Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Trout Creek Watershed Restoration
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Deschutes 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
The Trout Creek Watershed Restoration Project’s primary goal is to improve the habitat (in-stream, riparian, and upland), providing a more resilient landscape to the effects of climate change, while increasing the carrying capacity for native salmonids in Trout Creek and its tributaries.  The species of focus are the ESA listed Middle Columbia River DPS Summer Steelhead and their counterpart, the interior redband trout.  Past and ongoing habitat restoration projects within the Trout Creek Watershed (funded by BPA and other sources), and the continued maintenance and monitoring of this work, along with the proposed habitat restoration to be completed in future years should return this population to a viable status, or even someday move the MCR DPS population to highly viable.

This project satisfies the goals listed in the Deschutes River Sub-basin Summary (Nelson, 2001), the Deschutes Subbasin Plan (2004) that addresses Trout Creek, the Trout Creek Watershed Assessment (2002), and the Middle Deschutes Watershed Council Watershed Restoration Action Plan (2015).  This project satisfies the objectives of the 2020 Habitat Improvement Project biological opinion, calling for protection and improvement of tributary habitat based on biological needs and prioritized actions.  This project also follows the habitat strategies and actions found in the Oregon Middle Columbia (Mid-C) Steelhead Recovery Plan (2016).  Following the 2021 ISRP review, the Trout Creek Basin Long-Range Action Plan & Restoration Accomplishments document continues to be updated by the Jefferson SWCD and ODFW.  This document can be found on the website.

The Jefferson SWCD has successfully implemented many large-scale projects in the past 25 years.  In this time, we have managed to restore function to more than 13.5 miles of stream channel & floodplain habitat, removed 24 seasonal irrigation barriers, and eliminated 3 passage barriers, opening an additional 8 miles of habitat to migrating adult steelhead.  Refer to the Trout Creek Basin Long Range Action Plan & Restoration Accomplishments for more detail on past accomplishments.  This has been implemented at an extremely low cost to the BPA.  We have been able to keep costs exceptionally low because of our in-house knowledge and experience.   With our working relationship with ODFW – Trout Creek Project, we have put high quality conservation on the ground at the lowest costs seen anywhere in the Columbia Basin.  Combined with our ability to secure funding from other sources to help offset costs from BPA, and our ability to perform the work “in-house” from start to finish, we have been an extremely efficient project since our inception, more than doubling funding received from BPA for habitat improvement in the Trout Creek Watershed.  The Trout Creek watershed covers 692.4 square miles, with 117 miles of stream currently available to summer steelhead, so there is still a great opportunity to continue improving the habitat well into the future.

Planned Projects:

All projects are designed to improve fish habitat, water quality and quantity in the Trout Creek basin.  Projects within the riparian zone that directly impact the stream will be conducted during the in-water work period (July 1 - October 31) as dictated by ODFW guidelines.  All projects will follow all pertinent state and federal law, regulations, and executive orders.    

Trout Creek Vegetation Improvement:
This project will plant native seed in designated riparian exclosures and disturbed upland areas throughout the Trout Creek Watershed.  Areas that have been freshly scoured with recent high-water events may be re-seeded with native seed mix.  Areas that have been treated for noxious weeds will be a priority for this work element. We will locate areas with exposed soil or little vegetation and broadcast native seed in those areas within the Trout Creek Watershed.  These sites may coincide with sites treated through the Trout Creek Noxious Weed Program.  Re-vegetating the disturbed ground will help stabilize the soil and reduce overall erosion and sediment entering the streams/waterways in the watershed.  

Trout Creek Noxious Weed Program:
Continue the noxious weed program for the Trout Creek Watershed for the 14th year, the 12th in conjunction with the Jefferson Co. Public Works and local licensed applicators, and now the 6th with the Jefferson County Weed Advisory Committee (JCWAC).  Collaborate with Public Works and JCWAC to provide them with herbicide to be used in the Trout Creek Watershed on "A" list weeds.  Collaborate with the County to provide them with herbicide to be used in the Trout Creek Watershed on "A" list weeds. The County will disperse herbicide to approved landowners and apply the chemical as well.  Coordinate with local licensed applicators that are spraying on private property in the Trout Creek Watershed to potentially provide herbicide for "A" list species.  The SWCD will continue to apply herbicide to known weed patches throughout the watershed.  The program will attempt to control noxious weed species that are found on the county's "A" list.  These include Scotch Thistle, Spotted Knapweed and Yellow Starthistle.  We will continue to monitor areas with known biological control on certain weed patches to determine if more biological control is necessary or if herbicide will need to be used.  Ensure the proper reporting from the SWCD and the County to provide accurate accounting of herbicide use to EC.

Future Project Design:
The JCSWCD will continue to collaborate with ODFW on project designs.  By the end of fiscal year 2024, we hope to have Auger/Opal Creek Culvert Replacement design complete and ready for permitting, with implementation scheduled for FY25.  We also plan to seek Technical Assistance funding for Lidar Imagery of Little Trout Creek.  This data will be crucial in the design of Phase 2 of the Little Trout Creek Habitat Improvement Project.  We are hopeful that is project will be fully designed, approved, funded and ready for implementation during the summer of 2026. We will continue to work in conjunction with the HIP Team throughout the design process on all projects to ensure the best possible product for the resource.  

Watershed Coordination:
The JCSWCD will continue to assist ODFW on their day-to-day operations when timing allows.  These activities include performing redd surveys, assisting with smolt trapping, operation of the video fish weir, and applying herbicides.  Along with the day-to-day operations, the JCSWCD will continue to assist ODFW in the implementation of the Foley Complex project.  Last fiscal year, we were able to reconnect Dutchman Creek to its historical channel location and confluence with Big Log Creek.  We also moved a failed concrete bridge from Lower Foley Creek to the new Dutchman crossing on the A-Y Road.  This fiscal year, we will continue with the project, reshaping the stream channel of Big Log and Foley Creeks, contouring the floodplain, and re-routing the A-Y Road to have no more stream crossing in that reach.  This will reduce the current number of fords from 4 to 0.

Habitat Restoration Project Development:
The Jefferson Co. Soil and Water Conservation District (JCSWCD) and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) have developed a collaborative approach to project prioritization, development, and implementation. JCSWCD and ODFW Project Managers have collaborated from start to finish on habitat restoration project development, funding, design, construction, and monitoring. The experience and unique skillsets of the JCSWCD and ODFW personnel minimizes the need for expensive outside contracting, engineering, and consulting. This coordination has worked well on past projects and has resulted in quality habitat restoration at a low cost to BPA. BPA funding has allowed for the establishment of a quality population monitoring program that has given insight to the population size, as well as revealing information that assists in the planning and development of current and future habitat restoration actions. Based on 51 years of combined experience and observation in the Trout Creek Watershed, the ODFW and JCSWCD Project Managers have gained the necessary knowledge and relationships with the landowners in the watershed. This information along with numerous planning documents and assessments has allowed us to prioritize stream reaches and upland habitats that provide the best restoration opportunities.  With the current funding level that BPA provides the JCSWCD, extensive on-the-ground habitat projects cannot be implemented without assistance from outside sources.  These sources include the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) and Portland General Electric (PGE).  Once a project is identified, pursuing these funding sources for grant funding is a painstaking, time-enduring exercise necessary to continue to improve habitat in the Trout Creek Watershed.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration A: 119. Manage & Administer Project 03/31/2025
Environmental Compliance Complete and Best Management Practices Implemented B: 165. Environmental Documentation for Project 03/31/2025
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: Upload to CBFish C: 114. Habitat Restoration Project Identification and Selection 03/31/2025
Technical Assistance Provided D: 122. Provide Technical Assistance & Input 03/31/2025
Coordinate with and assisted ODFW (Project #1994-042-00) E: 191. Watershed Coordination and Assistance with ODFW Project #1994-042-00 03/31/2025
Past channel realignment instream design work and floodplain shaping actions monitored F: 186. Habitat Maintenance - Maintain Instream and Floodplain Structures 03/31/2025
Managed Noxious Weeds with Herbicide and Biological Control G: 198. Trout Creek Noxious Weed Program 03/31/2025
Planted Native Seed in Upland Areas H: 47. Trout Creek Vegetation Improvement - Upland 03/31/2025
Planted Native Seed in Upland Areas I: 47. Trout Creek Vegetation Improvement - Riparian 03/31/2025
Produce Preliminary Design - LTCHIP2 J: 175. Little Trout Creek Habitat Improvement Project - Phase 2 - Preliminary Design 03/31/2025
Aquatic and floodplain complexity actions completed K: 29. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Install LWD 12/01/2024 12/23/2024
Completed channel construction L: 30. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Realign, connect, and/or create channel 12/01/2024 12/23/2024
Existing road decommissioned and new road constructed away from stream M: 33. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Relocate Road 12/01/2024 12/23/2024
Fish passage barrier removed N: 85. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Remove Passage Barrier 12/01/2024 12/23/2024
Floodplain enhanced through old road removal O: 180. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Enhance Floodplain 12/01/2024 12/23/2024
Riparian plantings installed P: 47. Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Plant Riparian Area 03/31/2025
Grant Funded Project Managed Q: 199. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Little Trout Creek 03/31/2025
HB3142 Funds Managed R: 199. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Drought Relief State Funding (HB3142) 03/31/2025
Grant Funded Project Managed S: 199. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Beaver Creek 03/31/2025 12/23/2024
Grant Funded Project Managed T: 47. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Upland Seeding - Beaver Creek 03/31/2025 12/23/2024
Grant Funded Project Managed U: 199. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Calf Gulch 03/31/2025
Project Managed V: 199. Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Solar Mitigation Project 03/31/2025
Completed Annual Report W: 132. Annual Report 4/1/23 - 3/31/24 01/01/2025

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 33 Decommission Road/Relocate Road
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 180 Enhance Floodplain/Remove, Modify, Breach Dike
  • 1 instance of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 5 instances of WE 199 Remove Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Manage & Administer Project
B 165 Environmental Documentation for Project
C 114 Habitat Restoration Project Identification and Selection
D 122 Provide Technical Assistance & Input
E 191 Watershed Coordination and Assistance with ODFW Project #1994-042-00
F 186 Habitat Maintenance - Maintain Instream and Floodplain Structures 02/13/2024
G 198 Trout Creek Noxious Weed Program 04/11/2024
H 47 Trout Creek Vegetation Improvement - Upland 02/13/2024
I 47 Trout Creek Vegetation Improvement - Riparian 02/13/2024
J 175 Little Trout Creek Habitat Improvement Project - Phase 2 - Preliminary Design 02/13/2024
K 29 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Install LWD 02/13/2024
L 30 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Realign, connect, and/or create channel 02/13/2024
M 33 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Relocate Road 02/13/2024
N 85 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Remove Passage Barrier 02/13/2024
O 180 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Enhance Floodplain 02/13/2024
P 47 Foley Creek Passage and Habitat Improvement Project - Plant Riparian Area 02/13/2024
Q 199 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Little Trout Creek 02/13/2024
R 199 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Drought Relief State Funding (HB3142) 02/13/2024
S 199 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Beaver Creek 02/13/2024
T 47 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Upland Seeding - Beaver Creek 02/13/2024
U 199 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Calf Gulch 02/13/2024
V 199 Construction Management for Non-BPA Funded Juniper Removal - Solar Mitigation Project 02/13/2024
W 132 Annual Report 4/1/23 - 3/31/24
X 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA