Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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L: 157 - Spring chinook forecast and creel
Forecast the 2006 returns of spring chinook to the Hood River to determine if numbers are adequate to allow a tribal fishery in the Hood River subbasin as described in the EIS. If a tribal fishery is opened on the Hood River, estimate tribal harvest of spring chinook above Powerdale Dam using creel surveys. Collect, extract, and read coded wire tags from harvested fish to evaluate run timing and movement of spring chinook through the Hood River subbasin. Then report coded wire tag information to the appropriate agencies.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Data and summaries will be in the annual reports and available on request.

The data from the creel survey will be used to estimate the tribal harvest.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
1. Amendment 001 (10/01/2005 - 09/30/2006) $17,878 $17,878
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $17,878 $17,878

4 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A Environmental compliance deliverable complete 10/1/2005 10/1/2005 Concluded Peter Lofy 1/29/2008 6:17:46 PM
Description: Work done under a program wide EIS.
B Predict the number of spring chinook to return to the Hood River 1/3/2006 1/21/2006 Concluded Peter Lofy 1/29/2008 6:17:46 PM
Description: Use several models to estimate the number of chinook to return to the Hood River basin. These estimates will be discussed amongst the co-managers and this information will be used to decide if a spring chinook fishery (both sport and tribal) should be opened on the Hood River.
C Conduct a creel survey on the tribal fishery 5/1/2006 7/31/2006 Active Peter Lofy 1/29/2008 6:17:46 PM
Description: If there are enough spring chinook predicted to return to the Hood River, the sport and tribal fisheries will be opened. ODFW will take care of the sport harvest estimates, while CTWS will monitor the tribal fishery using a creel survey and other supporting methods.
D DELIV Creel data used to estimate tribal harvest of spring chinook in the Hood River 9/30/2006 Active Peter Lofy 1/29/2008 6:17:46 PM
Description: Data and summaries will be in the annual reports and available on request. The data from the creel survey will be used to estimate the tribal harvest.

Work Site ID Latitude Longitude State County Province Subbasin
91 45.575058 -121.627864 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
92 45.601099 -121.636239 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
7374 45.555278 -121.61391 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
15495 45.598684 -121.638352 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
37054 45.665554 -121.522049 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
37096 45.604493 -121.634041 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
40233 45.45711 -121.78214 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
40408 45.66468 -121.52291 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood
69350 45.705813 -121.503117 Oregon Hood River Columbia Gorge Hood

Primary Focal Species:
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
Secondary Focal Species:

Study Plan Name Study Plan Owner Protocol State Sample Design Name
Preseason run size forecasting (1988-053-03) v1.0 Chris Brun Draft Spring Chinook salmon preseason adult run size forecast. - Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs v1.0

ID Name Type Optional Customized Based On Status
283 Snorkeling Methods v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
285 Spawning Survey-Redds v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized

Title Category Subcategory Subcategory focus 1 Subcategory focus 2
Fish Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) Fish Life Stage: Adult - Spawner Fish Origin: Both
Fish Presence/Absence: Fish (ID: 82) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish NA
tbd Fish Spawning/Nesting (ID: 507) Fish Origin: Natural NA