Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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F: 157 - 21.6 Macroinvertebrate Analysis
Invertebrate sampling collects invertebrates from habitats where they may be vulnerable to salmonids as a food resource. ISEMP research has shown direct relationships between salmonid food consumption, growth rates and invertebrate samples. Invertebrate samples are collected at the site level under the CHaMP protocol. Samples from each participating CHAMP watershed are to be shipped to an invertebrate processing lab for identification and sorting according to a non-standard protocol provided by CHaMP. A single invertebrate processing lab was chosen to sort and process the samples to maintain standardization and consistency across watersheds. Terraqua will subcontract with Rhithron Associates, Inc. of Missoula, MT for processing and identification of up to a total of 323 macroinvertebrate samples collected by CHaMP in the 13 watersheds implemented in 2016: Lower Mainstem JD, North Fork JD, Upper Mainstem JD, Middle Fork JD, South Fork JD, Upper Grande Ronde, Catherine Ck, Tucannon, SF Salmon, Lemhi, Wenatchee, Entiat, and Methow,
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Rhithron Associates will process up to 323 invertebrate samples from 13 watersheds in 2016. Delivery of samples will be staggered throughout the field season to enable processing of all the samples by November 1, 2016. Processing of CHaMP stream macroinvertebrate drift samples will require the following procedures:

1. Sample sorting – Separation of organisms from accompanying organic and inorganic materials retained by drift nets during sample collection. These drift samples will generally have a total volume of material that is under 500 ml, and contain between 50 and 500 organisms.

2. Identification and size-class determination – Macroinvertebrates in drift samples will be categorized according to environment (terrestrial or aquatic), life-stage (pupa, larva, adult) and identified to a coarse taxonomic level (usually family). In addition, macroinvertebrates will be binned into size-classes based on their total body length.

3. Biomass determination – The biomass (mg dry weight) of sample partitions will be measured after being placed in a drying oven until samples have reached a constant weight.

4. Protocol documentation – Assist CHaMP collaborators in development of a macroinvertebrate drift sample processing protocol that documents each aspect of laboratory processing procedures.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $79,943 $79,870

8 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A EC Environmental compliance requirements complete 2/15/2016 3/31/2016 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:09 AM
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff (completion can be based on pre-existing environmental documentation from BPA).
B PUBPROTOCOL Review, revise, and Publish protocol, study design, and methods in 2/15/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:09 AM
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through, preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract.
C BackUp Secure data back-up 2/15/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:09 AM
Description: Minimum requirements: Hard copies of field sheets and original dataloggers secured against fire and flood. At least daily data back-up of electronic data on a separate hard drive. Secure cloud-based or off-site location data back-up to preclude catastrophic data loss at least weekly. More frequent cloud/off-site back-up is greatly encouraged. [Timing guidance: from beginning to end of contract]
D Upload Yearly upload of error-checked datasets 6/1/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:09 AM
Description: Upload datasets with associated metadata to a publicly accessible site each year as soon as they have been QA/QC checked. This generally happens within 6 months for direct field-to-database input, but may be longer if laboratory analysis is required (e.g., scale reading or genetic analyses). If data is not QA/QCed within 1 year, data must be made accessible with acknowledgement of QA/QC limitations. Periods for dataset collection should be no longer than a year, and coincide with the logical biology of the data collection, which may not be on a calendar year. Example of a dataset: redd counts for one species for one season for a particular brood year. Dataset upload requirements apply to both original and derived data, which should be at a level of quality suitable for release to resource co-managers to make decisions – not the rigor required as if you were going to use the data for a peer-reviewed publication.
E Process macroinvertebrate samples according to CHaMP protocol 6/1/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:10 AM
Description: Macroinvertebrate samples will be collected from participating CHaMP watersheds on a regular basis throughout the field season, either weekly, monthly or bi-monthly, to ensure that all samples are analyzed and the data submitted to the CHaMP website by November 1, 2016. Processing of CHaMP stream macroinvertberate samples will require the following procedures. Sample sorting – Separation of organisms from accompanying organic and inorganic materials retained by nets during sample collection. These samples will generally have a total volume of material that is under 500 ml, and contain between 50 and 500 organisms. Identification and size-class determination – Macroinvertebrates in samples will be categorized according to environment (terrestrial or aquatic), life-stage (pupa, larva, adult) and identified to a coarse taxonomic level (usually family). In addition, macroinvertebrates will be binned into size-classes based on their total body length. Biomass determination – The biomass (mg dry weight) of sample partitions will be measured after being placed in a drying oven until samples have reached a constant weight. (by Terrestrial, Aquatic Adults, Other Aquatics)
F Data Entry 6/1/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:10 AM
Description: The contractor will be responsible for data entry and quality assurance. This work should be completed using aquatic invertebrate database applications built and maintained by the macro-invertebrate processing contractor. These applications must maintain taxonomic look-up tables, project and sample metadata, invertebrate count data recorded by taxon and size class, and biomass measurements. The database applications should support quality control procedures that ensure accurate data entry and quality assurance procedures to support review of completed data sets.
G Data delivery 6/1/2016 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 11/12/2015 9:48:10 AM
Description: Data will be delivered to the CHaMP project in an agreed upon data exchange format. The exchange format will include four files of comma separated values (csv). The four files are: • Taxonomic.csv – metadata table that defines taxonomic codes including IT IS serial number, taxonomic hierarchy (phylum to species), lifestage, and any available information on functional feeding groups, habitat niche, or environmental tolerances. • Sample.csv – metadata table that describes the processed sample including site id, sample date and time, replicate number, sample jar, sorting technician, sorting time, and portion of sample sorted. • TaxonBySizeClassCount.csv – count data resulting from sample sorting. Data must include sample identifier, taxonomic identifier, size class, and observed count. • SampleBiomass.csv. – dry weight biomass of drift sample. Data must include sample identifier, taxonomic identifier, tare weight, and measured dry weight. Contractor will coordinate with CHaMP data manager to refine formats of the four csv files after sorting and biomass procedures are finalized. Data will be delivered on a monthly basis for all samples processed during the previous month. Data files will be uploaded to a folder on a cloud file server maintained by CHaMP. Appropriate permissions to the file server will be setup and maintained by the CHaMP data manager.
H DELIV Processed macroinvertebrate samples 2/14/2017 Concluded Pamela Nelle 12/21/2015 12:43:55 PM
Description: Rhithron Associates will process up to 323 invertebrate samples from 13 watersheds in 2016. Delivery of samples will be staggered throughout the field season to enable processing of all the samples by November 1, 2016. Processing of CHaMP stream macroinvertebrate drift samples will require the following procedures: 1. Sample sorting – Separation of organisms from accompanying organic and inorganic materials retained by drift nets during sample collection. These drift samples will generally have a total volume of material that is under 500 ml, and contain between 50 and 500 organisms. 2. Identification and size-class determination – Macroinvertebrates in drift samples will be categorized according to environment (terrestrial or aquatic), life-stage (pupa, larva, adult) and identified to a coarse taxonomic level (usually family). In addition, macroinvertebrates will be binned into size-classes based on their total body length. 3. Biomass determination – The biomass (mg dry weight) of sample partitions will be measured after being placed in a drying oven until samples have reached a constant weight. 4. Protocol documentation – Assist CHaMP collaborators in development of a macroinvertebrate drift sample processing protocol that documents each aspect of laboratory processing procedures.

Work Site ID Latitude Longitude State County Province Subbasin
34385 44.923974 -119.468079 Oregon Grant Columbia Plateau John Day
34386 45.090975 -120.437622 Oregon Gilliam Columbia Plateau John Day
34387 44.543505 -119.73175 Oregon Wheeler Columbia Plateau John Day
34388 44.72332 -118.954468 Oregon Grant Columbia Plateau John Day
34389 44.130971 -119.432373 Oregon Grant Columbia Plateau John Day
34390 45.151053 -117.743225 Oregon Union Blue Mountain Grande Ronde
34391 44.995883 -115.598145 Idaho Valley Mountain Snake Salmon
74477 46.435896 -117.59314 Washington Garfield Columbia Plateau Tucannon
76035 45.352397 -118.047699 Oregon Union Blue Mountain Grande Ronde
90739 47.76688 -120.72725 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90742 47.52613 -120.6232 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90745 47.68823 -120.74375 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90748 47.79174 -120.64077 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90751 47.76753 -120.77792 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90754 47.99038 -120.81187 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90757 47.91011 -120.89676 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90760 47.388895 -120.60502 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90763 47.38512 -120.49318 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90766 47.62708 -120.64443 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90769 47.38325 -120.49123 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90772 47.834152 -120.830906 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90775 47.55757 -120.575 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90778 47.91097 -120.73995 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90781 47.79343 -120.63677 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90784 47.51795 -120.62517 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90787 47.900881 -120.727487 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90790 47.813444 -120.703693 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90793 47.91633 -120.74689 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90796 47.77932 -120.88418 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90799 47.95682 -120.78031 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90802 47.62656 -120.638121 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90805 47.40415 -120.65787 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90808 47.668486 -120.643674 Washington Chelan Columbia Cascade Wenatchee
90811 48.387147 -120.051478 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90814 48.1984 -120.112061 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90817 48.33676 -120.053208 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90820 48.60105 -120.434623 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90823 48.346501 -120.080671 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90826 48.261939 -120.106185 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90829 48.706882 -120.123713 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90832 48.578807 -120.156463 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90835 48.449648 -120.552797 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90838 48.17932 -120.120277 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90841 48.258222 -120.179467 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90844 48.594689 -120.450603 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90847 48.375754 -120.212479 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90850 48.366636 -120.135251 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90853 48.065812 -119.94923 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90856 48.238778 -120.109751 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90859 48.507375 -120.186532 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90862 48.545778 -120.326082 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90865 48.674949 -120.132268 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90868 48.400939 -120.470083 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90871 48.621863 -120.456356 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90874 48.47961 -120.266846 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow
90877 48.176799 -120.121772 Washington Okanogan Columbia Cascade Methow

Primary Focal Species:
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU; Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened); Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Upper Columbia River Spring ESU (Endangered); Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened); Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened); Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Upper Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
Secondary Focal Species:

Title Link
Study Plan Name Study Plan Owner Protocol State Sample Design Name
Basin Creek Utah Scientific Protocol for Salmonid Habitat Surveys within the Columbia Habitat Monitoring Program (CHaMP) v1.0 v1.0 Nathaniel Hough-Snee Finalized 16.6 Macroinvertebrate Analysis - Terraqua, Inc. v1.0

ID Name Type Optional Customized Based On Status
4072 Air Temperature Sensor Installation v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
833 Channel Class v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
870 Channel Unit Large Wood Volume Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
4058 Channel Unit Supplemental Data v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
887 Drift Biomass Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
866 Fastwater Cobble Embeddedness Calculations v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1240 Large Wood Frequency v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
872 Large Wood Volume Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
839 Ocular Channel Unit Substrate Composition v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
878 Percent Big Tree Cover v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
873 Percent Fish Cover Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
868 Pool Tail Fines: Particles <2mm and <6mm v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1262 RBT - Bankfull Area Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1268 RBT - Bankfull Site Length Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1273 RBT - Bankfull Width Profile Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1275 RBT - Bankfull Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1258 RBT - Channel Unit Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1266 RBT - Integrated Bankfull Width Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1264 RBT - Integrated Wetted Width Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1257 RBT - Site Gradient Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1265 RBT - Site Sinuosity Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1271 RBT - Thalweg Depth Profile Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1269 RBT - Thalweg Site Length Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1261 RBT - Wetted Area Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1267 RBT - Wetted Site Length Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1263 RBT - Wetted Volume Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1276 RBT - Wetted Width Profile Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1278 RBT - Wetted Width To Depth Ratio Profile Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
835 Setting Up Topographic Survey v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
853 Site Discharge Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
842 Site Map v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
874 Site Measurement of Alkalinity Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
1248 Site Measurement of Conductivity Calculation v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
847 Stream Discharge v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
4142 Stream Temperature Logger Calculations v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
867 Substrate Composition Calculations (Boulder, Cobbles, Gravel, Sand and Fines) v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
848 Water Chemistry - Conductivity and Alkalinity v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized

Title Category Subcategory Subcategory focus 1 Subcategory focus 2
Channel Area Type - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute Habitat Type (ID: 192) NA NA
Tier1 - Channel Unit Summary Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute Habitat Type (ID: 192) NA NA
Tier1 - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute Habitat Type (ID: 192) NA NA
Tier2 - Channel Unit Summary Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute Habitat Type (ID: 192) NA NA
Tier2 - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Classification of Ecological or Geological Attribute Habitat Type (ID: 192) NA NA
Site Discharge Hydrology/Water Quantity Flow (ID: 104) NA NA
Area - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Area - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Area - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Count - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Count - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Volume - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Volume - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Volume - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Slow/Pool Count Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Slow/Pool Percent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Fast-Turbulent Count Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Area Landscape Form & Geomorphology Abundance of Habitat Types (ID: 15) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Average Depth Thalweg Exit Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Average Depth Thalweg Exit - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Average Max Depth - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Average Max Depth - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Average Residual Depth Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Average Residual Depth - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Centerline Depth Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Centerline Depth Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Depth Thalweg Exit - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Max Depth - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Residual Depth - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Thalweg Depth Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Water Depth StdDev Landscape Form & Geomorphology Depth: Bathymetry (ID: 17) NA NA
Slow/Pool Average Residual Depth Landscape Form & Geomorphology Composition/Structure of Habitat Types (ID: 19) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Slow/Pool Volume Landscape Form & Geomorphology Composition/Structure of Habitat Types (ID: 19) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Fast-Turbulent Volume Landscape Form & Geomorphology Composition/Structure of Habitat Types (ID: 19) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Volume Landscape Form & Geomorphology Composition/Structure of Habitat Types (ID: 19) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Frequency - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Frequency - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Percent - Channel Unit Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Percent - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Percent - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Slow/Pool Area Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Slow/Pool Frequency Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Fast-Turbulent Area Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-Turbulent Frequency Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-Turbulent Percent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Count Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Frequency Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Percent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Habitat Type (ID: 21) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Sinuosity Via Centerline Landscape Form & Geomorphology Edge/Density/Sinuosity (ID: 29) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Sinuosity Landscape Form & Geomorphology Edge/Density/Sinuosity (ID: 29) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Standard Deviation of the Detrended DEM Landscape Form & Geomorphology Elevation (ID: 30) NA NA
Site Water Surface Gradient Landscape Form & Geomorphology Gradient (ID: 32) NA NA
Thalweg Depth Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Gradient (ID: 32) NA NA
Water Surface Gradient Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Gradient (ID: 32) NA NA
Water Surface Gradient Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Gradient (ID: 32) NA NA
Bankfull Volume Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Bankfull Area Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Length Bankfull Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Length Thalweg Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Length Wetted Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Site Wetted Area Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Thalweg to Centerline Length Ratio Landscape Form & Geomorphology Length/Width/Area (ID: 36) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Artificial Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Artificial - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition LWD Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition LWD - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition None Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition None - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Total Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Total - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Undercut Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Undercut - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Vegetation Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Fish Cover Composition Vegetation - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Species Cover (ID: 39) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Bankfull WidthToDepth Ratio Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width to Depth Ratio (ID: 43) NA NA
Bankfull WidthToDepth Ratio Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width to Depth Ratio (ID: 43) NA NA
Wetted WidthToDepth Ratio Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width to Depth Ratio (ID: 43) NA NA
Wetted WidthToDepth Ratio Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width to Depth Ratio (ID: 43) NA NA
Bankfull Width Constriction Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Bankfull (ID: 44) NA NA
Bankfull Width Constriction Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Bankfull (ID: 44) NA NA
Bankfull Width Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Bankfull (ID: 44) NA NA
Bankfull Width Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Bankfull (ID: 44) NA NA
Integrated Bankfull Width Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Bankfull (ID: 44) NA NA
Integrated Wetted Width Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Wetted (ID: 45) NA NA
Wetted Width Constriction Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Wetted (ID: 45) NA NA
Wetted Width Constriction Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Wetted (ID: 45) NA NA
Wetted Width Profile Filtered CV Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Wetted (ID: 45) NA NA
Wetted Width Profile Filtered Mean Landscape Form & Geomorphology Width: Wetted (ID: 45) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Volume by Site Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Volume by Tier1 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Volume in Fast-NonTurbulent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Volume in Fast-Turbulent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Volume in Slow/Pools Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Volume by Site Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Volume by Tier1 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Volume in Fast-NonTurbulent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Volume in Fast-Turbulent Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Volume in Slow/Pools Landscape Form & Geomorphology Size: Wood Structure (ID: 195) NA NA
Bankfull Large Wood Frequency per 100m Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Instream Wood (ID: 374) NA NA
Wetted Large Wood Frequency per 100m Landscape Form & Geomorphology Density of Instream Wood (ID: 374) NA NA
Spacing - Channel Unit Summary Tier 2 Landscape Form & Geomorphology Distribution of Habitat Type (ID: 440) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Spacing - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Landscape Form & Geomorphology Distribution of Habitat Type (ID: 440) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Slow/Pool Spacing Landscape Form & Geomorphology Distribution of Habitat Type (ID: 440) Habitat Type: Channel: Pools NA
Fast-Turbulent Spacing Landscape Form & Geomorphology Distribution of Habitat Type (ID: 440) Habitat Type: Channel: Riffles NA
Fast-NonTurbulent Spacing Landscape Form & Geomorphology Distribution of Habitat Type (ID: 440) Habitat Type: Channel: Runs/Glides NA
Average Summer Solar Access Light Light Concentration (ID: 110) NA NA
Canopy No Cover Light Light Concentration (ID: 110) NA NA
Groundcover No Cover Light Light Concentration (ID: 110) NA NA
Understory No Cover Light Light Concentration (ID: 110) NA NA
Drift Biomass Density Macroinvertebrates Drift Density (ID: 244) Habitat Type: Channels NA
Change Detection Results Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Channel Unit Number - Channel Unit Summary Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Channel UnitID - Channel Unit Summary Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Geo Database Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Log File Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Results File Other Not Applicable (ID: 243) NA NA
Area of Deposition By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Deposition By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Deposition By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Deposition By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Deposition For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Deposition For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Net Volume of Difference For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Percent Deposition For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Fast Non-Turbulent T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Fast Non-Turbulent T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Fast Turbulent T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Fast Turbulent T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Slow/Pools T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Deposition For Slow/Pools T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Volume of Difference For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Accretion Rates/ Aggradation (ID: 129) NA NA
Area of Erosion By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Area of Erosion By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Area of Erosion By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Area of Erosion By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Area of Erosion For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Area of Erosion For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Percent Erosion For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion By Channel Area T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion By Channel Area T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion By Tier 1 T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion By Tier 1 T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Fast Non-Turbulent T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Fast Non-Turbulent T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Fast Turbulent T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Fast Turbulent T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Site T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Site T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Slow/Pools T-1 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Volume of Erosion For Slow/Pools T0 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Bed Scour/Erosion Rate (ID: 131) NA NA
Boulder and Cobbles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Boulder and Cobbles - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Boulders Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Boulders - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Coarse and Fine Gravel Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Coarse and Fine Gravel - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Cobbles Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Cobbles - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
D16 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
D50 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
D84 Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Particles Less Than 2mm Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Particles Less Than 6mm Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Sand and Fines Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Sand and Fines - Channel Unit Tier 1 Summary Sediment/Substrate/Soils Composition: Substrate/Soil-Dominant Size (ID: 132) NA NA
Avg Fast Water Cobble Embeddedness Sediment/Substrate/Soils Embeddedness (ID: 135) NA NA
Std Deviation of Fast Water Cobble Embeddedness Sediment/Substrate/Soils Embeddedness (ID: 135) NA NA
Big Tree Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Coniferous Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Ground Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Non-Woody Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Understory Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Woody Cover Vegetation/Plants Composition: Vegetative Species Assemblage (ID: 149) NA NA
Conductivity Water Quality Conductivity (ID: 154) NA NA
Alkalinity Water Quality Alkalinity (ID: 242) Habitat Type: Channels NA