Finance Manager (FM)- Fiscal Support:
The FM will prepare and submit vouchers and supporting documents to BPA.
The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board (UCSRB) coordinates with numerous federal and state agencies, county and city governments, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the State of Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB), two Tribes, local landowners and public interest groups in implementing the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Recovery Plan. The purpose of this BPA Programmatic contract is to facilitate the process of targeting BPA funding towards tributary habitat restoration that contribute to the recovery of the Upper Columbia spring Chinook ESU and the Upper Columbia steelhead DPS, and provide mitigation opportunities for BPA. Funded conservation actions are prioritized, identified, and implemented through a collaborative science-based process that lead to efficient, cost-effective, and biologically beneficial on-the-ground mitigation actions. BPA will only evaluate projects proposed for funding that have been objectively identified and prioritized by the Upper Columbia (UC) Upper Columbia Biological Strategy/Habitat Action Prioritization within the Upper Columbia River Basin. Proposed projects must also meet BPA’s responsibilities under the Columbia River System Operations (CRSO) BiOp and the Northwest Power Act; utilize the HIP BiOp for environmental compliance (or comply with associated technical criteria); and meet BPA's objectives as outlined in its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. BPA’s participation is executed through the F&W Habitat Program and administered through the area lead structure, the respective roles and responsibilities and the conditions within this contract.