Title | Link |
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Data Repository | http://gisctws.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html |
This page provides details of the selected work element.
SOWRevision | Planned | Updated | Contractor Comments (optional) | BPA Comments (optional) |
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) | $25,000 | $0 |
Sort | Type | Title | Start | End | Status | Modified By | Modified Date |
A | EC | Environmental compliance requirements complete | 10/1/2020 | 10/1/2020 | Concluded | Deborah Docherty (Inactive) | 9/2/2020 4:22:31 PM |
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff. | |||||||
B | PUBPROTOCOL | Review, revise, and publish Protocol and Methods in MonitoringResources.org | 10/1/2020 | 9/30/2021 | Concluded | Deborah Docherty (Inactive) | 9/2/2020 4:22:31 PM |
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at MonitoringResources.org and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through MonitoringResources.org), preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract. | |||||||
C | BackUp | Secure data back-up | 10/1/2020 | 9/30/2021 | Concluded | Deborah Docherty (Inactive) | 9/2/2020 4:22:31 PM |
Description: Minimum requirements: Hard copies of field sheets and original dataloggers secured against fire and flood. At least daily data back-up of electronic data on a separate hard drive. Secure cloud-based or off-site location data back-up to preclude catastrophic data loss at least weekly. More frequent cloud/off-site back-up is greatly encouraged. [Timing guidance: from beginning to end of contract] | |||||||
D | Survey Hood River and tributaries for larval lamprey presence/absence and end of distribution | 10/1/2020 | 9/30/2021 | Concluded | Deborah Docherty (Inactive) | 9/2/2020 4:22:31 PM | |
Description: Tributaries of Hood River will be surveyed for presence/absence of larval lamprey by using a backpack electrofisher specifically designed for sampling larval lamprey without harm. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service protocol for occupancy sampling will be used (Wang and Schaller 2014). Five randomly selected 50m segments in each tributary or area of interest (e.g., near the last known distribution) will be sampled for presence/absence. Segments will be geo-referenced and presence will be documented with a GPS coordinate. Wang, C., and H. Schaller. 2014. Lamprey Occupancy Workshop. October 27 - 28, 2014, Tualatin National Wildlife Refuge. | |||||||
E | DELIV | Determine current end of distribution for Pacific lamprey within the Hood River Subbasin | 9/30/2021 | Concluded | Deborah Docherty (Inactive) | 9/2/2020 4:22:31 PM | |
Description: End of distribution of larval lamprey and presence/absence in Hood River Subbasin will be documented for mapping and reporting. |
Metric | Planned | Actual | Contractor Comments | Measures | HLIs |
1464. Primary R, M, and E Focal Strategy [Population Status, Hydrosystem, Tributary Habitat, Estuary/Ocean, Harvest, Hatchery, Predation, Multiple Strategies] | Population Status | Population Status | |||
1472. Primary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Status and Trend Monitoring | Status and Trend Monitoring |
Work Site ID | Latitude | Longitude | State | County | Province | Subbasin |
88909 | 45.6555107 | -121.569358 | Oregon | Hood River | Columbia Gorge | Hood |
Title | Link |
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Data Repository | http://gisctws.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html |
Study Plan Name | Study Plan Owner | Protocol State | Sample Design Name |
CTWS RM&E - Pacific Lamprey Larval Lamprey Surveys v1.0 | Lyman Jim | Draft | HR: Document presence/absence and end of distribution of lamprey in Hood River Subbasin - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs v1.0 |