Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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L: 160 - iOS Data Logger Application
Advancements in tablet hardware during the past three years have brought new and improved tablet products to the commercial market that simply were not viable at the onset of the CHaMP program. These devices are now capable of supporting field data collection tasks at a fraction of the cost that the program has been expending on “ruggedized” handheld devices.

Today, the tablet market includes devices such as the Apple iPad. These new devices have larger screens, fast multi-core 64-bit CPUs, integrated WiFi, GPS and hi-resolution camera. A data capture application running on an iPad tablet will decrease the number of devices field crews must purchase and carry, improve workflow efficiency for field crews, lower equipment replacement costs, and will open opportunities for improved data capture methodologies. Program managers estimate that iPad data collection software will save crews roughly 45 minutes per site.

Additional background, analysis, and findings are provided in the attachment “Proposal for Data Logger Replacement in 2014.”

Because much of the work needed to support CHaMP on an iPad has already been completed under contract #63629 and because there would need to be a replacement of 3 Allegro data loggers, it actually becomes more cost effective for BPA to discontinue use of the Allegros, purchase 17 iPads for 2014, and forego the need to purchase 3 new Allegro data loggers (approximately $4,500 each) for the 2014 field season.

Under the original contracted work element, Sitka provided technical support for strategic planning and decision making around development of a data logger application on the iOS operating system. The scope of this work element is expanded under CCR-32428 to build upon the work completed in contract #63629 and make ready an iPad data collection software application with support for high-accuracy GPS that supports the CHaMP 2014 protocol. Required tasks include equipment purchase, handling, and software development/testing.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Purchase, configure, and deliver to field crews up to 17 iPad mini data collection devices with software to support the 2014 CHaMP protocol. Each device will have a waterproof case, carrying case, external battery, and a laptop wifi adapter that will allow the iPad to transfer files to and from laptops over the air. Maintain proper inventory records of issued devices, facilitate repairs or replacements, and securely store devices at the conclusion of the field season.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
1. 63166 (11/01/2013 - 10/31/2014) $10,500 $8,552 Adding new work and purchases to this
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $42,500 $8,552 Adding new work and purchases to this

6 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A Technical implementation strategy 11/1/2013 1/31/2014 Concluded Sharon Grant (Inactive) 4/21/2014 8:45:22 AM
Description: Provide technical support for strategic planning around development of a data logger application on the Android or iOS operating system. Information will be gather to support team decision making regarding new data logger platform and a broadsheet will be develop to describe user requirements and framework for application development.
B Purchase iPads and Accessories 4/28/2014 5/16/2014 Concluded Keith Steele 4/21/2014 3:11:04 PM
Description: Purchase and configure the following for use by field CHaMP field crews * 17 Apple iPad mini w/Retina display, 16GB, cellular model (not activated, has GPS chip in it). * 17 LifeProof waterpoof cases * 17 HyperJuice 18,000 mAh external battery * 17 TP-Link Nano Routers
C iPad Handling 4/28/2014 10/31/2014 Concluded Keith Steele 4/21/2014 3:15:51 PM
Description: Receive all purchased equipment and accept into inventory. Attach asset tags, track shipping dates, locations, and recipients. When necessary, provide shipping services to field crews. Collect all devices at the end of the field season from crews, assess condition, and coordinate repairs or replacement as appropriate.
D Rental of sub-meter external GPS 6/1/2014 9/30/2014 Concluded Keith Steele 4/21/2014 3:18:13 PM
Description: Configure, ship, and provide technical support for (2) iPad compatible sub-meter GPS receivers for use by field crew supervisors.
E Add additional functionality for FY15 10/1/2014 10/31/2014 Concluded Keith Steele 4/21/2014 3:21:18 PM
Description: Complete R&D / architectural design work required to add functionality/features to the iPad data logging software for FY15, namely: * supporting offline, hi-resolution interactive, GPS driven base maps * supporting a direct connection to the CHaMP database (rather than requiring each field crew to have a laptop with them)
F DELIV iPad Data Logger Application and Devices 1/31/2014 Concluded Sharon Grant (Inactive) 4/22/2014 1:09:58 PM
Description: Purchase, configure, and deliver to field crews up to 17 iPad mini data collection devices with software to support the 2014 CHaMP protocol. Each device will have a waterproof case, carrying case, external battery, and a laptop wifi adapter that will allow the iPad to transfer files to and from laptops over the air. Maintain proper inventory records of issued devices, facilitate repairs or replacements, and securely store devices at the conclusion of the field season.

Implementation Metrics

This work element does not require Focal Species
This work element does not require Environmental Compliance
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