Title | Link |
FishBooks | http://www.rmpc.org/files/nwfcc/2008/20081203/session4/1-Jon_Lovrack-WDFW_Fish_Books_Lovrak_2008%20NWFCC.pdf |
Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Reports and Publications | http://www.fws.gov/lsnakecomplan/reports.html |
This page provides details of the selected work element.
SOWRevision | Planned | Updated | Contractor Comments (optional) | BPA Comments (optional) |
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) | $19,650 | $19,650 |
Sort | Type | Title | Start | End | Status | Modified By | Modified Date |
A | EC | Environmental compliance requirements complete | 7/1/2012 | 11/30/2012 | Concluded | Joe Bumgarner (Inactive) | 3/29/2012 12:24:15 PM |
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff (completion can be based on pre-existing environmental documentation from BPA). | |||||||
B | PUBPROTOCOL | Review, revise, and Publish protocol, study design, and methods in monitoringmethods.org | 7/1/2012 | 6/30/2013 | Active | Joe Bumgarner (Inactive) | 3/29/2012 12:24:15 PM |
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at monitoringmethods.org and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through monitoringmethods.org), preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract. | |||||||
C | Purchase floy tags, gathing sampling equipment and needed data forms before trapping occurs | 12/1/2012 | 2/1/2013 | Concluded | Joe Bumgarner (Inactive) | 3/29/2012 12:24:15 PM | |
Description: WDFW will purchase two different colored floy tags for tagging hatchery and natural origin steelhead that will be passed upstream of the Tucannon FH adult trap. Staff will gather other needed sampling gear (floy tag gun, scale cards, sample vials, data sheets for recording information, portable PIT tag scanner) prior to when adult trapping starts. | |||||||
D | Assist hatchery staff with daily sampling at Tucannon FH | 2/1/2013 | 5/31/2013 | Concluded | Joe Bumgarner (Inactive) | 3/29/2012 12:24:15 PM | |
Description: On a daily basis, project staff will coordinate a time with Tucannon FH staff to sample fish from the adult trap. Project staff and hatchery staff will share collected data as needed to satisfy reporting requirements. | |||||||
E | Enter daily data for 2013 run-year into spreadsheets | 2/1/2013 | 5/31/2013 | Concluded | Andre L'Heureux (Inactive) | 6/13/2012 12:35:04 PM | |
Description: Project staff will periodically enter collected data for the current run-year into a adult trapping record spreadsheet that has been in use since 2000 to track all captured steelhead at the Tucannon FH adult trap. | |||||||
F | Enter the data collected into the designated data repository (by a time certain) | 4/1/2013 | 6/15/2013 | Concluded | Andre L'Heureux (Inactive) | 6/13/2012 4:33:04 PM | |
Description: Upload the data collected for the current spawner-year (field-season, or data collection period), and any summary information in electronic format, to the designated repository. | |||||||
G | Error-check the data base (access and quality) | 6/1/2013 | 6/30/2013 | Concluded | Andre L'Heureux (Inactive) | 6/13/2012 4:33:04 PM | |
Description: QA - QC the data to make sure it is accurate, accessible, useable and share-able. | |||||||
H | Send off scales or other tissue samples (2013 run-year) to Olympia for analysis | 5/31/2013 | 6/30/2013 | Concluded | Andre L'Heureux (Inactive) | 6/13/2012 12:35:04 PM | |
Description: Depending on the number of samples collected, project staff will send off scale cards or other tissue samples to Olympia for ageing analysis. Age data provided back from Olympia will be entered into the adult trapping record spreadsheet for age composition of the run-year analysis (2013). | |||||||
I | DELIV | Data that describes the summer steelhead return to Tucannon FH | 6/30/2013 | Concluded | Andre L'Heureux (Inactive) | 6/13/2012 12:26:08 PM | |
Description: Assist Tucannon FH staff in trap sampling; generate data that describes the characteristics of the adult return of summer steelhead to the Tucannon FH adult trap (which will be used to describe the run to the entire river). Metrics to be reported include the total number of male and female steelhead trapped by origin, number of males and females collected for broodstock by origin, number of males and females passed upstream by origin, number of fish floy-tagged by origin, number of scales or tissue samples collected by origin, age determination by sex and origin, and size of fish by sex and origin. |
Metric | Planned | Actual | Contractor Comments | Measures | HLIs |
1464. Primary R, M, and E Focal Strategy [Population Status, Hydrosystem, Tributary Habitat, Estuary/Ocean, Harvest, Hatchery, Predation, Multiple Strategies] | Population Status | Population Status | |||
1472. Primary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Status and Trend Monitoring | Status and Trend Monitoring | |||
1478. Secondary R, M, and E Type [Status and Trend Monitoring, Action Effectiveness Research, Uncertainties Research, Project Implementation/ Compliance Monitoring] | Action Effectiveness Monitoring | Action Effectiveness Monitoring |
Work Site ID | Latitude | Longitude | State | County | Province | Subbasin |
28984 | 46.310024 | -117.657792 | Washington | Columbia | Columbia Plateau | Tucannon |
Title | Link |
FishBooks | http://www.rmpc.org/files/nwfcc/2008/20081203/session4/1-Jon_Lovrack-WDFW_Fish_Books_Lovrak_2008%20NWFCC.pdf |
Lower Snake River Compensation Plan Reports and Publications | http://www.fws.gov/lsnakecomplan/reports.html |
Study Plan Name | Study Plan Owner | Protocol State | Sample Design Name |
Tucannon Steelhead Supplementation Abundance and Spatial Distribution (2010-050-00) v1.0 | Joseph Bumgarner | Expired | Sampling adult steelhead at Tucannon Fish Hatchery - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) v1.0 |
ID | Name | Type | Optional | Customized Based On | Status |
394 | Adult Escapement to Tributary v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
454 | Adult Sex Ratio v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
383 | Adult Spawner Spatial Distribution 2 v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
396 | Age Structure 2 v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
368 | Assess salmonid smolt development v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
254 | EXPIRED: PIT Tag Monitoring v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Expired |
361 | Fecundity by Age v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Archived |
402 | Fish per redd v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
447 | Fish Salvage v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
381 | Hatchery Composition v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
453 | Hatchery Propagation v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Archived |
405 | Index of Spawner Abundance - redd counts v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
358 | Mark Retention v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Draft |
450 | Number of Breeders/Hatchery Population Size v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
446 | Number of Hatchery Smolts v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Finalized |
452 | Precociousness in Hatchery releases v1.0 | Data Collection | No | N/A | Archived |
378 | Progeny Per Parent Ratio v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Finalized |
379 | Spawner Abundance v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Archived |
392 | Stray Rate (percentage) v1.0 | Data Analysis/Interpretation | No | N/A | Draft |
Title | Category | Subcategory | Subcategory focus 1 | Subcategory focus 2 |
Abundance of Egg | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Egg | Fish Origin: Hatchery |
Abundance of Juvenile Hatchery | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Fry/Parr | Fish Origin: Hatchery |
Abundance Juvenile Migrant | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Migrant | Fish Origin: Hatchery |
Abundance Adult Returner | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Adult - Returner | Fish Origin: Both |
Abundance Adult Spawner | Fish | Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) | Fish Life Stage: Adult - Spawner | Fish Origin: Both |
Age Structure Adult | Fish | Age Structure: Fish (ID: 49) | Fish Life Stage: Adult Fish | NA |
Distribution of Adult Returner | Fish | Distribution of Fish Species (ID: 62) | Fish Life Stage: Adult - Returner | NA |
Effective Population Size | Fish | Effective Population Size (ID: 65) | NA | NA |
Fecundity | Fish | Fecundity: Fish (ID: 68) | NA | NA |
Length Juvenile | Fish | Length: Fish Species (ID: 75) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Migrant | NA |
Mark Retention | Fish | Mark Retention (ID: 76) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Migrant | NA |
Precociousness- Juvenile | Fish | Precociousness (ID: 80) | Fish Life Stage: Juvenile - Migrant | NA |
Hatchery Practices | Fish | Hatchery Practices: Propagation (ID: 87) | Fish Origin: Hatchery | NA |
Sex Ratio Adult to Adult | Fish | Sex Ratio: Fish (ID: 92) | Fish Life Stage: RANGE: Adult to Adult | Fish Origin: Both |
Survival Rate | Fish | Survival Rate: Fish (ID: 99) | Fish Life Stage: RANGE: Juvenile to Adult | Fish Origin: Both |
Productivity Adult to Adult | Fish | Productivity: Fish (ID: 163) | Fish Life Stage: RANGE: Adult to Adult | Fish Origin: Both |