Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
B: 119. Manage Project 2024-2025 |
07/31/2025 |
Environmental Compliance Complete |
C: 165. Environmental Compliance for Data Collection Activities 2024-2025 |
07/31/2025 |
Draft and Submit NWPCC Resident Fish Review Response to ISRP |
D: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
07/31/2025 |
Complete NWPCC Anadromous Fish Review Proposal and ISRP Response Review Process |
E: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
07/31/2025 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
F: 157. FC: Record PIT-tagged fish in the Deschutes River at the mouth and Sherars Falls antenna arrays |
07/31/2025 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
G: 157. FC: Assist ODFW recording data on fall Chinook at Sherars Falls |
07/31/2025 |
Assist with MR Estimate |
H: 158. FC: Assist ODFW with handling fall Chinook at Sherars Falls trap and tagging |
07/31/2025 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
I: 157. FC: Conduct fall Chinook carcass survey upstream of Sherars Falls |
07/31/2025 |
Operated WSR RST's during Spring and Fall Out-Migration Periods. |
J: 157. NP: Estimate Outmigrant Steelhead & Spring Chinook in Warm Springs River Sub-basin |
07/31/2025 |
PIT Tag up to 4,000 Juvenile Spring Chinook Salmon at WSR RST's |
K: 158. NP: PIT Tag Spring Chinook Salmon at Warm Springs River Rotary Screw Traps |
06/20/2025 |
PIT Tag up to 2,000 Juvenile Steelhead at WSR RST's |
L: 158. NP: PIT Tag Steelhead at Warm Springs River Rotary Screw Traps |
06/20/2025 |
Analyze Juvenile Outmigration Data |
M: 162. NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Juvenile Outmigration Data |
07/31/2025 |
Record and Upload PIT Tag Detections at Antenna Sites WSR and SHK |
N: 157. NP: Record and Upload Steelhead & Spring Chinook Salmon PIT Tag Detections at Arrays Located at the Mouths of Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek |
07/31/2025 |
Analyze PIT Tag Detection Data |
O: 162. NP: Manage Data From PIT Tag Arrays in Warm Springs River Sub-Basin and Summarize Detections by Species |
07/31/2025 |
Collect juvenile and Adult Genetic Samples from Various Locations |
P: 157. NP: Collect Tissue Samples From adult and juvenile Chinook Salmon and Steelhead in the Warm Springs River |
07/31/2025 |
Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts on Index and Rotating Panel Reaches in Reservation Streams. |
Q: 157. NP: Conduct Steelhead Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches |
07/31/2025 |
Conduct Spring Chinook Redd Counts in Reservation Streams |
R: 157. NP: Conduct Spring Chinook Salmon Redd Counts in Index and Rotating Panel Reaches |
07/31/2025 |
Analyze and Report Adult Spring Chinook and Steelhead Escapement and Redd Count Data |
S: 162. NP: Analyze Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Spawning Escapement and Redd Count Data |
07/31/2025 |
Conduct Fine Sediment Study. |
T: 157. NP: Monitor Spring Chinook Salmon Redds for Sedimentation |
07/31/2025 |
Analyze and Interpret Sediment Monitoring Data. |
U: 162. NP: Analyze and Interpret Redd Sedimentation Monitoring Data |
07/31/2025 |
PIT Tag Adult Spring Chinook |
V: 158. NP: Capture and Tag Wild Adult Spring Chinook Salmon in the Warm Springs River |
07/31/2025 |
Implant PIT Tags Into Wild Adult Summer Steelhead. |
W: 158. NP: Capture and Tag Wild Summer Steelhead in the Warm Springs River |
07/31/2025 |
Monitor PIT Antenna Location Data for Movement of Summer Steelhead. |
X: 157. NP: Determine Migration Patterns and Spawning Locations for Adult Summer Steelhead |
07/31/2025 |
PIT Tag Bull Trout in the WSR & SC. |
Y: 158. BT: PIT Tag Bull Trout in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek |
06/20/2025 |
Bull Trout PIT Tag Detection Data. |
Z: 157. BT: Record Lower Deschutes River Subbasin Movement Data from PIT Arrays |
07/31/2025 |
Analysis and Summary of Bull Trout Movement Data from PIT Arrays. |
AA: 162. BT: Analyze Movement Data from Lower Deschutes River Subbasin PIT Arrays |
07/31/2025 |
Record and Manage Stream Temperature Data |
AB: 157. BT: Water Temperature/Quality Monitoring in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins |
07/31/2025 |
Summarized Daily Water Temperature Data Set and Metadata. |
AC: 162. BT: Analysis of Water Temperature/Quality Data in Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek Basins |
07/31/2025 |
Counts of Juvenile Bull Trout & Habitat Data in WSR and SC Index Reaches. |
AD: 157. BT: Monitor Juvenile Bull Trout Abundance In Index Reaches in WSR and SC |
07/31/2025 |
Conduct Counts of Bull Trout Redds in Index Reaches. |
AE: 157. BT: Conduct Spawning Ground Surveys in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck. and Whitewater R. |
07/31/2025 |
Bull Trout Redd Count Data Summary by Index Reach and Stream. |
AF: 162. BT: Analysis of Bull Trout Redd Counts in Index Reaches in WSR, SC, Jefferson Ck., and Whitewater |
07/31/2025 |
Completed Progress (Annual) Report |
AG: 132. Submit Progress Report for the Period (5/1/2023) to (6/30/2024) |
07/31/2025 |
Completed Progress (Annual) Report |
AH: 132. Submit Natural Production (2008-311) Progress Report for the period (2019) to (2022) |
07/31/2025 |
Completed Progress (Annual) Report |
AI: 132. Submit Fall Chinook (2008-306) Progress Report for the period (2019) to (2022) |
07/31/2025 |
Completed Progress (Annual) Report |
AJ: 132. Submit Bull Trout (2007-157) Progress Report for the period (2020) to (2022) |
07/31/2025 |