Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Assessment Summary

ISRP Assessment 1984-021-00-ISRP-20060831
Assessment Number: 1984-021-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 1984-021-00 - John Day Habitat Enhancement
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria - In Part (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:
Three previous reviews have emphasized that future funding would be contingent upon providing analysis of project results based on quantitative monitoring of biological outcomes, specifically, habitat characteristics and presence of target species. The sponsor's response included excerpts from both a project-specific review from 1991 and a more general study from 2002, along with some example photopoint comparisons.

The sponsors have obviously conducted a locally popular program with results in re-vegetating of riparian corridors, as evidenced by the photopoint monitoring described in the response. After 22 years, the project should be showing changes in characteristics such as abundance of fishes, bank stability, and stream width-depth relationships. It is doubtful that before/after photopoint comparisons alone would be adequate for assessing some of the parameters listed in the proposal.

The 1991 and 2002 citations support continued fencing, but it is noted that sites studied by Kauffman et al. 2004, may not all be John Day sites and impacts on fish summarized from that paper are inconclusive. Citing preliminary analysis from project #199801600 might suggest that it would be wise to review project plans in terms of these more specific goals. Are current project proposals and priorities in line with these goals? Several project specific measurements are cited but not in the context of the watershed as a whole.

Another question is, overall, how much progress has been made toward project implementation goals? For example, what percentage of streambank miles needing rehabilitation have been rehabilitated to what extent? What changes have occurred in the watershed outside these projects that contribute to the cumulative effects of this project, both positive and negative? Project results must be assessed so that inferences can be drawn about changes observed in the John Day in the context of changes occurring in the larger region. Project 200301700, Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program, includes a John Day pilot program that should be helpful in this, but is just getting organized. Close cooperation with the M&E project and sharing of results and experiences from this long-running project will maximize the benefits from both.

It is time for a comprehensive review of this project's biological results. One year of funding should provide time for this while continuing ongoing field projects. Future funding should be contingent on completion of a satisfactory document.
Documentation Links:
Proponent Response: