All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
B: 119. Perform project management and administrative duties |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
USFS Environmental Compliance on Yakama Nation Fisheries Projects |
D: 165. FY22 USFS NEPA 2017-164 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Permit Level and Final Designs and Report for the Scaffold Camp Project Area |
F: 175. Scaffold Camp Design 2015-146 |
12/31/2022 |
Permit level Construction Plan for the Old Yeller Project Area of the Chewuch River |
H: 175. Chewuch Old Yeller (USFS) Designs 2019-208 |
12/31/2022 |
Conceptual Designs and Report for the Wolf Creek USFS Project |
J: 175. Wolf Creek USFS Conceptual Design 2021-213 |
12/31/2022 |
Confidential Water Rights Evaluation |
K: 154. Methow Basin EWD Instream Flow Project - Water Rights Assessment 2015-152 |
12/31/2022 |
Alternative Water Delivery Feasibility Assessment |
L: 175. Methow Basin EWD Instream Flow Project - Eng. Feasibility Assessment 2015-152 |
12/31/2022 |
Nason Creek N1 DOT Permit and Construction Level Designs |
M: 175. Nason Creek N1 DOT Design 2018-198 |
12/31/2022 |
Permit Level and Final Designs and Report for the Upper Nason Creek Project Area |
N: 175. Upper Nason Creek Design 2020-207 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Permit Level and Construction Level Restoration Plans for the Chiwawa River Outlet Project Area |
O: 175. Chiwawa Outlet Design 2019-205 |
12/31/2022 |
Conceptual and Permit Level Designs and Reports for the Lower Chiwawa USFS Project |
P: 175. Lower Chiwawa USFS Design 2021-214 |
12/31/2022 |
Lower Wenatchee Reach 3 Permitting and Final Construction Plans |
Q: 175. Lower Wenatchee River Reach 3 Design 2017-186 |
12/31/2022 |
Permit Level Designs for the Mad River (USFS) Project Area |
R: 175. Mad River USFS Design 2017-172 |
12/31/2022 |
Conceptual Designs and Report for the Mad River Outlet Project Area |
S: 175. Mad River Outlet Design 2021-215 |
12/31/2022 |
Construction Management Complete |
T: 100. Upper Twisp River and Tributaries Oversight (USFS Projects) 2016-162 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Large wood habitat elements added into 4.8 miles of Twisp River and Little Bridge Creek |
U: 29. Upper Twisp River and Tributaries Construction (USFS Projects) 2016-162 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Construction Management Complete |
V: 100. Twisp Horseshoe Phase 2 (USFS) Restoration Oversight 2010-39 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Large wood habitat elements added into 0.7 miles of Twisp River |
W: 29. Twisp Horseshoe Phase 2 (USFS) Restoration Construction 2010-39 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Construction Management Complete |
X: 100. Fawn Creek Project Oversight (Mainstem Large Wood) 2015-147 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Large wood habitat elements added into 1.15 miles of the Methow River |
Y: 29. Fawn Creek Project Construction (Mainstem Large Wood) 2015-147 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Construction Management Complete |
Z: 100. M2 Alder Creek Floodplain Oversight 2017-191 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Side Channel Restoration and Large Wood Habitat added into 0.5 miles of the Methow River. |
AA: 30. M2 Alder Creek Floodplain Construction 2017-191 |
12/31/2022 |
12/31/2022 |
Construction Management Complete |
AB: 100. Entiat Silver Falls Restoration Oversight 2019-210 |
12/31/2022 |
Confidential Water Rights Evaluation |
AD: 154. Entiat Basin MRO Instream Flow Project - Water Rights Consulting 2022-217 |
12/31/2022 |
Produce Conceptual Designs |
AE: 175. UC Site Evaluation and Conceptual Engineering Contract - 2010-58 |
12/31/2022 |
Wetland Surveys and Reports |
AF: 165. UC Wetland Delineation 2010-44 |
12/31/2022 |
Rare Plant Surveys and Report |
AG: 165. UC Rare Plant Surveys 2010-44 |
12/31/2022 |
Landowner Outreach completed |
AH: 191. CCD Landowner Outreach & Coordination - 2010-60 |
12/31/2022 |
Chelan NRD Support/Outreach for Wenatchee Habitat Projects |
AI: 191. Outreach Supporting Habitat Restoration Activities (Wenatchee) CCNRD 2012-98 |
12/31/2022 |
Conduct Appraisals |
AJ: 172. UC Appraisals 2018-197 |
12/31/2022 |
Produce Survey |
AK: 172. UC Professional Land Survey Contract 2015-128 |
12/31/2022 |
Produce Cultural Surveys |
AL: 165. UC Cultural Resource Contract 2014-118 |
12/31/2022 |
Provide Scientific Support for YN UCHRP Projects |
AM: 122. UC On-Call Scientific Support (Review and Recommendation) 2016-159 |
12/31/2022 |
Provide HAZ MAT Inspection |
AN: 165. UC On-Call Haz Mat Review 2016-158 |
12/31/2022 |
Engineering Support Services |
AO: 122. On-call Engineering Support Services 2009-17 |
12/31/2022 |
Post Implementation Monitoring of Habitat Projects |
AP: 115. UC Post Implementation Field Monitoring 2012-85 |
12/31/2022 |
Groundwater pump tests complete |
AQ: 208. Install Piezometer Wells and Conduct Groundwater Pump Tests 2010-37 |
12/31/2022 |
LWD Procurement and Hauling |
AR: 29. Large Wood Procurement - 2010-59 |
12/31/2022 |
Produce Native Plant Restoration and Soil Bio-Engineering Design, Materials, and Installation |
AS: 47. UC Native Plant Restoration and Soil Bio-Engineering - 2010-62 |
12/31/2022 |
Vegetation Maintenance |
AT: 198. Methow Subbasin Vegetation Maintenance - 2010-43 |
12/31/2022 |
Vegetation Maintenance |
AU: 198. Vegetation Maintenance Wenatchee & Entiat 2012-84 |
12/31/2022 |
On-Call Construction Services |
AV: 186. UC On-Call Construction Services 2012-82 |
12/31/2022 |
Inspect and repair wells |
AW: 208. UC On-Call Well Inspection and Repair 2016-156 |
12/31/2022 |