Title | Link |
CHaMPmonitoring.org | http://champmonitoring.org/ |
This page provides details of the selected work element.
SOWRevision | Planned | Updated | Contractor Comments (optional) | BPA Comments (optional) |
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) | $26,000 | $26,000 |
Sort | Type | Title | Start | End | Status | Modified By | Modified Date |
A | EC | Environmental compliance requirements complete | 2/1/2015 | 6/1/2015 | Concluded | Evelyn Galloway (Inactive) | 11/17/2014 1:19:00 PM |
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff (completion can be based on pre-existing environmental documentation from BPA). | |||||||
B | PUBPROTOCOL | Review, revise, and Publish protocol, study design, and methods in monitoringmethods.org | 2/1/2015 | 8/31/2015 | Concluded | Evelyn Galloway (Inactive) | 11/17/2014 1:19:00 PM |
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at monitoringmethods.org and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through monitoringmethods.org), preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract. | |||||||
C | BackUp | Secure data back-up | 7/1/2015 | 10/31/2015 | Concluded | Evelyn Galloway (Inactive) | 11/17/2014 1:19:01 PM |
Description: Minimum requirements: Hard copies of field sheets and original dataloggers secured against fire and flood. At least daily data back-up of electronic data on a separate hard drive. Secure cloud-based or off-site location data back-up to preclude catastrophic data loss at least weekly. More frequent cloud/off-site back-up is greatly encouraged. [Timing guidance: from beginning to end of contract] | |||||||
D | Upload | Yearly upload of error-checked datasets | 7/1/2015 | 12/31/2015 | Concluded | Evelyn Galloway (Inactive) | 11/17/2014 1:19:01 PM |
Description: Upload datasets with associated metadata to a publicly accessible site each year as soon as they have been QA/QC checked. This generally happens within 6 months for direct field-to-database input, but may be longer if laboratory analysis is required (e.g., scale reading or genetic analyses). If data is not QA/QCed within 1 year, data must be made accessible with acknowledgement of QA/QC limitations. Periods for dataset collection should be no longer than a year, and coincide with the logical biology of the data collection, which may not be on a calendar year. Example of a dataset: redd counts for one species for one season for a particular brood year. Dataset upload requirements apply to both original and derived data, which should be at a level of quality suitable for release to resource co-managers to make decisions – not the rigor required as if you were going to use the data for a peer-reviewed publication. | |||||||
E | DELIV | macro invertebrate sample collections | 11/1/2015 | Concluded | Evelyn Galloway (Inactive) | 11/20/2014 10:21:51 AM | |
Description: will collect samples and then send off to analyzing by another agency for reporting purposes. we will not be responsible for processing fees for analyzing fees for the AEM sites. |
Metric | Planned | Actual | Contractor Comments | Measures | HLIs |
1464. Primary R, M, and E Focal Strategy [Population Status, Hydrosystem, Tributary Habitat, Estuary/Ocean, Harvest, Hatchery, Predation, Multiple Strategies] | Tributary Habitat | Tributary Habitat | |||
1472. Primary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Status and Trend Monitoring | Status and Trend Monitoring |
Work Site ID | Latitude | Longitude | State | County | Province | Subbasin |
87852 | 44.269788 | -114.734344 | Idaho | Custer | Mountain Snake | Salmon |
Title | Link |
CHaMPmonitoring.org | http://champmonitoring.org/ |
Study Plan Name | Study Plan Owner | Protocol State | Sample Design Name |
Action Effectiveness Monitoring Benthic MacroInvertebrates Targeted Riffle Sample for Support of Floodplain Action Effectiveness Monitoring v1.0 v1.0 | Jennifer O'Neal | Finalized | Collect macroinvertebrate at CHaMP sites - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes v1.0 |
ID | Name | Type | Optional | Customized Based On | Status |
89 | Benthic Macroinvertebrates v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
Title | Category | Subcategory | Subcategory focus 1 | Subcategory focus 2 |
GPS Coordinates | Other | Location (ID: 218) | NA | NA |
Sample Date | Time | Date (ID: 116) | NA | NA |