Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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U: 157 - FM: Collect larval lamprey density data within Fifteenmile and Eightmile creeks
Larval lamprey density data will be collected from Fifteenmile and Eightmile creeks at both established and newly accessed sites. Fifteenmile Creek supports a robust number of returning adult Pacific lamprey and is a traditional harvest location for Tribal members. Fifteenmile Creek is also the subject of several habitat restoration and/or irrigation mitigation projects that have occurred and are in the planning process for future implementation. Surveys will be conducted following established protocols. Each survey site will consist of 5 separate 3/4 meter square locations. Surveys will consist of five shocking passes at each location. Lamprey from each pass will be kept separate, measured for length, and a subsample will have a genetic sample taken. After the survey is complete, lamprey will be returned to their capture location. Additional habitat measurements will be taken that are specific to each survey location. Data including water velocity, turbidity, sediment depth, wind speed, and others will be recorded and used in the equations needed to determine site densities.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Data on larval lamprey density at numerous established and newly accessed sites within Fifteenmile and Eightmile creeks will be collected and stored within a CTWS database.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $10,000 $10,000

4 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A EC Environmental compliance requirements complete 10/1/2020 10/1/2020 Concluded Deborah Docherty (Inactive) 9/2/2020 4:30:20 PM
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff.
B PUBPROTOCOL Review, revise, and publish Protocol and Methods in 10/1/2020 9/30/2021 Concluded Deborah Docherty (Inactive) 9/2/2020 4:30:20 PM
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through, preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract.
C BackUp Secure data back-up 10/1/2020 9/30/2021 Concluded Deborah Docherty (Inactive) 9/2/2020 4:30:20 PM
Description: Minimum requirements: Hard copies of field sheets and original dataloggers secured against fire and flood. At least daily data back-up of electronic data on a separate hard drive. Secure cloud-based or off-site location data back-up to preclude catastrophic data loss at least weekly. More frequent cloud/off-site back-up is greatly encouraged. [Timing guidance: from beginning to end of contract]
D DELIV Collect larval lamprey density data in Fifteenmile and Eightmile creeks 9/30/2021 Concluded Deborah Docherty (Inactive) 9/2/2020 4:30:20 PM
Description: Data on larval lamprey density at numerous established and newly accessed sites within Fifteenmile and Eightmile creeks will be collected and stored within a CTWS database.

Work Site ID Latitude Longitude State County Province Subbasin
70294 45.6226322 -121.001681866 Oregon Wasco Columbia Gorge Fifteenmile
70928 45.60653 -121.085529 Oregon Wasco Columbia Gorge Fifteenmile
70932 45.433723 -121.218166 Oregon Wasco Columbia Gorge Fifteenmile
70936 45.592264 -121.080793 Oregon Wasco Columbia Gorge Fifteenmile

Primary Focal Species:
Lamprey, Pacific (Entosphenus tridentata)
Secondary Focal Species:

Title Link
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Data Repository
Study Plan Name Study Plan Owner Protocol State Sample Design Name
CTWS RM&E - Pacific Lamprey Larval Lamprey Surveys v1.0 Lyman Jim Draft FM: Ammocoete density surveys in Fifteenmile Creek Subbasin - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs v1.0